Chapter Two

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A loud scream pierced the air, Livia covering her slashed eye. "DADDY, DADDY!"Livia screamed. Lilia rammed into Amberts side, getting him away from Livia. "Liv!"Lilia says alarmed. Ambert snarled at Lilia, his claws sunk into the grass below him. Silver covered Amberts face with his body, Lilia's eyes widening. "GET OFF, YOU BRAT!"Ambert yelled. He threw Silver off, sending the young boy flying into a tree. He roared as someone ripped his eye out, Livia sinking her claws all into his face, ripping right into him without remorse. "YOU MONSTERS!"Ambert roared sinking his claw into Livia's arm. Livia fell off, landing on her back. Lilia kicked Ambert in the stomach, sending him falling over the cliff side. He looked over the edge, staring silently. "He's not moving..."Lilia mumbled. He looked at Silver, who got up from the impact, letting out a sigh of relief. "Is sis okay..."Silver asked looking at Livia. Lilia carried Livia, looking towards the sky a frown on his face. "You guys really want her to join you young don't you...and you tried to take Silver in the process"Lilia frowned. He turned away, reaching home, but froze noticing Stripes laying in the doorway. "Was that there when you left?"Lilia asked. "No, and I closed the door too"Silver answered.

Lilia tended to Livia, bandaging her eye and arm. He returned to the door and picked Stripes up. He ripped the dolls head off, then its arms and tossed it into a box, hiding it in his closet. "Why'd you do that?"Silver asked. "There was something wrong with that I noticed feels as if something was watching you kids and I don't wanna risk it if it was this tiger doll"Lilia answered calmly. "I don't wanna leave tomorrow, but this is a once in a lifetime opportunity"Lilia sighed. "It'll be alright Father! I can handle everything here, I know how to change Liv's bandages and what to do when we're hungry"Silver smiled. Lilia smiled at Silver, placing a hand on his head. "I'll stay, don't worry about fussing over your sister, that's your old mans job here, it's my job to fuss over you both"Lilia smiled. "But I do appreciate you trying to help me out"Lilia grinned lifting Silver up. "Such a brave youngin'"Lilia laughed. Livia walked into the room, her ears drooping. "Sis..."Silver smiled relieved. Livia bursted out into tears, her ears pinned back. "I'm sorry daddy, I didn't mean to leave at night! You said it was dangerous!"Livia cried. Lilia scooped her right up, rubbing her back. "It's okay, now you both need sleep, Silver in the morning I want you to do some stretches, you might get back cramps from hitting that tree"Lilia says. He walked to Livia's room, Silver following him, chuckling when Silver climbed into bed with Livia. "Remember the promise I made, tomorrow we're going to the Rose Kingdom, Sebek is tagging along too!"Lilia smiled. "Yay..." He chuckled, watching both kids drift off to sleep, the old fae staying beside the bed the rest of the night.

Morning arrived, the sound of laughter filling the house. "Hold still!"Lilia chuckled. He took the bandages off Livia, and kept himself from wincing. "Daddy, I can't open my eye"Livia stared. "Don't worry, in due time it'll loosen up and you'll be able to open it"Lilia promised. Livia nodded, her eye sparkling. "Scars are a great way to show people you survived and got stronger, so don't be ashamed of your scar alright"Lilia smiled cupping his daughters face in his hands. Livia beamed, smiling wider. "Alright everything packed!"Lilia smiled."YEAH!"Livia nodded as Silver came over. "Sebek is right outside, lets gooo!"Lilia chuckled. Sebek looked at them all, his arms crossed over his chest. "Come on, come on Sebek!"Livia beamed grabbing his wrist, dragging him after her. "Ah! Slow down, you're faster than me remember!"Sebek yelled struggling to keep up. "Slow down Liv, you'll trip!"Lilia called. "Sorry Papa"Livia says stopping. "Hey Liv, what do you wanna be when you grow up?"Sebek asked. "I wanna be general one day, then maybe retire and get married, have a child then just live"Livia giggled. "That sounds like a nice plan, sounds like what I did"Lilia grinned. "You were in a war?!"Livia gasped. "Yep, plenty of them to see everything there is, then I settled down to raise you guys, but you know I love to travel"Lilia chuckled. "How are we getting to the Rose Kingdom Mr Vanrouge?"Sebek asked. "We're gonna take a boat, then walk the rest of the way, it'll be about three days!"Lilia chuckled. "How long will we stay"Silver questioned. "Three days"Lilia grinned. "YAY!"Livia giggled. He walked after the three kids, Silver chasing after Livia and Sebek. "I wonder what it'll be like!"Livia smiled. "It'll most likely be the most funniest day ever, and you got your baby doll faced dad to thank"Lilia chuckled. "Baby Doll!"Livia giggled. "Of course my little bat, where do you think you get your adorableness from!"Lilia gasped pretending to be offended.

"Am I baby faced too...even with my scar"Livia asked. Lilia stared at Livia, noticing how innocent she still was despite last nights events. He crouched down, giving her a small smile. "Of course you're still baby faced, remember what I said about your scar"Lilia smiled. "My scar is a symbol that I survived and got stronger, don't be ashamed be proud"Livia responded. "If anyone says anything about your scar come tell me..they'll be dealing with an angry father"Lilia smiled. "Okay Papa!"Livia beamed. He let her run off, Sebek yelling for her to slow down, Silver running after his sister quickly. "Thea...She's just like you, naive and innocent even with scary events"Lilia smiled looking towards the direction of the jaguar kingdom. "I know you'll want her to find out her roots, but not yet....not until I know she can defend herself from Ambert when it's time"Lilia adds on. He walked after the three kids, chuckling when he spotted Sebek giving Livia a Piggyback ride. "This way kids!"Lilia smiled. Sebek hurried over, Silver behind him, the group walking down a path to the docks.

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