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Have you ever wondered about the beings which lives inside our storybooks are true? Have you ever thought that if you met up with someone like that how can your life change? Some may just tell those are just childhood fantasies for naïve kids who needed a bed time story but underneath it all may be at least there is a little truth.

Shu Kurenai is a boy who always loved simplicity. He is no someone special. He is not the day to day popular guy or the magazine boy in the front page but many of them in his hometown new about his looks. He was handsome. His scarlet eyes stand out in any crowd and most of the time they were covered with his big round glasses which he used to read. Is he a nerd? Many can interpret him like that. He was silent didn't get nosy in other's business. But he was popular in his school. Many girls even some boys tried to get his attention but failed cause he had no interest in relationships all over. Shu had his own group of friends

Shu walked to the school as he normally does. His best friend quite the opposite of him walked beside him cheerfully talking about something happened to him just few seconds ago. If someone asked anyone would tell it's a normal day. Valt grinned brightly as they reached the school gates waving at the rest of the group who stood there waiting for them. "Honcho, Wakiya, Daigo"

Shu looked up and gave them a small smile. "You are late" Wakiya grumbled crossing his arms.

Valt scratched the back of his head smiling sheepishly. "That's my fault. I didn't hear the alarm"

Wakiya huffed in annoyance again as Honcho gave them an amused look. "Don't mind Wakiya he's always extra grumpy in the morning"

So, his day begins. Shu smiled as he watched his friends fight alongside the way to their classes. They split up like they normally do and promised to meet at the cafeteria at the lunch. When he reached his desk, he wasn't surprised to see a bunch of roses and a card. It was almost like a habit. He looked around the class to see who is the person this time. He swore when he saw Katsuki who was sitting far back in the corner winked at him and mouthed. 'That's from me'

He put away the card without even looking at it. He knew ignoring the confession of the most powerful and popular boy of the school will have its own consequences but it was better than giving the guy a false hope for few seconds without rejecting him in the face. He was sure he heard someone growling behind him but thankfully the teacher came just in time and told them to start the lesson. After the lesson Shu heard the whole classroom fall silent behind him. He closed his eyes when he opened them after few seconds, he was face to face with Katsuki.

"How dare you put away my confession like trash? Huh?"

Shu got up. "Listen Katsuki, I'm not interested in a relationship now. I'm sorry. You'll surely find someone better than me"

Katsuki slammed his hands on the desk making the younger flinch away. "You just knock on the devil's cave Shu, just wait and see how I get my revenge for this"

Shu watched the boy stormed away. He sighed. why does his life have to be so hard? Not like he did anything wrong. The day went away. Shu was glad that he didn't met Katsuki to the rest of the day. All of his friends confirmed that they will kill Katsuki if he did something to him. Shu smiled telling them everything will be just fine as it used to be.

At night, as usual Shu went to the bed and threw the covers over him. He always lived alone, his parent was busy with business and work. He switched off the lights and curled to himself. He stared into the darkness for few minutes. A habit he had taken in long before. He like to see the nothingness of dark. For many others it's just spooky and creepy but for Shu it was something he had grown loving to do. Cutting through the silence of the dark a loud screech echoed.

Shu jolted out eyes widening in horror. The sound was so close to his place. He got off from his bed and tiptoed to the window to look outside. The hairs of his hands stood as he saw something across the sky. It looked like a human figure. Last time he checked humans couldn't fly Shu thought slowly opening the window but as soon as he does that, he regretted it. The figure got larger and larger and it crashed inside. Shu yelped moving away as he shut the window afraid another thing would come in. He slowly switched on the light. The creature hissed as the light filled the room.

It wasn't exactly a creature. Shu decided. It was a human figure, a boy probably few years older than him. His hair was light blue and he couldn't see his eyes. His legs and arms looked tattered and bruised. He was wearing a light blue shirt with black jeans, Shu stared at the figure. His heart hammered inside his chest from anxiousness and maybe he was scared. Shu gulped as he took a step forward. He reached his hand to the boy and at the last second, he opened his eyes and hissed making Shu yelp and back to a corner.

His eyes were vibrant violent. And those were brilliant. Shu thought. It was like he could stare into them forever and never get bored. "The hell are you staring at?" He yelled.

