One-shot 4

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  "Nightwing behind you!" Red Hood yelled as he he was about to save his brother from being stabbed from a bad guy.

  Nightwing spun around and elbowed the guy in the face and knocked him out.

  "Don't worry Little Wing! I'm capable of handling myself." Nightwing said to Red Hood who was taking on two guys with swords.

  "You almost got stabbed don't tell me not to worry!" Red Hood yelled and Nightwing gave a joyous grin. "I knew you cared!" Nightwing teased and Red Hood snorted at Nightwing's comment.

"Your a mother hen. Don't give me instance and not expect me to not give them back." Red Hood retorted and threw a brick at a ninja guy and Nightwing scoffed. "I'm not a mother hen!" He said and punched a guy like a normal thing...actually it was if your apart of the Bat family.

  "Nightwing you put mother hens to shame. If me and the others are sick you go bat crazy." Red Hood said and Nightwing sighed happily as he took out half of the bad guys.

  "These guys are out of the question. Now let's finish up cause this is getting boring." Nightwing said and took out his escrima sticks and attacked more graceful than a gazelle and deadlier than a wolf.

  "Stop showing off!" Red Hood joked as Nightwing flipped over a bad guy and did a crazy move and knocked him out. "What? Be a better fighter than you?" Nightwing teased and they finished up.

  Red Hood made his way to his brother and smiled under his mask. "Funny. Now let's get home before–" Nightwing interrupted and yelled, "Get down Red!"

  Red Hood got down as his brother used him as a springe trap and flipped over him and stopped a bad guy in black with a sword about to stab Red Hood.

  Red Hood watched as Nightwing battled what looked to be a  higher level ninja. Red Hood was tempted to shoot the guy until he just crept up behind the guy and knocked him out.

  "Thanks Little Wing. But I had that–" Nightwing stopped as his brother instincts awakened and he turned to see a ninja try to stab Red Hood from behind.

  Nightwing widened his eyes and him our of the way. "RED HOOD!" Nightwing yelled and Red Hood watched as Nightwing took the blow.

  The ninja stabbed Nightwing in his side with the sword and Red Hood just stood there shocked until he took his rage out on the man and made sure he would be in a body cast.

  Nightwing fell on his back and Red Hood woke from his trance and kneeled by Nightwing. "Dick?! Can you hear me?!" Red Hood asked frantically. Thank goodness no one heard since Red Hood used Nightwing name.

  " it just me or did swords get sharper?" Nightwing tried to joke bit spit up blood. Red Hood tried to not cry under his mask. Red Hood did nor cry....unless it was family.

  Red Hood couldn't focus as he felt wet things sliding down his face and blurring his vision. "Batman! Nightwings down! I need your help!" Red Hood shouted into Nightwings comm to Batman.

  "What happened?!" Batman asked over the comm and Red Hood took a shaky breath. "A bad guy stabbed Nightwing in his side and I don't know if I can pull it out without making loose more blood." Red Hood said and placed his hands on Nightwings side oozing with blood.

  Red Hood couldn't hear Batman as he gasped and tried not to break into a panic attack as the older man with the sword in him freaking smiles.

  "D-Don't worry L-Little Wing...Your gonna be fine.." Nightwing tried saying and Red Hood wanted to punch the older man. "You idiot, I'm not scared for myself. I'm scared for you." Red Hood said and Nightwing smiled and grasped Red Hoods hand.

  "How sweet...D-Damian would m-make fum o-of you.." Nightwing tried to joke and Red Hood gave a sad smile even though Nightwing wouldn't be able to see it.

  "T-Take your m-mask off..." Nightwing said and coughed blood which Red Hood tried not to see. "Ok." Red Hood took his mask off and became Jason Todd.

  "T-Take mine o-off.." Nightwing demanded in his stern voice that was slipping. Jason did what Nightwing did and the acrobat became Dick Grayson.

  "Jay, p-promise me y-you will t-take care o-of the o-others..."

  Jason couldn't believe what he was hearing. He never thought Dick Grayson, the amazing hero, the one that no one could beat, the lovable idiot, was saying.

  "Don't say that. Your gonna be fine and we're gonna have Damian yell at you for being an idiot and Tim scolding Damian for being rude and Alfred being a mother hen to you...Bruce will miss you."

  Dick grimaced when Jason said that and Jason wanted to believe it was because it was the sword in him not because of the saying of Bruce. That was a tough subject.

  "B-Bruce w-won't..y-you didn't hear w-what happened.." Dick said and Jason rolled his eyes sadly.

  "I know things with Bruce haven't been good with us all but he will miss you. I know you guys fought, but your he's son. Damian will beat him if he treats you badly, don't forget the Monster's legally yours. He'll kill you if you die." Jason joked and Dick smiled fondly in spite of the situation.

  He remembered he legally took Damian as Damian Grayson-Wayne so Talia couldn't take him back. Dick loved that kid with everything as he loved Tim and Jason with the same love.

