Captain America(MCU) vs. Mr. Incredible

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Interlude: When it comes to people with great strength and sense of leadership and treating your team like they're family sometimes literally, these superheroes were great legends in the past but in recent years people made them criminals cause superheroes have been given their own laws just to keep them in check

Captain America

Captain America, the First Avenger and Sentinel of Liberty

Mr. Incredible

Mr. Incredible of the family based team known as the Incredibles


Captain America(MCU)


Note: I will not include Mjolnir or the Hydra Stomper armor in Cap's arsenal since 

Backstory: It was the era of World War 2 and there are American soldiers fighting the good fight in that era until a German Division of soldiers called Hydra developed a new weapon that will turn the tides of battle in World War 2 and America's solution to this is to make an army of Super Soldiers and to do that they need to make the first one. Meanwhile in Brooklyn, New York, Steven Grant Rogers always get his butt handed to him and not giving up without a fight and he wants to join the military but he can't due to his lanky body and health problems until he met Dr. Erskine and he was enlisted into the Project Rebirth program to find a candidate to become a super soldier and they found Steve Rogers. After getting injected with some super solider serum and tanned in vita rays he became a new man to be the first Super Soldier. He went on some PSO tours for awhile to get some money for the war until he heard about his best friend Bucky Barnes  being held at a Hydra prison and then he grabbed his costume and a helmet and he soon dawned the name Captain America and he soon join the good fight in World War 2 until he lost his friend Bucky and got frozen in ice for 70 years until he was thawed out by Nick Fury himself to have him part of the Avengers Initiative and come back to the world to save it from Loki and become leader of the team known as the Avengers.


-Name: Steven Grant Rogers

-Age: 173 Chronologically, 106 biologically

-Catchphrase: I can do this all day

-Destined to fight in the battlefield of World War 2 either with the Super Soldier Serum or in a suit called the Hydra Stomper

-Lover Interest: Margret Peggy Carter or Captain Carter in a different reality

-Best Friend: Bucky Barnes aka Winter Soldier aka White Wolf

-Didn't die a virgin

-Has America's ass and admits he does

-Became president of the United States of America in a different reality

-In another reality he was the only original member of the Avengers who survived the assassination of the Avengers along with Captain Marvel

-The only time where he and Carter were in the modern times was when she became the first Avenger

-Successor: Sam Wilson aka Falcon

Powers and Abilities:

-Superhuman physique

-Photographic memory

-Enhanced senses

-Healing Factor

-Expert Martial Artist


-His Shield

>Made out of Vibranium

>Uses it for close range and long range combat

>Has magnets on his suit for quick pick up for his shield

-Various Fire Arms

-Grappling Hook

-Wakandan Shields

Feats(Strength and Durability):

-Iron Man stated that he can defeat Spider-Man

-Scales to Captain Carter

-Fight off and defeated Iron Man Mark 46 

-Can shatter Ultron Sentries

-Tanked a punch from Quicksilver

-No-sell terminal velocity dives

-His shield can tank blows from Mjolnir without a scratch


-Comparable to Spider-Man

-Defeated Mark 46 Iron man

-Dodged energy blasts from Ultron Sentries

-Dodges and reacts to bullets and grenade launchers

Stats(Strength and Durability):

-Getting punched by Quicksilver

>Captain America tanked a powerful punch from Quicksilver when he's at his best speeds at the time which is Mach 2563 and taking the measurements of both Quicksilver and Captain America

>The Ricky Halton can punch at speeds of 32 mph

>The punch Cap tanked is worth 4 tons of force which is Large Building Level

-Scaling to Spider-Men

>Iron man stated that Captain America can defeat Spider-Man no problem and thanks to the Spider-man No Way Home Movie this statement applies to other Spider-men

>Electro from the Andre Garfield universe took an arc reactor which scaled to Iron Man's arc reactor is 172 tons of force which is Multi-City Block Level, considering Rogers is stronger than Spider-Man and Electro overpowered 3 of them

>172 x 3 = 516 tons which is Multi-City Block Level

>Tobey Maguire's Spider-Man tanked Pumpkin Bombs which is powerful enough to vaporize normal people including Eddie Brock and the Venom Symbiote which adding both results which makes the Pumpkin Bomb to be around 1.1 tons 

