Smol Blueberry -3

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Some words of wisdom:

If someone breaks your heart just, punch them in the face. Seriously punch them in the face and go get some ice cream. -Frank Ocean

(Y/n) pov

Nemo plays in the snow as I look back at the now closed door. Asgore's sad smile is still fresh in my brain. Sighing, I turn and head down the ever snowy path.

Down the way I come across a stick, I don't step on it. What did that stick ever do to me? A couple of steps later, I hear something snap.

I turn around and notice that that stick was the cause of the sound.

Suddenly I get the strangely familiar feeling of being watched. I shrug it off. 'Man, Asgore wasn't kidding, it's so cold.'

As I continue on, I come to....well I can't really call it a gate...or a bridge. It's just a bunch of sticks, standing on end.

I marvel at this structure, this mysterious wonderful passage way. Then the snow behind me crunches.

"D O N T  Y O U  K N O W  H O W  T O  G R E E T  A  N E W  F R I E N D ? T U R N A R O U N D, S H A K E  M Y  H A N D."

Even though I'm practically shaking in my boots, I turn and extend my hand. The figure is towering over me, it's highly intimidating.

I grab the mysterious hand, and jump back clutching me hand to my chest. The figure starts shaking with laughter. I found nothing funny.

"Ahh, the ol' joy buzzer in the hand trick! A classic!!!!"  While he's laughing, I take the time to look at his features.

He wipes a tear from his eye....... socket? "Thanks for the laugh, I needed that. Anyways, the names Papyrus, call me Paps."

I nod,'He's a skeleton, thats nice.' "What's your name kiddo?" "(Y-y/n), nice to meet you.", I mumble. He pulls out a

"Your a human aren'tcha? That hilarious. Your lucky that I found you, I'm supposed to turn you in but I'm too lazy. Now my bro Sans, he's a human hunting pro."

Nemo walks up to him and nudges his leg. Paps smiles and bends down to pet him. "Who's this fur ball?", He chuckles. "That's Nemo, my dog."

"Sans loves puppies, so don't let him see Nemo because you might ever get him back." Papyrus says, looking out into the distance. "Speak of the devil, here he comes."

I follow his gaze until I notice a smol skeleton furiously stomping through the snow. 'Aww he's so cute when he's angry.'

"Yo (Y/n), quick, hide behind that conveniently shaped bush.", He points to a bush that looks like me holding Nee at my side.

"Huh, wow. Okay, c'mon Nee." I say dragging Nemo behind the bush. Just in time too, because Sans stomped right up to Paps face....well legs.

"Papyrus! What are you doing?!?! I'll tell you what you aren't doing, working! You lazybones!", Sans stomps his little booted feet. "Aww c'mon bro, I'm just on break, ya got me working myself to the bone."

Paps looks my way and winks. I groan at his lazy joke, but laughter soon takes over. I have to cover my mouth in order to contain any loose giggles.

Sans starts to smile,"Papy you know I hate your puns and irresponsible jokes!" Paps chuckles," But your smiling, you can't hide that."

"I know I am and I hate myself," Sans sighs "Papy, I put you on sentry duty for a reason! What if a human were to pass by?"

"Nothing gets past me! I'm Sherlock Bones!",Paps looks my way again. I can't take it anymore, my hands are barely covering my giggles.

Sans sighs,"Never mind, I'm going to go work with Alphys. Stay alert and don't fall asleep!" Paps chuckles,"Woe is me! No naps! How shall I continue living?", He says sarcastically.

I giggle and Sans looks in my direction. Quickly I clasp my hands over my mouth, silently scolding myself. He slowly approaches the bush, curiously peering around the side.

He sees Nemo first, his eyes becoming hearts and stars. Then he looks up at me. I wave at the surprised skeleton, he runs behind Papyrus.

"Papy?" He asks as he watches me move from behind the bush. "Yeah Sans?" " that....a human?" Paps looks at Nemo.

"Nope, pretty sure that's a dog bro." "Oh," Sans eases from behind Papyrus, I only see half of his face and a light blue dusts cheeks. "Hey, what's that beside the dog?"

Sans' eyes light up and he walks towards me. He might be shorter than Papyrus, but he's taller than me. He reaches out and seems like he was going to touch my face.

Him being a skeleton and all, he's probably curious. But Sans retracts his hand and does a heroic stance. "I The MAGNIFICENT Sans, have finally found a human! I must take you to Alphys! So that I can finally join the Royal guard! I will finally have friends...I mean not that I don't already have tons of friends!"

He blushes shyly,"Everyone will love me! Well more than they already do!" I reach out and lay a hand on his shoulder, "I want to be your friend. So I will."

His eyes turn into hearts,"Really?!? You will?!? How exciting this is, how exciting this must be.....for you! I shall go prepare puzzles and tacos!"

With that,he ran of shouting,"MWEH HEH HEH!!!!!" I giggle,"Paps, your brother is so cute!!!" "When he's not complaining about my work ethic. Hey you need a place to stay right? Why not live with us?"

I blush, "Are you sure? I wouldn't wanna impose." Paps lights another cigarette," Nah, it's cool...", within the silence I swear I heard something else.

I hum," What's that Paps?" He laughs,"Oh nothing."



ap and I arrive at a cozy looking house in the town of Snowdin. "Welcome home (Y/n)." Pap says as he nudges my arm. I smile at him as Nee runs up to the door and lays a paw on the handle.

'It'd be nice to take a small nap.' I reach out and open the door, the scent of tacos fill my nose making my mouth water. Sleep can wait, I need food.

I walk into the warm house and take off my sweater, reviling my (F/c) T-shirt. Nemo runs straight into the kitchen.

"(Y/n)! Papy! You have come to enjoy my wonderful food and puzzles! I'm so happy!", Sans walks out of the kitchen wearing a 'Kiss The Cook's apron, but cook had been crossed out and replaced with 'Magnificent Sans'.

He was so adorable! Paps went to Sans and explained that I'd be living with them, and his eyes became hearts and a faint blush dusted his cheeks.

"Oh really! Thats so cool! I hope she will enjoy her stay!" Paps chuckles and says something to Sans in his 'ear' and his face becomes a blueberry.

"Papy! Stop it! I'd....we.....ughhh!" Sans covers his face and Paps just shakes with laughter.
"Paps, what's going on? What did you tell Sans?" I ask curiously.

Paps face is dusted a light orange," Heh heh, well....ya see.......Welp, I'm going to Muffets."
Sans pouts,"But Papy, I made tacos!" Paps sighs," Fine, I'll be in my room."

He teleports to his room instead of just using the stairs. Sans mumbles,"Lazybones, was it really that hard to use the stairs?"



fter eating Sans' delicious tacos, we just talked for a while."So (Y/n), what brought you to the Underground?" I shift uneasily in my seat. "Well, I kinda ran away."

His eyes become sad,"Oh, why? " I sigh. "Well, I was abused. Physically, mentally, emotionally, verbally.....but three outta four of them, I did to myself."

His expression changes,"(Y/n), I have a question to ask, and you can deny if you want." I nod, telling him to continue.

He sighs," you...cut yourself?"

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