Moments of Regrets

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Back again with another oneshot :)

Originally written by TheAzureGirl

Book- Moments

Picture credits goes to Azul of course!

Thank you Azul 💙 for letting me take your story :)

Hope y'all love her amazing work ❤️✨ LoL already she's amazing 🌹 go check out her original works 💎


Warning: Red Eye. Dark(?) and Angst


Shu Kurenai is regretting all the bad things he did as a Red Eye

That's the first thing he felt when he freed from the curse of Requiem. It's been 2 months since the tragedy happened but it's still keep bugging him in the night before he sleep.

So he make a new habit to jog in the night so he will feel a cold breeze of air caressing his silky flowy white hair that he found relaxing.

While jogging under the glowing full moon of the dark night for some reason his feet bring him in a random place and he found himself in the park where he and Valt tend to battle together during the early days

He decided to walk closely and sit down to the cold concrete floor and take a deep breath then look over the sky to see the beautiful stars

Looking back from where he start and from how far he get, make he realized that he's a total mess

Back in his glory days he still remember that everyone praise and look up to him as a great blader, a prodigy and hailed as a member of a supreme four

But now everyone is wary of him, they might not say it but the fear and doubting on their eyes is enough say it out loud

Others still hasn't trust him well he can't blame them because he become a traitor, a power hungered blader and destroyer of beys

What a mess and now he don't know where to start now

He can't look over the bright future - if he still have one - because his dark past it's still hunting him down

The "Red Eye Accident", that's what the others called it but he honestly doesn't understand why it's called accident when he really intentionally wanted to be a Red Eye in the first place

After what Lui did to him, after he broke his promise to Valt and after he lose to Free it feels like everything around him is a mess and make him pushed over the edge. Then that man came over him to ask if he wanted to become stronger and offer him to join the Snake Pit.

People call him a genius and yet he let himself manipulated just to gained power and throw his old happy life
And that fact make him more guilty with regrets eating him whole alive.

He can still remember and it's still very clear on his memories on how he push his friends away when they were just worried and cared about him, destroying other's Beys cause he thought that's where power come and hurt Spriggan who trying to warn him

(So selfish. So Ungrateful. So pathetic)

Each of those words send daggers on his heart that make his breathing hitch

"Shu Kurenai is Dead"

Ahhh he can still remember that exact curse line he didn't hesitate to declare on his friends - who take effort and time just to go in Snake Pit, Mexico and dangerous forest just to find him.

When he see the shock and hurt on their face - he honestly doesn't care and truthfully he is beyond annoyed on why the hell they we're here - they will just step on his way.

He don't need them. They were just a distraction on his way of power and success.

And he regret thinking that way

If those days he felt annoyed on his friends. Now he felt horrible sick just looking at them cause he has no face to show them for all the things he did

(So awful. So disgraceful)

Then he bite his bottom lip to ignored the aching of his heart

He just watch uninterested his friends battling the shadow bladers being played their feelings to think that if they win, they will have him back knowing they win or lose - nothing will change because he is really dead set on throwing away his old self into a worse version of him and in the end of the day they kick off in the Snake Pit- but he doesn't even care a single bit

Wakiya eventually once told him that when they get kicked out, they thought that he himself was kick out too thinking he is not in that horrible place anymore and just hiding somewhere like training

And in that moment he felt a dread pool of sick feeling on his stomach

He make his friends get a high hopes thinking he's ok when in reality it's not and his heart clench in hard guilt

Looking back in those days, he could've done differently-no he should done something like going off with them in the first place

But no. He didn't do a damn simple thing and decided to stay in that hellish place where young bladers are being push into there limits when it's clear that they are hurting too

(Just like him)

He grip his shirt tightly just thinking why he didn't feel any remorse that time?

That curse place of Snake Pit will surely hunt him down forever and now he's questioning his self now on why he doesn't have the heart to care and concern about other people

Is he really become that heartless? And the answer is so damn obvious

"Shu isn't weak! You know nothing about him. He work harder than anyone. He does a lot of training, battled even he was hurt...He made really powerful techniques special techniques. This whole time, he worked incredibly hard! That's why he's one of the Spin Emperors. That's why he's strong!"

Valt declare that on other people with full of sincerity and fondness cause he mean every single word from the bottom of his heart.

