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Jackson and Irene had been avoiding each other for the past two days. Well to be exact Irene had been avoiding him. Using the same excuse of work to get her away from him at ultra speed. He sighed, his hand rubbing his face as he rested his head on the wall waiting for her to come out of the hut. His form clad in a plain black suit and hair styled to the side. Simple yet seductively hot. He needed to start making things up to her. She was too selfless for her own good, always thinking about others before herself, and he had been on the receiving end of that countless times. It was now time he did something for her. The way a husband should for his wife. He kicked at a stone in the sandy floor, his head shooting up at the sound of her voice as she reprimanded Wendy. "Yah why are you forcing me into this uncomfortable dress." He heard muffled shouts and a yelp, his eyes widening as Irene stumbled out tripping over her own two feet, his hands shooting out to help steady her as she crashed into his chest. He felt her freeze against him, her eyes gazing up into his as she shook of his hand. "Hey..." he spoke, trailing off, his hand rubbing the back of his neck as he passed her an uneasy smile. She looked at him dead in the eye turning around quickly, his smile dropping as he held her upper arm to halt her escape attempt. She looked up at him questioningly "I thought we could go for dinner? You've been cooped up here for days." She looked up at him. "I've seen it all before. There's no need." She turned again only for him to stop her again. "Irene please I'm trying here." She looked to the side. Wendy and Suelgi sticking out a thumbs up as Irene rolled her eyes. "Fine but I'm only going because I wasted two hours getting ready." He nodded, a broad smile gracing her features as her cold one softened. She mentally slapped herself. 'Bad Irene.' Her mind chided as he offered her an arm. She eyed it wearily before deciding to give in, her arm wrapping around his bicep as he lead her towards where the cars were parked. They could hear the girls squealing, Irene rolling her eyes in attempts to hide the blush that graced her soft features. He opened the door for her helping her in before getting in himself.

They drove around in silence, Jackson deciding it was best to leave her to her own accords as she gazed out of the window softly, the tension he had seen carved into her features disappearing as she closed her eyes obtaining the peace that her heart so desperately needed. He cast a quick glance her way, watching the way she leaned on window, her eyes closed. "Eyes on the road Wang." His eyes widened, quickly turning back, catching the small smile from the corner of his eyes. He smiled back, his eyes fixed on the road.

