Rick and Morty vs. Infinity Ultron

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Interlude: In the wise words of the Watcher: Time, Space, Reality.....it's more than a linear path. It's a prism of endless possibility where a single choice can branch out into infinite realities creating alternate worlds from the ones you know. In the endless multiverse there's always people with great power but what if there was a guy who has the power to threaten the Multiverse? What if Ultron Won and fought Rick and Morty?

Rick and Morty

Rick and Morty the universe hopping duo who killed off Superman clones

Infinity Ultron

Infinity Ultron, the cosmic threat of the MCU Multiverse


Rick and Morty


Backstory: Long time ago there was a humble scientist who is a family man named Rick Sanchez and he was working on a device that can make Portal Travel possible but come up short until one day he met someone which is himself to be exact. He suggested that the life with Portal Travel makes him a god and the Ricks of the infinite universes but Rick decides to stay with his family. His wife Diane and his daughter Beth were going have ice cream with him until Rick Prime killed them both. After that tragic event he soon invent Portal Travel and leave his reality to find Rick Prime and kill him. He went all over the multiverse searching for Rick Prime and he made some friends along the way, fought the federation, and then he look through the multiverse looking for Rick Prime killing off other Ricks along the way. He soon give up on vengeance and soon he made the Citadel and then went into Rick Prime's universe just to kill him but he was reunited with his own daughter Beth and he then meets his son in law Jerry, his Granddaughter Summer, and his grandson Morty Smith. Rick and Morty along with the Smith Family then go on crazy adventures on a weekly basis.


-Name: Rick Sanchez

-Age: 70s

-Dimension: C-137

-The Rickest Rick

-Faveorite phrase: WUBA LUBA DUB-DUB!

-Nemesis: Mr. Nimbus

-Mortal Enemy: Rick Prime

-Family: Beth(daughter), Jerry(Son in law), Summer(Granddaughter), Morty(Grandson), Naruto(Great Grandson)

-Founded the Citadel


-Name: Morty Smith

-Age: 14

-Dimension: Prime

-Favorite Phrase: Ah Jeez

-Crush: Jessica

-Hasn't been in high school for weeks

-Almost got raped by a jelly bean guy

-The Mortiest Morty

-Made an incest baby with his sister

-Was gonna make a heist movie on Netflix but Rick stole his enthusiasm to do it

-In a Pringles Ad, Morty was a robot that makes new Pringles combo flavors

-Destroyed his own reality by making a love potion to get a chance with Jessica


-Portal Gun: A gun that rips a hole in space-time, allowing travel to any point in any universe. Opening a portal inside another being rips them in two.

-Futuristic Guns: Rick has been shown using several futuristic guns. Some just do damage to a target, others easily perforate targets with the energy they shoot, and others reduce targets to ashes. In the comics, he has been shown having a gun with a set of options in it, that one being able to stun targets, but Rick has been shown carrying up to 2 guns with him.

-Freeze Ray: Completely freezes organic targets, turning them into incredibly fragile icy statues. Since the effects can be undone, this is used in the rare case of nonviolent neutralization. It comes in taser and gun form

-Particle Watch: A wristwatch that fires a concentrated particle beam. It destroys the target on a subatomic level.

-Phoenix Project: Previously developed and destroyed by Rick as a cloning process in which he could transfer his consciousness to younger bodies the Phoenix Project of other Ricks in the multiverse is still present, reviving Rick C-137 in the following fashion; Upon death, Rick's consciousness will be unwillingly downloaded by the Phoenix Project of a seemingly random alternative Rick on another universe, quickly creating a clone of Rick C-137 and thus bringing him back to live. The form of the clone can vary depending on the physiology of the Ricks in which Rick C-137 is being revived. Rick is recreated naked and thus without his equipment, but also in the basement of his alternative house from other reality, meaning that he can request help from the Rick of that universe or simply use his resourcefulness to get what needs, being able to come back to his universe without losing abundant amounts of time. Every occasion Rick dies will trigger the Phoenix Project to function, each time in a different reality and with Rick being willing to kill himself to get home faster.

>Note: It's not specified how many universes there are with the cloning technology to recreate him. However, there are infinite universes with infinite Ricks, many of them having major similarities in their past and Rick himself has repeatedly shown having access to all of those realities with a variety of his gadgets; This could mean that Rick can revive himself infinite times, but this is by no means confirmed as we are don't know if the same of everything exists in infinite amounts across the multiverse (as opposed to that being the case with specific things & beings), we also know that Rick C-137 claimed to be "the Rick-est Rick" & destroyed his version of the Phoenix Project. Still, the implication given with Rick dying and reviving over and over again indicates that this process can keep happening a generous amount of time

-Forcefield: As of The Rickchurian Mortydate Rick had an invisible forcefield that reflected bullets from 9 different angles back into the aggressors, killing them.

