Cold Hound

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Mentions of blood, torture. And this is not connected to the one shot Thunder. So, Shu's parents are alive. 

The night was dark and cold. The mist, devouring the entire houses making it harder to recognize the surrounding at all. The sound of the hounds echoes through beigoma as a distant growl mixed with thunder which roared from the clouded and gloomy skies. There wasn't a sense of life outside, everyone was curling in for warmth inside their blankets as they raindrops attacked against the windowsills with loud thuds. Shu curled to his blankets, yawning slightly as he wiped one of his hands against his sleepy eyelids. His Astraphobia keeping him awake with all the loud thundering echoing outside. He thrust  his palms against his ears in pure agony and desperation trying to calm himself from all the fears eating his mind. Another shock of thunder made him shudder as the albino whimpered to his pillow, hugging it tightly as he could. Recently, a fear of a killer was spreading across Beigoma, two boys and one girl had already been the victim of this psychotic killer who brutally murdered the teenagers after giving them endless torture. Parents made sure that the kids won't go outside after the dusk fall to the streets as the police cars drive over here and there in their watches. As everyone knew, mostly the killer comes out in cold nights when the rains were storming around, and the hounds screaming their lungs out making most of the Beigomians shudder in fear. The name for this certain killer came from these two aspects. No matter who he was, The 'Cold Hound' kept almost the whole town on their toes.

Shu's parents didn't think much about the matter. As they always believed Shu was able to take care of himself. Tonight, his father was staying back getting ready for his meeting tomorrow while his mother was spending the night at the science lab. Shu silently whimpered wishing someone to be there for him, specially at nights like this. The lights started to flicker making the albino male slightly gasp moving himself to a sitting position. His hand instantly moved to the nightstand to grab his phone. He held it tightly against his chest, praying for all gods when the silent creak of a door opening caught his ear. Was it paranoia? He thought. The lights were still flicking, now in a faster phase. Shu stayed as quiet as he could listening to anything weird when his ears caught another sound,a squeak sound of a slipper. Shu pursed his lips, blood rushing to his chest as his heart beat increased violently beating against his chest. He took a shaky breath and turned on the phone. His fingers shaking as he tapped on Honcho's number. No, if he called him, whoever the person inside would here him. Trying to hold still Shu entered the app for texts and tapped on Honcho's name, praying that he would still be awake. After few seconds he replied to him.

Honcho : Yo Shu! Sup!

You: Someone is in here

Honcho: Oi, quite joking. It's scaring me

You: Honcho I'm not jking plse Im scared

Honcho: You're alone?

Shu eyes shot up as he heard the study room door open with a creak, the light had gone out for a while. And there was no light except for the light of his own phone screen which he covered by the blanket. Against the harsh sound of the rain, it was almost hard to figure out the other sound but he was dead sure that someone else except for him is inside the house.

You: Ye

Honcho: I'm calling my dad. Keep your calm, and take out the sim card of your phone and put it in your pocket.

Shu didn't question his advice. He did as he was told, keeping silent the whole time. The only person he could trust now was Honcho. There would be no use if he called the police, whoever inside the house would hear his voice. His blood ran cold as he heard the squeak sound getting nearer and nearer, the images of all those newspapers about the cold hound psychotic killer flashed like a movie inside his mind. The roaring thunder long forgotten as the new fear consumed his whole mind in seconds. After a few seconds of dreading silence the creak of his door was heard as it opened. Shu closed his eyes tightly curling into the closet he tiptoed few moments ago. He could feel the footsteps dragging along in the cold floor, the sound of the man grumbling to himself. Shu pressed his hands against his own mouth trying to keep the silence, he forced himself to breath quietly but at the moment the albino felt like his heart was about to be ripped apart from his chest brutally.

For a moment, the man wondered along without any real intention, and for a few moment Shu thought he was going to leave when quite suddenly the footsteps started to get closer. His breath hitched, the blood went cold, the crimson hues widen in pure panic when the door opened revealing a man. Shu felt his heart stopping for a moment as he pressed his back against the wooden cupboard as the man grinned at him. His slightly yellowish teeth illuminating one the glint of his flashlight. It was Cold Hound, Shu knew from the looks. The beard covering almost all his face as his azure eyes glinted with pure insanity and blood lust. His dark hair, swept to the side as he crouched down in front of the closet leaning against the boy. "My my, I found quite a beautiful target today"

Shu curled to himself, unshed tears burning inside his eyes. The man reached one of his muscular arms littered with scars, and bruises to touch his cheek. Shu drew away from the touch hugging his knees tightly to his chest when the man took out a wrench making the other whimper in fear. The next thing Shu knew, was the sharp pain in his skull as it was torn apart as the world faded into black.


