The truth follows-4

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I sit with my hands inside my lap, looking at the floor. Avoiding eye contact as sudden realization hits him.

His face, expressionless. He tilts my head up, making me look him in the eyes. "(Y/n), I know this is an uncomfortable question, but......may I...see your arm?"

I look at his face, which is laced with concern and sigh. "I guess, just....don't judge okay?" I mumble. He nods and begins to lift up my sleeve.

All of a sudden the atmosphere around Sans changes, it's unbearable. I look away as he looks up at me, I can't handle this.

He begins to trace each and every scar, old and new, with a tremendous amount of love and care. He sighs and shakes his head.

"I can't believe a girl as beautiful as you would do something so horrible, and ruin her beautiful soft skin." He states as he caresses my arm.

Something slips from his eye sockets, a tear? He reaches over and wipes something from my cheek, it was a tear.

How could I cry without knowing? I try to stop them, but they keep falling. Each one more faster than the last. Before long I'm doubled over bawling.

Sans scoots closer to me and wraps me in his embrace, I feel so safe here, never wanna leave. Paps walks down the stairs and chuckles.

"Awww! Look at the two love birds! So cute!!! Wait, lemme get a picture!" Paps pulls out his phone and snaps a few pics.

Sans covers his face with one hand, and the other is draped around my waist. We look at each other and blush. I quickly scoot to the other half of the chair and Sans does the same.

"Did I ruin the moment?" He jokes and winks, amused by our embarrassment. "Kissy kissy!" Paps says as he makes kissy faces.

"Papyrus I'm gonna kill you!" Sans shouts and runs at Paps, but is lifted up into the air. Sans is clawing and kicking at Paps. "*Yawn* Your so energetic bro."

"And your a lazybones! Put me down!" Sans crys. "If you say so," Paps smirks as Sans falls face down onto the floor.

Sans doesn't move for a couple of minutes, then he begins to shake lightly. "Sans?" I say, slowly approaching him. I roll him sightly onto his side, he's crying.


My heart breaks, and I wanna break Paps funny bone. He notices that Sans is crying and the smile leaves his face.

Then he looks at me."*Nervous laughter* Whoops, my bad. Welp I'm going to Muffets."

I glare at him until he walks out of the door. Sans is curled up, softly crying. I pull him into a hug and he gasps."Are you okay Sans?" I ask softly caressing his head.

He blushes and nods, becoming a cute lil' blueberry. "I'm fine," He wraps his arms around me."but are you?"

I nod and blush a little. "Yeah I'm fine." "Papy says that I should enroll you for school here in the Underground, but I wouldn't want you to feel uncomfortable."

"No, it's fine. School might be interesting." His eyes become stars."Okay! I'll take you tomorrow."

'I'm glad he didn't judge me about cutting, he's really sweet. But can I trust them?'

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