Moments later he pulled up climbing out of his side and opening her car door, he extended his hand out for her. She eyed it wearily before giving in, as he helped her out, ensuring that her dress was not in the way of the door before closing it behind her. She looked around her eyes widening, she gulped looking to Jackson who instantly noticed the sudden shift. "Hey is everything okay?" He asked. "Yeah let's go." She said rather abruptly, his eye brows furrowing in confusion as he led her to the beautiful restaurant. He smiled at the waiter who led them to their table rather quickly. He pulled out her chair, making sure she was comfortable before allowing himself to sit down opposite her. He offered her a smile, as the waiter brought some beverage to their table. He poured her glass first, his eyes flickering to hers as she tucked a lock of hair behind her ear, allowing him a better view of her stunning face. He sat the drink on the table closer to her as she murmured a small thanks his way before sipping on the wine. "How are you liking this place?" He asked. Irene looking at him. "It's nice." She said, her words falling short. She watched his face fall slightly, her treacherous heart giving into him as though it was never a fight to begin with. "It's changed since I was last here." She continued. She watched a sense of hope wash through his eyes. "What's changed?" She leaned back slightly. "What hasn't? The people, the lifestyle, the beauty of the landscapes. Everything's changed." "Or maybe your perspective on things has changed and so you can't see the inner beauty." Her eyes flashed to his. "I agree that this place isn't what it was, but the subtle beauty that it's know for is still there, if you look hard enough." He watched her eyes turn sad. "I don't exactly have the best memories of this place." He watched as she lowered her gaze, focusing on the deep red liquid in her glass. "Then how come you decided to come back." She laughed slightly. "You think I had a choice in the matter. It's a punishment." His eyes widened. "What?" "My boss asked me out on a date to discuss a position he had given to someone else. He said he would give it to me if I slept with him. I basically whacked the shit out of him and as a punishment he decided to ship me here." She rolled her eyes, Jackson seething. "And your telling me this now? What's his name? I can shoot him. No wait there's no fun in that. I could blow him up." He watched as her head fell back, laughter taking over as she eased in with him, his own smile softening as he watched her become carefree. "As much as I would appreciate that I don't want my husband in prison for blowing up his wife's manager." She paused, mentally slapping herself for using the titles that they failed to live by. His hand reached out to hers, "Your worth the jail time." He watched her laugh again, the lapse in the moment glossed over. "I know I am but I don't think the jail life would suit you." He placed a hand on his chest. "You wound me woman." "Aww shall I take a look at it?" "I think you should skip to kissing it better." She shook her head. "Smooth." She raised an eye brow tipping her glass towards him before bringing it back to her red coated lips. She placed the glass down as he continued to watch her, the waiter returning, their gazes never once breaking despite the added presence. "I'll have the spaghetti bolognese and the lady will have the lasagna right?" She smiled nodding as Jackson handed the menus back. The waiter looked at the two. "You know your wife well sir." Jackson smiled as Irene's faltered, as the man took his leave. She leaned forward, her chin resting in the palm of her hand as she looked at him. "You remembered?" He looked at her "Of course." He said offering her a smile. "How's work coming along?" Irene sighed. "Things got hectic after the earthquake. We still hadn't finished organising things so, me, Wendy,Suelgi, Joy and Yeri are doing double shifts to try and get those things done, a lot of staff that we had decided to go back home after that as well so we have less numbers which isn't exactly helpful but we have to deal with it." "Are you resting?" "I'm fine don't worry." He rolled his eyes. "You always tell me that and then you end up fainting or something so I swear to god Irene if your not looking after yourself and getting rest I will tie you down to the bed and force you to sleep." Irene's eye brows rose slightly. "You'll tie me down?" He choked on his drink slightly as his eyes widened. "That's not what I meant." She laughed. "Yeah doubt you would be able to anyway."  He looked back at her. "Is that a challenge Mrs Wang?" "Depends on what we are doing after you tie me down." He choked on his drink again, his cheeks flushing slightly as he glared at her. "Are we that desperate for me Mrs Wang?" She looked up at him, an amused expression gracing her features. "Well, I mean I've heard the rumours. I should see if there's truth to them right husband?" He laughed. "I could show you right now." She hummed slightly, their eyes meeting before bursting into heaps of laughter. Jackson's eyes watched her, with a smile. It was always easy with her, the back and forth they had something he had never had the privilege of experiencing ever. Their food arrived as the two continued to chat about the more trivial things in their lives. "You were a fencer?" She questioned, her eyes widening as she watched him nod. She sipped on her wine as he narrated stories to her, his heart fluttering  at the way she listened enthusiastically. "Well I can see it to be fair, I mean you do have the body for it. Lean, but muscular-" he smirked at her, the look cutting her off as he wiggled his eyebrows. "Oh really wifey? Is this where the captain hottie comes in." Her smile dropped as she stood. "Bye." He laughed his hand wrapping around her wrist to pull her back. "I think it's cute." Her hands went to her face as he leaned back watching her. "At least I know that my wife is attracted to me." She pulled a face. "Half the world is...and I'm including men in that half as well." she corrected causing him to laugh. "Says you, your on TV, people watch you all the time.." she laughed, stretching out her fork into his plate tasting his food. He smiled at her for the millionth time that night, as she moaned. "This is good." She said causing him to laugh at her cuteness. "Hey that's my food." She smiled at him, placing a piece of her food on her fork bringing it to his lips. His eyes softened as she signalled him to eat it, his eyes tearing slightly at the gesture. He ate the food, his ears suddenly turning deaf as he continued to watch her, simply captivated by her essence. They finished their food leaning back slightly. Their conversation continuing as they learned more about each other. Jackson saw a red dot land on the table his eyes widening as it sauntered to Irene's head. His eyes flickered behind her seeing a motion calling him out. He prevented Irene from turning around. "I'm sorry Irene I need to go." She noted there abrupt nature and the uneasiness his eyes suddenly carried. "Okay." She whispered. "I'm really sorry." She smiled up at him. "It's fine Jackson go. I have somewhere I want to go anyway." He paused. "Please be safe. Don't stay out for too long Irene. Call me if something happens, I'll make it up to you." She nodded attempting to smile at him as he left her. She sighed, she should have know that this fairytale was destined for doom, she reprimanded her heart for being hopeful in his mere presence. She left shortly after, the bill already covered for.

