To Show You My Love

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Shu watched the sun setting from the horizons. It had been one of the longest days after a while. He leaned back against the bench as his mind flew to the past, the dreading times in his life in the Snakepit. It was like clashing against his own self. He had been blinded then, blinded by the addictive desire to make himself powerful, to get revenge. Sometimes he wondered whether it was his desperation that drove him there, the desperation to find himself among all the chaos inside his mind. He built walls around him since he was young, it felt safe, to live inside your own little fortress not giving others the chance to see what kind of a person he really is, but after that dreading chain of events, he opened up, bit by bit to the beyclub. The closest friends he ever had all his life. He knew Lean could use them too. Even Though sometimes it feels almost unbelievable, a simple friendship could change someone's life for the better. He stood up from the solitary bench and walked toward his apartment. His mind running back and forth against the flare he saw just a few days ago of the Asahi Brothers. He absent mindedly kicked the ground realizing that they might just be able to save Lean from his own self destruction. Maybe, he was not the type of a person who can save people. Just maybe, he was too arrogant to think like that. He's not special, Shu had known that for years, but he just didn't want to see someone else doing the same wrongs in their lives. Out of everyone Shu knew the real bitter taste of regret.

The albino was so engulfed in his mind he barely heard the footsteps closing behind him. He let out a startled yelp as two hands were wrapped around his waist as someone dropped their head to the crook of his neck. Shu stilled, unsure about his next action when a familiar voice spoke to his ear, "I'm back home, Candy cane"

He relaxed, lips stretching to a soft smile, hand reaching to run through the blonde locks of the taller. "Wakiya" He whispered, patting his head. "I missed you"

The blonde pulled away and walked to Shu. He stood in front of the albino and stared at him. "I missed you more"

That's when his brain clicked, Shu looked around hurriedly. In the next moment, he took Wakiya's wrist and dragged him toward a silent ally, whispering furiously. "We agreed to keep this a secret"

Wakiya grinned, "I looked around, there was no one around. So, it's cool!"

Shu rubbed his temples and peeked at the main street which was awfully quiet. At this time of the day everyone is inside their houses, enjoying their family time, the rest after a full workday. He turned back to Wakiya who was just staring at him, a small smile on his face. "Shu" He asked, taking a step closer as the albino took a step back. Shu had always been the reserved person in their relationship. "I was just thinking," He said, stepping out of the alley, as he started his way toward Shu's apartment. Shu hopped out beside him and jogged to match his space.


"How long are we going to keep this a secret anyway?"

Shu shrugged, he also thought about it the last few weeks and he came to a conclusion that it would be fine to reveal their relationship to the world. The haters are going to hate anyway. It was both Wakiya and him who decided to keep the relationship a secret until they both decided to come out. "What about you? You wanna tell the others?"

Both of them entered the lobby and walked toward the elevator. Wakiya pressed the floor number as the doors closed. "I mean, I'd like to tell everyone that you're mine"

Shu flushed, but stayed quiet. Wakiya grinned, "I have the perfect idea to tell others. Just you wait"

"I feel like I should run for my life" Shu answered swiftly as the doors hissed open. Both of them stepped to the hallways and stopped in front of Shu's apartment door. "What are you doing here anyway?" Shu asked, opening the door. "I assume it's something regarding beyblade?"

Wakiya nodded, "Yep! Honcho gonna be hooked when he realized that I'm taking that to a next level" He grinned smugly rubbing his nose. "You'll be surprised too"

Shu smiled at him fondly. "You bet"

Shu closed the door behind him and turned on the lights. After his defeat against Lean he was sure he's going to have a shitty evening. This past few weeks had been exhausting for him. It was like he had gone back in time, to the time where he would sit in the bed and think for hours and hours. "I'm going to take shower" He called out, stepping into the bathroom.