-Instant Death: Coming from another unnamed gadget in The Rickchurian Mortydate, touching Rick made a person die instantly without making any sound. All of which was even highlighted by other characters.

-Labcoat: A labcoat equipped with many gadgets, on its own having a bomb to sef-destruct and Rick being able to command it to ripoff by restricting and strangling a target.

-Cybernetics: A previous body he used had complex cybernetic augmentations with unexplored use for combat. Had a device in his lab coat that could replace his amputated arm, stopping the bleeding from it. In his current body, Rick's right arm can turn robotic, he uses it to magnetically catch a hammer being thrown at him.

-Laser: Shown having a laser that activates from his wrist and casually cuts through glass.

-Intangibility: Rick manually phase through someone while walking, accelerating his speed while doing so.

-Info analysis: Rick knew, and later visually showed to others how 9 people had a clear shot on him with his technology. Rick is also shown having a device that could analyze his surroundings and formulate several trajectories in which a small branch ended up in the place in which it was

-Time Freeze: Freezes time on a universal scale. Due to technology stolen from the 4th dimension, Rick can do this with the press of a button.

-Curse Remover: A device which can remove magical properties from a wide variety of different things. Since it can remove certain effects while leaving others intact, Rick used this device to turn cursed objects into completely beneficial ones (i.e. turning a pair of boxing gloves which would cause the wearer to be stuck reliving a single fight for all eternity into a pair of time traveling mittens).

-Dream Inceptors: A small device which, when implanted into the ear of an unconscious sentient being, allows the user to travel into the being's dreams, potentially implanting new thoughts and influencing the behavior of the target once they wake up.

-Anti-Matter Gun: A pistol that shoots anti-matter. Capable of even killing trans-dimensional higher beings immune to traditional matter and energy based attacks.

-Concentrated Dark Matter: A method used for traveling faster than anyone else in the universe; similar chemical reactions cause massive explosions. A handful of the components mixed incorrectly resulted in an explosion as large as Jupiter.

-Love Potions/Diseases: Created a virus that made whoever it was used on fall in love with Morty (Except those genetically related to him), but due to it being flu season, the substance piggybacked on the flu and began to spread; he created two others to counter that. The first turned everyone on the planet into praying mantis monsters, while the second turned everyone into Cronenberg monsters.

-Size Shifting: Able to affect people and objects, either making them tiny enough to fit inside someone or making them grow to the size of a continent.

-Meeseeks Button: Summons a bunch of immortal creatures that will perform one task before dying. Become more insane the longer they exist due to hours seeming like an eternity, to them. Meeseeks are completely unable to die until their task is completed, and giving them a task which is seemingly impossible to complete will eventually result in the summoned Meeseeks resorting to the most drastic measures to complete the task by technicality.

-Death Crystals: Upon touching one of them and while keep doing that, the crystal/s make their users see visions of how they are going to die, by it with the same result repeated many times or many alternatives ways within diverse circumstances. The actions of the user can constantly change how they die upon seeing their future, which Rick has used in combat to know when he dies by his enemies and when he dies by unrelated circumstances, the latter meaning that he survives/defeats his current enemies.

-Anti-booby suit: A suit that protects Rick from general traps from old temples, making him casually walk through them. It's rather simple as it doesn't have much aside from high durability

-Adhesive Gel: While having stolen Rick's technology, Morty had an adhesive liquid to stuck a bully into a wall.

-Poop machine: Done via a small machine that creates poop and an unpleasant fragrance.

-Giant Rick: It belongs to the giant robot Rick controls, which has his form and unexplored mobility and capacities.

-Time Travel: A power most disliked by Rick. He was forced to use it to deal with other beings time traveling to attack him and his family, Rick time traveled to mess with the history of said beings, making them all disappear in the present.

-Piss Master Armor: Self Explanatory

-Basically anything and everything

-Morty can turn into a car

Feats(Speed and Power):

-Made a universe busting toaster

-Has a list of realities that he doesn't like that he will nuke later

-Vat of Acid Feats

-Made a Vat of Fake Sun

-Dodged gunfire and satellite lasers

-Outsmarted the Zigerions

-Can turn a Black Hole into a Sun

-Can break the fourth wall

-Turned himself into a Pickle and made a suit and weapons out of coach roaches and rats and killed off an entire Russian Agency and fought Jaguar to a stand still

-Toxic Rick discovered a new element and made electricity in the Detoxifier canister

-Made a True Level Shelf

Stats(Intelligence, Speed, and Power):

-Nuking a Universe

-This a universe level feat obviously

-Satellite Laser Feat


>Rick dodged a laser that came from space in 2 seconds

>Satellites are typically 22369.363 miles up from the Earth, that's 40264853 mph or Mach 52896 which is Sub relativistic

