Dr. Jack Bright vs. The Doctor

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Interlude: When it comes to immortal scientists that does a lot of crazy sci-fi nonsense only two of them embodies that more than anyone. 

Dr. Jack Bright

Dr. Jack Bright, the immortal mad scientist of the SCP Foundation

The Doctor

The Doctor, the last timelord timelord


Dr. Jack Bright


Backstory: Many years ago a Junior Researcher named Jack Bright is one of the many family members of the Bright Family tree.  A family that is all about immortality and the anomalous world of the SCP Foundation. Bright then come across an amulet that is indestructible and when he held it in his hand, SCP-076-2 or Able ran up to Bright and killed him with one slash of his sword and then the next thing that happened he was in a different body. This amulet was soon become SCP-963, the source of Dr. Bright's immortality and death after death after death. Bright is slowly becoming insane and became the immortal mad scientist of the SCP Foundation.


-Name: Dr. Jack Bright

-Age: 118 to 150 years old (bright's age), varies (Based on what kind of body he has in his possession)

-Related to SCP-321 and SCP-590

-Has a list of things that Dr. Bright is not allowed to do at the Foundation

-Used to be a man but he has many host bodies over the years

-Level 4 Clearance

-He is known to be the immortal mad scientist of the Founation

-There's a foundation site full of Bright clones

-Ran for president in President Bush's body


-SCP-963: A pendant worn by Jack Bright at all times. If any living being with a sophisticated enough mind touches the object, it causes their mind to be completely overridden by that of Jack Bright, although if the pendant is removed quickly enough, the afflicted still retains their memories. If worn for long enough, the victim becomes a permanent copy of Jack Bright, even allowing for multiple instances of his mind should it be transferred to another user.

-SCP-963-2: A series of Foundation logo pins created through analyzing 963's anomalous properties. While most of its abilities are unknown, in the events of 'Unfinished Business' it is revealed that it effectively functions as another instance of 963, albeit it lacks its trademark durability. Through manipulation of the Foundation over hundreds of years, Bright was able to utilize these copies to absorb the minds of nearly the entire Foundation, controlling a large portion of the personnel as a sort of hive mind.

-The Atomic Revolver: It functions entirely as a non-anomalous revolver of unremarkable make, yet when fired it releases a blast of radiation with no known limit regarding ammunition. If this blast of energy/radiation hits an organism, all the affected cells become cancerous, and begin to multiply and form deadly tumors within seconds. This spreads throughout the body, and typically kills targets within minutes, with no possible cure.

-SCP-2719:  A variable abstract-metaphysical construct pointer. It can be used to make an object or concept become "Inside", and then to send other objects or concepts "Inside" the previously set object. It can be used to transport objects, but also to manipulate entire concepts.

-S.W.A.N.N. Engine, A machine that kills the user and sends their soul to a higher Narrative, allowing them to observe and control Swann Entities. The process also allows the user to keep whatever powers they had in their Narrative when sent to the higher one.

-Chainsaws: A machine made for cutting down trees. Dr. Bright will use it for any advantages. He even made a cannon that shoots chainsaw, which can be extremely devastating.


-Average human bodies

-SCP-076-2 "Able"

>Can summon weapons like swords, claymores, and other melee weapons

>Superhuman physique

-SCP-073 "Cain"


>Attack reflection/Damage transfer


>Has a pocket dimension

>Corrosive secretions

>Phase through objects


>Physical Strength

-Little Misters

>Mr. Money: Varies abilities based on buyer's desires

>Mr. Lost: Can make anyone follow him and get lost with him

>Mr. Laugh: Can make anyone laugh by talking to people

>Mr. Lie: Can make anyone believe in his lies

>Mr. Hungry: Can eat through the toughest materials

>Mr. Chameleon: Camouflage

>And more




>Superhuman Physique

>Healing factor


-The Unclean


>Large size


>Superhuman Physique





>Electrical manipulation

>Perception manipulation

And more

Feats(Strength and Durability):

-SCP-963 is industructible

-The Swann Engine can ascend to become Swann Entities as well

-Posses standard weapons

-Dr. Bright can possess any body with 963 so his stats can vary

>Examples: SCP-096, SCP-076-2, The Unclean, and more


-Dr. Bright can possess any body with 963 so his stats can vary

>Examples: SCP-096, SCP-076-2, The Unclean, and more

Stats(Strength and Durability):

-How to scale Dr. Bright

>While Dr. Bright's human bodies can go to Athlete level via scaling to Dr. Clef and to real world stats like punching 1600 joules which is Street Level

>Most weapons from the standard field equipment in the foundation can be street to wall level