Shu pressed his back against the wall curling his fingers. "W-who're you?"

The boy just glared. He didn't answer as he started to look around the room. Shu got up shakily walking to the first aid box. He felt being watched by the abnormal boy behind him. He turned to him and took a step. "Don't come closer" He hissed narrowing his eyes.

"Your wounds" Shu said. "If those get infected it would hurt"

The boy gave him a smirk as if to say watch this. Shu stared in pure amazement as he saw the wounds healing themselves. He dropped the first aid box in his hand and took a step back. "What are you?"

The boy got up taking a step toward Shu. "Want to know your petty human?"

Shu gulped as the other boy continued. "Would even believe if I said I'm a vampire?"

The albino blinked and gave a nervous laugh. "Uh... no?"

Lui peered to his face, their noses almost touching each other. He sniffed him and pulled away leaving a horrified Shu. "But got to say, your blood smells really good. Mind if I have a bite?"

Shu closed his eyes tightly. "You can't be serious about all this". Lui kept silence as Shu slowly opened his ruby eyes again. Shu was sure that the other boy looked slightly pained. His pale skin glowed in the moonlight filtering through the curtains. Soon enough, Shu heard howling. Lui gave out a relieved sigh and made a screeching sound making Shu jump away again. "He's fine" The boy said to himself as he turned his gaze toward Shu again. He smiled seeing the horrified expression of the younger.

Then he winced holding his abdomen. Tonight, had been a hard one, and he lost so much blood. He was craving for some fresh blood and the human just under him smelled really good. But this boy tried to help him, he can't just go and attack that kind of a person. Shu muster all his courage. "Are you okay?"

"Fine" He grumbled almost tripping on his feet as he let out heavy pants from lack of the blood. Shu took a deep breath and stared at him. He studied the little fangs coming out from his tight pressed lips. His eyes looked like it was turning into different shades of purple at each time. Shu took a deep breath. "If you really want some blood, y-you can drink mine"

The boy gave him a surprised look. "You believe me?"

Shu hesitated. "I feel like you're telling the truth. I'm Shu Kurenai"

"Lui" The boy said. "Are you sure?"

"If it helps you... yes" Shu answered.

His eyes widen as Lui lunged at him in millisecond. He pressed Shu against the cold wall but he stopped again looking at the albino for another permission. Shu slowly raised his trembling hand and move away the hair revealing his pale neck to Lui. Lui took that sign as his permission and dug his fangs into the smooth skin of the albino. Shu whimpered as he felt the pain shooting through his body. Lui wrapped one of his hands around the slim waist of the boy pressing their bodies together. Shu felt heat rush into his cheeks. After few seconds, Lui pulled away. Shu felt lightheaded as he looked at the boy with half lidded eyes.

"Damn you taste as better as you smell"

Shu averted his gaze trying to get up, but it was a bad idea. He almost fell down again. But Lui caught him in his strong grasp. Shu mumbled something under his breath as he let his head fall into Lui's chest falling asleep right at the spot. Lui smiled softly bringing the albino to the bed and laying him slowly on it. He threw the covers over him and stared at the peaceful face of the sleeping figure.

It was the first time someone offered him blood willingly. Lui felt surprised when the boy offered his own blood. He shook his head fondly staring at the albino. This boy is indeed someone special. Next day Shu wake up at dawn. He wasn't sure whether last night was a dream or not. Shu sighed thinking it is probably one of those weird dreams he sees.

He got up and stretched rubbing his eyes lazily. He walked to the living room and headed toward the kitchen. It was always his normal routine to make his own breakfast. But there was already someone inside the kitchen. Shu yelped jumping away when he saw Lui making pancakes. "Hey good morning"

Shu blinked pinching himself. "So, you're not a dream?"

Lui raised his brow. "You normally see dreams where sexy vampires bite your neck? You've got a dirty mind"

Shu's cheeks grew red as he stared at him processing what he said. "No, that's not what I meant.... Uh...."

Lui chuckled. "Here, made you some breakfast, eat up"

"You can cook?' Shu asked sniffing the magnificent aroma of the pancakes.

"Of course, I can, we are vampires but still we can eat stuff like this too you know?"

"Then why do you need blood" Shu grumbled leaning his head against the kitchen counter still staring at Lui. It's not every day you see a vampire cooking for you.