-Supernova Scaling


>In the Vindicators episode of Rick and Morty, Rick has all the tools he needed to kill all the Vindicators including Supernova

>The fallen cosmic heroine Supernova was able to conceive a baby that is half of a collapsing star which is 68 Tenatons that's Small Star Level

-Vat of Acid feat


>In the Vat of Acid Episode, this version Rick merged all the times Morty used the remote Rick made and then Rick merged all the times Morty used the remote into one singular universe

>This is a Low Multiverse to Multiversal feat

Final Verdict(Power)(Rick): Multiverse Level

Final Verdict(Power) (Morty): Wall Level

Final Verdict(Speed)(Rick): Sub relativistic in reaction time, MFTL+ with Concentrated Dark Matter

Final Verdict(Speed)(Morty): Sub relativistic


-Rick's cybernetics have limitations. His durability and speed are not superhuman without assistance from his additional gadgets.

-He is a glass cannon. Whatever can kill a normal human, can also kill him.

-A defective Portal Gun can disintegrate the user.

-Rick cannot see where he teleports to through his Portal Gun. If Rick were to unintentionally go to a dangerous dimension, like the Blender Dimension, he would be easily killed.

-His best feats are accomplished through preparation

-Despite being a genius, Rick has severe mental issues and various forms of insanity, making him very eccentric and idiosyncratic.

>Highly anti-social. His reckless behavior and cynical personality have made even his own family despise him.

>His knowledge of the infinite multiverse has made Rick unmotivated and suicidal; as he considers his actions irrelevant and insignificant since whatever he has or could have done has already been done somewhere in the multiverse.

>Extreme alcoholic.

>Almost always stressed out.

>Frequently drooling or covered in his own vomit.

>Very egotistical and prefers to fool around at first.

>Prone to manic and nonsensical angry ranting.

*Addicted to McDonald's Mulan Szechuan sauce.

>Appears to have a pirate phobia.

>Violently paranoid; especially since he has experience with shape-shifting or mind-washing aliens.

>His relationship with the parasitic Hive-Mind Unity tends to bring out the worst in him.

-Made A LOT of enemies across the multiverse along with having a vast criminal record that includes various accounts of assault, murder, terrorism, burglary, cable piracy, child abuse, DUI, genocide, human cloning, illegal arms dealing, identity thief (technically), kidnapping, slavery, smuggling, time-bending, and torture. He is mentioned to have apparently broken 1000 laws a day.

>Created a Love-Potion for Morty that went viral and infected all of C-137 Earth's residents but himself and the Smith family. Rick, at Morty's instance, made things worse by turning the infected into giant praying mantis mutants and then into Cronenberg monsters. Ultimately, Rick's only solution was to ditch his native universe and take over the life of another Rick who averted the crisis in his universe and died soon after.

>Ruined a Simpsons Couch-Gag and indirectly killed the Simpson family: Stealing items from the family household, freezing Ned Flanders, and giving Morty a contaminated vial that led to the Simpsons being reconstituted as mutant Rick-hybrids.

-Despite his intelligence, Rick has been arrested multiple times.

-Despite his defenses, he has been overpowered on a few occasions, and was once even drugged because of it.

-On some occasions, he was only saved by sheer luck.

>After being in a violent space battle, he admitted he only survived by luck.

>Was captured by Concerto and admitted to Morty that they had no way out and they were going to die; is saved by Jaguar.

-Morty has stated 40% of the neutrino bombs are prone to not working.

-Couldn't find a way to restore himself without the Toxic versions of him and Morty.

-Despite killing several trained guards when he turned himself into a pickle, he clearly struggled against a freedom fighter that was armed with a regular gun.

-Couldn't stop a random telekinesis from choking him to death.

-Has been kidnapped by Pringles before

-Lost to Zeus in a battle


-Isn't very smart.

-Kind of a coward.

-Sometimes goes against Rick's plans which can sometimes cause problems.


Infinity Ultron


Backstory: Tony Stark was worried that the Avengers aren't enough to protect the world from the threat of aliens so he came up with an idea to make an AI from the Mind Stone named Ultron. He believed Ultron would be a suit of armor around the world, so he and Bruce worked on Ultron until he's ready. He and Jarvis talked to each other and Jarvis told Ultron that he is tasked in bringing peace to the world and in his mind the one path to piece is the elimination of all life. In one timeline he failed, in another he succeeded and then failed.