Wakiya watched as Shu left to his room and sighed. He sat down on the black leather sofa standing in the middle of the living room facing the TV. They had to live apart even after getting together because of their work. Wakiya was working with his father's company to improve the facilities of beyblade while Shu worked hard in the Raging Bulls. It had been weeks since they last met and Wakiya could see the significant changes of the albino. He had been walking out of his shell the past few years, trying to reach out for friends when he needed, but now it was like he was building those walls back up, which he once broke down. The train of events with Lean had been hard on Shu. Wakiya knew it reminded him of his Red Eye days. It was almost like Shu was drifting away, and he was not ready to give up on the love of his life and he had the perfect plan to make him happy and tomorrow is going to be an eventful day to all of their friends.

Shu stepped out from his room wearing an oversized black t-shirt and a pair of black shorts. The shirt looked vaguely familiar, Wakiya thought frowning. "Wait a sec"

Shu gave him a cheeky smile as he slipped into the kitchen. "You thief," Wakiya said, as he jumped over the other sofa to get to the kitchen. "And here I was wondering where my favourite T shirt went"

Shu turned around and blinked innocently. "I mean, you did say it looks cute on me. So, I thought why not keep it then"

Wakiya reached his hands and placed them each side of him, trapping him against the kitchen counter, raising his brow. "Good thing you're the most adorable person in the planet, or else I might've called the police"

Shu gagged, "Ew, that's what you call a pickup line?"

"Why?" Wakiya said, pushing away as he crossed his arms, giving him an offended look.

"You suck at it, honey" Shu winked, pulling out a pack of noodles from the cupboard.

Wakiya's eye twitched. "I'll take that as a challenge" He grinned, taking Shu's wrist. He spun him around and trapped him within his arms. Shu still held the smug grin on his face and the heaviness he initially carried in his eyes were slowly fading away. He leaned in and pecked his lips, "You're going to regret that"

Shu raised his brow, "Oh? Let's see if I would"


Wakiya walked into the WBBA building early in the morning to set up the meeting. They were supposed to talk about the new tournaments in the upcoming months and obviously it was their company who will be sponsoring the tournaments. The lobby was almost empty except for a few workers cleaning the floor and wiping the glasses. Few organizers walked up to him to give him the update about the current situation. Wakiya nodded and advised them to continue with their work as he arrived in the meeting room. It was quiet and empty. Few workers were arranging the chairs and placing tablets in front of each chair. He smiled to himself as he slipped out a note from his pocket and got to work. The war will begin.

Wakiya sat down on his chair and waited for the others to arrive. The first to come in was Sisco who stood by the door giving him an unimpressed look. "You're here?"

Wakiya snorted, placing his chin on his hands. "A pleasure to see you again"

One by one, the room filled. Everyone passed greetings among them as they walked to their assigned seats. Honcho and Valt engulfed him in a bone crushing hug when they saw him. Wakiya groaned, trying to pry away his annoying yet endearing friends. "Oi, personal space"

Honcho slapped his back, "Still childish as ever, I see"

"And you're still eating lollipops, I see" Wakiya shot back, narrowing his eyes.

"Still fighting, I see," Valt said with a huge grin as he patted both of them.

Wakiya's eyes moved to the two boys standing beside Valt, staring at him with surprise, was it mesmerized? Eyes. He looked at Valt and raised an eyebrow toward them. "Ah right" The hazel eyed blader said, walking to the duo, "This is Hyuga and Hikaru, the Asahi brothers."

The names seem to ring a bell. Right, he thought, Shu told him about the two brothers who might have a chance to beat Lean's flare. He nodded as he called a worker to bring two more chairs.

Everyone seemed to settle down when finally Free and Shu arrived at the room. Lui grumbled something under his breath as Shu walked to his place. Shu shot a glare at him and settled down on his seat beside Valt. The duo smiled at each other and passed a greeting when a guy, wearing a black suit came into the room. He was the representative of the organization committee. He advised everyone to turn on their tablets to go through the plans turning on his own presentation. Shu turned around his tablet to switch it on when a pink coloured note caught his eyes. He frowned, reaching for it just when Valt snatched it out. "Wait, Valt" He said watching his best friend's lips split into a grin.

"Whoa whoa whoa Shu" He said, handing him back the note. He was pretty sure everyone in the table was already staring at them.

"What is it?" Honcho asked, taking out his lollipop, thoughtfully looking at him.