"It's like a life source" Lui explained. "We take blood on monthly basis but if we lose too much blood then we need a dose right away. In my opinion werewolves are lucky. They don't need blood after all besides..." Lui stopped looking at the surprised looks of the albino. "What?"

"Werewolves?... Am I still dreaming?"

Lui knitted his brows. "Kiddo, this world is bigger than you think, I'm sure you have seen many of those kinds without even realizing it"

"You mean there are many of you out there?". Shu asked and Lui nodded.

"I wouldn't be able to sleep in the night anymore; I would have nightmares"

Lui chuckled. "Didn't any of people say you look like a vampire too?"

Shu hummed. "Yeah, I've been told. For Halloween I always dress up like a vampire. I don't care about thinking a new concept."

"But the story Vampires are too dramatic. Wearing long capes and bloodthirsty monsters. Ew those are gross"

Lui placed a plate of pancakes in front of him. Shu blinked thinking back. It had been a long time since someone made food for him. It almost felt like a foreign feeling to him. His mom and dad always worked worked and worked. Lui snapped his fingers in front of Shu's face taking the other's attention. "It's not poisoned. I'm just trying to repay for your kindness last night"

Shu's hand immediately reached the spot on his neck. He winces a little as he felt the mark. "I wasn't thinking about that, I was just thinking about when was the last time someone made me food like this"

Lui sat down across him. "A plaster would probably cover it; people can get the wrong idea. Since you have school I mean"

Shu nodded. "I'll take care of that."

Shu thanked Lui for the food and after he finished Lui left saying good bye to him and thanking him again. Shu went up to get ready. He took out a black turtle neck shirt and a white long-sleeved jacket. He got ready and went out to school as he normally does. When he entered the corridor looking for his friends, a strong pair of arms grabbed his waist and pulled him toward an empty classroom.

Soon, he found himself pinned to the wall, two hands in each side of his head. Shu looked to see Katsuki with his usual playful smirk. "You rejected me sweetheart, but I did not reject you, did I?"

Shu gave him a neutral look. "Katsuki, let me go now"

"What if I didn't?"

Katsuki leaned against him, and placed his forehead against Shu's and the albino struggled to get off from his strong grip. "Katsuki, let go" He almost yelled trying to push the boy away. Katsuki dragged his finger across the albino's thigh reaching to his private places. Shu closed his eyes tightly letting out a whimper when the classroom door burst open.

Katsuki jolted away from Shu. Both of them looked at the door to see Lui and another boy which Shu didn't recognize. He had blonde hair with a red streak and brown eyes. Lui crossed his arms letting out a growl. "I'll give you three seconds to run"

Katsuki didn't need to told twice. From their looks it was sure that Katsuki had no chance for twice. He cursed loudly giving Shu another glare leaving the room. Lui turned to the albino. "You alright?"

Shu nodded still not believing that Lui is here. The other blonde boy spoke. "You'll have to learn to defend yourself against those men kid"

Shu tilted his head. "What are you? Another vamp? Or a Werewolf? Or a fairy? Maybe a shape shifter or some wizard like in Harry Potter?"

Free looked at Lui. "You told him?"

"How else I'm going to get blood from him?" Lui said as Free looked at Shu.

"I'm a werewolf, nice to meet you"

Shu huffed. "I feel like I'm losing my mind"

"Good thing you still haven't" The boy answered giving his hand to him. "Name's Free Da La Hoya"

Shu nodded when free added. "And I already know your name. You're pretty popular around here"

Shu sighed. Of course, popular, he thought bitterly. He really wanted to be left alone. He's sick of boys and girls coming after him like dogs. He wanted peace nothing else. The silence turned awkward. None of them knew how to break it. But Valt did it to him. "Shu" He yelled running to him. "Who are the bad guys? Them?" Valt asked him posing a fighting stance, probably a one he copied from an action movie.

Lui clicked his tongue annoyed when the others came in. Wakiya narrowed his eyes. "Who are you two? Not from our school, right?"

Shu smiled ruffling Valt's hair. "The bad guy went away Valt"

Honcho crossed his arms. "Guess the heroes are too late"

"Or Shu has some other heroes" Daigo added looking at Free and Lui.

