Christmas Shopping

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This is actually kinda connected to the Wedding Catastrophe. Consider this as a second part for that oneshot mah friends <333

Shu was rummaging through his closet, internally cursing a certain male as he tossed a handful of clothing onto his bed. His bedroom floor was littered with shirts and jeans he had decided against wearing. Somewhere in the apartment his kettle blew a mournful whistle into the solitary air of his kitchen. He groaned, stumbling out of his room to turn it off.

His day wasn't supposed to start like this. Hell he wasn't even supposed to get out of bed at least until noon today. It was his first day off in centuries and outside the snow had covered half the buildings making it look like a wintery wonderland. But Shirosagi Lui decided to call him at ass o'clock in the morning ruining his entire plans of doing absolutely nothing. The conversation went exactly like this:

"Oi, I'm picking you up at nine, get ready"

"Lui, it six in the morning what the fuck?"


"It's my day off, I'm not stepping out of my house. I have plans"

"And those are?"

Shu flushed at this point, fuming at the text bubbles appearing one after another. "That's none of your business Shirosagi, get out"

"Which also means you're not doing anything. Be right there at nine"


"Yes. We're going Christmas shopping"


"It is just as I said"


"See you soon"

Just like that, the conversation was over. And now Shu was tugging at his jeans, pulling on a t-shirt and his favourite pink sweater when the door bell rang. The devil was here. He slammed his bedroom door behind him walking towards the door. He waited a beat. He could actually ignore Lui and stay inside the whole day and have a sweet day. After the wedding drama the two did get closer. They celebrated plenty of holidays together and even hung out a couple of times. But today was different. It was too cold and he literally did not feel like going out.

After another impatient ring of his doorbell, Shu finally gave up. Lui was in front of him in his dark grey jacket and turtle neck sweater. "Morning"

Shu resisted the urge to slam the door at his face as he grabbed his own coat. "Let's just get this over with asshole" He muttered, locking the door behind him. The albino followed Lui out of the apartment building. And fuck, it was cold. He could literally feel the air rushing against his cheeks. Despite being one of the coldest days of the year, it was filled with joyous laughter and crowds rushing after one another. Lui gestured at his care. Yes that idiot had a car. A fancy one at that. "Rich people" Shu mumbled walking to him.

"Are you always grumpy in the mornings?" Lui questioned, opening the door to him. He always did that. What a gentleman, he inwardly scoffed, getting in. After the White Tyrant was in, he started the engine, pulling up towards the road.

Shu leaned back on the seat, stuffing his hands into his coat pockets. "Why today Lui?" He moaned, "It's my day off, I wanted to sleep"

Lui glanced at him before turning his attention back to the road. "Well, I know you haven't gotten anything to anyone at all, have you?"

Shu juts out his bottom lip in despair. "I'd just order something online."

"Lazy ass"

"Just say you wanted to go out with me" Shu retorted with an exaggerated eye roll.

Lui didn't bat an eye at his statement. He merely laughed, "Well, if you're desperate to make this a date"

Shu gasped, offended, "Why are you turning that on me?"

"Because you're clingy like that"

Shu sank down in his seat, looking out the window, ignoring the general existence of that pathetic excuse for a human. The shops were filled with people bustling around. Christmas lights, christmas trees and Santas were filled in each street. It felt like Christmas. The Christmas spirit is literally buzzing everywhere and Shu felt he wouldn't be surprised if he spotted a flying carriage descending from the sky. After Lui finally managed to find a spot and parked the car, they yet again stepped out into the winter wonderland the city had become. "I'm so gonna hate this"

Everyday Lui tells himself Shu would not surprise him more. He had seen all the charms, the flaws and how annoying he could be. But every time he sees Shu the male proves him wrong. He has at least one single way to show himself off without even trying. Like right now, he was walking just beside him. Rocking those jeans hugging his legs. Pulling on the sleeves of his black coat, looking around as if he had come out of hell to eat out the Christmas spirit. Possibly his head too. "Lui" He mumbled, snapping off his attention from his figure. "What are you going to get to your sisters?"