>For this scaling in mind, Dr. Birght has a wide assortment of bodies to choose from, including anomalous entities like SCP-076-2, SCP-096, and The Unclean. And given the fact that he can use multiple instances of SCP-963-2s in the Unfinished Business Story over the years. He can use those amulets to possess other SCPs

>due to the functionality of 963 and it's -2 counter part, I will power scale SCP hosts that Dr. Bright 


>Going by this, 096 has to be exerting 1.3 ninatons of energy which is Large Planet Level

-SCP-076 and SCP-073

>Able and Cain are the sons of Adam so they can scale to him who can pull a star from the sky and Adam is able to shatter Mekhane who managed to create every star in the universe, 1 star based on our sun which is 164.19 tenatons

>164.19 x 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 = 164,190,000,000,000,007,000,293,376 tenatons or 6,841,250,000,000,000,196,608 foe or 7 Zetta foe which is Multi-Solar System Level

-SCP-001 "The Database" scaling

>Dr. Bright can use the Swann Engine to become a Swann Entity and they are the Boundless Level, since Bright still has his powers in this state, he can possess a Swann Entity and essentially become god.

Final Verdict: Boundless


-Able scaling

>Able should be comparable to his father Adam who is superior to the Gate Guardian who is fast enough to destroy 100 drones all at once, since there are 100 drones all over that would be 200 km, which is 1.4 billion times the speed of light

-SCP-001 "The Database" scaling

>Dr. Bright can use the Swann Engine to become a Swann Entity and they are at immeasurable to omnipresent speeds, ince Bright still has his powers in this state, he can possess a Swann Entity and essentially become god.

Final Verdict: Omnipresent


-Craves death

-Some anomalies can bypass his amulet's durability and kill Bright

-Some bodies have health issues, physical deformities, and other physical weaknesses

-Certain universes without pataphysics exist, lessening SCP-001's effects on them (Although these are likely still created by SCP-001). Individual SCP-001 entities have limited control over the entire Foundation narrative, as said narrative is the product of the entire community of SCP-001. Thus the control a single entity has over the lower narrative tends to be limited to only their own headcanon space.


The Doctor


Backstory: While their name is shrouded in mystery along with their origins, The Doctor is a time lord from the planet Gallifrey who is part of the council of Time lords. Until one day he was fed up with the Time Lords' bureaucratic ways and he took a TARDIS and went on adventures with numerous companions over the years. Fighting Daleks, Weeping Angels, Cybermen, The Master, and more.


-Name: Unknown

-Species: Gallifreyan Time Lord

-Gender: Non-binary

-Age: Over a billion years old

-Has had 7 spouses, including Cleopatra & Marilyn Monroe

-Likes: Jelly babies, bow ties, companions

-Dislikes: Apples, bureaucrats, Daleks

-Has gone through 15 different forms and 16 regenerations

-Still not a ginger

-Killed Rick Sanchez of Dimension C-137


-Superhuman Physique

-Genius Level Intellect



-Large brain.

-24-26 ribs.

-Healing coma.

-Triple-helix DNA formation.

-Pulmonary tubes serve as a replacement to lungs.

>Can hold oxygen for long periods of time.

>Swimming skills.

-Peak sense of direction.

-Minimum body temperature of 31 degress Celsius.


-Activated upon death

-The Doctor changes into a different incarnation

-Uses Arton Energy

-Energy Beams

-Retains the memories from all previous incarnations



-Invisibility watch

-Perception filters

-Psychic paper

-Sonic Screwdriver

-Sonic Sunglasses

-Temporal lock

-The D-Mat

-Time Bracelet

-Time Ruse


-The Glory

-And more


-Time and Relative Dimension in Space

-Architectural reconfiguration system

-Artificial intelligence

-Manipulates its own interior space & time

-Temporal grace interior

-Tractor beam

-Transmat beam

-Weather manipulator

-Faulty chameleon circuit

>Stuck looking like a phone booth

Feats(Strength and Durability):

-Withstand and overpowered a Cybermen

-Punched his way through a 20 ft thick azbantium wall, a mineral 400x harder than diamond

-Has powerful gadgets

-TARDIS pulled the Earth halfway across the universe

-Scales to The Master, Quantum Archangel, and the Time Vortex


-Intercepted lasers in nanoseconds

-Faster than humans

Stats(Strength and Durability):

-Breaking a tough wall

>Azbantium is 400x harder than diamond

>pulverizing diamond require 110000 j/cc

>110000 x 400 = 44000000 j/cc for Azbantium pulverization

>it is only: 555,010,000 cc x 44000000 joules/cc = 24,420,440,000,000,000 joules or 6 megatons which is Small City Level

>I know he's been getting interrupted every time he works his way through the wall but if he's uninterrupted he would be able to pull off this feat no problem

-TARDIS power

>The TARDIS was powerful enough to defeat the quantum archangel which is High Complex Multiverse Level

-The Glory power

>The Glory is the focal point for the whole omniverse of Doctor Who, which is infinite dimensional and that's High Hyperverse Level

Final Verdict: High Hyperverse


-Intercepting laser beams

>The Doctor can intercept lasers and calculate equations in nano seconds which has been calculated to be 16x the speed of light

-The Glory speed

>With the power of The Glory, it grants The Doctor omnipresent speeds.