  "D-Dami needs y-you. H-He lost h-his Grandfather, d-don't let h-him beat h-himself over t-this..Tim needs t-to know..." Dick said and Jason was about to say something until Dick grabbed him by the collar with dying strength and brought Jason closer.

  "D-Don't you dare b-blame yourself J-Jason Todd. Y-You would've been h-here if I d-didn't save y-you....I love y-you Little Wing." Dick said and Jason used one hand to put pressure on Dicks wound and used his other hand to grasp Dicks neck and tightened his hand into his black hair.

  "You die and I'll make sure I'll bring you back and kill you myself. Batman style." Jason threatened. Dick smiled sadly and tears came out.

  "I-I'm sorry...but y-you know.." Dick said and Jason couldn't stop it and sobbed into himself.

  "I can't loose you. After I died and came back I thought I had nothing. I thought I lost Bruce, Alfred and everything...until you showed me I wasn't alone and had more than ever. I have a better relationship with Bruce and I let Alfred take care of me. I hang out and talk with Tim and I actually talk with Damian. Huh, I said his real name. It's nice, but I can't loose you. Not you, not now, not ever. I can't." Jason cried and Dick lifted a weak hand and touched the side of Jason's face.

  "Y-Your not alone J-Jay. I'll a-always be with y-you...I love you." Dick said and let his hand drop. Jason squeezed his eyes shut and gripped Dick's hair tighter.

  "Dick please. I can't loose you...I can't." Jason begged and Dick smiled. "I c-can't loose you...y-you and t-the others are m-my family." Dick smiled a bright smile he always wore and Jason looked at the pale form of his brother.

  "D-Dick please-" Jason was interrupted by, "Jason."

  Jason focused and said, "You said my real name...not the nicknames you gave." Jason said and Dick smiled at his brother.

  "It's a n-nice name. I love you." Dick said and closed his eyes.

  "Dick?!" Jason asked and froze when he saw his chest stop moving. "DICK?!" Jason asked hoping it was a prank.

  "If this is a prank I'm going to kill you!" Jason said and felt himself cry. "Please let it be a prank!" Jason sobbed and collapsed into Dicks chest.

  "I'm sorry! I'm sorry I couldn't help you! I love you too! I love you too and I'm sorry! Please let it be a prank!" Jason cried into his brothers chest.

  Jason didn't hear the footsteps behind him of Batman, Red Robin and Robin.

  "No..." Batman gasped and ran to Dicks body. He was standing still as they listened to Jason cry and yell how sorry he was.

  Robin took his mask off and tucked it away and became Damian Grayson-Wayne. He couldn't believe it. He would've laughed at Todd crying but this was heart breaking. Hearing his older brothers cries broke his heart.

  But when he saw the sword in Dicks body...he lost it.

  Damian cried into himself and Tim stood there dead. He couldn't believe it.

  It had to be a joke. Dick had to be sleeping or joking...but he wasn't. Tim cried also and wrapped an arm around Damian. Damian would've pushed him away and say he was fine and he didn't need to have anyone hold him.

  But Dick was the one who held him and hugged him. He was the one who came to him after he and Bruce fought in the Cave and took him back to his apartment and the next day yelled at Bruce.

  Bruce couldn't do anything. His first son. The little light that kept him going when he was down...was gone.

  Bruce remembered the smile Dick gave him when Bruce would play with him. The hugs he got when Dick just wanted to hug him. The little boy who messed with the English language.....was gone.

  Jason sobbed and felt hands on his arms trying to pull him away from Dicks body. Jason tried getting out of the persons grasp until Bruce faced him towards him.

  Jason felt himself being dragged from Dick and he tried to get out and run to his brother. "No! Let me go!" Jason yelled and Batman tried not to cry.

"Jason-" Batman grabbed Jason by the arm and shoved a needle into his arm and drugged him. Jason was fighting until he dropped deep into sleep as the sedative kicked in.

  Batman carried Jason back to the Batmobile and put him in and came back and said to Damian and Tim, Get in the car."

  Batman said nothing else and went to Dick and picked him up. Damian and Tim walked back to the Batmobile and Batman placed Dick in the back of the Batmobile and said, "Tim and Damian, I want you to fix...Nightwings wound."

  Tim saw Damian shudder and went to ask why but Batman glared and said, "Do it now."

  Tim helped Damian back there and saw Jason knocked and laid against the chair of Damian's.

  Tim brushed his hand against Dicks neck and widened his eyes as he did and looked back at Batman who drove home quickly.


  Jason woke up with a grogginess he knew that he was drugged. Jason groaned and saw himself in his room back at the Manor.

  Jason frowned and tried to remember but-
  Jason remembered. He sobbed as he remembered what happened. He heard footsteps and knocking but he ignored it. He lost Dick, his brother.

  "Jason?" Damian called out and Jason's heart broke more. Damian looked up to Dick like he was the greatest thing ever. Jason remembered seeing Damian wearing Dicks sweater and curled into his bed in Dicks old room when Dick was gone on a mission for awhile.

  "Jason?" Damian asked and walked in and saw Jason curled on his side on his bed crying.