Honcho had never called someone this fast ever in his life, he ran to outside as his father rushed into the car making several more calls. The truth was Honcho wanted to go with him, Shu is his friend and he had to be there for him. He raced down the stairs and followed his dad. "Dad, I'm coming with you"

His dad shook his head, his lips settling into a thin line. "It's too dangerous. Stay home"

Honcho gripped on the car door, refusing to give up. "He's my friend Dad. You're the one who taught me to be there for my friends"

His dad watched him silently, seeing the distress of the boy whose eyes shining with determination to save his friend, to be there for him. Mr. Kiyama sighed opening the door. "You have to stay out of danger"

Honcho nodded, almost jumping to the front seat. Soon, he could hear the sirens as they raced on the road soon taking the route which head out of the town. Honcho looked puzzled, "Where did that man take him?"

His dad shook his head taking a sharp turn. "The tracker is still going on. And as the information tells they are heading toward that abandoned apartment building at the end of the town."

Honcho shuddered, that so called apartment was rumoured to be haunted. Even for Halloween terrors none of us had the courage to visit that place. And everyone knew that it was the main quarters of many more mafia gangs as well as many other criminals. Everyone ignored that place like a plea. Now thinking about that place again, it seemed like the perfect place to hide someone or to torture someone. His mind head back to the reason deaths around his neighbourhood. Even listening to them gave nightmares for half of them. As the reporters said and the rumours went on this certain Psychotic killer hurt the child whoever he was kidnapping.

The first thing he does was to break the victim's wrist twisting it to the side making the pain shoot through the bones. Then one by one he would cut open his skin making large wounds gushing out blood making the victim frantic and on the climax of their pain he would rip off their nails and teeth. The last thing was to rip off their eyeballs and choke the victim to death. He had a unique habit of mailing the eyeballs to the child's parents' Mr. Kiyama himself witnessed the screams of the mothers and the silent cries of the father when they received this weird mail consisting the eyeballs of their dead child. He took another sharp turn, they checked the whole apartment building last time but found no trace of the Killer, he always left the dead bodies in various public placed scaring half of the civilians to death. Whoever they are dealing with, is a ruthless man and Mr. Kiyama did not want another innocent child to die in the name of another's blood lust.

Honcho rubbed his hands together impatiently, his eyes trained on the road in front of them, covered with little puddles. The rain hitting violently against the windows of the car. Amidst the storm the winds blew violently over the light posts and tress twisting them in weird angles. They had to get there as soon as they can. His friend is in danger. Sure, Shu and Honcho did not have the strongest connection as a friendship. The truth was the only person whom Shu is closer to was Valt and maybe Xander. Except for them the teen barely opened up to others or talked with them. But in this situation his first choice was him, Honcho didn't know whether to be happy or distressed. Deep down his heart he knew, that he was happy Shu believed in him with such a significant matter which will decide his life or death. His thoughts were taken to a stop by a sudden break of the car. They had finally arrived to their destination. The isolated apartment building stood amidst of the storm like a haunted house giving out a mysterious aura. His dad looked at him, "Keep close to me. We're going to save your friend"

Honcho nodded getting off from the car, not minding about the wind rushing through his ears or the rain hitting against his face. The only thing he cared was to save his friend Shu Kurenai.


Shu groaned, feeling a sharp pain shooting through his skull. He opened his eyes and blink several times as his eyes slowly adjusted to the faint white light brightening the room with a dim light. He tried to move his hand, but stopped realizing that he was tied to a chair. His legs were tied against each of the chair's legs making the rope sink into his skin. Everything around him was quiet, awfully quiet. The only sound was the silent plop of the rains hitting against the window. The thundering had stopped by now. The albino male looked around, fear crawling inside his heart. There was no one around, the man who knocked him out wasn't around. He looked around him and grimaced. On one of the tables was a wrench, stained with blood. Beside it was various torturing devices : Knives, screwdrivers and even scissors. The ironic smell of blood made bile rise up against his throat. Shu bit his bottom lip trying to wiggle out from the tight grasp of the ropes when the corner of his eyes caught a movement. Shu turned his head in lightning speed, there was nothing. His breath hitched, Shu convinced himself it was paranoia but the man has to be somewhere near.

