Carefree and Happy

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Shu leaned down on the couch sighing. It had been only several days after all the incidents as Red Eye and he was staying back in BC Sol until he's healthy enough to get back to Japan. He longed to go back home. It felt like ages since he came from Japan. Sure, even though he went for the most part he would be alone at his apartment. But he could care less about that, because right now all he cared about was the familiarity in Beigoma and the times he treasured inside his heart. He ignored talking with most of the BC Sol members. It's almost like they ignored talking with him. He couldn't exactly blame him for that after all, Shu thought bitterly, staring at his hands. After what he did as Red Eye he doubted they'll ever want to talk to him. Shu moved his hand to his injured shoulder. The dull pain still aches his muscles. The albino boy sat down on the couch looking around at the empty room. Almost everyone is by the stadiums practicing or having fun with battles. He could hear their laughter and their happy noises from his room but he ignored it. He had never been a sociable person anyway. A soft knock on the door drew him away from his thoughts. "Come in" Shu answered, expecting someone from the bey club as usual but instead he was met with the sight of Honey and Kitt. Shu blinked. It was not a secret around BC Sol that after seeing him as Red Eye the two little ones were scared of him. Sasha made sure that Honey wouldn't near Shu any time. It took Shu a few minutes to realize that he's stupidly staring at the two. "H-Hi"

Honey took a step back instantly, hiding behind Kitt as the brown haired boy talked. "We are having a meeting. Chris wants you to join"

Shu titled his head. Well, that was new he thought getting up from the bed. Why is he needed at the BC Sol meeting? He's not even a member of the team. His thoughts were again drawn by the pair who were engaged in their own little conversation. "It will be held in two hours," Kitt said. He was fidgeting with his sleeve.

"Oh" Shu thought of getting back to the bed again and staring at the space for another two hours when Honey spoke.

"We heard from Valt that you are good at teaching" Her voice was quiet.

Shu gave them a surprised look. "You guys aren't talking about math or science, are you?"

Kitt gave out a small laugh. "Nah. We're talking about beyblade"

Shu shrugged. "I guess"

"Can you-" Honey faltered, letting out a shuddering breath. "Can you train us?"

Shu pointed at himself, still unsure whether he heard it right. "Me?"

Kitt nodded. "If you have time of course" He quickly added.

Shu turned back to the room where he was sitting for like four hours. "I got two hours to laze around again. So why not?"

Honey nodded, a ghostly smile on her lips. "T-Thank you"

Shu smiled back at her. "Let's go and find a stadium"

The three of them crossed the garden and reached a stadium situated in the far end of the BC Sol ground. It was silent around them, just as Shu liked it. No one to bother them and no hateful glares passing around. He watched as Kitt and Honey took out their launchers getting ready to launch. He wasn't still allowed to battle again because of his shoulder. Shu didn't mind it either. After all the traumatizing events as Red Eye he wanted to keep himself away from battling for a few weeks. He quietly observed the launching styles of the two, catching the flaws and memorizing them to tell about those later. It felt good to be back with some people again, Shu thought watching Kitt and Honey following his advice smoothing their launching styles. His lips curled into a sincere smile. Just maybe, he missed this. After a few more launches Kitt and Honey fell back, tired after the session. Shu passed them both a bottle of water.

"Thanks Shu" Kitt chirped, gulping down water as Honey relayed the same message taking her own water bottle.

"You guys are quick learners" Shu complimented them. He had good experience with Valt and he was never this fast to learn anything. Shu sighed inwardly remembering the exhausting days where he tried to teach Valt the fundamentals. So much for starting earlier than him, Shu thought bitterly sitting beside Kitt who was staring at his bey.

"Blading is fun, isn't it?"

