Jealous? ❤️ Turbo Shu X Valt

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Originally written by Ai_Sakamaki_

Book- Beyblade burst Oneshot (Request Open)

Thank you Ai for giving me your story ✨

Sorry for taking too long 😅

I hope y'all will love Ai's wonderful work ❤️ So keep on supporting 🔥


Third Person's POV

Valt is excited to meet Shu after months. Aiger has become a new champion and he finally have time to hang with his friends.

Valt finally arrived to America and already made his way to Raging Bulls. On his way toward the door, he saw his 'best friend' of his life, Shu Kurenai, talking to a girl and giggling outside the door.

Valt never really mind but he feels a sudden pain in his heart, it's feels like he's been stuck by an arrow painfully. That girl wave at Shu and walk away. Valt find himself have to act like he see nothing.

"Shuuuu!" Valt scream while running towards Shu. As you can see he's acting like his normal self so he doesn't get caught.

"Valt, you're here." Shu say with excited yet normal face. They do their usual fist bump as they met.

"I never thought we finally able to see each other again." Valt laugh.

"Don't jinx it." Shu chuckles.

"Come on in. I bet the whole club will ask you to battle them." Shu said opening the door for Valt.

Shu and Valt are having some fun to cover for the years they missed together. They battle countless time and chat with each other to catch up with things they missed. Valt want to ask about the girl earlier but he hesitate because he doesn't want to ruin the moment.

The whole Raging Bulls are excited to see Valt there. They battle one by one until all of them are tired. Time pass by so quickly and as the bladers realize the sky already turn orange.

All the bladers going home meanwhile Valt is staying at Shu's house. Valt seems like he's just happy but deep down he still wonder about the girl Shu talking with earlier. Valt decided to stop thinking about the girl but he can't.

°°°°°°°°°° At Shu's house.°°°°°°°°°°

Shu's POV

I walk out of the bathroom and look at Valt. For some reason he look like something was bothering him. The worried face ruin he's cuteness.

"What's wrong Valt?" I ask him worried.

"Shu..." Valt whisper.

"What is it?" I'm about to panic, he's talking like that scare me.

"Who's that girl earlier?" Valt say looking at me with serious face.

End of Shu's POV

Third Person's POV

Shu look at Valt confused then he realized...

"Valt, are you perhaps...jealous?" Shu ask Valt curiously.

"Pardon?" Valt say looking at Shu.

"You were jealous when I talk to girl earlier...did you?" Shu try to hold his smile in case his guess is wrong.

Valt stay quiet for a while and look down with a shocked eyes. After few seconds he nod and had blushes on his face. Shu can't hold it any longer and embrace Valt with a hug.

"Aw Valt, I never knew you will get jealous over something like that." Shu say hugging Valt.

"W-what can I do?! I...I like you very much! I can't r-risk giving you to s-someone!" Valt say with trembling (?) voice.

Shu stop hugging Valt and look him in the eyes.

"You...Like me...?" Shu say full of seriousness.

"I...I do..." Valt say looking away as his face redden.

"Valt." Shu call him.

"Mhn?" Valt didn't turn his head.

"Valt." Shu called his name again.

"What?" Valt say still looking away.

"Valt!" Shu yelled.

"What?!" Valt yell still looking away.

"Valt, look at me." Shu say in relaxing voice.

Valt slowly turn his head and finally face to face with Shu. He shocked when he saw blushes at Shu face.

"I really like you Valt." Shu said.

Valt look at Shu seriously like students focusing on teacher notes when it's almost exam.

"Since we're kids I always hold this feelings. I'm afraid if I ever told you and you don't feel the same you will cut ties with me..." Shu said.

"Shu...are you crying?!" Valt concerned when he saw tears in Shu's eyes.

"I'm just so happy, You liked me back and we're still friends." Shu said wiping his tears.

"Shu...why didn't you tell me before?" Valt ask.

"I'm just to scared. I question my feeling a lot like, What if he doesn't like me? What if he like someone else? What if he's straight? What if he hate me after I confess? What if-" Shu words got cutted of when Valt kissed him.

Shu kiss Valt back and they softly kissing each other until Valt broke the kiss.

"Shu, I like you to. Don't overthink it. I'm not that kind of person, even if I don't like you back we can still be friends." Valt say patting Shu's shoulders.

"Well that doesn't matter anymore..." Shu say.

"Huh?" Valt confused.

"Because I don't want us to be friends anymore..." Shu said looking down.

"Huh?! What do you mean by that Shu?!" Valt shocked and feel pain in his chest again.

Shu stand up and walk toward his desk. He open his drawer and take a small box inside it. He walk toward Valt holding the box.

"Valt Aoi" Shu say looking seriously at Valt.

"Shu...?" Valt looking at Shu curiosly and gulp.

Shu kneel down and then held the box toward Valt and open in.

"Will you be my boyfriend?" Shu say smiling. Inside the box is a pair of matching rings.

Valt is shocked and close his mouth. He started to tear up.

"Yes! I will!" Valt yelled. Shu put the ring on Valt. Valt look at his ring and jump-hug(?) Shu. Shu hug back and they're spin of joy.

As they'd tired, they lie on Shu's bed and cuddles together.

"This is the happiest moment of my life." Valt say looking at Shu while they're still lying down.

"Well it's not mine." Shu say.

"Huh?" Valt look at Shu.

"The happiest moment of my life will be when I proposed to you." Shu say smiling at Valt.

Valt once again in tears. He hug Shu tightly.

"I love you, Shu" Valt say still cuddling with Shu.

"I love you too Valt." Shu said. They're both soon fall asleep in each other's arm knowing this day couldn't get any better.

The End...


Ok the thing I did, I literally copy and paste it so I own anything. Credit goes to the original author of this oneshot Ai_Sakamaki_ *hats off*

Ai thank you for giving me permission for taking your story ✨❤️

You guys will find this story on Ai' Beyblade burst Oneshot (Request Open) book.

Go there and find out another amazing OneShots beside of Shalt ❤️💙✨

Thanks for reading 🌻🌼

Shalt ❤️💙 4 LIFE ✨

See you soon 🌀💫

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