Lui ignored all of them. "I came to talk with you, have a minute?"

Shu looked at his friends then again at the pair then again at his friends. Lui sighed looking at Shu's friends. "Okay I'm borrowing your friend for a while" He said and without giving them a chance to answer he took Shu's hand and dragged him away.

Honcho blinked looking at the leaving trio. "I thought Shu said he doesn't want to be in a relationship"

Lui took Shu to the school park and let go of his hand. Shu waited for him to talk. Lui crossed his arms as he spoke. "Listen Shu, this is serious. Just like humans there are laws for vampires and werewolves too and there are people who detect these culprits and put them into curses where they can't escape"

"Like the police?" Shu asked in interest.

Free smiled. "Yeah, kind of"

Shu pouts. "Wait...why tell me? Are you two murderers or worse some kind of revolt leaders who are running away?"

Lui's mouth curled into a smiled as he reached Shu's hair ruffling it in an affectionate manner. Free raised his brow. "Well, Lui being affectionate to someone...that's new"

"Shut up blondie" Lui hissed as he took back his hand. Then he awkwardly cleared his throat. My father is a person who captured them and so is his, and now a gang is coming after us because our parents put their boss into a curse. And there is a myth that if someone caught a person who got stung by a vampire the vampire who stung can be captivated. And those blunt freaks don't know that it's only a myth which put you in danger"

Shu blinked several times on and on trying to process all the things he said. Then the realization hit him. "Woah wait wait, don't tell me there are a bunch of blood lust vampires and werewolves are chasing me to drink my blood or worse kill me"

"Finally, you understood" Free said clasping his hands together in a cheerful manner.

Shu slapped his hand. "Oh hell, what am I supposed to do now?"

"We have to" Lui trailed off as Free sniffed the air around them.

"Too late" Free said grimly. "They are here"

Shu didn't get the chance to ask who. He quickly realized when he saw a group of teenagers probably at Lui's age walked to them. All of them were pale and some had fangs and some not which indicate that they are probably werewolves in the gang. Lui and Free stood in front of Shu. The tallest among them walked to Lui.

"Well, seems like you're protecting your little blood bank"

"He's not my blood bank, he's my friend" Lui said crossing his arms as the other howled in laughter.

"When does Lui Shirasagi had any friends?"

Free cleared his throat cynically. "I'm still here Yoichi"

"Oh sorry, you are a friend of his, a pathetic one"

Shu took a step back when Yoichi looked straight at him. Unlike Lui or Free he looked inhumane. There was this crazy glint in his eyes which made Shu's skin crawl. He charged at him and Shu closed his eyes tightly but his attack never came. Sure, Yoichi is fast but Lui was faster. They fought in incredible speed that they were almost invisible. And soon something happened. One of the guys threw a ball to the ground and the surrounding started to change and soon instead of the school park they were standing in a place surrounded with bones of various animals. Shu covered his mouth as he took a step back in pure horror. "W-What the..."

Before he could say anything else. He felt someone nudging his elbow. He looked beside him and jumped seen a wolf. But he quickly realized it was Free. He had light brown fur and gentle brown eyes. He signaled Shu to climb to his back and Shu did. Shu held to his neck and closed his eyes tightly. Free's speed was incredible and after few hours he stopped. Shu opened his eyes to see that they have arrived to a large cave and Lui was already there. He looked worse than the last night. The fight was obviously deadly. That other guy looked dangerous. Shu hoped from Free's back running to Lui and knelt beside him. "You okay?" Shu asked, he know it was a stupid thing to do because Lui was not at all okay. He looked like he's about to give up. Then Shu recognized it, the crazy glint in Lui's eye as he watched his neck. He licked his lip. Shu stood up taking a step back.


Lui closed his eyes and grunted in pain. "Sorry" He muttered. "My mind got hazy for a while"

Free walked to them. "Lui, we need to find you some blood"

"I can give him" Shu offered but Lui shook his head.

"No, it's not so long since I last drank from you, I don't want to put your life in danger."

'but I'm fine" Shu pouts trying to let Lui understand.

Lui smiled. "Why do you care so much? Are you in love with me?"

Shu blinked processing what he said. Heat rose on his cheeks as Shu turned away mumbling. "No, are you crazy?"