Shu turned to the boy then back to the distant. A distant look passing through his features. "Yeah" He said, the memories clashing inside his mind yet again. He used to enjoy beyblade, to have fun. But by the time passes, he used it as an escape from his reality and maybe that's where it went all wrong. "It is"

Honey was silent for a few moments. "Shu-san" Shu called, taking his attention. "I'm sorry for ignoring you like that. I was scared"

Shu looked taken aback from her words. "It's fine. You did nothing wrong. When I look myself at the mirror it scares me too. My own self" Shu sighed, looking at the ground. His bangs, now long enough to pass his shoulders casting a shadow over his once bright red eyes. He looked up, feeling someone's hand gripping against his own. Shu looked up to see Honey. Her small hand clutching his own.

"I like you better like Shu-san" She said in a cheery voice.

Kitt stood up beside him with a grin and threw an arm around his shoulder making sure to be delicate that the albino won't be hurt. "Yeah! You're the best mentor too"

Shu smiled, this time genuine. "I can tell you that you two are the best students of mine"

"What about Valt-san though?" Honey asked, tilting her head. "He's the world champion"

"Still the worst when it comes to learning stuff," Shu said with a comical sigh.

Kitt laughed. "Sounds like Valt" He checked his watch. "It's time! Let's go to the meeting" He said, clutching Shu's wrist dragging the albino with him with Honey who quickly joined them.

When they went to the meeting room, almost all the others - surprisingly Valt and Free - were there. Everyone's eyes turned to them as they entered the room with Kitt gripping tight to his wrist while Honey giggled following them. "Sorry," Kitt announced to the others. "We're late"

Honcho blinked. He was sure that he wasn't the only one who was surprised by the sudden alliance of the trio. Even Sasha, who stood beside him let out a stifled gasp looking at her sister smiling brightly at the albino. "It's fine," Christina said, her magenta eyes serene and joyous. She was happy to see Shu involved with the other members of the BC Sol.

"You guys seemed to be worked up" Sasha commented, seeing her sisters flushed cheeks and goofy grin.

Honey nodded enthusiastically. "Shu-san gave us some good tips for beyblading! Soon, I'm gonna be one of the best in BC Sol"

Valt frowned, "But Shu-"

"I didn't blade. I promised you. I'd wait until my shoulder is healed" Shu interrupted with a small smile. Valt let out a relieved sigh. Shu walked up to the and stood beside Valt as everyone calmed down. Christina stood up from her seat and walked straight toward Shu.

"I was thinking," She said, looking at the albino who watched him with confused eyes. "I'd like to scout you as a BC Sol member"

Shu blinked. Several gasps passed around the room as they let the suggestion sink in. Valt let out a happy squeal, he really wanted to see Shu with the BC Sol. Unlike in the Raging Bulls he was sure that Shu would fit in here more. Shu looked at her extended hand. Welcoming. It was like forever since he was last welcomed to some place like this and he wasn't sure whether he was ready to be loved by a team again. To work with a team again. He took a step back. "I-I'm sorry Christina. But I wanna go back home." He said. Everyone fell silent as Shu continued. "I think it's for the best. Besides, after all that I'm not sure whether I'll fit in again."

Christina sighed. "It's your choice. I won't force you to join us. But think about it, and like I saw right now. You, as Shu Kurenai will fit in just fine in BC Sol"

Shu shrugged but kept quiet. Valt whined beside him. "Aww man! I thought you'd join"

Shu gave him an apologetic look. "Sorry Valt. I miss home"

Honcho gave him a friendly slap on the back. "Well, just remember you're always welcomed here buddy"

Shu nodded with a small smile. "Thanks"

"Okay" Christina talked, taking their attention back. She talked about some of the future tournaments they were going to have and some other important things. Shu mostly spaced out, trying to peel his mind off from the dull ache of his shoulder. The painkillers should've done the trick by now, he thought bitterly focusing back to Christina's speech. After explaining the schedule she turned to Free and Shu. "You two have the doctor appointment tomorrow. Get ready for it"

