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Irene smiled as they danced, the long day finally drawing to an end as the couple bid their families goodbye. Irene looked at her dad, shaking her head slightly at the cowardliness he was displaying. She chuckled bitterly drawing him into a hug. "You've sold me off....congratulations." She whispered, everyone's eyes now watching the scene. She parted slightly with a sickly sweet smile. "I used to worship you." She spoke, her voice wavering as he father refused to look her in the eye. "You were the only one I wanted to make proud. The only one I waited for as a child. I worried myself sick when you wouldn't come back from missions." "Irene.." "I thought about you all the time. I used to pray that you would live to be a hundred years old. I didn't know then that you were ashamed of me." Irene's father looked down at his shoes. "I'll visit you." He begun, his head picking up as he muttered slightly louder. "I'll come and see you and we can talk, we can sort something out. We'll-" "No. don't come. I won't see you. I don't want anything to do with you; you've sold me off. I'm no longer your burden to carry." She looked him in the eye her eyes watering. "It ends here for you and me. Say your goodbyes." "Don't leave like this."  "Your the one that's caused me to leave like this." She turned around looking at Jackson who held the car door open for her. She took one last look at her family before walking towards Jackson who helped her into the car before climbing in himself. "Irene." They both heard being called out. She did not turn to look when her fathers palms pressed against the glass, when his knuckles tapped on it trying to get her attention. And when the car began to pull away she did not turn back to see him receding, to see him disappear. Jackson took her hand in his own as she turned away from him letting her tears slip. He didn't say anything and she was grateful but little did she know that he was to busy gulping down the guilt for what he was about to do.

It wasn't until half an hour later had they reached his home. Their home. They climbed out together, the driver moving Irene's bags into the hall before leaving with a slight bow. Irene looked around, a small smile finally gracing her features. Jackson signalled her to come with him as she picked up her dress following him. "This is your room." Her eyes brows furrowed in confusion. "You mean our room?" "No I mean this is your room." Their eyes locked, Jackson's heart screaming against its cage in protest of what his mind and lips had conspired against it. He watched silently as her face fell. "What do you mean this is my room." "What you thought we would be sharing?" He questioned. "Well yeah that is what husband and wife's do." She chided back sarcastically. She took a deep breath trying to stabilise her sanity as she walked up to him placing what she thought was a comforting hand on his shoulder. "What's wrong?" She questioned softly. Jackson closed his eyes before brutally ripping away from her, pushing her back slightly which caused her to stumble. She looked at him wide eyes as his voice dropped dangerously low. "Don't touch me." He seethed. "What's the matter?" She spoke, her voice becoming hoarse as she watched the burning rage in his eyes. "Your what's the matter." He closed the distance, intimidatingly before roughly grabbing her shoulders. "I'm in love with someone else." He said watching tears linger in the depths of her eyes. His mind laughing menacingly at the plight of his heart. "We are married just for our families sake. Learn to live with it." He said, his once warm eyes gone from her sights as she stared back into emptiness, searching desperately for the truth. She found nothing. She took a step back. Anger suddenly taking over as she hit him. His face recoiling from the strength she possessed, she punched his chest, her fists making contact as he stood not budging. "Why the hell have you dragged me into this mess then. If your in love with someone else. If you wanted to marry her why the fuck did you not convince your Dad. Why the hell have you ruined my life." She yelled. She pushed his chest harder. "All those words that you said when you proposed, the vows, fucking all of it. You lied. You lied over and over agin. You pulled me in only to push me away. Why the hell didn't you just tell me." She said breaking down. "What hell did I do to be shoved into this mess. Newsflash Jackson I didn't want this marriage either, but I compromised because of your fake ass words, and you have the audacity to stand in front of me and now say that your in love with someone else. Well what am I supposed to do!" She yelled again. "You've destroyed my life. You, my father and your own." She lashed out. "Did you plan this? All three of you? Was this my fathers revenge plan for me being alive?" She laughed bitterly. Shoving him further back. "To think I was ready to give you everything..." she laughed bitterly again, turning around as she placed a hand on her head.  He stood watching. His heart crying as it bled watching her, his mind cackling at his success. He watched her as she took a shaky deep breath. "I hate you." She spoke, her voice wavering, ultimately betraying her as her hand rose again, he held her wrist in his hand In deathly grip that she knew was only for his enemies. He could see the fear and the anger in her eyes as they misted over despite her desperate attempts to hide it. His heart was now openly wailing. He never wanted to show her this side, and he never wanted to be responsible for the hurt look she had in her eyes as he watched the trust fall out of them. He watched the resentment swimming in the very depths. He saw the brokenness and he continued to watch. "Enough." His voice cut through watching her flinch at his tone. He had enough. He moved around her grabbing the car keys and leaving to go to Youngji.

Irene slumped to the floor as he left, the door resounding with a loud bang. Her sobs no longer being suppressed as she drew her legs up to her chest, her sobs becoming louder as she broke alone. With no comfort besides her arms. She wiped away tears that kept falling without a filter, she rocked herself back and forth. Two hours had passed and she finally gathered herself, the blood rushing to her head as she swayed slightly. She managed to steady herself walking towards her room, her feet dragging her body as it thought of collapsing and not getting back up. Once reaching her room she headed straight for the bathroom, looking at herself in horror, her mascara was ruined, creating dark streaks on her face. Her hair slightly disheveled as she looked at her white dress. The dress that few hours ago she was in love with, now she couldn't stand the sight of it. She ripped in from her skin as she filled the tub up with water before sitting in the scorching temperature. She watched as her skin turned redder by the second, her body screaming at the intensity of the water. Her skin now hiding his fingerprints that damaged her skin. She wiped at it furiously before getting out of the self inflicted torture. She rose dressing herself in a pair of shorts and a oversized hoodie. She undid her hair letting it fall down her shoulders as she picked up the dress. She folded it neatly after taking out all of her other clothes before shoving the dress into the suitcase, storing it. She dragged her feet towards the bed collapsing finally, and pulling the curves over her head in attempts to hide from the world around her.


Authors note:
Hey. Hope you all are keeping well and safe, my prays and thoughts are with you all. I hope you enjoy this one even if it is a bit short, the next one makes up for that I promise, things have turned south, and this is the begging of the actual story. I hope to hear your thoughts in the comment section below, lots of love and best wishes to you all.

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