>1.1 x 3 = 3.3 tons which is Large Building Level

-Armored Avenger vs. First Avenger

>In Captain America Civil War, the Tony's Mark 46 armor was designed to be a noncombatant suit made specifically to apprehend Captain America

>Since the Unibeam was able to one shot Bucky's bionic arm and it was made to go one on one against Cap and not both the Winter Soldier and the First Avenger at the same time

>Cap was able to overpower Stark no problem and destroy his suit's arc reactor 

>Stark's armor in Age of Ultron was able to tank a force of 2 kilotons when he tanked a portion of the explosion and since Cap is stronger than the Winter Soldier

>2 x 2 x 3 = 12 kilotons of force which is Town Level

-Shield vs. Thor

>Cap's shield managed to tank hits from Mjolnir which was able to hurt Captain Marvel who is powerful enough to 10x more powerful than nuclear weapons which in the MCU is worth a 121 gigatons and since his shield able to tank hits from Mjolnir even after Thor's power boost and possibly Mighty Thor's scaling to Thor's ascension to All Father considering that Thor fought Captain Marvel the same year where Thor was at the start of his journey in the MCU. Now this is an assumption considering scaling Vibranium to characters like Vison and or Ultron since it's one of the few materials like Uru and Nanotech can use the stones properly but they get highly damaged after each use of the Infinity Stones however vibranium can use them properly when looking at Vision and Ultron can power up the stones from Large Planet to Multiverse levels of power. I know that Thor's weapon Stormbreaker was able to kill Thanos and mortally wounded him as well 

>121 x 10 x 11 x 10 x 44 = 5,856,400 gigatons or 6 petatons which is Multi-Continent Level

>Thor's feat of strength comes from his battle against the Frost Giants when he became angry and unleash a force of 731 teratons

>731 x 10 x 11 x 10 x 44 = 35,380,400 teratons or 35.4 Exatons which is Moon Level

Final Verdict: Town Level, Multi-Continent Level to Moon Level or higher with shield


-Quicksilver reaction speed scaling

>Since characters scale to Quicksilver's speed is Mach 2563 or 1966511 mph which is Massively Hypersonic+ speeds

-Mighty Thor Scaling

>Jane stated she flew around the world twice, I know I said I will not include Mjolnir in Cap's arsenal but the scaling is still a applied to cap since he was able to wield Mjolnir long before the events of Endgame. It was night time in the aftermath of the battle which is 6 hours

>That's 12923203333333333 mph or 19271106x the speed of light

>Since Cap can lift Mjolnir way before Endgame, he has to scale this reaction time

-Spider-man Scaling

>Andrew Garfield Spider Man can react to lightning from Electro from electrocuting two people

>Which is 129x the speed of light and since MCU Spider-Man can scale to this so can Cap

>86507400000 x 3 = 259522200000 mph or 387x the speed of light

-Scaling to Captain Carter

>Captain Carter can move at speeds faster than the human eye can track which is subsonic speeds

Final verdict: Subsonic in running speed, Massively Hypersonic+ to MFTL+ in reaction and combat speeds


-Human weaknesses

-Will fight for what's right even if he was a criminal about it

-His mentality of fighting and standing up to foes like Iron Man and Thanos will get him killed

-Will not trade lives


Mr. Incredible


Backstory: Many years ago there are a race of humans with superpowers called Supers and they become Superheroes. One of these Supers is Robert Parr aka Mr. Incredible, he was normally worked alone to the point where he pushed away a kid who idolized him in the past which will bite him in the butt in the future. He saved a guy on his wedding day who didn't want to be saved which lead to a legal action to force the Supers to hide their powers from the public. 15 years later, he soon got a mid life crisis when he has a job at a money grabbing insurance company and continued his hero work under the radar.


