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Irene woke up to the sun rays dipping into her room that she shared with her other half, her hand coming out to the other side to see if he was there. He wasn't. She opened her eyes slightly for confirmation before rolling over to the other side a big bouquet of flowers obstructing her view. Irene's eyes widened, the sparks of sleep disappearing as she sat up, her heart pounding at her favourite flowers that lay in front of her.  Red Roses. She grasped the note, a beautiful smile dazzling her features.

Good morning wifey
I hope you like the flowers. Happy Anniversary. I know we haven't had the easiest of journeys totally my fault, but I wanted to make this special for you. Twelve months ago you walked down the aisle ( beautifully might add) as Mark placed your hands in mine to love and to hold. I'm sorry I couldn't be there when you woke up, there's been a breach in security so I need to check that out. I made breakfast, hope it's still hot. Also your cute when you sleep and side not I stole something from you (a kiss) feel free to take it back. Hah. I love you Babygirl. Here's to many more.

Irene's eyes watered slightly as grabbed her journal that she carried on trips placing his note in between the pages with a soft smile, she looked at the tray the lay next to her bed side table, her smile enough to illuminate the entire city. She stood to brush her teeth before devouring the food he had made, the taste distinct to the point she knew it was made by him and only him. She moaned slightly at the taste her day already off to a perfect start.

When she reached work she saw the girls smiling at her, her eyes narrowing slightly knowing they were up to something. "What's going on?" She asked seriously the girls laughing and walking away. "We are off shift Rene...we will see you later." Irene looked on confused nodding slightly as the girls left. Irene sighed turning around to start her rounds her eyes meeting Youngji's. She sucked in a breath walking up to her taking out the girls chart quickly assessing before turning to her. "How are you feeling?" Irene asked. The girl remained silent, Irene tensing as she looked back down at the chart. "Things are looking good, your healing a lot better then before and the clot we were worried about has seemingly reduced in size and hasn't further dislodged into your lung. We are going to continue to keep you on the blood thinners to try and help that but you need to be extremely careful the last thing you want is pulmonary embolism, they are virtually impossible to overturn. I'd rest as much as you possible can. I'll have the trainee physiotherapist come to assess you and see if we can start getting you to move around a bit more. From what I heard from the nurses is that your not eating, we can do a couple things for that, we can either force it down a tube or get a dietitian to come and see you but you need to build your strength in order to get out of here. Take it easy Youngji." Irene placed the chart back sparing the girl a final glance. "How can you be so clam after everything?" Youngji called out halting Irene. The girl continued. "You forgave him for cheating on you, you forgave him for everything why? How?" Irene smiled at the girl softly. "The first step in getting over something for your own peace of mind is too forgive. I spent months resenting him Youngji, even you at one point. I questioned myself, I lost my self confidence but I didn't forgive him for him. I forgave him for myself, I won't forget what he did, I don't think I will ever be able to but he has vowed to do his best in proving his worth. He wants to be worthy of my love and everyday he does something, even the smallest of gestures to try and do exactly that. I've learnt not to hold it over his head or yours. You guys had what you had before I entered his life. I can't continue to hate something that was there before I entered his life. He relied on you at one point, as much as he says it was nothing but sex we both know the truth Youngji, even if it wasn't love, he cared and he was loyal to you. I don't hate either of you. The circumstances have been shit for us all, but we are trying to salvage what we can." Irene offered her a tight smile. "Get some rest, if your pain increases ask a nurse to increase your pain relief it will help." Passing the girl one final look, Irene left the next moment moving onto the next patient with a bright smile, a weight significantly raising from her shoulders.

When the clock struck around three Irene's shift was finished. She turned to the next to take over, delegating work and filling them in on how the patients were doing.

She turned to her desk, another set of flowers laying on top of a box amongst the stack of paperwork that covered her desk. She smiled walking up to them, her smile radiating at the white roses, a note sticking out. She smiled shaking her head slightly at her husbands romantic side.

