One-shot 2

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  Dick was laying on the couch in Wayne manor. Alfred was out for a week for vacation as Bruce insisted-(more like forced the old man to relax for once)-and Bruce was gone on a business trip for a week also so Dick was alone....trying to recover from a mission.

  He didn't know how he hid it from Batman but he did. Dick iced his ribs that were bruised and his right wrist that was sprained.

He watched tv until he heard his phone ring. Dick checked the caller id and saw it was Roy.

  Dick answered to hear gunshots. "Roy?! What's goin' on?!" Dick hollered into the phone and heard heavy breathing. "Robin, I need help! I'm sending you the coordinates!" Roy yelled and Dick was already in the batcave in his Robin suit.

  He moved past his pain as Batman taught him and got onto his motorcycle. "I'm heading now!" Robin yelled and heard the phone go dead.

     Robin hoped it wasn't too late to save his brother.


   Robin saw men in black suits with guns firing at a concrete wall collapsed into an abandoned part of Gotham.
  Robin stood on his bike and grabbed his batons out. He jumped off the bike which crashed into a bad guy and threw himself at a bad guy shooting at the concrete wall knowing Roy was there.

  He knocked the guy out easily and flipped over the concrete and saw Roy readied with his bow and arrow.

  "Robin! Where's Bats?!" Roy asked and ducked lower and Robin threw a bird-a-rang at a bad guy which hit four men.

  "Business trip! Are you hurt?!" Robin asked over the gum fire and Roy shook his head. "No just needed help! There were too many!" Red Arrow said. "I'm gonna throw a smoke bomb and we're gonna go fight!" Robin said and threw it before Red Arrow could say anything.

  Robin threw it and flipped over and kicked a guy in the face. Red Arrow and Robin fought back to back and took them all out.

  Robin finished the last guy yet he was punched on his bruised ribs from earlier so he used as much force and the guy out with teeth cracking.

  "We need to go!" Red Arrow said and Robin heaved his guts out and Red Arrow ran to him. "Robin, what's wrong?" He asked worriedly for his little brother.

"Nothing, get on the bike." Robin said and Red Arrow helped him on and held on while Robin drove.


   Roy was with Dick at the batcave. "Thank you, for helping me Dick. Now, what's wrong with you?" Roy asked and Dick gave a faked innocence look.

  "What do you mean?" Dick asked and Roy gave him angry look. "You're not fooling me, your cradling your ribs and your wrist looks like its swollen." Roy said and Dick hid his wrist in his sweater pocket.

  He and Roy changed when they got to Wayne manor and Dick gave Roy a pair of sweats and a sweater from Bruce. "A bad guy hit me, you know In fine." Dick said and walked unit he living only to be tackled by Roy on the couch.

Dick would've easily got him off but Roy already pulled his sweated up and saw the bruises all over his ribs. "Dick!" Roy thundered and Dick sat up as Roy sat next to him waiting for an answer.

  "I bruised my ribs and sprained my wrist, I hid it from Bruce cause I didn't want him to worry when he had work." Dick said and Roy smacked him. "You imbecile! I'm gonna give you a reason to beg Bruce to never see me!" Roy said.

  He took off Dicks sweater and grabbed wraps and ice for his wrist and wrapped his torso.

  "Your my brother Dick. I don't want you hurt." Roy said and Dick hung his head. "Sorry, I'll do better." Dick said and all the weariness he has been feeling for weeks finally showed and Roy saw how much Dick was tired.

Roy got on Bruce to watch for Dicks health even though Bruce watches him like crazy. Dick could take on the Justice League like nothing and still be fine but everyone needs rest, and Dick didn't get any.

  Roy gave him a blanket and turned the tv on. Dick rested his legs on Roy's lap and fell asleep as Roy watched for his brother's sleep.


  Well it's not Star Wars but I wanted to do this! I missed Roy!

  I'm gonna try to update Star Wars! Heads up in Ezra's Blind there's more crying, fighting, and Cliff hangers!!!!!!

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