But instead of being grateful. He despite it. And now it's too late to appreciate his words anymore
When all things are now revealed after his lose to Lui-again-and mock him again saying he knew it was him all this time. Then the world how now turn upside down

He was supposed to walk away from the shame he got in

But Valt run over him and desperately holding his shoulder to stop with his terribly shaking hands something that never happened before with his tears start to trickle down on his supposed to be innocent but now shocked hurt hazel brown eyes.

Then he plead- no begging to explain why he is doing this with his broken voice that was uncharacteristic to his blue friend

And his answer with his desperate pleading?

"You get out my way"

(Wow. Nice reply)

Shu harshly said without showing care or even slightly concern with those broken brown eyes now looking so helpless and hurt as if his world has forsaken him which might be a exaggeration but knowing Valt for almost a years he know that his friend is very sensitive and a crybab- has no control on his emotion.

But remembering that moment make him realized that he's crying silently without any sound of sobbing which is the worst and that realization feel like something punch him in the gut just remembering it

And he hate the fact that he is the reason why his best friend is in that state

But it's too late now because there is no turning back when he walk away leaving his dear friends with any warning or explanation

(Your so Evil Shu)

Without his consent a hot liquid roll down his face and he quickly wipe it away


Isn't obvious Valt? For power of course. But instead of saying that he just ignore him and walk away cause he look so weak and pathetic at that state.

Then when he got back to Snake Pit. Ashtem then ask him to undergo the Requiem project

So he need to abandoned his weak bey-Legend Spryzen - by not hesitating to throw it away.

Then the project actually work. Or at least that's what he think.

Because in his desire to control Spryzen... It cause him a payback and instead he's swallowed up. In that time he's start to break bey just by thinking that's where power came from

And Valkyrie become one of his prey
Shu covered his ears when for some reason he can hear the sounds of bey shattering that echo so loudly in every corner of the place

He broke Valkyrie. He broke his best friend's bey when destroying a bey means destroying people's heart
And from the depths of his memory. Shu can clearly see the pain, hurt, betrayal and fear swirling on Valt's eyes

"I'm done with you. Get out of my way, Valt!"

"Don't say that. Please...just...don't act like we're not friends!"

A phantom pain shot through his heart as he clutch his burning chest

(Such a traitor)

He already cause so much pain to him.

"I'll never forget what you did to me, Lui. You'll regret it soon. First, I'm gonna destroy Nightmare Luinor! Then, I'm gonna annihilate each and every Bey that dares to get in my way!"

The most awaited moments he's been waiting for: His revenge on Lui Shirosagi.

And he freaking succeed to beat Lui with a bonus destroying Luinor and he didn't regret a single thing about it. Hah! How you like that Shirosagi

Shu smirk wickedly

Although it make him realize in the end that revenge didn't change anything in fact he can't believe he's admitting this but he just become like Lui! Aggressive and cold blader.

(So freaking creepy)

That revelation sent shivers through his spine

Then the International Bladers Cup Finals with Valt as his opponent
At that moment he expect those hazel brown eyes that shone in lightness to be gone from all the things he did but instead it intensified

"It's not right! Shu's still in there! I'M NOT GONNA STAND FOR THIS!!

"You're wrong! I'm Spryzen! Meet your fate!"

"Shu, you're the only reason I'm able to stand here today! I owe everything to you!"

"Give in. You're wasting your time."

"I'm still here, and I'm not giving up on you. I've got your back."

"Listen, Valt! I admit it, you're my best friend! It's true! That's why I can't fail! I would never be able to forgive myself if I lost this battle! I won't ever let you defeat me, Valt!"

"I came this far to give you the match you deserve. I made it, and I'm gonna win this thing!"

In the end Valt actually managed to win.

"So, dude, wanna keep battling?"

That... took him by surprise. Valt, the person he hurt the most actually forgive him already in a short moment of time.