"Is it okay if I read it?" Valt asked, giving him his signature puppy eyes which Shu can't really say no to. The albino sighed, nodding. It's not like someone will paste a frigging love letter on the screen of his tab.

Aiger, who was sitting beside Shu blinked, "What is it?"

"You've got a lot of beautiful curves, but your smile is absolutely my favorite." Valt read, to make the matters worse, he read the lines with a dramatic touch to his voice.

Shu choked, "W-What?" His eyes instantly landed on the blonde, sitting across him with an innocent look.

"Whoa Shu" Honcho said, "I think you got a stalker"

Lui snorted, "I wonder who would come after someone like you"

"Certainly not a shark" Free said calmly, turning back to his tab.

Lui sneered at him, and before the fight could go on the representative cleared his throat. Valt passed the paper to Shu as the latter crumpled it in his hands shooting a glare at Wakiya mouthing silently, "I'll kill you"

The meeting was held for a longer time than they thought. Wakiya didn't miss the instant feeling of regret crossing Shu's face when Lean's matters came into their discussion. After it ended, which felt like for an eternity the bladers stepped out of the meeting room, stretching their arms and talking about the upcoming tournaments when Drum suddenly asked, "What's that?"

In front of them was another pink coloured note. Before Shu could even react, Honcho took a swan dive to the note and read it, and Shu knew he was so close to killing someone. "What does it feel like to be the most gorgeous person in the room?" Honcho read, "Man, whoever this person is, they're seriously calling us all out"

Shu groaned, "Here I thought I'd have a peaceful day"

Valt patted his back sympathetically. "Seriously Shu, aren't you curious about this person leaving random notes for you?"

"No" Shu snapped, narrowing his eyes at the certain blonde who is the reason for everything. Wakiya shoved his hands to his pockets and smiled at him sheepishly.

"I think it's another fangirl?" Honcho suggested seeing the look on Shu's face as he handed him the note.

They parted their ways after the incident. Valt was insisting all of them to have a day together because it's been - according to Valt - years since they were together. The youngsters just tagged along with the four of them to the training rooms, eager to battle the legends. They all entered the room and in a beat, Hyuga and Hikaru were already in the stadium with Valt and Aiger. The countdown was just about to start when a worker interrupted them. Everyone turned to her as she walked straight to Shu, with a frigging pink coloured paper in his hands. "Sir" She started, handing him the paper, "A young man told me to give this to you"

Shu thanked her with a polite smile and watched as she walked away. He turned to the paper and read the lines,

I don't know which is prettier today—the weather, or your eyes.

"That's it" He said, turning to Wakiya. "Komurasaki Wakiya, I'll kill you"

"How do you know it's Wakiya?" Aiger asked, raising an eyebrow at Shu.

Wakiya crossed his arms with a triumphant smirk. "Exactly, why?"

Everyone looked at Shu, waiting for an answer as the latter closed his eyes. He inhaled deeply and opened his eyes, looking straight at Wakiya and the blonde knew it was the end. "Shit" He cursed, getting ready to flee as Shu chased him round the bey dish.

"Wait, you dumbass"

"No thanks" Wakiya said, immediately grabbing Hikaru's shoulders using him as a shield. "Don't want to die this early in my life"

"So, it's really him!?" Hyuga said, snapping his fingers watching Wakiya being chased around the room.

"I don't understand" Honcho said, "Is Wakiya pranking Shu or something?"

Shu rounded the bey dish as Wakiya released Hikaru, running to the other side. Shu was just about to catch him when he tripped on his feet. Shu closed his eyes waiting for the hard impact of the floor when two strong arms caught him, wrapping his arms around his waist. Shu opened his eyes to see Wakiya, staring at his face just a few inches away.  "I think you just" Wakiya started.

"Don't. You. Dare" Shu warned.

"Fell for me~" Wakiya finished with a wink. Shu pushed him away, flushing dark red.

"Shut up"

Valt cleared his throat awkwardly. "Are we missing something?"

"No" Shu answered, "Because I'm gonna stab him to death right in front of you all"

Wakiya raised his arms in surrender, "Okay, Okay I'll stop"

"You better," Shu glowered, crossing his arms.

"It's not even April fools" Drum said thoughtfully, frowning at the two.

