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Irene sat in a orderly row, the girls administrating vaccines to the nearby village with a suspected out break. She sighed looking around at the people who waited patiently to be seen. She looked towards the direction where her husband stood, his stance one that was relaxed unlike what she had previously seen; as though he was comfortable or content with the ongoing proceedings. She could understand why, he thrived of people, his warm smile inviting everyone in as he engaged them in polite conversation able to form a connection with so many people that she could never do. He caught her looking, the two smiling at each other  before he turned back to his conversation, and Irene turned back to her work a small smile gracing her features. She heard a child squeal in delight running into Jackson's arms as he hugged the young boy tightly. She paused from her work again, her heart skipping a beat watching as he laughed with the small child, his aura captivating even children. He was amazing with him, Irene's eyes softening as she continued to watch the exchange. She turned back quickly finishing off the patient she held up before turning back to see the younger boy kiss Jackson's cheek before wrapping his small arms around Jackson's broad shoulders. Her heart ached with want for this. This perfect family picture later in the future if circumstances permitted it. Jackson turned to her pointing to her with a big smile on his face as he whispered something into the little boys ear, Irene watched as the small child's eyes lit up in excitement, Jackson heading towards her, her colleagues turning to him as he approached. "Would you mind if I borrow my wife for a moment?" Irene's eyes widened. This was the first time he was referring to her as his wife in public bar family and close friends. Her heart skipped a beat as she looked up to him, Jackson extending his hand to her as the others around her nodded with a smile in his direction. Irene stood the chair pushed back as she moved around, Jackson wrapped an arm around her waist as he led her over to the little boy. His arm dropping as he crouched down. "Hey little Jack, this is my wife." The mini Jackson smiled up at her as Irene crouched down next to Jackson. "Wah she pretty Jacko." Jackson laughed, his head falling back as he looked at Irene's small smile. He watched Irene interact with the kid, his heart warming to thought of having a family with her, he watched as his namesake warmed up to her instantly giggling cutely as Irene's eyes softened. He gave her a big hug and a big kiss on the cheek, Irene ruffling his hair and gave him a kiss on his cheek back before excusing herself to go back to work after being called over by one of the nurses.

Irene walked away from her husband waving towards the little boy as she resumed her position, her eyes refocusing on the task at hand. The little boy soon left, Jackson turning back to Mark as they continued to oversee the entire operation, a loud bang resounding as they all turned to the doors that had been pushed open rather violently. Irene's eyes widened, her hands trembling as she looked to her husband in shock. She saw the fury in Jackson eyes, his posture become rigid and tense as he looked over to Jin, who tipped his imaginary hat to him ultimately mocking Jackson. "Captain Wang." He greeted smugly before continuing his walk towards her sitting on the now vacant chair in front of him. She tensed at the sick smirk he passed her. "Wow babe seems like we are made for each other, our fate seems intertwined." She remained silent as he continued. "Gosh as beautiful as ever." She gulped slightly making the mistake of passing Jackson a look, Jin instantly catching it, a smirk settling on his features as he turned to Jackson. "Ah so is this your new girl. First Jennie then Youngji, now the goddess herself." Jackson's fists clenched as he walked forward pulling Jin out of the chair. "Shut the fuck up." He laughed. "Ooo seems like I've touched a nerve. But I'll warn you Wang. I had my eyes on her first. She's mine and I don't share." Jackson's mind registered and processed the words Jin was saying concluding he was still unaware of the truth of his relationship with Irene, which he was grateful for. Jin pushed Jackson back smoothing out his suit as he sat back down. "Relax Wang I'm here for the vaccine." He said, his eyes pinning Irene's in an intense lock. She grabbed the bottle, poking the needle into it, her eyes never moving from his. No matter how scared she was, she would not show the signs of her fear. She would not allow him to see how goddamn scared she actually was. She signalled him to roll up his sleeve as he continued to smirk at her. She ignored the tie that was handed to her to make his vein pop and stuck the needle in without warning. He cried out in pain, Irene wearing a satisfied smirk as she chucked the injection to the side before throwing a cotton wool and plaster in his direction and turning to look past him. "Next please." She began changing her gloves, knowing Jin was seething in front of her. She looked back up. "Can you move, there's other people that also need the vaccine." She watched as he stood leaning over the table. "Now you be careful there babe, don't get too rude you might not be able to handle what happens to those who step out of line with me." She smiled up at him. "Try me. I have more scars then what is visible to you Jin. Try me and I'll watch as you fail." "Big words, I'll make you regret them." "Till then." She tipped her imaginary hat mocking him as lunged for her, Jackson grabbed him forcefully before delivering a sharp punch to his face, blood now spurting out from his nose. "Ah there's the over protective Wang I was waiting for. See you around." He said with a dark smirk before leaving. Irene's head falling into her hands as she let out a deep sigh of relief as he left. She stood up after collecting herself walking up to Jackson with a serious look on her face. "What haven't you been telling me?" He sighed, grabbing her hand before leaving the room, everyone's eyes turning to watch in concern.

Jackson led her outside, her hand wrenching from his as his eyes closed. "Jackson I swear to god you need to start talking." He turned to her. "That night we went out and I left...someone was aiming a gun at you. When I left Jin was waiting alongside another couple of people. He threatened you, but he hasn't realised it was you or the relationship that we share."  He paused as Irene crossed her arms over her chest. "He is planning something big Irene. He had brought necessary components for a bomb and seems to have joined forces with and ex general and someone we don't have on our database." He rubbed his temples. Irene looking up at him. "Why didn't you tell me this before Jack." He let our a deep sigh. "Irene-" "No Jackson. We are husband and wife and that means no secrets. Your battles are mine, I don't care about Jin, it's okay we can take that a step at a time, but I can't do that if you don't talk to me about this type of stuff." He turned around. "And what about you?" He questioned. "What about what you won't tell me irene. That night we both know something else happened. I know for a fact that something happened to you but your adamant to keep running away from your past because your scared in the same way that Jin scares the fuck out of me. You don't know what he's capable of, I do. And if your scared and not willing to open up to me about that I'm sorry but you can't expect the same thing from me. It's a two way path Irene. And I know I haven't done much to deserve that, for you to open up to me and confide in me but god I hope that one day you will but please. Please don't point fingers when we are in exactly the same boat." He turned back around, Irene taking a step back knowing that his words were true. She took a moment to process everything before walking up to him, standing in front of him, and taking his hand in her own. "Your right. Together..." she said. He smiled at her. "Together." He whispered back, leaning in and lips ghosting hers. His devouring her lips hungrily.

Authors note:
Hey guys hope you enjoy this one. Let me know what you think about it. Things are going to get messy between this chapter and chapter 40 and beyond that. I hope you all are ready for this rollercoaster. Stay tuned and stay safe xx lots of love to you all.

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