The sentiment is shared by his closed friends too who he pushed away too.
Shu didn't know what he deserve to have a friends like them. It almost make him wanna cry in sadness for guilt and happiness for gratefulness
But the nightmare is still in there
His friends already forgive him but he still couldn't forgive himself

Yes he regret a lot of things but he didn't know if he deserve the forgiveness or how he should he pay back his dear friends... especially Valt

"Valt I don't deserve you" the white haired boy whisper in the silent night

(He don't know what to do anymore)

"I knew it you still hasn't moved on"

Shu almost had an heart attack when a voice sudden appear on his side as he quickly turn around to see Valt sitting behind

"H-how long have you been here" Shu stammer when he find his voice to ask

The spiky blue haired boy shrug "Just now"

Shu blink in disbelief thinking how the hell he didn't notice him

"So... Why I don't deserve you" Valt ask while tilting his head that make Shu freeze on his spot

It takes a moment to Shu to think what is the best answer without hurting his best friend feelings again but he didn't find any so he sigh in defeat and just say the first thing that came out his mind

"Because your so freaking nice but I broke your heart" Shu finally let it out

Valt stare at him "But I already forgiven you already"

Shu take a deep breath "That's the point... you forgive me easily that I didn't know If I deserve it"

"... So you don't want to be forgiven?"

Shu almost want to bang his head in the floor at this rate at his precious and clueless friend

"Hhihi just joking dude" Valt sniffle a laugh that make Shu blink multiple times

"Let's say we switch roles and I'm the one betrayed your trust but in the end I regret all the things I did... would you still forgive me" Valt ask while smiling mysteriously

The albino look at him in confusion

"If course I do your my best friend beside you already regret things after all" he said as if he's offended

"If that's the case then what make you think you don't deserve forgiveness on your self?" Valt ask with mysterious glint ok his eyes

Shu stare at him for a long time and groan but can't help to tug a warm fond smile

Valt really has a creative thinking.... And that's the reason why many people around him like him

Then what Valt did next took him by surprise by hugging him warmly and tightly that almost make his heart stop a beat

Then Valt start to talk over his frozen shoulder in comfortable tone

"I know the only reason you pushed everyone away because you've been pushed over the edge in the first place and I'm really sorry for never noticing your pain"

Shu eyes widen and want to protest but the bluenette cut him over

"It's already happened in the past Shu and you already reflect for all the things you did and that's more than enough to pay for your sins"

Shu at this point want it cry already but refrain him for doing but he can't. His eyes are already burning and without his consent years already falling down on his eyes

In response Valt rub his back to sooth the pain

"That's the meaning of having friends right? Always had each other back. I would be lying if I said I wasn't hurt by your behavior that time but you suffered too in silence. Shu you were manipulated so it's not your fault got that?"

Shu know every word are real and sincere and it make him feel more able to breathe properly

"Please stop blaming yourself in things you can't control instead just look over the beautiful future you will have Shu. Doesn't mean things didn't work in the first place doesn't mean you will give up now. That's the life Shu, you will fail or succeed but what's important is you keep on living."

Then Shu choke that turn into a sob and finally start to let out. Slowly he hug Valt back as if he's the only support he had in life.

Valt smile sadly and can't hide that his eyes are glistening too

"You've been thinking that perfection is the only option but something like that doesn't exist. Your only a human too Shu so it's ok that you made mistake just remember me and the club will be always be there for you" Valt remind him

Shu bite his bottom lips then clutch his best friend clothes tightly as he continue to cry to let it go

They stay like that in until Shu start to feel ok and calm down and wipe his tears away

Finally he can now start healing. It might take time but it's more than enough

"Hey Valt" Shu call out

"Yeah?" The bluenette ask look at him in confusion and his hazel brown eyes widen in shock at the next thing happened

Shu hold both Valt's hands gently and stare at him with those fondly soft yet sharp crimson eyes that become more beautiful by glistening under the gaze of full moon. His expression become soft, as a grateful and warm big smile plastered on his lips. Then a cold breezed passed by that make Shu's silky white hair dance in the rhythm that Valt couldn't take off his eyes cause he find himself astonish by his best friend to the point his heart melt at the next thing Shu said.

"Thank you Valt for never giving up on me, for always be there for me and for making me happy. I'm so lucky that I have someone like you in my life cause you are the best friend that I could ever wish off to the point I realized I don't know what kind of life I had without you and so again thank you for everything Valt"



Ok it was a beautiful one ❤️💙

Maybe Azul didn't put up this moment as a ship but still it's so freaking amazing like that ✨ so that's why I asked her permission for this one 💎

Thanks again TheAzureGirl

Stay tuned everyone 💙✨

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