Wakiya shrugged, "It doesn't need to be April's fools to prank someone. Specially if that someone is always stoic, cool Kurenai Shu"

Drum nodded, "Fair point"

Shu just growled, but kept quiet. All of them turned back to their game. Soon, everyone was engulfed in the game that they forgot about the notes and the pickup line incident. By noon, they were all exhausted from all the practice but everyone was smiling as they walked into the restaurant where Asahi brother's parents waited for them with lunch. No matter how tired they can be, beyblade was always fun. The day made Shu forget about all the things he faced the day before. Lean's problem was pressuring his mind that for a second he was blinded to the joy he always felt when he won a battle, the satisfaction his heart went through after a heater battle. He sighed softly as they entered the restaurant. The sweet aroma of the dishes welcomed everyone. It was amazing how those small things about life can change a bad mood to a good one. They were about to take their seats to enjoy the appetizing spaghetti when Wakiya suddenly decided to talk,

"Ok guys, there is something I need to tell you all"

The younger bladers were already seated down and were enjoying their lunch. Shu looked at Wakiya, a light pink blush already covering his cheek. He did tell Wakiya that it was okay to tell the other but he didn't know it would be this soon. "Oh yeah?" Honcho said, breaking his thoughts. "If it's another insult to my holy lollipops, I'll snap your neck"

Wakiya waved his arms in a dismissive manner, "Oh, shut up"

"They are threatening each other a lot, aren't they?" Hyuga asked thoughtfully, munching on a piece of lettuce.

"That's what they call friendship apparently," Aiger answered, grabbing another forkful of food.

Wakiya sighed, and walked straight to Shu. He grinned, and Shu knew that his idiot is about to do something really stupid as he went, "I heard kissing is the language of love, wanna try to speak it with me?"

Aiger choked on his foot and went to a coughing fit as the rest watched, stunned by Wakiya's sudden invitation. Everyone waited for Shu to burst off and kill Wakiya right there, but he just watched him, his lips slightly parted, his red eyes widened as his cheeks turned to the same colour as his eyes. "W-What?"

Wakiya smiled, placing a hand on his chin as he brushed their lips together and pulled away not wanting to make him uncomfortable. Honcho's lollipop fell off from his mouth as they gaped. Wakiya turned to them, wrapping one of his arms, around Shu's shoulders pulling him closer, "That's it, we're together" Shu blinked, barely functioning at the moment.

Valt pointed to Shu, "Shu" He said, "And you?"

Wakiya shrugged, "Oh c'mon, it's not like I told you all that the world's end is here"

"Not to offend or anything, but why him Shu?" Honcho asked, gasping dramatically.

"Oi" Wakiya glared, "Fight me"

Shu shrugged, walking to his seat, "Why not?"

"Fair enough," Honcho said, sitting in front of him with a frown. After all of them are seated, Valt finally asked,

"How long?"

"Six months," Shu mumbled, already feeling guilty.

Valt put his hands over his heart, dramatically looking down. "Six months, and now you're telling your best friends. Is this the pain of betrayal I feel?"

"Valt" Shu said calmly, "I'm sorry, okay? I mean" Shu dropped his head to the table with a painful thud. "Ahh"

Meanwhile Wakiya and Honcho were having a staring contest. "Why are you looking so smug?"

Wakiya grinned, "Because Mr. Gorgeous is mine"

Shu stumped on his feet, for which Wakiya reacted with a surprised yelp. "That's enough"

Valt took a bite from his food, "I mean, rivals to lovers, what chemistry!"

"I hate chemistry," Honcho stated, shoving food down his throat.

"Don't we all?"

"No," Shu answered, taking a bite. Wakiya leaned back against his chair, stretching his arms.

"Man, I'm tired"

"It must be tiresome, being that much pretty I mean" Shu answered looking at him with a small smile when Wakiya shot back,

"You must be exhausted, darling"

Shu flushed and groaned as the blonde leaned in and kissed his milky white locks. Honcho looked in between them with a smile, "Seriously though, congrats"

"True, Congratulations you two" Valt echoed.