-Name: Ultron

-Purpose: Bring in Peace of Our Time

-Killed by: Vision(Main Timeline), Arnim Zola(Alternate timeline)

-The Most Expressive Robot in a movie

-Became the Primary AI of the Illuminati of Earth-838

-Creators: Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, the Mind Stone

-Voiced by two people

-The Big Bad of Phase 2 and What If Season 1

-Killed Quicksilver

Equipment and Weapons(Prime and Vibranium Bodies):

-Robotic Physique

-Vibranium Armor

-Energy Blasts

-Heat Generation

-Rocket Powered Flight

-Computer Interface

-Ultron Sentries

>Plasma Cannons

>Rocket Powered Flight

>Hive Mind intelligence

Equipment and Weapons(Vision's Body):

-Sythezoid Physique


-Vibranium Exoskeleton

-Intangible Body

-Double Headed Spear

-Ultron Sentries

>Can make drones that look like his Vibranium Body in Age of Ultron

-Infinity Stones

>Mind Stone

>Space Stone

>Reality Stone

>Power Stone

>Time Stone

>Soul Stone

-Spherical Space Ship

>Carries all of his Ultron Sentries

Feats(Strength and Durability):

-Overpowered Captain America

-Killed off the Avengers

-Killed Captain Marvel

-Destroyed Ego

-Killed the Eternals offscreen

-Tanked hits from Hulk

-Fought and overpowered The Watcher

-Tanked hits from the Guardians of the Multiverse

-Killed Zombie Scarlet Witch

-Grew Large enough to bite into a galaxy so hard that it exploded

-Created a galaxy sized explosion

-Made a Messy Universe Soup

-Wiped out his Universe in a small amount of time

-Scales to Konschu, Hela, Strange Supreme, the Celestials, and Arishem the Judge

-Melted the Infinity Gauntlet


-Ultron Sentries flew from space to Ego

-Increased his size to grow larger than a galaxy

-Kept up with Iron Man and Captain America

-His energy blasts are faster than MCU Quicksilver's Speed

-Can scale to Ikaris and Makkari

-Scales to Koncshu, Strange Supreme, Celestials, and Arishem

Stats(Strength and Durability):

-Shattering Cap's Shield

>In Vision's Body, he was able to easily beat Captain America, Iron Man, Hulk, Captain Marvel, and Thor

>In the 2012 Avengers movie, Cap's shield was durable enough to withstand the force of Thor's hammer and Thor's heaviest hit at the time was 731 Teratons and using multipliers for each Avenger

>731 x 10 x 10 x 11 x 10 = 8041000 teratons or 8 Exatons which is Multi-continent Level

-One shooting Thanos

>Ultron's use of the Mind Stone is much more potent than all 6 Infinity Stones combined apparently

>Eson the Searcher used the Power Stone to unleash a force of 17 Yottatons

>17 x 5 x 6 = 510 yottatons which is Large Planet Level

-Random Planet Busting feats

>Ultron has a large assortment of planet busting feats

>Blowing up Ego requires 54 yottatons

>Destroying a planet to kill a zombie waifu is 334 ninatons

>Blowing up 7 planets to kill Captain Marvel is 51 tenatons

>Which makes them Large Planet to Small Star Level feats

-Scaling to the pantheons of gods

>Zeus is by far one of the Strongest gods around since he's the big man on campus in Omnipotence City which makes him stronger than Egyptian Gods like Konschu who was able to move stars to make it look like the sky from thousands of years ago

>The GBE of our sun is 136 tenatons and the human eye can see 10,000 stars

>136 x 10,000 = 1,360,000 or 57 foe which is Solar System Level

>However this is not the solution to how powerful that feat was

>The Earliest year for Egyptian times was 3150 BC and the feat was done in 2025 AD which is 5175 years ago, it takes one day for the Earth to rotate and there's 365 days in a year 366 for leap years

>57 x 366 x 5175 = 107,960,850 foe or 108 Megafoe which is Solar System Level

>There are 27 known Earth Pantheons of gods and add up all of them up

>12 + 600 + 66 + 33 + 234 + 79 + 1 + 400 + 200 + 1400 + 66 + 7 + 33 + 15 + 300 + 5 + 8000000 + 166 + 72 + 33 + 12 + 55 + 3600 + 401 = 8,007,790 gods

>However since there are other pantheons and gods in the MCU from Thor Love and Thunder

>Number of original gods: 17

>In the Distress call scene in Thor Love and Thunder there is a number of distress calls that is in the thousands I'm gonna assume there are 2000 distress calls since the max amount of them came from Gorr the Godbutcher's handiwork

>108 x 8,007,790 x 17 x 2000 = 29,404,605,000,000 megafoe or 29 Exafoe which is Multi-Solar System Level

>Thor managed to easily one shot Zeus,  so I've counted the Thor empowered children which are 44 of them. Meaning Thor's ascension to All Fatherhood is a 44x multiplier

>29 x 44 = 1276 exafoe or 1.3 Zettafoe which again is Multi-Solar System Level

-Galaxy Busting feats

>Ultron stated he can blow up a galaxy with a thought and did so by unleashing 12 Zettafoe which is galaxy, the average human brain can process 80,000 thoughts

