Chapter One

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A four year old beamed, running outside before going back inside her home. "Papa!" She ran into one of the rooms, a big smile on her face. Lilia laid in bed, his eyes closed. "Papa, papa! Get up!" Lilia opened one eye, smiling amused. "Morning Livia, what's the agenda for today"Lilia smiled. "Strawberry picking!"Livia beamed. "Hungry for strawberries today are you?"Lilia chuckled. "Yeah!"Livia nodded. "Did you wake up Silver, if not you better do it now"Lilia chuckled getting up. Livia ran out of the room, going to her older brothers room. Silver laid asleep in his bed, his back facing her. "SILVER!"Livia beamed. He shot up out of his sleep, his eyes wide in alarm. "We're going strawberry picking!"Livia smiled. Silver yawned, and got up to get dressed. Livia bounded out of the room, Lilia catching her before she could go outside. "Not yet, you're still in your Pajama's"Lilia smiled. He got her changed into a cute little dress, making sure she didn't try to escape. "Where..."Lilia stared. Giggling made him look up, Livia floating around upside down. "Come down right now little one"Lilia chuckled. "NEVER"Livia laughed floating out of the room. Lilia floated up after her, grinning as both moved around the house. "Come here, little one"Lilia laughed. He caught the young girl, both laughing coming down. "Ready"Silver yawned.

"Got your baskets?"Lilia asked. "Yeah"Livia nodded lifting up her basket, flowers tied up around it. "Got mines"Silver nodded raising his basket. Lilia went outside, carrying Livia using one arm, a small smile on his face as they walked down the path to the strawberry field. He set Livia down, watching her run ahead, Silver chasing after her. "Dad, they're ripe!"Livia beamed. "That's good to hear"Lilia nodded walking over. He crouched down beside her, smiling as he helped her pick the strawberries, showing her how to get them off the stems. "Twist then pull"Lilia says. Livia copied him, putting the strawberries into her basket. Silver fell asleep, laying on his back a few strawberries in his basket. "I'm going for a little travel tomorrow alright, you and Silver gotta look out for each other while I'm away"Lilia smiled. "But you promised to take me and Silver to the Rose Kingdom tomorrow"Livia stared. "I know...I'll take you when I get back I promise"Lilia says. He stuck his pinky out, giving her a promising smile. Livia wrapped her pinky around his, Lilia kissing the back of her hand. Livia kissed the back of his hand, both sealing the promise. "These enough strawberries for today, Malleus is gonna visit"Lilia asked. "Yeah!"Livia nodded. Lilia looked over at Silver and chuckled at the sight of the sleeping boy.

He picked Silver up, carrying the boys basket. "Come on Liv!"Lilia called. Livia picked one more strawberry, and carried her basket after Lilia. She ate a few strawberries on the way back, sharing a few with Lilia. "Dad, what's that..."Livia asked. "That's a butterfly"Lilia smiled. Livia held her hand out, the butterfly landing in her palm. She stared, then gently blew at the butterfly helping the little guy take off back into the air. She caught up to Lilia, who had watched the whole thing with a smile, continuing their way back home. "Malleus"Lilia greeted. "Lilia"Malleus nodded. "MAL MAL!"Livia beamed running over to him. Malleus picked her up, smiling in amusement. "You've grown quite a lot Livia"Malleus smiled. "Yeah! I'm gonna be bigger than daddy too!"Livia giggled. "She sure will"Lilia chuckled. He walked inside, setting the baskets down, Malleus using magic to create a strawberry tart for Livia. "Happy birthday"Malleus smiled. Lilia set a cake with marshmallows down, a smile on his face. "Happy fifth birthday, little bat"Lilia smiled. Silver placed a hand on his sisters head, giving her a small smile. Livia beamed, Malleus using his flames to light the candles. "Make a wish"Lilia smiled. Livia flicked her ear, going silent. "I know!"Livia beamed. She closed her eyes, then blew out the candles. "What'd you wish for?"Silver asked. "She can't tell or it won't come true"Lilia chuckled. Livia stuffed a strawberry in Lilia's mouth, Malleus starting to laugh until he got a strawberry stuffed into his mouth next. Lilia chewed then swallowed and laughed at Malleus, a smile on his face. He took some of the cake icing, and smeared it on Livia's nose, laughter coming from the young girl. Livia rubbed her eyes, starting to yawn. "Is my little bat tired?"Lilia asked. "Yes..."Livia nodded. "Here, open your present first, then you can head to sleep alright"Lilia smiled.

Livia opened the gift, finding a tiger doll inside. She stared, her eyes wide in surprise. "Where'd you find this"Malleus asked. "When I was wondering the forest yesterday, it was laying on a tree branch, thought Livia would love it, it smells just like the outside"Lilia smiled. "You gonna name it.."Silver asked. "Uhm...Stripes..I'll name it Stripes, cause it has stripes..."Livia responded. "Cute name, come on lets get you ready for bed"Lilia chuckled. He carried her away, Livia hugging Stripes silently. Silver grabbed Livia some clothes, Lilia giving the girl a bath, laughing at her pouting expression. He lifted her out, getting her dressed. "Wanna see a quick magic trick"Malleus smiled. "Yeah!"Livia nodded. Malleus created flowers in the air, smiling at Livia's amazed expression. "They're roses!"Livia says. "Your favorite flowers"Malleus nodded. Livia smiled, before yawning. Her eyes slowly closed, the young cub falling asleep. Lilia carried her to bed, tucking her in. "Sleep tight little cub, don't let the bedbugs bite ya"Lilia smiled. He turned off the lamp, and found Silver napping in his own bed. "Hehe, I think strawberry picking and all that walking tired them out, Livia usually has so much more energy"Lilia smiled. He stored the cake away, knowing Livia would eat it while he was travelling. "Kids usually do get tired if they had Livia's energy, she's a bundle of hyper active sunshine"Malleus smiled. Lilia chuckled and nodded in agreement. "I better take my leave now"Malleus says bowing his head. "Bye Mal Mal"Lilia smiled. He went to his room, and floated around upside down, reading a book until he heard Silvers shout. "Silver!"Lilia yelled. "FATHER, LIVIA IS GONE!"Silver yelled. "Wasn't she just in bed!"Lilia demanded. Silver looked nervous, his eyes wide. Lilia grabbed something out of a drawer, and hurried away going out to look for the cub.

Livia walked around, looking for Stripes. "Stripes!"Livia called. She stopped, hearing a twig snap, the bushes starting to rustle. A pair of glowing orange eyes made her start to tremble, her ears pinned back in fear. "Hello..."Livia says frightened. "Found you." She backed away, her eyes wide as a man with jaguar ears and a tail stepped out, glaring down at her. He stepped closer, snarling at the cub. She turned, running away her eyes wide in alarm. The Jaguar man bit down on her tail, and threw her backwards sending her tumbling across the ground. He snarled, pressing his hand down on her throat. "AMBERT." Ambert glared as Lilia came closer, lashing his tail. "Might I suggest you release her..."Lilia demanded a dark glint in his eyes. Ambert raised his claw, and swiped it down, blood hitting the grass below.

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