Shu groaned. It was already that day? He hated that place and the horrible smell of the hospitals was always enough to make him more sick than he already was. Free had a similar expression in his face. But none of them said a word, because both of them knew that a single word will lead to a major destruction called a lecture. The rest of the day was uneventful. Except for the way Valt tried to reassure everyone that he can score two digits in exams, it was uneventful. The next day Shu walked to the massive gates of BC Sol where Christina was waiting for them. Christina smiled at him, gesturing toward the taxi stopped near the gates. "You can go and wait inside. I guess Free is going to get late as always"

Shu smiled at her. "I'll wait here with you"

Christina smiled back at him. Her blue eyes glowed with fondness. "Of course"

It took a while for Free to reach them. The blonde looked extremely bored as he walked straight toward the taxi with a yawn. Christina placed her hands on her hips. "Hello to you too Free"

Free just raised his arm and gestured a wave opening the door to the car. Shu and Christina followed him there and got in. The drive was silent. Even after these past few weeks staying at BC Sol, Shu never confronted the blonde. He always went to the forest and came back when the dusk was falling and some days, he did not come back at all. Christina did not seem to mind this constant absence of Free for she seemed to know about this usual habit was something normal. Free pressed his head against the glass, yawning as he closed his eyes to sleep. Shu stared outside of the window, trying to forget about the dreading appointment yet to come. He hated when the doctor pressed his fingers on his sore shoulder making the muscles ache even more. Even though he knew that it was for his own good Shu concluded the doctor to be a sadist. The taxi stopped in front of the hospital. Christina said something to the taxi driver before he drove off. Then, she turned to the two teens with a smile. "Let's get you two checked"

Free sighed. "My shoulder is already healed Chris" He complained, swinging his injured shoulder without even flinching.

"Well then, this can be your last appointment. Be happy"

Free groaned. "Fine Fine"

The two bickered all the way to the doctor's office as Shu quietly followed them. He always wondered about their brother-sister relationship. It seemed to him as if they were real siblings. Christina always looked after Free and Shu knew that Free was protective toward Christina, and just maybe- "Ow" Shu winced when he collided with another patient. He raised his head to see a guy, around thirties on the floor clutching to his bag. Ruby eyes widened as he automatically bowed, forgetting he was in Spain. "I'm so sorry"

The stranger stood up and narrowed his eyes. "Watch where you're going kid"

"Sorry" Shu said again as he watched the man storm pass him. He should really be level headed when he's walking he thought looking back to Christina who rushed toward him.

"You okay Shu?"

Shu nodded. "Yeah. The fault is mine"

Free tilted his head, turning around mumbling along. "You always say that"

Shu didn't hear his words. He followed the two again, but this time made sure to stay focused on his surroundings. The first appointment was for Free. Christina practically had to drag him inside as the latter let himself dragged into the room. Shu just sat there, alone. He looked around the room, there were some other patients. Most of them were older than him and some younger. His mind wandered back to Beigoma where he did everything alone. Even when he's sick, he is alone. He had no one by his side when his shoulder got severely injured. He had no one by his side when his eye was bleeding buckets. He had no one by his side when he cried himself to sleep because of the endless nightmares. Many people sympathized with him, but he said it was okay. Because he was used to it. Used to the pain and the loneliness but at times like this he realized that it's good to have someone by his side. After a while, Free came out. "Go in. Chris is inside''

Shu hummed in reply, walking to the room which smelled of carbolic acid mixed with a faint scent of flowers. The room was just like the last time. The white walls were decorated with translucent blue curtains and on the left side to the room stood a bed with light blue bed clothing. The doctor smiled at him. "Hello Shu. How have you been?"

Shu sat down on the corner of the bed with a small smile. "I'm fine"

"Your hand?"

He instantly wanted to reply with a smile. But he needed to tell the truth. "Hurts a bit"

The doctor hummed, unwrapping the white bandage on his shoulder. Christina walked to him and stood by his side. Shu flinched when the doctor started pressing around his muscles. "You'll have to rest a bit more Shu. You sprained your shoulder pretty badly"

"I know" He muttered, biting back a yelp. After the checkup, the bandage was neatly wrapped around his shoulder again. The doctor wrote something in a paper and handed it to Christina. Then, he turned back to Shu. This is the most embarrassing part, Shu thought looking at the candy in his arms. Even though he was matured for his age, twelve is still young. So every time he went to the hospital the doctor would hand him a candy wrapped in bright pink wrappers. He sighed. Free stood up seeing them. A smug grin spreading across his features.