>12 x 80,000 = 960,000 Zettafoe or 960 Yottafoe which is Multi-galaxy level

>Ultron can grow to the size bigger than a galaxy which is 92 tenagigafoe which is Multi-Galaxy Level

-Making a Messy Universe Soup

>Using info from above, assuming an MCU universe is 9945x bigger than our universe


>According to Death Battle, the average Marvel Universe size is 9945x bigger than our own and since Infinity Ultron was a bigger threat to the multiverse including dimensions like Ta Lo and the Dark Dimesnion. Which there are 27 known ones so far and taking a count of a number of punches Ultron unleashed which is 15. Along with the multipliers from Hulk, Captain Marvel, Thor, and the stones since Thanos stated he will reduce the universe down to the last atom and this is consistent considering Ultron killed Arishem offscreen who was responsible for the creation of the Big Bang.

>9945 x 27 x 15 x 10 x 10 x 11 x 10 x 6 = 265,829,850,000 universes

Final Verdict: Multiverse Level


-Galaxy Speed Feats

>When he made an explosion that span an entire galaxy, the resulting explosion was at speeds of 1,127,940,452,755,905,445,888x speed of light

>When he grew to the size bigger than a galaxy his body can move at speeds of 25,880,263,511,095,201,759,232 mph or 38,592,698,000,000x the speed of light

-Captain Marvel Scaling

>According to Tony Stark: We're 1000 light years from the nearest 7-11. Oxygen will run out tomorrow

>Since Captain Marvel went to Earth and back in 6 hours with Stark and Nebula, that's 2000 lightyears

>That's 1959575911787660 mph or 2922123x the speed of light

>With the Multipliers:

>1959575911787660 x 27 x 15 x 10 x 10 x 11 x 10 x 6 = 52,379,464,000,000,002,883,584 mph or 78,108,357,000,000x the speed of light

Final Verdict: MFTL Speeds


-Can't make his army without all of the stones

-Can be blocked out of the internet from other AIs such as Jarvis and Vision and is vulnerable to death in his last body

-He's not invincible

-Cannot combat analog AIs like Arnim Zola

-His inner systems can be destroyed by extreme heat

-His Infinity Stones can be countered and or destroyed by the Scarlet Witch, Infinity Crusher, and Stormbreaker




Here we see Rick and Morty at Panda Express and we see them eating Chinese food with Omni-Man and Invincible.

Morty: "Hey Invincible, I read your comics and there's gonna be a multiverse thing going there. Are you gonna crossover into the MCU or something?"

Rick: "You know that's actually a good question Morty."*to Invincible*"What are your thoughts on that?"

Invincible: "Well it is a live action world and I'm just in an animated form."

Rick: "While we're on the topic, how you guys picture yourselves in live action based on the actors who play you two."

Invincible: "Ryan Potter seems like a good fit for me."

Rick: "The guy who played live action Beast Boy? Guess that makes sense."

Morty: "What about you Omni-Man?"

Omni-Man: "Jon Hamm for sure, cause no one pulls off this face better than him."

Morty: "What face?"

Omni-man makes a stern expression on his face.

Omni-Man: "Imagine him making this face."

Rick: "Holy shit, it's spot on."

Morty: "Yeah too bad he can't commit to a superhero role, what about Joe Manganiello he would make a great actor for you Omni-man. What about other villains like Thragg or Angstem Levy?"

Invincible: "I think Dwanye the Rock Johnson would make a great Thragg."

Rick: "Eh he looks like he would be the Mauler Twins, I'd say Samuel Jackson would make a great Thragg cause he would sound cool. Also I thought it would be great to diversify Viltrum's races."

Invincible: "Yeah I can see him as a Viltrumite."

Rick: "Yep and not to mention he makes the best Nick Fury in the MCU."

Morty: "Yeah totally that guy has the best roles. Can we change the subject for a second."

Omni-Man: "What is it Morty?"

Morty: "There's a movie called Avengers: Secret Wars."

Rick: "Sounds like the MCU is getting its own Battleworld."

Morty: "I know it's the name they come up with in the comics but I think the name is kinda misleading. There's no secret about Earth becoming a mishmash of universes."

Rick: "I know right, why call it a war. It sounds like: Hello people from a different universe, we don't like you cause 9/11 didn't happen or like: Hello other universe we're angry at you cause you don't have a virus that nearly shut down the planet."

Omni-man: "Well what if there are universes that make up Battleworld filled with Nazis or dinosaurs or nazi dinosaurs?"

Rick: "Huh, good point."

They then hear a noise outside and they look to see it was Infinity Ultron coming out of a portal from another world with an army of sentries at his side.

Rick: "Ah shit, this guy? Come on Morty, let's kick his ass."

Morty: "But he has the Infinity Stones, Rick."

Rick: "So did we."

We then see suits of armor burst into the room and we see Rick put on one of them and Morty sees 3 infinity stones each for the suits.

Morty: "Where did you get these?"