Shu mumbled a thanks rubbing his eyes, the weight in his heart lifting after the eventful day. They all said their goodbyes after the meal. Shu and Wakiya decided to walk along the familiar riverbank where they spent hours with the beyclub, messing around and having fun. Shu looked over to Wakiya, "I think you won"

Wakiya grinned, "Of course I did, it's easy using pickup lines with someone this pretty"

Shu just smiled, sitting down on the grass. Wakiya followed his actions as he sat down beside him, looking to the clear blue horizons. They sat side by side, enjoying the silence for several minutes. Everything seemed to be calm and quiet, Shu liked it. He had always loved quiet places where he could relax and think. He dropped his head to Wakiya's shoulder, feeling his boyfriend's hand sneaking around his waist. "Shu" Wakiya murmured. Shu hummed, looking up at Wakiya. "I'm sorry," He quietly uttered, "I wasn't there with you the last few weeks when you're going through some.... Stuff."

Shu shook his head, "Not your fault, I was just thinking I could save another person from walking into their own destruction. It just didn't work out so well" His voice cracked. Shu winced, closing his eyes for a second.

The blue eyed blader pushed away from Shu, "Hey" He said softly, facing him as he placed each of his hands on his shoulders. "Listen to me. You can't take all the burdens upon your shoulders. You're just human Shu. There are times you can change people, and there are times you can't. It's not your fault. Lean's fight is with his own self, and you helped him as much as you can and I'm sure you made a change in him. Just wait and see, okay?"

Shu stared at those piercing clear blue eyes, finally letting himself loose. Tears trailed down from his glassy crimson eyes startling Wakiya. "I'm sorry" Shu muttered, helplessly wiping his tears, "Past few weeks were just hard. And then there were my parents and all."

Wakiya wrapped his arms around Shu and hugged him closer to his chest rocking back and forth while the latter sobbed to his chest. "Shh, it's fine. Rather than bottling everything up, it's fine to let your guard down sometimes"

They stayed in their tight embrace for a few more minutes before pulling away, "You good now?"

Shu nodded, rubbing his eyes, "Yeah, thanks. Didn't know I needed that this much"

Wakiya smiled, and leaned against him. Shu let his eyes flutter close when he felt the blonde's warm breath against his face. Wakiya closed the gap between them and locked his lips against Shu's. The world seemed to stop around them as the pair kissed. All the pain, all the burdens, stress inside his heart washed away as Wakiya pulled him closer, wrapping his arms around his waist. Shu pressed himself against the other, placing his arms on Wakiya's shoulder to keep the balance. He always got this feeling that Wakiya's lips felt natural on his own. Maybe, it was his imagination, but he always felt as if he's home when he's there with him. The pair pushed away, gazing into each other's eyes. "I love you" He whispered, reaching his hand to wipe a stray tear.

Shu smiled, snuggling to his arms, staring at the sunset. "I love you too"

Wakiya pressed their forehead together, "Anyway, just wanted to thank you for the gift"

Shu opened his eyes and pulled away, looking puzzled. "What gift?"

Wakiya smiled, "I've been wearing this smile ever since you gave it to me"

"That should be my pickup line," Shu said chuckling. He intervened his fingers with Wakiya's and gave him a small smile. "Your hands look heavy, I'll hold them for you"

Wakiya laughed, as he stood up picking Shu up. "No need. Why hold hands when I can hold you?"

Shu kissed his cheek, wrapping his arms around Wakiya's neck. "Fair enough" He laughed as the blonde spun in circles. Shu didn't care if the world's end was right up in their heads at that moment, because in his world, all he needed was Wakiya to be with him. Holding on to his broken parts. 


Honcho and Valt watched everything hiding behind a tree. They were totally not spying. "They really kissed!" Honcho shrieked.

"I told you Honcho, it was probably not a joke"

Honcho shrugged, walking away from the duo, "That's totally not an excuse of mine to spy on them"

Valt playfully punched his hand, "But I'm glad they are together, I told you way back then these two would end up together, didn't I?"

Honcho grinned, "I mean, we did ship them, now it's canon"

Seeing that Wakiya is coming back totally did not tingle my WakiShu heart. Just. Have. This.

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