  Jason sat up and wipes his face and gave a pained, fake smile and said, "Hey Damian."

  Damian was shocked and said, "You said my name. Not Monster or Terror." Jason gave pained laugh and said, "I did that cause it was a nickname and I thought that real names were important time to time."

  Damian smiled. Actually smiled at Jason. UT they all grew closer after everything with Bruce and everything was still rocky with Bruce but they still had each other.

  "Pennyworth wants you." Damian said and Jason frowned. Alfred wanted him? Maybe he thought he wanted to talk.

  "I'm coming." Jason said and got up slowly and winced in pain as his body was sore. Damian was way shorted than Jason since he was ten but he tried helping him.

  Jason smiled and patted his back. They got down the stairs and went to the Batcave as Damian said Alfred was there.

  Jason and Damian walked and saw Alfred, Bruce, and Tim standing around something.

  Jason grew wary as they approached and asked, "What's going on?" Alfred and the others turned around and Jason saw what they were standing around.

  Dick was shirtless and his whole stomach and torso was wrapped tight and he had an IV in his arm and looked deathly pale. For some reason it reminded Jason when he came back to life and shuddered at his brothers paler than usual skin.

  "...." Jason couldn't say something but Alfred said, "Master Dick is alive just he lost too much blood and we had to give him more and well, he's alive."

  Jason could've shouted how happy he was but he couldn't move. Bruce walked up to him and they stared at each other until Jason hugged him.

   Bruce hugged him back relieved. They let go as Jason walked slowly up to Dicks bedside.

  "When will he wake up?" Jason asked and Alfred thought about it. "In about an hour or so Master Jason. I think we should all go inside and eat. You all haven't ate for a long time and I would like to make you something." Alfred said and Bruce sighed.

  He didn't want to leave Dick but he wanted Alfred happy and helping them was how Alfred was able to keep himself busy from worrying. "Alright. Jason are you coming?" Bruce asked as everyone walked back inside.

  "I think I want to stay. I'm not hungry." Jason said. Bruce knew better than to argue with him. Him and Jason had a rocky relationship after Jason came back.

  Jason was left alone with a sleeping Dick.


  Jason was sleeping in the chair Alfred had near Dicks bedside until he heard a groan.

  Jason lifted his head up and saw Dick waking up and opening his eyes. "Hey Dickie Bird, welcome back." Jason said softly and Dick looked at him and smiled.

  "Hey Little Wing. Where am I? Am I dead?" Dick was asking and Jason chuckled.

  "Seems like the drugs are worn off. Your not dead we're back in the Batcave." Jason said and started to cry as he remembered what happened.

  Dick knew and grabbed his hand. Jason looked up with teary eyes and Dick said, "I'm here Jay so don't cry." Jason smiled and Dick scooted over.

  "You shouldn't move you idiot!" Jason scolded and Dick chuckled but winced as he felt a little pain but as much since he had pain killers in his system cause of Alfred, he knew he gave him the stronger ones.

  "Come here." Dick said and Jason snorted but climbed in. "I'm not a kid Dick." Jason said but glad he was with his brother.

  Jason tucked into his side that wasn't hurt carefully though cause he didn't want to upset Dicks pain.

  Dick wrapped an arm around his brother and smiled. He had his brother with him and not chasing Damian around.

  "I love you Little Wing."

  "I love you Dickie Bird."


  Bruce and the others walked back in to check on Dick and saw Jason cuddled into his brother.

  Jason had his face tucked into Dicks shoulder and wrapped an arm above his wound and Dick had an arm wrapped around Jason protectively.

  "Mm, Alfie?" Dick asked and Alfred came over and checked everything.

  "Are you alright Master Dick?" Alfred asked and Dick smiled tiredly. "M' fine. Just want my other two baby brothers." Dick said and knew they would come over because A.) They wanted their big brother and B.) Dick could get away with anything.

  Jason was on his left side since the wound was on his right so Tim cuddled between Dicks legs and Damian cuddled up high where it was like he was sleeping next to Dicks head.

  Everyone knew how much this killed Jason and Jason never showed his emotions but when it came to his family he did show them but not alot but this, this is where Jason broke.

  "Dick are you ok?" Bruce asked hesitantly and Dick gave a slow and loving smile.

  "I'm fine...Dad."

  Bruce hasn't heard that name from Dick since the time Dick left the Robin mantle.

  "I love you, son." Bruce reached out and grasped Dick's hand and Dick squeezed gently. "I love you too, Dad." Dick was over-joyed with having himself rebuild his relationship with Bruce.

  "Hey Alfred, I love you." Dick called our as Alfred was standing a little away. Alfred felt his old heart thrive with joy.

  "And I love you, Richard."

    The family was rebuilt and Jason was seeing more than ever.

     His family was always there.


  I know it's Star Wars don't kill me! I will update Friday and I'm so sorry for not updating last time I got sick again and I'm sick now and it's NO excuse!



  Also I want to thank you all so much for being there and helping me when I was sick the other times, I've had a ruff year and a half and you guys made it so much better.

  Lava you! 🐙 Octo hug!


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