Tighten vs. Homelander

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Interlude: Superman is one of the most beloved heroes in the world but when other people try to make their own version of the Man of Steel, their creations prefer the villain route.


Tighten, the heroic successor of Metro Man who has gone bad


Homelander, The Strongest Superhero in the world brought to you by Vought




Backstory: Vought has created many superheroes in their lifetime, The Deep the savior of the many seas, A-Train the fastest man alive, Starlight the bright light in the darkness, Black Noir the crusader of the night. But the most powerful hero from their laboratories is a true American patriot, Homelander! Unlike most heroes, he was raised in a lab and he was desperate to have a mother figure in his life, accidentally killing nurses, forced to watch things related to America, and life into isolation. His childhood is pretty rough, but one day that all ends when he first joined the superhero team known as the Seven. During his career, he has done a of not so heroic things like raping a woman and a million of other things.


-Name: John(maybe)

-Age: Late 30s

-Version: TV Show/comics

-Got his powers from a chemical called Compound V

-Raised in a laboratory

-The biggest asshole in the The Boys Universe

-Love Interest: Stormfront

-Family: Ryan Butcher(Son), Becca Butcher(Ex-Wife), Stormfront(Girlfriend), Jonah(Father figure)

-Team: The Seven

-Role: Leader

-If he wasn't a bad guy he would be the greatest American hero


-Superhuman Strength

-Superhuman Durability

-Superhuman Speed

-Superhuman Stamina

-Superhuman Hearing

-Superhuman Smell

-Heat Vision

-X-Ray Vision

-Telescopic Vision

-Microscopic Vision


-Super Scream

Feats(Strength and Durability):

(TV Feats)

-Stronger than any Supe(Queen Maeve, A-Train, Black Noir, Stormfront, Ryan, Starlight, Lamplighter, and more)

-Downed an Airplane with a football

-Threw a baseball from New York to Boston

-Threw a baseball into orbit

-Discombobulated Blindspot

-Survived a pointblank explosion of a chemical plant

-Threw a man into the air so high that he destroyed a car

-Survived Madelyn's bomb vest

-Implied he can lift a 747 plane if he was standing on a solid surface

-Was stated that there isn't a weapon on Earth they haven't thrown at him and they all failed

-One shot the Supes with Shit Powers

(Comic Feats)

-Tossed a jet around with one arm

-Stronger than Crimson Countess

-One Shot Queen Maeve

-One shot a heavily armored villain

-Stronger than 1940s Supes

-Held up bridges

-Tougher than The Deep


(TV Feats)

-Faster than Passenger Jets and F-16s

-Should be faster than A-Train and Shockwave

-Flew at high speeds looking for Translucent

-Broke the sound barrier as a child

-Saved Billy Butcher and a baby from the explosion from Madelyn's bomb vest

-Flew from the US to Syria

(Comic Feats)

-Comparable to A-Train

-Flew from New York to Washington DC in 20 minutes

Stats(Strength and Durability):

-Scaling to Black Noir

>Black Noir has clearly survived the power planet destruction, here's some evidence: He was close to the center of the explosion, he fought Soldier Boy in the past, Queen Maeve was able to restrained him long enough to exploit his nut allergy cause she thought it would be easier and she was able to hurt Homelander

>Soldier Boy managed to mortally wound Black Noir which is before his upgrade, which is 43 to 227 tons at City Block to Multi-City block Level

>Crimson Countess is able to melt tanks with a kinetic energy of 20 tons which is City Block Level

>According to this statement:

>This include nuclear weapons, the combined nuclear stockpile has an estimated output of 23 gigatons

>Now the reason why keep changing this around for Homelander because there are a few characters that can push him as a fighter

>Similar to how Saitama was not pushed to the limit himself, so I used how many calories burn 1 for doing absolutely nothing and 9000 calories burned in a single day.

>23 x 9000 =207000 gigatons or 207 teratons which is Large Country Level

>This is an estimate of Homelander's power.