-Name: Robert "Bob" Parr

-Age: 40

-Used to wear blue now he wears red now

-Was born with powers

-Threat Rating: 9.1

-Matpat stated that he's the strongest member of the family

-Love Interest: Helen Parr-Truax aka Elastigirl

-Best friend: Lucious Best aka Frozone

-Father of 3

-Basically the reason why Insuricare was shut down

Powers and abilities :

-Superhuman Strength: Mr. Incredible's primary superpower is his tremendous level of superhuman strength. While the precise limits of his strength aren't clearly established, according to Syndrome's data files on "Supers", Bob's exact lifting limit is well in excess of 66 tons, though he was previously seen bench-pressing an ALCO locomotive, which weighs 153 tons. Even in middle age, he is phenomenally strong, being able to bench-press locomotives and fight on equal footing with the Omnidroid 8000. Mr. Incredible's superhuman strength apparently extends to all his musculature. Most notably, his leg muscles possess sufficient strength to enable him to leap incredible heights, with a significant freedom in his agility and movement. His NSA file even felt it necessary to designate his strength-based powers as "Mega Strength," placing it in a separate category form other, similarly powered Supers.

>Enhanced Speed: His superhumanly strong muscles also give him a certain degree of enhanced speed. However, while it appears that he can run and move significantly faster than any normal human, his speed does not approach the superhuman levels of his son, Dash.

>Superhuman Agility: His superhumanly strong muscles allow him to perform feats of great agility a normal human being could never achieve without hurting himself or damaging his ligaments. Combined with his jumping ability, Mr. Incredible is able to perform some astonishing maneuvers no other normal human or even the finest of athletes could do. He was capable of leaping across a city street from a rooftop, before landing through a skyscraper window.

>Superhuman Endurance: Mr. Incredible also possesses a superhuman degree of endurance and stamina. He is capable of engaging in heavy feats of strength and combative endeavors for lengthy durations without tiring readily.

-Near-Invulnerability: Mr. Incredible also has a superhuman degree of resistance to physical injury. He can withstand tremendous amounts of physical trauma, including multi-story falls, the direct impact of a train, breaking through brick walls, and withstanding 100,000 volts of electricity while under torture. His body is capable of withstanding the physical stresses needed in order to apply his strength substantially without his bones or tissues breaking or tearing. At the beginning of the first film, when a common thug threatened him by pointing a gun at him point blank, Mr. Incredible showed no concern from almost being shot by a low-caliber bullet. He can, however, be cut with very extremely durable metals and a suitable amount of force.

-Enhanced Senses: According to his NSA file, Mr. Incredible can "sense" imminent danger. This power may have been depicted when was robbing a bank and Bob heard the faint beeping of an explosive from the other side of a thick wall. Also, when he arrived home after a few hours of vigilantism, he quickly noticed the presence of another person in the dark room; said presence was his wife however.

-Skilled Strategist: His years of super-heroic experience allows him to rapidly formulate effective strategies to deal with opponents who cannot be bested by his brute strength alone. It also allows him to work well with other heroes he is familiar with and take advantage of their powers in concert with his own. Because of this, he managed to defeat the most advanced version of Omnidroid that has gathered tons of combat data from killing Superheroes who have far more powerful superpowers than him, by outwitting it.

-Skilled Swimmer: He is also a very good swimmer. His substantial strength aids in his propulsion underwater.

-Expert Hand-To-Hand Combatant: Mr. Incredible's vast experience and years of crime-fighting have turned him into an excellent unarmed combatant.

Feats(Strength and Durability):

-NSA field said he can do 66 tons

-Used trains for his workout session

-Tanked getting crushed by the Omnidroid

-Knocked down the Omnidroid V.10 off of it's feat which is durable enough to withstand it's own crash landing and Tank shells

-His Super suit can tank bullets, missiles, Jet explosions, and withstand 1000 degrees of heat

-Tanked an impact from a train

-Withstand 100,000 volts of electricity

-Can no sell low caliber bullets


-Reacts to Dash's speed

-Dodged lasers from the Omnidroid

-Dodged lightning from Helectric

Stats(Strength and Durability):

-Kronos Operation Database Scaling

>According to the Kronos database, there are a series of numbers given to each Super in it and his threat rating is 9.1

>Hypershock is a 7.5 and he's capable of making Earthquakes that is a 6 on the Richter scale which requires 15080 tons or 15.1 Kilotons which is Town Level which means Mr. Incredible's bast is 24.2 Kilotons which is Town Level

-Scaling to the Omnidroid

>The Omni-Droid can tank a crash that is worth 73 tons which is City Block Level

Final Verdict: Town Level


-Father and son

>Mr. Incredible is able to react to his son's speed who is fast enough to run from Metroville to the Great Wall of China in 3 seconds

>Since Metroville is based off of Chicago,  which is 7856400 mph or  Mach 10,320 which is Sub Relativistic

Final Verdict: Superhuman in running speed, Sub-Relativistic to FTL in reaction speeds


-Limited Durability

-His strength can't be controlled in certain situations

-Has been overpowered by stronger opponents before

-Has back problems

-Is a bit reckless when doing his job since in the second movie Elastigirl was chosen to be the one to get supers back on their job again and not him




Here we see Mr. Incredible doing the dishes until he gets a phone call from his Incrediphone and he answers it.