Hey wifey
I hope your day is going well. When I saw these white roses I was confused about the symbolism and so I asked the lady present and this is what she told me. White roses are referred to as bridal roses because of their association with young love and eternal loyalty. White roses can also symbolize a new beginning and everlasting love. When she told me that I paid for it quicker than ever. Your my bride wifey, my now twelve month bride and I hope that we can have a chance of everlasting love through the second chance we have been given. I surrender my loyalty, my heart, my mind and my soul all at your feet. When I think back to our wedding I remember how with one smile you took my breath away. The words I uttered whilst they may seem baseless came from my heart the moment I saw you and you continue to take my breath away with your forever righteous heart which never bows in the mercy of others. To mark this  day I wanted to do something special, no work today, no concern about what may transpire in the near future, just me and you and the world at our a feet. If you look in the box you'll find a dress. I hope you'll wear it and meet me. The girls know where to bring you. I love you Babygirl.

Irene smiled against her tears, taking the box and flowers before travelling to where the girls had been waiting for her. They smirked at her slightly as Irene opened the box, her eyes widening at the white lace dress that lay in there. The girls smiled at her softly. Forcing her into a chair as joy worked on her makeup with Wendy working on her hair and Yeri and Suelgi taking her dress and finding matching shoes. Irene leaned back slightly as the girls worked away, Yeri and Suelgi now painting her nails a white colour as the girls talked and laughed for half and hour before forcing Irene to go and change. She placed the lace material over her body her eyes widening as the girls crowded around her smiled on their faces as Irene slipped into the flat shoes. They watched as she smiled at them shyly before running to the car to deliver her to the man himself.

They arrived on the small beach that Jacksonian brought Irene too previously, her eyes searching for her husband who stood with his back to her in a stand that had for corners each beautiful decorated with flowers and fairy lights. She smiled,fisting her dress slightly as she moved closer, Jackson turning with the sound of her feet. They both paused momentarily. He looked handsome in his black suit, his collar left open as his blazer flapped in the soft breeze, his hair slicked to the side. She gulped slightly as his eyes widened. She looked beautiful in the dress he had chosen, his favourite features, her shoulder blades openly on display causing him to reminisce of their very first date. Her hair was curled into soft waves flipped over slightly to give it a beach vibe, her lips coated in a nude colour and her extravagant eyes coated with eye liner and mascara making them pop slightly. He held out his hand for her bringing her closer as he held her hands in his own, the two chucking at each other softly, the suns rays hitting them, highlighting his jaw line. Irene smiled. Jackson looked at her. "Things haven't been easy for us. A road that was supposed to be smooth had turned into a rollercoaster before either of us could even pull it to a stop and the worst part is that we don't know how much more hectic and chaotic it's going to get. But one thing I do know is that I want these hands in mine through it all. I promised a year ago to love you, to cherish you, to protect your heart and I've been doing a lousy job. I wanted to make this day special. I wanted to re say my half of the vows as I hold your hands just me and you this time. No expectations from our family or the world around us. Just me and you. The first day I met you I was taken instantly. The way you worked with those around you fighting to save lives despite the tiredness I knew that you were special and it was confirmed on the date. I hadn't laughed like that in awhile, I hadn't been that comfortable with someone ever and it set me free. You continued to take my breath away every day that I spent with you and you still do. I think I knew it early on...I ran from it. I ran from you because ultimately I fell for you before I was willing too. Being with you is like breathing, something so fundamental that in these months of separation I've realised just how much you mean to not just me but to my family. And so after everything we have gone through I want to start by saying I'm sorry. I know you have forgiven me but it won't lessen my guilt until I rectify every single mistake I made against you. I promise to love you irene. I promise to hold your hand through every war you enter, be your shield when need be or your weapon but you will never go through it alone. I promise to protect your heart, to cherish the fragility of your heart and tend to it with the utmost care if you let me." His eyes flashed to hers again as she smiled through her tears nodding. He smiled, taking out a beautiful ring, their names engraved into it. "I wanted to give you a ring to show a new beginning for us." Her tears finally slipped from her eyes as he placed the ring on her marriage finger. She jumped into his arms wrapping hers around him as his fell to her waist their lips meeting, the screams of their friends heard as they celebrated throwing flowers on them as they laughed. Irene and Jackson parted hugging each other as their friend gave them hugs their  smiles never dimming.