Lui shrugged, "I'm going to buy My Little Pony merch for Lucy and for Liya, I guess a makeup set it is"

Shu looked baffled, "How does it feel to have your life sorted out all through?" He grumbled, kicking off the snow coating the pavement.

"It's called knowing your family and actually engaging with them" Lui grinned, "You're just trying to find an easy way out. What are you going to get to that loving cousin of yours?"
"Gift voucher" Shu said, "I'm going to get mom, dad, Mitsuki, Valt and everyone else gift vouchers. That's it. That's Christmas"

"Are you serious?"

Shu grinned, "Bless the soul who invented gift vouchers"

Lui stopped in his tracks, "I just thought of a way to make your life even more miserable"

Shu stopped with him. "Oh no, don't you dare"

"You're going to have to handpick each present today. Or else we're not going back home"

"Monster" Shu yelled not caring about the stares he was attracting from the crowd. "You can't force me"

Lui took a step to him with that feral grin painting over his face. "Oh, are you sure?"

Shu scrunched his nose, "You're just plain annoying. I hate you"

"Pleasure to be at your service, Snowflake"

The duo first stopped by a kid's toy shop. Shu watched as Lui walked through the aisles, looking for what he wanted. This was one of the things he loved about Lui. He loved his family from the bottom of his heart. Even a simple Christmas gift took his full attention. He can be thoughtful like that. Shu just paced back and forth awkwardly waiting for Lui to pay. They walked out together and stopped by each shop. Shu tried his best. He really did but he was not good at picking gifts. He knew Mitsuki was so into food but he can't really go on and hand over a Mcdonalds happy meal as a gift, now can he? "Schedule a dinner at her favorite restaurant for her," Lui suggested. "She'd like that"

Shu thought about this, "But I'd have to go through her schedule first. What if she had something to do that day?"

Lui rolled his eyes. "You're overthinking it. You can always call and change the dates. Don't look at the negative things about everything Shu"

Shu sighed, "Okay"

It was actually going pretty smoothly, Shu noted. Lui did not once complain when he whined, walking around rows of aisles looking for his mom's favorite brand of nail polish. Nor did he say a word when he spent an hour looking at identical wallets unable to pick one for his dad. Okay maybe Lui was not a monster. He actually found himself enjoying and putting plenty of thoughts into gifts. Shu raised his arms showing off his bags in glee. "Look, I actually got them real gifts this time"

Lui faked a tear. "I'm so proud of you" He said. If not for the sarcasm dripping out of his voice, Shu would've taken it as a compliment. But yeah, fuck him.

"Let's go and eat something now" Lui said, gesturing at the food court. Shu nodded:

"Right. I'm starving"

After that, they decided it was probably time to go home. It was a peaceful date and not an eventful one. That's when Shu decided to test the waters. "So, got any special someone in your life yet?" He was just joking. Of course he was. He didn't have any intention of wondering whether all these dates meant something. They hadn't gotten physical. Hadn't even helf hands. So these dates probably don't mean anything, now do they?

Lui shrugged, "Yeah, there is someone"

Shu tried extra hard not to let his shoulder limp with disappointment. He smiled despite the dread in his heart, "Oh, now who is it?"

"That's my secret"

"Oh c'mon, friends don't have secrets Lui" Shu tried, he really wanted to know who the - lucky, though he would never accept it - unlucky person was. "Have you kissed them?" He found himself blurting out in a moment of utter desperation.

Lui turned to him, raising his brow. Shu clamped his mouth shut knowing he had stepped a bit too far from the line. "Sorry" He said, putting his hands up in surrender. Lui's face was passive and Shu literally had no idea what he was thinking or whether he was mad. Or hell he wishes he was not mad because getting murdered in a carpark was not his favourite way to leave the world. And it would make it worse to be killed by the hands of your crush.

Lui placed a hand on the car, trapping Shu within his arms. His grinning face was right in front of him. Shu gulped when he leaned down, "Would you like to know?"