Phone Guy: *over the phone*"Mr. Incredible, disgraced Super Soldier Captain Steven Grant Rogers has been sighted in your area, you're the only one who can stop him. We need your help."

Mr. Incredible: "I'm in."

Mr. Incredible then suits up and then takes the Incredimobile and heads out to find Captain America. Meanwhile, we see Captain America break into the Avengers compound and grab his Shield and head out. Later, we see Captain America head to the city until we see Mr. Incredible punch the star spangled soldier in the face and knocked him to the ground. He then got up and sees Mr. Incredible himself.

Mr. Incredible: "Nice meet ya Captain."

Capt. America: "Look, you have to listen to me. The Accords was restricting the freedom of heroes, the reason why I was a criminal is because I had to stop others like me and I had to protect my best friend."

Mr. Incredible: "Likely story."

We then see Mr. Incredible fight off Captain America and they both trade blow for blows against each other and Cap use his shield to battle Mr. Incredible and he throws it at the Super and hit him in the head and use it against him a bunch of times and then Mr. Incredible then deflect the shield and then both the Super and the First Avenger then trade blows with each other and then we see them take the fight on a moving train and we see the two of them fighting each other and we see Captain America throw his shield at Mr. Incredible and then he struck him twice.

Mr. Incredible: "You use a giant frisbee to fight?"

Capt. America: "Most of the time."

Captain America put his shield on his back and then fights off Mr. Incredible and they both trade blows with each other. Mr. Incredible then knock Captain America off of the train and we see the shield fall to the ground and then we see Mr. Incredible get down to the ground and picks up the shield and he sees Captain America get up and he's tired and injured from the fight.

Mr. Incredible: "You don't give up do you?"

Capt. America: *pants**pants*"I can do this all day."

We see Captain America charge at Mr. Incredible and then they both fight each other some more and then we see the fight take to the rooftops once more and then we see Captain America burst out of the top of the building and Mr. Incredible follows him. Captain America then get up and grab his Shield and we see Mr. Incredible charge at Captain America as he then charge at him and they both fall off the building and fall down as we see Captain America cushion his fall with his shield and we see Mr. Incredible gets impaled by a street light killing him in the process as Captain America sees Mr. Incredible's corpse.

Capt. America: "I'm sorry."

We then see Captain America leave the scene and get back to hiding.





Captain America(MCU):


>Even without taking speed feats from Mjolnir to account, Captain America is 


+Military trained


+Mr. Incredible can't punch hard enough to break his shield

+Super Soldiers are at their peak condition

+Captain America fought and defeated Spider-Man who has similar abilities to Mr. Incredible's senses

+Has experience dealing with similar foes before

-Strength and Durability

Mr. Incredible:

+Strength and Durability


>Even without taking No Way Home scaling to account Cap's reaction speed is much higher when scaling to Thor's reaction time when he had Stormbreaker and Cap has proven to wield Stormbreaker himself


-Not durable enough to take hits from Cap's shield

-No weapons

-2x stronger but Strength is all that he has going for him

Next: Power Rangers vs. The Wonderful 101





-Both of them were outlawed by the government

-Both of them have a brunette lover in their lives

-Both of them treat their team like they're family like the Incredibles or the Avengers

-Both of them fought genius billionaires that they betrayed in the past in the form of Syndrome and Iron Man

-Both have fought robots

-Both of them are relics of the past

Math and Chapter:

-I thought that Captain America would be 3x stronger than all 3 live action Spider-Men since he defeated Iron Man in his Mark 46 suit and Electro used one of Tony's arc reactors

-I did a dive into Incredibles lore and found how powerful Mr. Incredible is

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