After an hour spent with their friends Irene and Jackson returned to their room their hands locked as they entered small smiles on their faces as they looked at each other. Irene leaned in her lips meeting his as he pushed her up against the wall causing her to smirk against him. He devoured her hungrily as she pushed off his blazer, immediately setting to work on his shirt, her hands shoving the material off in the next second. She trailed her hands up his body their eyes meeting as she blushed moving her hands away. He stopped her kissing her hands and placing them back on his body, her touch setting him on fire as he began to kiss her again. He turned her around slightly his lips ghosting her shoulders and pecking up to her collar bone before breathily whispering in her ear. "Are you sure?" He asked watching her chest rise and fall at an erratic pace, her eyes half closing as she nodded. "Words Babygirl." He spoke. "Yes." She breathed as his hands came up to the zipper of her dress the material falling off her body as she turned to him, his eyes trailing her body as, "See something you like husband." She purred slightly. "More than like." Irene laughed stepping back into his embrace, her hands trailing up his arms as she inches closer to his face, her eyes meeting his. He moved forward claiming her lips before picking her up against the wall, his mouth moving to her neck to suck at the skin. She moaned slightly as she gripped his shoulders, Jackson now holding her up with one hand with ease as his fingers brushed against her wetness. "Jack..." he pushed the material aside his fingers dipping in slightly as she arched closer to him. "So wet." He called huskily. Irene moved back slightly. "Of course have you met my husband." He chuckled slightly as his lips hovered hers his breath fanning her slightly. "No I haven't...care to describe him." Irene leaned back. "He's so hot. Really sexy. He could take me any time any place and I'd let him." She watched as Jackson blushed. "Oh really." He asked raising an eye brow. The two laughed slightly as Irene drew Jackson back to her. "Of course and now his wife is getting a bit impatient." He held her waist, his hand stroking her skin. "We can't have that now can we." She shook her head their lips reconnecting as she took charge pushing him to the bed before straddling him. His hands moved back taking of her strapless bra and tossing it to the floor, his hands moving to her things to push her up, their hot skin touching. He left her mouth, his tongue assaulting her chest as she moaned at the contact. He flipped her with ease pinning her arms above her head as he continued to tease her his kisses now trailing from her lips to her stomach. She looked up at him in anticipation as he removed the material away from her now dripping heat. He winked at her picking her legs up slightly before diving into her pulsing heat. She moaned instantly, the small amounts of pleasure hitting her over and over again as his tongue lapped at her. One hand fisting the pillow her other tangled with his hair gripping it slightly as he sucked on her clit. "Jack!" She screamed out the waves of pleasure hitting her until she finally came undone. Seductively he looked at his wife who was a panting mess, licking his lips as he pecked her lips. "You taste amazing." Irene moaned into him. "I'm not done yet Babygirl. Think you can survive." She smirked at him. As she pulled him back down to her, her hands unzipping his slacks as she removed his pants completely. She looked up at him as he lined himself up. "Are you sure?" He asked kissing her forehead. She nodded back at him as he thrust into her slowly before gaining momentum, his hips rocking back and forth as she moaned into him her back arching slightly with every thrust. She heard Jackson grunt at how tight she was his lips meeting hers again as they continued their acts of love. He felt her clench against him as he continued to work, Irene's breathy moans calling his name keeping him on edge. "Jack I'm going to cum." She spoke. He pecked her lips as his rhythm maintained. "Cum for me Babygirl." He whispered huskily feeling the sudden rush of wetness his own load mixing with hers as he helped her ride out her high. Moments later he collapsed next to her the two breathing heavily with smiles on their faces.

Their first wedding anniversary had been drawn to a close. A new beginning for them both.


Authors note:
Hey guys hope you enjoy this one. Let me know what you think about it. I would love to hear back from you all. Lots of love and best wishes. Stay safe xx

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