Final Verdict: Omnipresent


-Is unwilling to change fixed points in history (Although sometimes he has ignored this).

-Generally hates using guns.

-Burning out both his hearts will stop him from regenerating, as well as killing him before he can finish regenerating (He also has a finite, albeit unknown and likely very large, limit to his number of regenerations)

-The poison in the Judas Tree prevents him from regenerating and can kill him in at least 32 minutes.

-The Glory refuses to give its wielder "immortality".




Here we see Dr. Bright is working on a document for SCP-001 about a mysterious entity that is mentally controlling people until Dr. Bright hears something and then he sees the TARDIS appear into the room and we see The Doctor come out of the TARDIS and turn to Dr. Bright.

The Doctor: "Oi are you Dr. Bright?"

Dr. Bright: "Yep the one and only, why did you come here?"

The Doctor: "I've been looking through the space time continuum and you've been at the center of the timey wimey chaos and making rubbish all across history from now to the past to the future. From stopping 9/11, preventing Vietnam, and don't get me started on what you did to Hitler."

Dr. Bright: "Uh you're welcome?"

The Doctor: "Time needs those crucial events, without them the timeline will perish."

Dr. Bright: "I am not gonna let you put time traveling on the list of things I cannot do at the Foundation!"

Dr. Bright then pulls out a chainsaw and start it up and then attacks The Doctor as The Doctor dodge the attack and he sees Dr. Bright damaging the TARDIS' exterior.

The Doctor: "TARDIS old girl! You will pay for that, you chainsaw wielding yankie!"

The Doctor then pulls out the Sonic ScrewDriver and use it to short circuit Bright's chainsaw as we see Dr. Bright pull out a machine gun and fired bullets at The Doctor as he then dodges the bullets and then we see The Doctor makes a run for it and then he sees that the site is filled with dangerous SCPs and he uses the Sonic Screwdriver to short out the locks to the cells of the SCPs and cause a site wide containment breach and we see multiple SCPs attacking Foundation personal from all sides as we see Dr. Bright in the area and he sees a room full of SCP-963-2s and he gets an idea. We see Bright grabs the -2s and he throw the necklaces to each of the humanoid SCPs and Foundation personnel as we see The Doctor makes a run for it and we see the original Bright go after The Doctor and we see Bright tackle The Doctor into a room containing SCP-173 and they look at it.

The Doctor: "An odd looking statue."

Dr. Bright: "It's like a staring contest but if you lose you die."

The Doctor: "Alrighty then."

The Doctor then leaves the room and then shuts off the lights in the room and The Doctor hears a neck snap.

The Doctor: "Well that takes care of him."

We then see The Doctor making a run for the TARDIS as we see Able who is possessed by the SCP-963-2s and we see him open the door to 173 and sees the original SCP-963 amulet on the corpse. Meanwhile with The Doctor, we see him making a run for the TARDIS and then we see the Able and Cain Brights tackle The Doctor into the mirror with Able Bright holding SCP-093 in his hand and they went to E-093 and we see The Doctor get up and turn to the Able and Cain brights and we see Cain throws a 963-2 amulet to an Unclean and Dr. Bright possesses the Unclean.

The Doctor: "What is this?!"

Able Bright: "We are Able and Cain Bright!"

The Doctor: *points his Sonic Screwdriver at Cain Bright*"One of you brought cybernetics to a Sonic Screwdriver duel, not a very wise choice."

The Doctor tries using the Sonic Screwdriver on Cain Bright but due to Cain's anomalous properties the Sonic Screwdriver short circuited.

The Doctor: "Oh bollocks!"*Sees Able Bright pull out a sword*"Very well then."*pulls out a spoon*"Engarde!

We see The Doctor fight Able Bright in a sword against spoon fight and then we see Unclean Bright stepping in to try to slamming its face on the ground where The Doctor is as we see The Doctor grab SCP-093 and then makes a run for it into a dimensional space where he came out of. The Doctor then went into the TARDIS and then saw numerous Bright causing all sorts of destruction in the TARDIS. The Doctor then sees one of the Brights wearing the original 963 amulet and it's a woman in a D-Class uniform.