After a few nerve wrecking movements, nothing happened. It was almost like the man just left him here without any care. He would've been relieved by the thought unless for the sudden sensation of someone touching him behind his back came into his focus. Shu gulped as someone ran a hand through his neck reaching for his hair. Grabbing a handful of it, he pushed it upward making the younger teen yelp in pain. Shu forced his eyes shut as the man stepped, rounding the chair to stand in front of him. Shu flinched as he felt the man move his hands to his wrists. Right, Shu thought opening his eyes in pure panic. The first target is the victims wrists. As soon as he glanced at the man, he regretted it. He looked like a person fresh out from a horror movie, the scar on his chin shone in the dim light. His fingers were stained brown with dry blood. His azure eyes had black bags underneath them as he peered to his face. "A blader I heard" He said, his voice was narrowed dangerously. "Your wrists must be important to you"

Shu just whimpered. He felt the grip around his wrist get tighten with each second and then there was it. A loud crack echoed through the room as the man twisted his wrist with a grin. Shu screamed in pain, tears jumping out from his eyes, pain bursting through his hand. "Aww, I love the screams of little ones"

Shu whimpered, watching the man getting up to walk to the table. He bit his quivering bottom lip as his mind went back to his painful wrist. It was too much for him to bear, if only his parents were there with him, he wouldn't have caught up in this mess. His breath came out as puffs of breaths from the intensity driving his body. He silently watch the man getting a knife from the table as he turned back to him. A devilish smirk painting on his features. "Well," He said walking to Shu as he crouched down in front of him. "When I'm hurting my dear victims, I don't do it quietly. I tell them a story... as story about a little boy" He said, dragging the knife over the fabric of his shirt without harming him. "Once upon a time" He stated placing the knife on his the rim of his pajama shorts making a clean cut. Shu winced, the man continued his story. "There was a boy who hated to go to school" He said dragging the knife to his knee digging it deeper to his skin making the boy yelp in pain as blood gushed out from the wound.

"Not because he doesn't like the studies. But because of the bullies, who told him how worthless he is. He went home crying when his dad said," He stopped looking at him. "What do you think he said to him?"

Shu just kept his mouth shut. His eyes fixed on the knife as it wondered to his shin. "Keeping silent pisses me off" The man exclaimed digging it further into his flesh. Shu yelped helplessly trying to find out an answer but his mind was completely blank. The man sighed, "His dad said, to kill them" He answered with a sinister laugh. "And the kid killed them, one by one using various methods, seeing all the blood made him so happy" He cheered turning back to Shu. His lips slightly parted as the man placed the knife on his calf almost ripping the muscle off. An anguish scream escaped his lips again, Shu started to feel light headed as the man continued. "That's when he thinks of killing all the bullies from the world, all those popular kids and stars of their hometowns. Because they only make others lives miserable"

Shu panted slightly, the pain hitting to him like thousands of brick walls crashing against him. Shu never thought about it before, does he make others lives miserable? Have he ever done that without even him realizing? He remembered the deaths of the other kids around the neighbourhood. Almost all of them are popular figures in the town, one of them was the class president in one of their senior classes. He was well known for his kindness. Almost all of them he killed are popular, but none of them are bullies, Shu knew that. Finding his own burst of courage Shu spoke. His voice shaking from the unbearable amount of pain crushing his body. "You aren't killing bullies. You are just killing star students"

The man grinned. "Of course, you all have it better than me. You never know the taste of being bullied because you are respected. I hate people like you" He said squeezing his calf which for Shu responded with another pained yelp.

This man is insane, Shu thought as he spoke again. "And that certain day, the kid realized how much he loved to see blood. More and more, flowing like rivers when the kids screamed in agony for telling him to stop. Makes a beautiful picture inside your mind, doesn't it?"

More like I wanna puke, Shu thought breathing heavily. The man leaned against his face, straightly looking to his blood red crimson eyes. "I guess that's why I like your eyes. Looks like pure blood fresh out from a victim. Such rich crimson," He murmured stroking his chin. "Maybe, instead sending these to your parents, I'll just have them for myself, kinda like a trophy"

Another burst of chills ran down his spine as the man moved his hands to his eyelashes smirking. In that moment of dread quite suddenly, surprising both of them the door opened. Two police officers jumped out from nowhere holding out guns. "Raise your arms and surrender"

The man narrowed his eyes, giving an accusing glance to Shu but did as he was told. Shu watched as the officers filled in, all of them on their guard as a familiar figure burst out from the entrance. "H-Honcho" Shu whispered, his voice almost cracking at the presence of his friends. He was never happy to see Honcho all in his life just as now. Honcho ran straight toward him, his always fun face taking a more stoic and serious expression.