>Plus both of them have similar durability since Maeve stated that if there was a weapon that killed Soldier boy then it would be strong enough to kill Homelander too

Final Verdict: Large Country Level


-Scaling to Black Noir

>Again since Black Noir is afraid of Soldier Boy so he would be able to be capable of dodging energy blasts like how Black Noir dodged Homelander's heat vision and Soldier Boy blocking Starlight's beams which is plasma that emits light by the way which is 5,000,000 mph or Mach 6568 which is Massively Hypersonic.

-Homelander's feats

>Honelander is faster than Passenger Jets and F-16s

>Passenger Jets can fly at speeds of 600 mph while F-16s can fly at speeds of 1,319 mph or Mach 1.7

>Which is consistent with him going to Mach 1.5 looking for Translucent

>He's a lot faster than A-Train who can move at speeds fast enough to make Starlight's beams look like they're in slow motion which is FTL speeds and it's consistent since we know that A-train is faster than Black Noir who again is fast enough to dodge lasers from Homelnader which is FTL

Final Verdict: FTL


-Can't see through Zinc

-His god-complex makes him megalomaniacal, egotistical, narcissistic, and short-tempered

-Sensitive super hearing makes him vulnerable to loud noises

-Can't take full advantage of his strength if his feet aren't touching the ground

-Never been in a fight cause he's too powerful

>Some of his his fights got himself killed or nearly got himself killed

>Examples: Soldier Boy(TV Show) and Black Noir(Comics)




Backstory: The battle between MetroMan and Megamind is legendary over the years since their childhood until one day MetroMan was "killed" by Megamind's Death Ray. Megamind then take over the whole city of Metro City and he enjoyed his first ever win against Metro Man until one day something more powerful than Metro Man challenged the intellect of Megamind: BOREDOM! He then come up a plan so crazy that it might just work, he will make his own superhero to challenge him. He made a serum that gives a person all the powers of Metro Man and by complete accident the serum went into a nerd named Hal Stewart. When his powers awakens he was believed that he had a Space Dad and a Space Stepmom and they trained him to become a superhero and successor of Metro Man named Titan. When he took up the mantle he soon try to get the attention of Roxanne but she turned him down and then he discovered that Roxanne had a special someone in her life and he goes to full villain named Tighten. He then try to team up with Megamind until he revealed that he is his Space Dad and the guy who's dating Roxanne and then he briefly became the ruler of Metro City until Megamind took his powers away.


-Name: Hal Stewart

-Age: 28

-Occupations: Camera Guy(formally), Supervillain(currently)

-Achievements: None

-Records: None

-Basically a loser

-Trained by Megamind to fight Megamind


-Superhuman Strength

-Superhuman Speed



-Enhanced Senses


-Heat Vision


-Resistance to High Heat

-Blue Tighten

-Super Speed

Feats(Strength and Durability):

-Shattered all the glass of a skyscraper with a shockwave

-Destroyed a huge swarm of Brainbots

-Sent a bus flying with a kick

-Lifted and threw the top of a skyscraper

-Lifted a sphere of copper

-Scales to Metro Man and Megamind

-Tanked a gasoline tanker


-Made a sonic boom

-Scales to Metro Man

Stats(Strength and Durability):

-Throwing a skyscraper

Stats(Strength and Durability):

-Throwing a skyscraper

>Throwing a skyscraper requires a force of 78 tons which is City Block Level

-Dispersing Brainbots

>Tighten was able to unleash an output of 809 tons which is Multi-City Block Level

-Scaling to Megamind

>Megamind's Metro City Suit can simulate all of Metro Man's powers which allow him to throw Mega Megamind which is 615 tons of force

-Scaling to the potency of the Death Ray

>Since the Death Ray can harness the power of the sun, which has the power of 91 petatons per second

>Now assuming this is taken literally, the span of 2 minutes and 19 seconds or 139 seconds before the weapon fired

>139 x 91 = 12649 petatons or 13 exatons which is Multi-Continent Level

>I know this is a highball but Metro man wasn't afraid of the Death Ray so this is consistent with Tighten having the same powers