She allowed her feet to navigate her around the scarce streets, fragments of her mind playing around her as she walked through the roads that she still knew like the back of her hand. She walked into a house that had remained abandoned for years, her worst memories were hidden in these four walls. She looked around, her eyes tearing up at the shards of glass and broken belongings that once made this house feel like home. She saw the dried blood on the wall, her body shuddering as she looked around. She choked on a sob as she continued to look around, images of a man flashing in her mind as he chased her around playfully before switching to when he beat her. She whipped her head to the side her hands shaking as she continued to torture herself with the bitter memories. Her past screams audible to her ears once again. His laughter cackling from behind her. She dropped to her knees the storm taunting her heart as she picked up a cracked phot frame, their forms slightly visible to her watery eyes. She moved the shards of glass off the picture, her eyes staring into the ones that had called her weak, the ones that had destroyed her and continued to haunt her over the years. She flung the frame to the other side of the room. Her hand tangling with her hair as she flipped it slightly attempting to calm her fast pacing heart. She heard a creak from behind her, her eyes flying open as she looked around, her feet narrowly missing the shards of glass as she moved forward hesitantly, her eyes catching the looming shadow, a physique coming to her sights, a flash of black before leaving off the balcony. Irene moved quickly after the stranger, her feet slapping against the stairs as she tripped multiple times calling out to get this person to stop. They didn't stop, walking straight out into the streets, Irene's frantic movements following as she rushed into the road, her eyes looking around desperately, her hand resting on her head as she looked around. BEEP. A horn blared at her shaking her from her thoughts, Jackson's head poking out of the window. "Irene?" He climbed out of the car. "I thought you were heading back, it's been an hour-" she looked up at him running to him. Her form crashing against his as she wrapped her arms around him tightly. He stumbled slightly, his body tensing seeing her the way she was. "Irene? Hey what happened?" She said nothing, holding onto him tighter. "Hey easy I got you..." he felt her tears seep through his shirt his eyes softening as he held her tightly in his own embrace. He kissed her forehead, as she moved away. Her eyes catching the blood on his shirt. Her eyes flew up to meet his, her hand holding the shirt. "It's not mine. Don't worry." She looked at him. "What happened?" He looked at her; "What happened with you?" He questioned back. She tensed again, heading to the car, Jackson shaking his head as he climbed into his side. The silence settling between them. Jackson sighed, his mind flashing back to the events that had taken place after he had left her. Jin had some how managed to find him. Threatening Irene. He rubbed his hand over his head, he was grateful for the fact that Jin remained oblivious to the fact it was Irene, but this was becoming harder to control. He didn't know what to do anymore, he didn't know how to protect her without hurting her at this point, his mind forsaking him leaving one idea of letting her hate him, of letting her hate drive her away from him to the point she was safe. He watched as she secured her arms around her form, trying to gain some comfort, his eyes focusing on the road as she turned to him. The words left unsaid as she turned back away from him. The silence unbearable for both their hearts.


Authors note:
Heyyyyy, hope you like this one, it was kind of long hah, but still I hope you enjoyed it. Let me know what you think of this one. Also just heads up, Caught in the Crossfire will be updated tomorrow around 10PM UK time. Hope to see you all there for chapter two, it's a big one, with loads of spice so stay tuned. Also on Saturday I'll be releasing my Jackrene one shots book thingy and I hope you guys check that out too, some of them I might convert into long books depending on the reaction so show me what you like. Anyway this was a long authors note, so I'm gonna end it here. Lots of love and best wishes to you all. Stay safe xx

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