"I'll untie you" He said crouching down in front of him, immediately untying his hands and legs. After he was done, he sat down in front of him, his eyes filled with worry and concern.

"Don't worry Shu, I'm here. Okay?"

Shu didn't say anything. He just stared at the boy before wrapping his able arm around him breaking down to a stream of tears. Honcho rubbed his back comfortingly muttering smooth words against his ear. Their moment was broken by a sudden shot, both of the teens snapped their heads toward the sound when they saw the man, now standing with a gun looking at Shu with complete hatred. "I'll come for you. I'll kill you tonight. Mark my words" With that the man turned around aiming the gun and shooting at anyone who came to his path and burst out of the room. Mr. Kiyama immediately signaled the others to follow the man as he turned to his son.

"Take him to our house. Go as quickly as you can. Now"

Honcho nodded, he helped Shu to get up who was still trembling with both fear and pain. "Can you walk?"

Shu nodded. Honcho took his hand on his own giving him a gentle squeeze of reassurance. A silent message; he'll protect him. The two boys ran down the stairs and stepped into the cold night. The storm was still going on but it was becoming more and more violent at each second. They both went to the car where their father had assigned a cop to let them go home. Both of them reached the car and stopped dead, inside was the cop but with a bullet straight on his head. Shu whimpered behind him, gripping tighter into his hand when a distant echo of another bullet caught his ear. Both of them turned, to see the Cold Hound, grinning wildly gripping the gun. Shu took a step toward Honcho getting closer to the taller. Honcho glared at him when suddenly a cop attacker him from the back, at that moment of distraction they heard the cop yell. "Boys, run"

Honcho didn't need to be told twice. He gripped on Shu hand and ran along the muddy and wet paths of Beigoma. The other on his toes, trying to keep up with the speed. Honcho took Shu to a nearest shop and took cover behind the building. Shu instantly slumped down in relief to get some rest. He didn't care about the completely wet ground. He was exhausted and that certain exhaustion was taking the toll on his body. Honcho bit his lip realizing the bad state of the albino, his legs were bleeding and his right wrist looked completely numb twisted into an odd angle, amidst all this the younger was shivering as the raindrops hit him without mercy. Honcho took off his jacket in mere seconds and wrapped it around the other. "Honcho?"

"You need that more than me" He stated looking around to make sure no one is following them. "We have to go Shu" He stated. The albino nodded trying to get up to fall back down again, his legs giving up underneath him. Honcho patted his locks and crouched down in front of him. "Get on, I'll give you a ride"

"B-But Honcho" The albino stuttered and gave up. He knew the truth, he couldn't walk anymore. It hurts too much even to stand up. After some struggle Shu got on his back. Honcho stood up balancing him while the other wrapped his good arm around his neck while the other with the broken wrist was just slung down. "Sorry" Shu muttered, his voice muffled against the fabric of his shirt.

"You don't have to feel sorry, it's not your fault Shu"

The rest of the walk was mostly in silence. A glimmer of hope ran through Honcho's heart as he thought that his dad must've caught the man when an unpleasant voice called him through the storm. "You have quite good friends" He could feel Shu's grip tense, Shu tried to wiggle out from his back and stand up. Honcho let him get down and stand up beside him, one of his strong arms around his shoulder supporting the albino to stand straight.

The man pointed his gun toward Shu, aiming straightly at his eye. The siren sounds came into focus behind them as his father and the others came out from the cars guarded with their each steps. Amidst both of those parties was Shu and Honcho. The man grinned, "Even if I die killing you, I won't regret it"

He gripped both of his hands on the gun and shot. The situation was happening in slow motion, Shu felt Honcho grabbing his arm pushing both of their selves away from the targeted area and another shot was heard behind them, one of the cops fired. Shu bit his lips, taking a deep breath before opening his eyes. Honcho was looking worriedly at him, asking him something over and over, but he couldn't hear a single word uttered by his friends. His ears were ringing and the world around him felt like it was spinning in circles. Shu closed his eyes again taking several breaths and opened his eyes.

"Shu you okay?"

Shu hummed, struggling to sit up on the road where they were still laying. The man's bullet was a miss thanks to Honcho who pushed him out of the way at the last moment. And Mr. Kiyama's bullet had pierced his ankle but he was still alive. Shu and Honcho quietly watched as the man was pushed into a cop car as it drives away. Mr. Kiyama walked to the two boys and crouched down in front of them. "I would like to take Shu to the hospital, but that part of the town is experiencing a blackout and it would be quite dangerous."