Lui closed his eyes grunting in pain. Shu turned to him again, this time Free looked distressed. "Lui don't be stubborn you need blood. They will come back in any minute". Shu nodded along with Free as he turned his head to look at the blonde.

Lui sighed turning to Shu. "You sure you're okay?"

Shu nodded. It was true, Shu felt okay. And seeing Lui in that much pain hurt him too. Shu didn't know why but it hurt like he's the one who's in pain. Shu look up to his brilliant violet eyes. They seem to be glowing drawing him to Lui with an invisible power. His skin glowed in the darkness of the cage. Soon, he felt two hands pushing him lightly to the rough walls of the cave. And one of the pale hands cleared his hair from his neck. Shu shivered feeling the cold breath of Lui against his neck. First time Shu did not have any feelings, that time he did it just to help the vampire out of his well-known kindness. But this time judging by the fact that he felt his own cheeks on fire Shu realized that there's something more inside his emotions.

He felt Lui's teeth sink to his flesh. The pain was only temporary as it slowly faded away. Shu felt Lui's hand travelling on his body. He bit his lip wishing that he won't notice the blush covering his cheeks. After a while Lui pulled away. Shu blinked reaching the spot wincing slightly. Lui peered to his face searching for any kind of regret or maybe pain but Shu smiled slightly. "You feel okay now?"

Lui placed a hand on his cheek caressing it with his thumb. "The question is are you okay?"

Shu nodded. "I'm fine" Shu said closing his eyes for a minute then opening them again. "I really am"

Lui looked around to see that Free was missing. He frowned. "Where did Free go?". Without even Shu answering Lui got the answer as he heard the crashing of something from the outside. Lui ran out instructing Shu to stay inside. The battle was already going on. Free had changed into a wolf and was attacking the gang alone. Lui stood beside Free and with one last nod both of the attacked again and again.

Inside the cave Shu drew his knees to his chest trembling slightly. He was scared of what's going outside. He could hear the crashes coming from the outside. Then with a shock he realized that there seem to be a presence inside the cave. He tensed pressing himself to the cave wall. He looked around.

"W-Who's there?"

Then he saw a figure, a vampire, the one who was called Yoichi advancing to Shu. Shu gulped staring at the stunning dark eyes of the vampire. Yoichi knelt beside him trailing one of his fingers across his pale cheek. "You are stunningly beautiful" He whispered leaning against the ear of the albino.

That's all he knew before he felt the vampire closing his eyes making him fall to a deep slumber. The fight continued outside and then Yoichi came out of the cave holding an unconscious Shu in his arms. Lui narrowed his eyes as Free growled turning back to his human form. "What did you do to him?"

Yoichi smiled. "Aww don't worry, he's only sleeping". Then he leaned against his neck licking the spot where Lui drank blood from him. "His smell is suffocating me, my god no wonder you drank his blood"

Lui bared his teeth. "Let go of him now"

Yoichi smirked. "I won't, I'll drain him until there isn't s single drop of blood inside him"

Lui gritted his teeth racking his mind asking for an answer. But he got none. Lui wanted to save Shu in any cost. Then he took one final decision. "Let's have a duel, the winner gets Shu"

Yoichi thought for a while then grinned. "Of course," He simply said setting Shu down. Then he shoots a look at Lui. "Don't even think to play fowl with me"

Lui nodded, everyone had stopped fighting. Free went to Shu's side and took the human in his arms. Yoichi just stared at him and signaled one of the guys to go the them. Then the duel started. They circled around first like the hunters they were waiting to hunt their pray. Then with a lightning speed they attacked. Over and over clawing at the other's throat trying to end the enemy's life. The last blow was enough to wake Shu up.

He opened his tired eyelids to see Yoichi and Lui on the either sides baring teeth at each other. Both of them were panting slightly and Yoichi had a cut across his elbow and crimson blood fell in small droplets to the ground colouring the glass into a painful red. Lui had a bruise on his cheek but it was not flowing with crimson blood as Yoichi's does. Shu sat down and looked at Free who was staring at him with light brown eyes which held genuine worry for him. "What's going on?"

"They are having a duel" Free explained to him.

"Why?" Shu asked looking at both of them again.

