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Irene awoke the following morning to the sun peaking through a set of blinds that her mind didn't remember her having. She let out a deep sigh, her arms wrapping around a pillow and snuggling into the comforts of it, her nostrils picking up the scent of Dior for men, her eye brows now scrunching up in pure confusion. She opened her tired eyes meeting a pair of hazel ones. Irene let out a startled scream shooting out of his arms as he chuckled forcing himself up to lean on the head board, his eyes watching her in amusement, she grabbed the material of his t-shirt whipping around to see his smile drop. "What the hell!" She screeched, he suppressed the laugh, "You fell asleep in the medical cube I brought you back." She sighed, tying up her loose hair into a messy bun, whilst mumbling to herself. "You should have just left we there." Jackson sighed pushing away the covers from his body, he didn't say anything knowing that he deserved her hostile nature. He grabbed her a hoodie, "Here change into this, there's a spare toothbrush in the bottom draw in the bathroom, and there's a spare towel in the cabinet next to the shower. I'll just be in the kitchen." Irene rubbed her temples nodding to him as she took the hoodie from him walking into the adjoining bathroom.

Jackson sighed, grabbing a hoodie himself and pulling the thick material over his head as he continued to walk out of the door. He worked cutting some tomatoes and mushroom, perfectly symmetrical before whisking up some eggs, he placed some beans on the cooker, before taking out a pan to make an omelette. He blew his fingers as they connected with side of the pan by accident, turning to mix the beans before turning back to the omelette. He began to plate the food, hearing her footsteps as she neared closer. He turned offering her a smile, as he finished up. She took a seat in one of the bar chairs as he placed a plate in front of her, his own opposite her. He handed her a fork and knife as she smiled slightly, as he signalled her to eat. He watched as she cut a piece precisely, bringing it to her slightly red lips as she devoured the food, her eyes closing as she chewed, emitting a small moan. He laughed slightly beginning to eat himself. "At lease I've now got a personal chef." She spoke watching as he laughed. "Of course anything you need anytime." She smiled up at him brightly. "Lunch was great yesterday, Thank you." He continued eating. "I'm glad you liked it." He said, his eyes moving up to meet hers as he smiled at her softly. The two continued eating in a comfortable silence. "What's your schedule like today?" He asked. "I'm free, I did a double shift the day before and then an extra one yesterday so." He nodded, handing her a glass and pouring some juice for her. She smiled at him grateful as she brought the glass to her lips. "I want to take you somewhere. Are you up for it?" Irene looked up at him, not quite knowing what to say, she watched his eyes as they silently stared back into hers waiting for a response. She inwardly sighed, knowing that ultimately she would end up giving into him. It wasn't like she was doing anything today anyway. Irene flashed him a forced smile. "Yeah let's go." He nodded back up at her taking her now finished plate and moving to the sink. "Hey I can do the dishes.." he shook his head. "Nope." As he placed on the gloves with a cute smile on his face. Irene shook her head turning away to calm her now restless heart as he washed the dishes.

Twenty minutes later Irene and Jackson had pulled up at the edge of the island, a boat in his name waiting for them both as he jumped in. She looked up at him fearful. He smiled. "Hey I won't let anything happen to you..." he stretched out his hand to her waiting for her to reach out to him, her smooth skin meeting his as she passed him a tense smile. He pulled her into the boat their faces now inches away, as their eyes locked. Irene moved back slightly as Jackson turned to the other man who started the boat. Irene turned back her eyes watching the beautiful cerulean sky that dazzled with the suns rays at the forefront. She smiled softly, her eyes casting to the subtle waves that swirled around in delicate patterns. Her eyes turned to her husbands form, a pair of sunglasses shading his eyes as he spoke carefree with the older man who laughed at his jokes, Jackson turning to her every now and then to ensure that she was safe. She smiled, his presence had an essence of duality to it. He was so loving and warm to so many people, the ease in the way he interacted with people made it easy for the recipient to feel comfortable with him and it was the part of his character that she admired the most. When he turned to her for the third time, she looked up shading her eyes from the sun whilst offering him a bright smile. He excused himself from the older man for a split second walking up to her and taking of the sunglasses before making her wear them. He smiled at her ruffling her hair slightly as he turned back to the man to continue their conversation.