Shu decided to carefully choose his words. He really wanted to know whether he had kissed him, so he should say yes, but then again what if it got Lui on a murderous streak? His thoughts were cut off by a hand slipping around his face. Shu sucked in a breath as Lui pushed took another step forward, pushing him against the car.

Then just like that, his mouth met Shu's. And they were kissing. Shu felt his brain blank, almost as if his connection to the brain had died down and his mind was still buffering. But thankfully his body moved on its own, his hands wrapping around Lui's neck as they pulled themselves into a heated kiss. Lui hands slip inside his shirt to caress his bare skin. Shu shivered, his cold fingers running down his waist toward his hip. Shu didn't realize he was grabbing into a handful of Lui's coat until they finally parted.

His lips still parted, exhaling from the intensity of it all. Shu blinked, still holding onto Lui. His hands were resting on his bare skin, his royal purple eyes staring at him with amusement and excitement. "Boy, you can kiss alright" Shu blurted out in a moment of mere confusion, loss and excitement. Then he bit his lips intelligently, cursing himself for saying that just after they made out as if there's no tomorrow. "Wait-" He started, trying to correct his mistake of blurting out something so shameful when Lui burst out in laughter.

"C'mon Shu" Lui said when he finally stopped. "This is probably your first kiss and the first thing you have to say is that? Seriously?"

Shu huffed, averting his flushed face. "It wasn't me. It was the demon in me talking"

Lui snorted, pushing away from him. "Oh yeah, that demon seems to like kisses" He mischeviously leaned against Shu's ear, making sure the words were vibrating against his earlobe. "Or maybe more"

Shu pushed Lui back in pure bewilderment. "Hold your horses, what the fuck?"

Lui shrugged innocently, "I was talking about watching a movie and hanging out"

"Liar" Shu accused, pressing his finger against his chest. "So, the person whom you like is-" He stopped, trailing off.

"Yeah, you"

Shu tried to hide his smile and tried to sound not so ecstatic as he felt. He crossed his arms with a challenging smirk. "Even the great Lui Shirosagi couldn't resist my charm I see" He flipped his hair for the dramatic effect.

"Nevermind" Lui said with a sigh, "We're breaking up"

"Hey" Shu said, "We didn't even start anything"

"I thought you had a crush on me" Lui said pointedly.

Shu flushed, "It was not that obvious. Give me some credit"

"I'd say it was, but to save you dignity I'd say it wasn't"

Shu fingerguns him with a wink, "Yeah, good boyfriends save their partner's dignity"

Lui huffed out a laugh, gesturing at the car. "Let's go home. You're acting kind of high"

"I'm drunk on kisses" Shu answered, hopping to the front seat. Lui just smiled as he got in as well. On their way back home, Shu was quietly humming to himself, flipping through the channel until he found a satisfying song and when he actually started singing along, Lui almost crashed his car against the pavement. He'd been used to a quiet Shu. Someone not daring to speak or act out of his stoic nature, But there he was singing along, bouncing in the seat, having a full performance. Taylor would've recruited him if she saw.

"Losing him was blue" Shu sang out loud, swaying to the beat, "Like I never knew! Missing him was dark grey all alone!"

Lui actually smiled. He placed a hand on Shu's thigh, the other resting on the steering wheel as they waited for the traffic to escalate. Shu didn't seem to mind as he continued his chaos inside the car. Lui squeezed his thigh with a grin, "You're chaotic Snowflake"

Shu only stopped to give his signature smile, "As I should be" He went on singing along and Lui found himself enjoying. Enjoying the company of this male more than anyone else in the world. Enjoying this reverberating joy inside the car. It was as if they were in their own bubble of joy. Deviated from the world, the worries the society where they had to be different people than they actually are. Inside this small space they were only Lui and Shu, hopelessly in love. Madly in love. 

I'm actually feeling pretty high on words today! So have this too! Shui on crack again but this time with some uhhh, kisses? ANYWAYS YAS, SHUI YOU WANT SHUI IS WHAT YOU GET. *chefs kiss*

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