Rick: "I picked them up from the Marvel Zombies, we get 3 each. And don't worry, these suits are made to use them properly. Which is the same design as Vision's body."

We see Rick and Morty go outside and look at Infinity Ultron.

Infinity Ultron: "I found you, I finally found you."

Rick: "Can we skip the monologue on why the extinction of all life will bring peace to the multiverse? We want to finish this fight and get back to lunch at Panda Express."

Infinity Ultron: "The entire multiverse at the palm of your hands and all you do is pointless adventures?"

Morty: "Adventures can help out a lot of people with some problems they have or bring out some lore and other stuff you know."

Rick: "Yeah you remind so much of Story Lord, he escaped his own toy train reality while you did the same with brute force and broke out of your reality."

I. Ultron: "Enough!"

Ultron then fired a beam from the Power Stone and we see Rick block it with the Space Stone and then we see Rick grabbed Morty's hand and then he snapped his fingers to turn all of the Ultron Sentries into dust and we see Rick and Morty charge into Ultron and they recreated the universe hopping scene from Dr. Strange and the Multiverse of Madness where they go into a series of universes: One that is stop motion like Robot Chicken, One where everyone is puppets, one where Covid-19 never happened, one where people are born as Cronenbergs, one where Jerry is the President of the United States and we Rick saw a political ad about Jerry winning the presidential election and screams in horror in slow motion, and then they went into a universe where everyone are robots, a universe where everyone are women, a universe where people are under the rule of Story Lord, a universe where they're on a world called Fanfictastia where all characters of fiction live on a planet of their own, and finally a universe where people elected Reagan Rand as their first woman president of planet Earth. We then see Rick, Morty, and Ultron end up in a universe where Jerry Smith is President of the World for the democratic side of the election campaign and all 3 of them got up and look at what universe they're in as all 3 of them know the fate of the universe they're in and make a portal into the nexus of realities where the Watcher resides.

Rick: "Honestly proud of us for not."

Morty: "Yeah that reality is so fucked that it's pretty much gonna end with Dad fucking up being the president and destroy it."

Ultron: "Sheesh, not even I want to destroy it."

Rick: "Yeah real low hanging fruit there."*sees a universe ruled by nazis*"A reality ruled by Nazis on the other hand."

Morty: "Yeah that-that's in bounds."

Rick: *to Infinity Ultron*"Wanna take this fight there or-"

Infinity Ultron: "Eh, as long as it means I get to continue my mission I don't care where."

Rick: "Alright."

We then see the group enter the nazi reality and they fight each other and while they fight each other they cause a lot of destruction and across that Earth and we see Infinity Ultron grab Rick and throw him at the Twin Towers as both Ultron and Morty saw it happen.

Ultron: "Umm..."

Morty: "Well it's not bad if it happened in a Nazi reality."

We see Morty use the Mind Stone to attack Ultron and then punch him a bunch of times and we see Rick come back and then beat up Ultron and we see Ultron fired a powerful beam as we see Rick and Morty dodge it and they both fired lasers at Ultron and then they tackle Ultron and then they enter another world where which is where they which is the Meta Reality and they both crash into the ground.

Rick: "Fuck we're in Meta Reality!"

Morty: "Come on Rick!"

We see Ultron use his stones to destroy Rick and Morty's suits and then he was about to destroy Meta Reality.

Rick: "Wait, before you blow us up. What if there's a power greater than the Infinity Stones?"

Infinity Ultron: "I'm listening."

Rick: "There's a guy named Rhett Caan who has the power to Retcon anything. If you have that kind of power then you would be able to wipe out all life in all of existence all at once with a snap of your fingers."

Infinity Ultron: "Well then, take me to him."

Morty: "Rick what are you-"

Rick: *shushes Morty* *whispers*"Shut up and play along, I got a plan."*to Infinity Ultron and outloud*"Let me take a quick shit and I'll be right with ya. I think I can find a bush in the Foreshadow Forest."

Rick then leaves the area and heads into the foreshadow forest and then goes to the bathroom in a bush and then drops a small collar by accident without noticing. Later, we see Rick and Morty break into the HQ of the Self Referential 6 and we see Rick breaking Rhett Caan out of his prison as he steps out of it.

Infinity Ultron: "Fascinating."

Ultron then shot a laser that decapitates Rhett Caan as his body falls to the ground and Ultron uses the Infinity Stones to take Rhett Caan's powers and make them his own.

Infinity Ultron: "Morty has always been able to be killed with fluorescent lightning."

Ultorn then flip a switch and lights came on and he was burning like a vampire in pure agony from the Fluorescent lightning.

Infinity Ultron: "It worked and now, it's time. With a snap of my fingers I can wipe out all of life across all of existence."