"Got the candy. Didn't ya?"

Shu scowled. "So what?"

"You're the first kid who hates candy this much you know?" Free shrugged, shoving his hands into his pockets.

"Want it?" Shu asked, handing the candy to the older male who titled his head. It was the drill. Shu gets the candy and he gives it to Free and Christina would always groan.

"Stop eating his candy Free"

Free raised his arms in surrender, with a small smile hovering on his face. "In my defense he gave it to me"

Christina ruffled Shu's hair. "You're too kind Shu. Let me buy you another"

"Don't," Shu said, trying to stop the manager and it was effective because she got a call. The two waited in silence as her eyes widened comically.

"And now" Free said, "She just realized that she's supposed to have a date today"

Shu shrugged it off thinking he's joking when Christina suddenly turned to them. "I'm so sorry guys, I forgot I have a date today!"

Shu blinked as his jaw dropped open. "Oh"

She frantically fished around her purse and handed free some money. "Go home. Take care of Shu. And no funny business" Shu watched Christina running off to a nearby coffee shop. Free crossed his arms looking at the money in his hands.

"Let's go and wander around," He muttered, slinging one of his hands over Shu's shoulder. Shu looked at Free.

"She told us to go home?"

Free shrugged, "Who cares? We'll wait till she finishes it off. Christina doesn't really last long in dates"

"Rude" Shu muttered, following the blonde to another coffee shop. Just when they entered, the sweet aroma of freshly baked cakes hit their noses. Shu inhaled sharply watching Free walking to the counter. Shu jogged after him, looking around. The place seemed to be older than he thought and from families to lovers sat on the wooden carved chairs chatting and eating their share happily. He got distracted for a while until Free led him to a table near the window. The last thing he expected today was to come to a coffee shop with Free De La Hoya. "What did you order?"

Free leaned down on his chair. "Something you must try when you're in Spain"

Shu raised his brow when a waitress came to them with two pudding-like desserts which she introduced to be Flan. It was a classical Spanish dessert she said, placing one of them in front of him with a mug of hot chocolate beside it. Shu thanked the waitress as she walked away from their table to take another order. He looked at the food in front of him. When it comes to trying new things, Shu was never a fan. But after seeing Free eating his dessert care freely Shu thought, Maybe, giving it a try wouldn't hurt anyone. He took a bite, still uncertain about the flavours that are about to hit his taste buds. His eyes widen as the sweet flavours of caramel sauce and velvety vanilla crust. Shu hummed in satisfaction when Free talked. "It's good, isn't it?"

Shu just nodded. "It's good"

The atmosphere grew silent again. The two boys silently sipped their hot chocolate mugs. After finishing their meals they went to the buzzing streets again. It was only when the raindrops started to hit their skin they saw the dark clouds gathering up heavens. "Uh oh" Free muttered. He raised his arms to block the raindrops hitting his face. "Run" He yelped as the rain grew thicker and thicker. Shu was in a daze for a second as he followed the blonde blader down the streets. The raindrops hitting against his skin was actually refreshing and brought chills down his spine. Free took his wrist and dragged him to a nearby convenience store to take cover. Shu bent down, resting his hands on his knees panting. "You're fast," He said through breath.

Free leaned against the glass window. "Years of practice"

"I thought you always laze around"

"Then how did I become the ex- best blader in the world?"

Shu stared at him, speechless. "Good point"

"You look like a wet puppy like that" Free pointed out, making the albino groan.

"Look at yourself" Shu muttered, gesturing to the glass behind them when Free hummed, a smile on his face.

"It was fun, wasn't it?"

"Define that fun" Shu said, smiling.

