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Jackson sat next to Mark in the car as they drove off. They had a lead on Jin. One after months and even if it wasn't him they needed to check it out. Jackson's fingers played against the steering wheel, sunglasses shading his face as he drove smoothly, the other boys following in separate cars. Mark and Jackson sung along to one of the songs that was emitted from the radio, simultaneously bopping to the beat before rapping the words with ease. If they hadn't joined that army then for sure they would have been rappers, their vocal skills were something else. They burst out laughing as Jackson pressed against the accelerator lightly, patiently waiting for the light to turn green before carrying on with the route that they had typed into the navigation system. His phone went off moments later, his eyes trained to the road as he looked to Mark. "Check my phone, it might be Irene.." Mark nodded taking his phone before turning the screen on. Mark read the message, his eyes widening. "Turn the car around." He said. Jackson's eyebrows furrowed. "What?" He looked towards Jackson, "Jin is at your house." "WHAT!" Jackson swerved as they used their communication device to tell their team. He stepped on the accelerator hard, swerving in and out of the traffic. Any other time Mark would have reprimanded him for his crazy driving skills, but now, their main priority was getting to Irene. Before it was too late.

Irene pressed herself up against the wall, her hand going to her mouth to incase her laboured breaths. "Irene." She heard him say in a song manner. She tensed. "Come out come out from wherever you are." She closed her eyes tightly, and in second she could hear him pounding against the door. Each punch becoming more violent then the previous until she finally heard the door cave in. She could hear things smashing, aware that their room. A place where she found sanctuary was being destroyed. He was know banging against the bathroom door and now she had nowhere else to go. The door fell open and before she could even register what was happening she was dragged up and hauled into the bedroom that now lay in ruins from his coursing anger. Irene fought against him, using her training against him until finally she was pushed onto the bed. 'It's happening again' she spoke mentally. His hands trailed her body and finally she found her voice. "JACKKKKK!" She screamed, her voice blood curdling as she tried to fight.

Jackson and the boys pulled up at his house, Jackson forgetting to switch off the car as he ran up the stairs before opening the front door, he paused seeing the way things were shattered, his heart pounding loudly against his chest as he looked around. "JACKKKKK!" He heard, his blood running cold at her scream, the boys catching the end of it. Jackson bolted up the stairs, tripping over a few as he ran to his room, seeing the door laying broken. He forced his way in and saw Jin on top of his wife. He moved forward hurling his body off her as pushed him to the floor landing punch after punch. Jin had gone limp but he hadn't stopped until JB and mark pulled him off handcuffing Jin and pulling his body out. Jackson froze as he turned to Irene who was visibly shaking. Her hands wrapped around him as his did the same. "I'm sorry." He spoke. "I'm okay." She said. "I'm safe." She said. But he could see the fear in her eyes.

Within days Jackson had brought a new house and had her settled. His phone rang as they watched a movie together. He removed his arm from around her. "Hey Mark." "Jack..." he paused. "I looked into what you asked....it was Youngji. She gave your address to Jin. We managed to detain her..." Jackson nodded as he looked towards Irene who had seemingly caught the conversation. "Will you be okay if I go?" Irene looked at him. "I'll be fine." She said passing him an uneasy smile. "I'm not going too be long..." she nodded placing a kiss to his lips as he left.

Jackson walked through the army complex, as Mark handed him the file. He flicked through the information, before walking further in. "Jackson baby. Look they are keeping me like an animal..." Youngji spoke. He suppressed the eye roll. "Did you tell him?" He asked. She denied it, over and over again. "Please jack I love you, help me out of here. Please baby." "I'll help you if you tell me the truth..." "I did. That bitch is supposed to be dead, she came in between us jack-" "The woman you just insulted is my wife. Watch your words." Youngji looked down as Jackson looked at some papers. "You'll never see the light of day Youngji, you've signed your own fate." He turned not bothering to spare her another word, until the doors shut and her cries echoed.

Jackson turned back to his wife. "Are you okay?" She asked. He nodded placing his chin against her shoulder as he wrapped his arms around his waist. "I love you." He said. She smiled. Irene looked up to him, leaning back into his chest. "How are you feeling Rene?" Irene turned in his arms. "I still have that fear Jackson..." his eyes flashed to hers. "Come with me." He cut her off, moving towards the car and opening the passenger side for her before strapping her into the seat and driving back to the army complex. He hadn't said a word and Irene couldn't help but feel nerved by his lack of communication. When they pulled up he opened her car door before slamming it shut, ignoring the bows of respect directed in his way. He grabbed her hand, pulling her further  in. "Jackson what are-" she was cut off again. "You said that fear is still looming. Let's end it." "Jackson no..." Irene tried to reason and yet it had seem to fall short. He pressed some numbers into a key pad before opening the door to see Jin who sat bruised and battered. "Ahhh come to see me. Want me that much baby." "Bastard." Jackson grunted as he pulled him back landing his punches on him again. "Jackson!" Irene called out in desperation, yet his wife's pleas fell deaf to his ears. He heard the door open, Jinyoung now holding his wife as if to protect her. Mark and JB trying to hold him back. "Apologise to her." He said shrugging his friends off before pushing Jin in front of her feet, as Irene moved out of Jinyoung's embrace. "I'm sorry." He coughed out before laughing his hand trailing up her leg. Jackson grabbed him breaking it moments later. Jackson grabbed the gun, and before anyone could try and talk some sense into him, he had shot him to death. Jin was gone. The chapter finally closed.

Hours had passed. Irene and Jackson sitting together as she nursed his bruised knuckles, wrapping a bandage over his hands as he studied her. She seemed lighter but he knew by her silence that she was angry. "I'm sorry." "You didn't have to kill him." She said. "Irene..." "no Jackson this is where our line of work is different. You take lives, I save them. You didn't have to kill him." "I did. The fear he stored in you. I didn't want you to live like that. Do you think it was easy for me Rene...he was my friend, my brother. We vowed to take bullets for each other not stick them in each other..." he choked on his words, and Irene could see the way his eyes watered. She pulled him against herself, her hands tangling with his hair. "It over jack...for us both. We need to let go." She whispered, resting her forehead against his as their eyes closed. They finally had peace.


Authors note:
Hey guys. Only three left. So things are over. Well partly...stay tuned because the crazy ride isn't over just yet. Love you all. Please do comment your thoughts, I hope it lived up to your expectations if not I apologise and I promise I'll do better. Thank you and see you in the next one. Stay safe x

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