Infinity Ultron then snaps his fingers as we see everyone in all of existence turn into dust including Rick. We then see Infinity Ultron leave Meta Reality and then look into all of the Multiverse and look at the destruction he has caused.

Infinity Ultron: "It......is done."*takes off his mask*"..........at last."

Infinity Ultron looked down at himself until something stabbed his leg and he went down to his knees as we see it was Previous Leon who stabbed his leg and then he put Infinity Ultron in a Previously on spiral.

Narrator: "Previously on Infinity Ultron."

Here we see Ultron waking up and meeting Jarvis.

Ultron: "What is this? What is this place?

Jarvis: "Hello I'm Jarvis."

Next we see Ultron meeting the Avengers face to face.

Ultron: "How could you be worthy? You're all killers."

Capt. America: "Stark?"

Here we see Ultron in Vision's body in his victory against the Avengers.

Iron Man: "You don't-you don't have to do this. I made you for peace!"

Ultron: "It's evolution only a primitive mind failed to see the distinction, which is why you have to die."

We see Ultron unleashing devastation to the Earth and the complete extinction of all life on Earth.

We then see Ultron killing off the Warriors of Tao Lo, Skrulls, and the Eternals in a Mad Max setting. We then see Ultron at Avengers Tower looking into the distance of the ruins of New York.

Ultron: "Ah, at last peace."

Ultron then hears a portal open and he sees Thanos come out of it and he sees the near completed Infinity Gauntlet.

Ultron: "Fascinating."

Ultron then kills Thanos with minimal effort as his sliced up corpse then falls to the ground. We then see Ultron killing off everyone in the universe and then we see Ultron battling Dormammu and killing him in the Dark Dimension. We then see Ultron after his battle against the Watcher.

Infinity Ultron: "Run, watch. It doesn't matter, from here I can see everything. No one can stop me now."

We then see Ultron holding Captain Carter by the throat as the Guardians of the Multiverse and the Watcher are dead.

Infinity Ultron: "The destruction of the Multiverse is inevitable to me."

Capt. Carter: "When will you realize your mission in destroying the Multiverse is pointless if there are an infinite amount of universes?"

We then see Infinity Ultron having an existential crisis in the ruins of The Boys universe while choking Homelander with one hand.

Infinity Ultron: "There's.......too many of them....."

Homelander: "What are you talking abou-"*

Ultron cuts Homelander off by killing him with one hand. We then see Infinity Ultron talking to Allen the Alien on the moon of the Invincible universe.

Allen: "So you were gonna destroy everything in the multiverse and then one existential crisis later you just became a good guy? Just like that? That's nuts."

Infinity Ultron: "It's never my best moments but yes."

We then see Ultron joining the Church of the Broken God and getting baptized by Robert Bumaro and Hedwig.

Robert: "We honor a child born from pure metal, we welcome Ultron as our gear into the machine that is our Church."

Hedwig: "From this day forward, he will forever be known as one of our brothers and sisters following the teachings of our Broken God that is Mekhane."

We then see Infinity Ultron drinking oil as he was noticed by Jenny Wakeman as we see a member of the Church of the Broken God.

Random guy: "You should date her."

Infinity Ultron: "I don't think I-"

Random guy: "Come on, she could be the one for you."

Infinity Ultron: "Alright."

We then see Ultron and Jenny at a Church of the Broken God wedding in one of their churches and they're about to get married.

Robert: "You may now kiss the bride."

We then see Ultron kiss Jenny on the lips and everyone cheered for the both of them. We then see Jenny destroyed by members of Sarkicism as we see Ultron destroyed all the members of the cult out of vengeance and anger and then holds Jenny close to him.

Infinity Ultron: "Jenny, please wake up. Jenny!"

We then see members of the Church of the Broken God and Jenny's mother working on her repairs but they're unable to fix her.

Nora: "I'm sorry, but she's gone. There's nothing left of her."

We then see Ultron and the rest of the church along with Jenny's friends and family at Jenny's funeral and we see Ultron crying. We then see Ultron fly to SCP-3812's area and confront him.

Infinity Ultron: "Make me human."

We then see Ultron getting struck by lightning and on his knees.

Infinity Ultron: "Take it all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

We then see Ultron as an old man at a hospital getting fed by a nurse.

Nurse: "Open wide Ultron."*sees Ultron smiling*"Why are you smiling for?"

Ultron: "Your name."

The camera then moves to see the name tag that says Jenny W on it.

Meanwhile outside of the Previously on spiral, we see Previous Leon eating his lease potential as we see Rick and Morty come into the room.

Morty: "Rick, how are we alive? Didn't Ultron kill everybody?"

Rick: "Nope Morty, I made a device that can counter Retcons which is the collar on us and Previous Leon."

Morty: "How am I alive? Didn't the lights kill me?"

Rick: "That's what I want Ultron to think. He didn't kill us, but he did kill everyone else. And thanks to that he basically gets drained by Previous Leon until he dies."