Irene continued to watch her husband, a small gesture such as that making her heart flutter. She watched as his broad shoulders relaxed with the scenery that surrounded them. His smile dazzling as his side profile shined with the enhancement of the sun.

They came to a sudden stop, Irene not realising they had reached, her cheeks flushing at the fact that she was too busy checking out her husband to realise what was happening around her. Jackson jumped out stretching out a hand for her to help her out. He turned to the older man thanking him politely, his hand still enclosing Irene's in his own. The older man left soon after, with Jackson turning to Irene. "Welcome to Jeju-do's secret beach..." Irene looked around at the view. "It's beautiful." She whispered as she continued to admire the scene, a plane crashed onto part of the beach. "Why is that here?" Jackson walked closer to her. "It's monumental. It was crashed here years ago in a mad chase against the Japanese. Apparently there used to be a couple that lived here, a couple that was said to have faced many trials and tribulations in their life and the crashing on the plane destroyed their house and killed them in the process. And so a legend was created that when a couple comes to the beach and takes a stone, they are ultimately blessed by that couple and their love will forever be protected, and then the couple should come back to return the stone so it's passed on to more." Irene turns to him. "Do you believe in it." Jackson smiled bending down to take a stone. "Should we find out?" Irene chucked. "Always so smooth." He laughed. "Well I have to be with you. Ice queen." She crossed her arms across her chest looking at him with an eye brow raised and false anger. "What did you just say Mr Wang!" She questioned. He smiled inwardly, at the sight. She looked so fucking cute and he kicked himself over and over again for hurting such a beautiful soul. He looked at her sticking out his tongue as she pushed him into the water, with him stumbling a few paces forward. He chased after, her laughter ringing in his ears as he engulfed her in his arms, picking her up and swinging her around. She squealed as he set her down, with her now chasing him. Irene hadn't felt this free in a while. The way he brought the softer more child like side to her out was something she failed to comprehend. It was like she was always so carefree with him, no longer bothered by what the world thought of her and her achievements. It just felt perfect. Surreal almost. Irene looked at him, as the wind blew softly at his perfectly soft hair, his eyes staring out at the depths of the sea that surrounded the island. He turned to her taking her hand and leading her to the craft. He hoisted himself up before helping her up as well to sit next to him. They turned watching the beautiful sunset, Jackson letting out a deep breath. "I've always come here when I've been stressed. When things have been falling apart recently with Jin and such, when the pressure becomes to much. This solidarity is my escape, the isolating heals my heart so I can go back and continue to fight. It might seems that my life is easy. I have a privileged job and family and so much more at my beacon and call but the reality is, is that I've never truly been satisfied with what life has to offer. I had a girlfriend before Youngji. She was the love my life. Beautiful, charismatic, strong, she was amazing. And yet ultimately she was flawed. She looked for acceptance and reassurance all the time and as two young people we hooked onto each other, holding each other for dear life. Everything was perfect for us until it wasn't. She cheated on me, I don't know why, I don't know how but she stood in front of me and told me it was a lapse in her judgement, that it was a mistake. And I didn't want to believe her. I was hurt so goddamn hurt as to why and how she could do that to me. Things had gotten worse for her from what I was told. She started self harming when I left, attempted suicide twice. Turns out she got pregnant with the other guys child. And we had another massive fight when she came over to see me. My heart seemingly collapsed. It was too weak to love her again and then it happened. The one thing I had always dreaded to hear I heard. She was hit in a hit and run case. She died-" he choked on his words as he turned away from Irene. Irene sat waiting patiently for him, watching as his eyes closed for a moment stray tears falling from his eyes. "What was her name?" She said finding her voice in the depths of his despair. "Jennie." Irene's eyes widened. "Jinyoung's sister?" She asked, watching as he nodded. Irene eyes turned casting low as she processed the information. She had knew Jennie quite well and her death was something that always made her question the motives of life, she remembered precisely how Jinyoung came to her broken and crying out in pain with the loss of his precious sister. Irene mourning for a friend. "She was always soft Jackson, her heart had been weak years before you came into her life, from what I know and from the way I saw her and interacted with her a blind man would pick up on it. What happened was not your fault. These things as hard and painful as it is, they happen, it's not in our control. God needed his angel back, and that's what she was, an angel...." she watched as the tears continued to flow from his eyes. "She's watching you Jackson. Wherever she is, she is sending you masses amounts of love because that's just the type of person she was. She would hate to see you beating yourself up over this. It's natural for you to feel guilty, it's human instinct that we blame ourselves when things go wrong but you did nothing wrong, it was circumstances that played against you both. She would be so proud Jackson to see what you have become." He laughed bitterly. "See me become everything that I despised, everything that I called her out on I've become why would she be proud of that."  