-Heat vision speed

>Tighten's heat vision can reach to the ground in a fraction of a second which is .5 seconds, since Metro City is in Michigan, the tallest building is 991.36364 mph or Mach 1.3 which is Supersonic

>The Brainbot explosion is Supersonic+ as well

>And since he's faster than Megamind who also has his Supersonic feats

>Making Tighten Hypersonic, with his Super Speed ability he can reach FTL speeds but he has to activate this power in order to reach to those speeds

Final Verdict: Hypersonic


-Is relatively stupid even as Blue Tighten

-Makes questionable decisions

-Prone to anger

-Hates being compared to Metroman

-Despite having his powers, It's implied that Tighten is weaker than Metroman as Tighten was terrified and immedietly surrendered when he saw Megamind disguised as him. Considering the plan was devised by Megamind, who gave Tighten his powers, this would imply that even he doesn't see Tighten as being comparable to Metroman




Here we see Homelander at a comic con in Metro City and he's signing autographs and we see him hand out a comic book to one of his fans.

Homelander: "Thank you, have a great day."

We then see an energy blast hit the comic book and incinerate it into ashes as Homelander turn to see Tighten floating in the air with glowing red eyes.

Tighten: "You are not calling the shots in this convention or this town!"

Homelander: *gets up from his chair*"Well you came here to tussle huh?"*eyes glowing red*"I love a good fight with heroes around here."

Both Tighten and Homelander shoot their heat visions at each other as they clash everyone in the convention makes a run for it as we see Tighten stop shooting his heat vision and tackle Homelander all across the city and destroyed numerous city blocks in the process as we see Homelander pushing Tighten away and push him to the ground and drag him across the pavement and then we see Homelander stop and throw Tighten into the air as we see Tighten looks for Homelander.

Tighten: "Come on out pal! I like to see what that expensive smile looks like on the pavement!"

We then see Homelander float up behind Tighten and then we see him shoot his heat vision at Tighten and it shot him all the way to the ground and then Tighten gets up and he was pissed and then he fly at Homelander and we see Homelander dodge his tackle and we see Homelander shoot his heat vision at Tighten and then tackle Tighten as we see the two exchange blows with each other and then we see Homelander put Tighten in a chokehold.

Homelander: "You're not like Metro Man."

Tighten: *breaks out of Homelander's hold*"Don't you dare compare me to Metro Man!"

Tighten then exchange punches with Homelander as we see Homelander dodge the punches and Homelander expertly punch Tighten multiple times. When Tighten punch Homelander in the chest he was in pain as Tighten looked down at him.

Tighten: "Wow, you are so pathetic. The mighty has fallen huh?"

Homelander: *using his super scream*"Stop it!!!"

The Super Scream then hurts Tighten's ears and we see Homelander shooting his heat vision into Tighten's eyes to the point where Tighten has gone blind and he was trying to find Homelander.

Tighten: "Ugh! Where are you, you freak!"

Homelander: *using his Super Scream*"Right here!"

We then see Tighten get stun locked by the Super Scream and we see Homelander grab Tighten by his hair and then used all of his strength to pull Tighten's head off of his body spine included as we see Homelander scream out of anger.






+Faster natural speed

+More experience in his powers

+Can hear Tighten coming

>Ears are more sensitive than eyes



+Battle experience


-Can be seen coming miles away by Tighten



+Homelander can hear him coming



>When Tighten faces off against Metro Man, he was scared out of his like but when Homelander fought against Soldier Boy in the TV Show and Black Noir in the comics he dive head first into the fight


>Despite having the Super Speed ability he doesn't know how to use it, but even if he did he wouldn't know how to activate it

-Battle experience

-Experience with his powers

-Slower normal speed

Next: Metapod vs. Kakuna





-Both of them are corrupted copycats of Superman

-Both of them have a girl they have their eyes on like Stormfront and Roxanne

-Both of them have intelligent rivals like Megamind and Billy Butcher

Math and Chapter:

-I have to give Homelander the win on this one

-If you're gonna make a sun powered Death ray, I have to take the sun power thing literally

Participated Franchises:

-The Boys


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