Free shrugged. "Running in the rain. Having fun like the other kids"

Shu nodded. "Yeah... it is"

Free just shook his head with another smile ruffling his locks. "You need to learn to have more fun. You always act like a grandpa instead of a kid"

"I don't!" Shu shot back, annoyed.

"Why don't you eat candy again?"

"Because it's not good for your health-" Shu stopped himself. Free gave him a look, I told you so and burst out laughing. Shu didn't mind actually. Instead, he let himself laugh at the statement. It was good to laugh along with a friend with a carefree heart. It felt foreign to him but something inside him told him that he'll get used to it. After the rain cleared, the two stepped into the streets again. This time, Free was heading straight to the cafe Christina disappeared into.

"Why are we going there?"

"When I count to three," Free said. "Christina will come out. Heartbroken and sad"

Shu frowned. "How-" Before he could finish his sentence, Free started to countdown. And quite surprisingly Christina did come out, just as Free predicted. But instead of sadness, fury was governing her features.

"Okay Shu, we're doomed" Free said, they were so dead.

"I can see it," Shu said as Christina caught sight of the two. She frowned, storming to them.

"Yo" Free said nonchalantly.

"I told you to go home" She was beyond furious. Whoever the guy she went out with today was giving some serious shit to her.

"In our defense" Free started. "I was showing Shu around. He never walked around here after all"

Christina's eyes softened a little. "Is that so?" She asked, looking at Shu. "How's it?"

"Okay?" Shu answered, bewildered at her change. "Are you okay Christina?"

Christina gritted her teeth as she took both of their wrists and dragged them with her. "Let's go somewhere quiet"

She led them to a park. It was mostly empty because of the shower they just had. The dew drops shining against the shiny sun rays peeking from the flock of black clouds covering the skies. Christina sat down on one of the benches and gestured to join them. And Shu found himself sitting in between the two.

Christina leaned against the white marbled bench. Free sighed beside Shu. "So, what happened?"

Shu sat in between them, was he intruding their talk? He wandered silently. But the other two didn't seem to mind his presence. Christina gritted her teeth. "That man was just there for the money!"

Free let out a low whistle wrapping one of his hands around Shu's shoulder. He leaned against albino's ear pretending to whisper but said that out loud. "It isn't even because of her beauty means She's not even pretty"

Shu sat there stunned when Christina glared at him. "Shut up"

Free shrugged, releasing Shu. "Make me"

Christina took her handbag, ready to attack the blonde when Free decided to use Shu as his shield. Shu yelped when Free dragged him off the bench dodging Christina's attacks. It was not the Christina he saw everyday at BC Sol. This one was more carefree and playful than the responsible strict manager at BC Sol. And this was not the Free he saw everyday. This one was more lively and fun. Just maybe, Shu thought when Christina yelled again charging at Free. Maybe he also has another side for him. To be carefree like the rest of them, to have fun. "Don't play dirty. Release that poor boy Free" Christina said dragging him back to present.

Free ruffled his hair, hugging him from behind. "Nah, he loves to play around"

Shu turned around to see the blonde. "Yeah?"

"Yeah?" Free said back. "You're a kid? So yeah?"

Christina smiled fondly at them. "How about we hit the ice cream store before we go back home?"

Free salute. "I'd love to and you can cry over your breakup while the two of us help ourselves"

Christina grinned at him. "Just maybe, I will add some poison to yours"

"You won't do that," Shu smirked. "You love him"

Christina sighed walking to the store. "Good thing he's like a brother to me"

"Ouch" Shu flinched looking at Free. "You just got friend-zoned mate"

"Eh? What's that supposed to mean?"

Shu shrugged with a playful look. "You know it," He said, taking off laughing loudly. Free smiled to himself watching the albino for a second before taking after him.

"Wait you little shit. I'll kill you"

Shu smiled, carefree and happy. He will think about to stay in BC Sol for much longer. Just maybe, join them because a part of him knew that he'll fit on just fine. 

Hope you like it! Happy birthday Shaira! Love you a lot sis :) ❤❤❤

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