Irene sighed. "I'm a cheater Irene. I've cheated on my wife. I cheated on you." Irene took a ragged breath turning her head away from his view, wiping away her own tears that had now fallen. "I hated that very word Irene. For years I steered clear of women making sure to focus on work and family and that's what happened. Youngji was just there with no strings attached. Instead I attached her with strings trying to shape her into the version of Jennie and ultimately she did the same. She cheated. But I suppose that's my karma. All I have done is hurt you. Over and over again and it makes me sick to the stomach at the way I treated you. I've become a monster Irene and I'm sorry." Irene's eyes softened, her fingers brushing under his chin to turn his face to hers. She wiped his tears smiling at him. "It's okay." "No it's not. It's not okay Irene. Why haven't you left me. Hell I'd leave me..." Irene sighed. "I though of it. I was planning to but I just couldn't, I didn't want to. First I wanted to try for our family and they were my prime reason at first but I don't know over time my expectations just diminished into nothing, I told you from the start Jackson i don't expect anything from you. I told you at the very start that all I ask is for you to respect me. I can see that your not a bad, you aren't. I believe that so you should too." He shook his head. "I don't deserve it." He said. "The one who thinks he's undeserving ultimately renders himself deserving. You have come to the realisation that you've been hurting me, and you have stopped. That's all I can ask." She smiled up at him, turning to the scene in front of her. "Do you still love Jennie despite everything?" He sighed looking back out at the scene. "I think ultimately she will always be apart of my life. She took up such a large part of my life and I'm grateful for the things she taught me but in this moment in time she's just a lesson. I don't love her as I once did. The love evolved into respect in her memory."  Irene nodded. "What about Youngji? Do you love her?" Jackson sighed taking her hand in his. "I cut her off completely the day we came back from our date. I wanted to officially end things and put that chapter of my life behind me. She was never the right one for me, it was just away to fill a void  until I met what I had always been looking for in my life. I never loved her Irene, I forced myself to believe that I did." She smiled at him. "Is this why she's been giving me grief. Jesus Wang a little warning would have been nice. I wouldn't have punched her if I knew you had already punched her ego." Jackson laughed. "Always considering others feelings." Irene brushed her shoulder slightly. "Well what can I say?" He laughed shaking his head. "So modest." "Of course." He chuckled slightly leaning back as they continued to watch the sun melt into hues of pink and purple. "Thanks for opening up to me..." she started. "You deserve the explanation to begin with. I'm not trying to justify what I did through that, I just wanted you to know. I want you to know me as me. All the wounds, all the scars, rips and shredded pieces; as my wife your entitled to them all. I just hope you can still look at me the same way." Irene felt the atmosphere between them tense, as she tried to lighten the mood. "Of course, I'll always look at you, after all your captain hottie and all." She smiled at the reaction she received, as they watched the scene in silence. Jackson turned to Irene, their eyes locking, the sexual tension felt by them both. His eyes flickered to her lips, leaning forward, hesitating slightly. "Is it okay if I kiss you right now irene?" Her eyes flickered up to his for a moment, the two not doing anything until Irene decided to be brave, her lips crashing into his as his hand cupped the side of her face. The sun dipped behind the horizon, giving the couple a moment of privacy as they both fought for dominance. Moments later they parted. Their eyes opening into each other's, the two smiling at each other as Jackson rested his forehead on hers, his hands moving a lock of hair behind her ear. She moved back forward bravely, their lips connecting again. Their respective wounds finally receiving a medicine that worked.


Authors note:
Hey guys hope you enjoy this one. Let me know what you think about this one, you finally have an insight into Jackson's past and soon Irene's will be revealed. I would love to hear what you have to say and what your guesses are. Lots of love and best wishes to you all. Stay safe xx

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