"Mom is home" Honcho piped up. He looked at Shu with a fond smile. "Don't worry buddy, my mom is a nurse. She'll take care of your wounds perfectly fine."

Mr. Kiyama wrapped on of his hands under Shu's knees and lifted him up to his arms. Walking to the car he placed the injured boy carefully on the backseat. Honcho got on to sit beside him and wrapped a blanket around his shoulders wrapping one of his arms around him as a sign of reassurance. As if to say that he's in safe hands. The drive to his home was mostly quite. Shu lost his consciousness several time just to open his eyes in utter pain again. His wrist almost killing him alive. The car came to a stop near a fairly big house with a traditional touch. Honcho opened the back door helping Shu to get out and picked him up. Shu watched the house clinging into his blanket as he dreamily muttered. "This is surely not how I wanted their first expression on me to be"

Honcho smiled, "Don't worry. Everyone know you're a decent guy"

He could see the concerned expression of Mrs. Kiyama as she ushered them in. And his little brother Ranjiro looking at them, clinging to his bunny with a half sullen face. Honcho carried him to his own bedroom and gently puts him down. Shu winced trying to sit upright when Honcho's mother came into the room with a first aid box in her hands. She first sent both Honcho and Mr. Kiyama out of the room telling them to get change and turned to Shu with a pair of Honcho's pajamas which were obviously too big for him. After changing into fresh clothes she started patching him up. She took his swollen wrist bandaging it carefully making sure to be careful with him. Shu just watched her, wincing slightly when she applied medicine to his ruined legs. The wound on his calf was too big, he couldn't bare to see it for himself. Mrs. Kiyama look him in the eye gently caressing his cheek. "This will hurt, but hold on, okay?"

But before she could start with the stitching Honcho came into the room dressed in fresh clothes. He looked at Shu for a minute. "You look adorable in clothes that are bigger than you"

Shu scowled forgetting all the pains for a moment. "Shut up"

Honcho smiled, walking to his mother's side. He looked at Shu taking his hand. "Grip on it as tight as you can. It will help"

Shu nodded biting his lip. Mrs. Kiyama started to stitch the wound close. Shu tightened the grasp around Honcho's hand whimpering and letting out small yelps eventually. It hurts like hell he thought over and over wishing everything to be over. Beads of tears sprung up inside his eyes. He took a deep breath trying to relax his stiff body which turned to be a futile effort. Mrs. Kiyama finished covering the his last wound letting out a breath of relief. Seeing the boy in this much pain was torture to herself. Shu turned to her with a pained smile. "Thanks"

She reached out to the boy and wrapped her arms around him catching him to a loving embrace. As a mother, she knew at moments like this the best gift that she could give a child is a burst of affection. Shu silently wrapped his arm around her, tears of distress, pain, frighten mixed with panic streamed down his face. Honcho crossed his arms leaning against the headboard as he watched Shu sobbing silently wrapped up in his mom's embrace. He knew that his parents were working overseas, and even Shu hardly see them. None of them comes to see his performances at school or in a beyblade tournament. It was good to see him, wrapped up in a mother's embrace receiving the affection he doesn't get from his real parents. After a while, Shu pulled away. His eyes puffed and eyes still watery from all the tears. His mom kissed his forehead, wiping a stray tear away from his eyes.

"Get some rest. And tomorrow we'll go to the hospital and do a checkup"

Shu nodded, she was right. He was tired, tired of everything happened in that long night. Honcho's mom exited the room and closed the door behind her. Honcho looked at Shu sitting in the middle of the covers. It wasn't the Shu Kurenai everyone saw, with his neutral mask. This one was different, his hair a little bit messy, his eyes puffed from all the tears. This one was a child waiting for someone's protection. Honcho moved to sit down beside him, Shu looked at him with almost droopy eyelids. Without hearing Shu, Honcho knew the reason for that stare. It was the same stare his little brother gives him whenever he comes to his room in the middle of the night after a nightmare. Honcho placed a hand on his head ruffling his white locks.

"No one is going to hurt you. I'm here, okay?" His voice soft, as if he was consoling a lost child.

Shu nodded, laying down among the bed sheets and the pillows. Honcho laid down beside him wrapping his arms around the albino who snuggled into him, like a lost child snuggling into some more warmth. Honcho placed his head on Shu's crown and hummed. "You'll be fine"

Shu pressed his face against his chest as a tear came leaking out. For the first time after years he really did feel fine. It was almost like he was on the hold of a protective elder brother who will protect him at every cost. It was nice, Shu thought falling asleep. It was nice to feel safe as a normal child once in a while. 

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