The Doctor: "Oooh."

We then see the Brights attack The Doctor and then the Doctor makes a run for it and then the Brights were now trapped in a room thanks to the TARDIS. The Doctor came into the room where all the Brights are gone.

The Doctor: "Brilliant old girl! Switching rooms around, very clever."

???: "But I'm still here!"

We then see the original Dr. Bright holding a Chainsaw Cannon and fires chainsaws at The Doctor as we see Cain and Able Bright appear into the room as The Doctor was surprised and confused on how they got there.

The Doctor: "What the dickens?"

Cain Bright: "SCP-2719 never fails in making us being inside of the TARDIS."

The Doctor then quickly opens a panel and sees The Glory and he gets its power and then he quickly destroy the Bright Clones as we see the OG Bright use SCP-2719 to escape the TARDIS and then make his way to the SWANN Engine and then go into it and then the next thing that happens he's in the room where Freelancer is at his house and he saw Freelancer.

Freelancer: *sees Dr. Bright*"What the? Who are you?"

We then see Dr. Bright places the 963 amulet on Freelancer and then becomes Freelancer Bright and then Freelancer Bright then writes in a scenario where the concept of Time Lords never existed which means The Doctor is dead.

Dr. Bright: "Welp that's done."

Freelancer Bright: "Yeah."

We then see Freelancer Bright take off the amulet and change back into normal Freelancer.

Freelancer: "Don't do that again."

Freelancer then snaps his fingers and Dr. Bright is back to work on his paperwork.


Item#: SCP-001

Object Class: Apollyon

Special Containment Procedures: None

Description: SCP-001 is a memetic phenomena that occurs to two or more individuals to make them fight each other to the death no matter the circumstances. The fights are labeled as SCP-001-1 while the fighters themselves are SCP-001-As. SCP-001-As vary from appearance:



-Animal hybrids






-SCPs and personnel alike

SCP-001-As has various anomalous objects and properties and have a goal in destroying the other despite normally they would get along naturally in different circumstances. SCP-001 will make a situation that will get both -A instances to fight to the death. The outcome of each fight is based on the SCP-001's analysis on the SCP-001-As strengths and weaknesses. The following is an interview between Dr. Bright and a -A instance designated Benjamin Tennyson after his battle with another SCP-001-A designated as Green Lantern.

Dr. Bright: "So what was your reaction when you fought Green Lantern?"

SCP-001-A: "Well I fought him last time, something told me that the Green Lantern will beat me when I was 10. But now I managed to get the jump on him and defeated him. I feel like the outcome has changed."

Dr. Bright: "Do you know why?"

SCP-001-A: "Not really."

Dr. Bright: "Perhaps SCP-001 is not very biased on some things."




Dr. Bright:

+Can make an army with both 963-1 and -2

+SWANN Engine beats The Glory

+Most of the SCPs are stronger than The Doctor

+Able can dodge lasers from the D-Mat gun

+While The Doctor has other weapons that are capable of reality erasure, the Bright army would get the jump on them before they get the chance to use it

+SCP-2719 can help Dr. Bright get out of The TARDIS no problem

+The SCP Foundation Cosmology is far bigger and crazier than the Doctor Who Cosmology

+Dr. Bright has dealt with crazier stuff than The Doctor

+Insane people are a lot smarter than you think

-His weakness is his insanity

-The Doctor's Sonic Screwdriver can destroy Dr. Bright's Chainsaw and Chainsaw cannon and other Foundation standard weapons


-963-2 can be destroyed

The Doctor:

+Natural stats makes him stronger than Dr. Bright's human hosts

+Much more mentally put together than Dr. Bright


+His Rengeration and Bi Regeneration can provide additional attack methods

-Can't get past 963's durability

-Can't beat Bright's army of Brights

>His Sonic Screwdriver can't work on Cain due to his anomalous power

>Able can overpower The Doctor

>And SCP-096 can just tear the TARDIS to pieces looking for The Doctor

-He is wreckless

Next: Tighten vs. Homelander





-Both of them are immortal doctors with numerous faces

-Both of them have faced statues like SCP-173 and the Weeping Angels and other monsters

-Both of them have immortal rivals like Able El Ansem and The Master

-Both of them have loved ones

Math and Chapter:

-I figured with the functionality of SCP-963 I figured Dr. Bright would be like Kang from Marvel Comics and Makima from Chainsaw man

-Though I haven't watch Doctor Who but I did watch Death Battle that has The Doctor in one of it's episodes

-I thought I would make the Battle Match book as 001 Proposal made by Dr. Bright

Participated Franchises:

-SCP Foundation

-Doctor Who

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