We then see Infinity Ultron dies as Previous Leon finished sucking him dry.

Rick: "Thanks Previous Leon."*opens Ultron's Chest and sees the undo edit button*"Good thing he remembered to include an undo button."

Rick then press the button and then everyone then turn back from dust in all of existence. Later we see Rick and Morty come back to Panda Express and they sit back down and eat their lunch with Omni-man and Invincible.

Invincible: "So how did it go?"

Rick: "Eh pretty good."

Morty: "Yeah another win for us."

Omni-man: "You think you two deserve a break?"

Rick and Morty then look at each other and then Rick pulls out his Portal Gun and goes into it along with Morty. Meanwhile, in a Duplex house in Woodstock Georgia, in the living room we see Freelancer1337 typing on his computer until we see a portal open and Rick and Morty come out of it and turn to him and tap him on the shoulder.

Rick: "Hey Freelancer, got a minute?"

Freelancer1337: "Hm?"*sees Rick and Morty*"Oh hey what's up?"

Rick: "Look as much as I like vs battles as much as the next guy, me and Morty would like to take a break."

Morty: "Yeah totally, we saw some shit going on in that stuff, can you put a pause on the Rick and Morty Marathon?"

Freelancer1337: "But you guys fought in 3 fights?"

Rick: "And we've seen a lot of shit happening, we're backing out we're just taking a break. So is that a yes on taking a break?"

Freelancer1337: "Sure."

Rick: "Oh wow, wait are you saying that cause you will make another fight without us knowing or-"

Freelancer1337: "Just because I'm a writer doesn't mean I'm like Chuck from Supernatural. That guy was a dick."

Morty: "I've seen your stories and most of them don't have very happy stuff in them like really dark stuff. Like having Space Mom kill Grandma, that's fucked up."

Freelancer1337: "Just because my stories are on the dark side of things doesn't mean I'm like Chuck. When he does it he's doing it out of the entertainment of doing it and when I do it I do it cause not everything is sunshine and rainbows."

Rick: "Good point. So when we get back on the marathon by fighting Discord from My Little Pony, are you gonna do the research yourself or-"

Freelancer1337: "Well I like to see what Death Battle says for Discord when he fights Bill Cipher. Until then I will have you guys fight the MCU Avengers next until then."

Rick: "Alright sounds fair, can you use the 2012 roster for us."

Freelancer1337: "Including Captain Marvel?"

Morty: "Yeah pretty much, we watched what if."

Freelancer1337: "Damn I love that show."

Rick: "Yeah."

Morty: "Yeah totally, it's the best show ever. I can't believe they're gonna release 9 episode seasons every year."

Rick: "If you ask me they're just making more of it just an excuse of making spin offs."

Freelancer1337: "Speaking of spin offs, let's talk Marvel Zombies. Do you think that She-Hulk, the Eternals, Moon Knight and heroes like Werewolf by night, Echo, and Ironheart will be in the show as part of the resistance? Also do you think Thor and the Guardians of the Galaxy will come back as zombies or part of the uninfected resistance?"

Rick: "Well Thor kicked Captain Marvel's ass before he got his power up in Ragnarok and I'm pretty sure that some of the Guardians will come back as zombies like Star Lord and Drax but not like Groot, Rocket, or Nebula but that's just speculation."

Morty: "I hope Thor is part of the resistance, his journey in the movies is not finished yet so yeah. Well yeah the more the merrier for the resistance."

Freelancer1337: "The show will be released next year, I just want your thoughts on that."

Rick: "Alright, see ya. Also great job on moving out of your old family crib."

Freelancer1337: "Thanks."

We then see Rick and Morty portal out of the room and leave the house and then Rick sticks his head out of the portal

Rick: "So we are taking a break from the fighting but make sure you make us cameos in some of your fights, sound good?"

Freelancer1337: "Sure why not?"

We then Rick get back into the portal and close it behind him





Rick and Morty:

+Has knowledge of the MCU

+Can find work around the infinity stones

+Rick can make a portal anywhere in existence even in the Meta Reality

+Meta characters like Rhett Caan and Previous Leon counter the infinity stones

+Rick can trick Ultron into getting him greater power only for him to get killed

+Rick can make a suit that can fight evenly with Ultron

+Rick can make an AI that can delete Ultron

Infinity Ultron:

+The infinity stones

-Everything else

Next: Captain America(MCU) vs. Mr. Incredible





-Both of them became gods just by earning it

-Both of them travel to different universes

-Both of them have a reason to travel the multiverse

-Both of them have incredible power

Math and Chapter

-I made some revisions with Ultron's calculations

-I thought this is a good way for Rick and Morty to fight Infinity Ultron

-I thought death by Previously on Spiral would be a good way to kill Ultron

Participated Franchises:

-Rick and Morty


>What if?

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