Free sighed. "Lui is doing this to save you, Yoichi is ready to drain you, and seems like Lui don't want to let his precious albino get killed"

Shu blinked at Free in confusion and turned to the fight again. That's when Yoichi attacked again flipping Lui over pressing one of his long nails on the throat of Lui. "Lui" Shu yelled in pure instinct. He was already on his feet trying to reach him, but Free's tight grip on his wrist stopped him. "Let me go" He cried out.

"Shu, don't Lui knows how to win. Believe in him"

Shu stopped and told himself to relax. He took a deep breath turning his focus to the duo again.

Yoichi smirked pressing his nail deeper drawing out a thin line of blood. "My my that petty human indeed is fond of you"

Lui just groaned as Yoichi continued. "I can't wait to spoil him. Maybe before I kill him, I'll violate him. Taste each and every piece of his body"

This took Lui over the edge. He rolled his body to the right making Yoichi lose his grip over his throat. Soon, Lui was on top of Yoichi staring right to his soul in pure hatred. "Don't speak a word about him from your disgusting mouth"

Yoichi looked panic by the sudden transformation of the other vampire. "I surrender"

Lui stared at him for a moment as if he wanted to kill him then he released him. "Get lost" He said standing up. Lui turned to Shu to see his surprised and relieved expression. But then it changed as if he was terrified of something behind him.

"Lui behind you" He yelled.

Lui turned around in a heartbeat and caught Yoichi's arm in a firm grip. He raised his brow. "I gave you the chance" He said in a low tone. "Now suffer". Just as the words left his mouth the sky turned darker and a group of vampires appear around the from the thin air.

Their leader looked just like Lui. His violet eyes pierced through Yoichi as he fell into his knees gripping on his hair as if he's being cursed. The realization dawned on Shu. This is Lui's father. He thought as he watched the man turn to Lui. "Great work son, we needed them for so long"

Lui smirked. "I know I'm the most amazing vampire. But thanks for the reminder"

The man chuckled ruffling his hair which Lui looked annoyed about. "Don't get ahead of yourself. Farewell" He said as he glanced as Shu and mouthed a thank you. Shu blinked and was about to ask something but he was already gone. Lui walked to Free and Shu who was standing by the cave.

Free looked at Lui. "I have to go; my clan might be looking for me. Take him home and come back I'll meet you by the sacred tree" Then he turned to Shu and gave him a fond smile. "It was nice meeting you Shu"

Shu nodded giving him a small smile. "Me too"

Lui just nodded at him. Both of them watched as Free turned into a magnificent wolf and disappeared deep into the forest. Lui turned to Shu and smiled. "Let's get you home"

Soon their surrounding started to change. Everything flashed by in beautiful shades of colours. And Shu was inside his room with Lui.

Lui hesitated for few minutes averting his eyes then he turned to Shu. "Well...I have to leave now"

Shu nodded. Disappointment taking his mind. He bit his bottom lip taking a deep breath. "It was- "Shu's voice cracked. Tears pooled inside his eyes. Soon they were flowing down his clear pale skin like crystal beads. Shu took a helpless try to stop them but failed. "I don't even know why I'm crying" he stated. "I'm sorry"

Lui smiled then chuckled. Shu looked at him wiping his cheeks as a rosy pink colour took place on his pale skin. Lui took a step toward his cupping his cheeks. He caressed his soft skin from his thumb and leaned down. Shu stayed still for a few seconds. His heart pounding inside his chest. But he did not try to pull away when he felt Lui's soft lips crashing against his own. Shu let his eyes fluttered close and he respond to the kiss. The time slowed down around them. It was like fireworks. His stomach was fluttering with butterflies.

Finally, they pulled away but Lui didn't take off his hand from his cheek. He stared to his deep crimson eyes in sorrow. "Farewell my little love" He said pressing a kiss on his forehead. Lui spun around trying to leave when footsteps grew closer behind him and soon two hands were wrapped around his torso. Shu pressed his face to Lui's back.

"I-I love you Lui" He said breaking down to a sob. Lui recognized the silent plea of the statement. 'don't leave me'

Lui pry off the hands and turned again with a smile. "We will meet again love, I promise. Till then" He said wiping the stray tear of the younger. "Till then keep me right in your heart"

And then Lui disappeared.


Shu got up from the bench he was sitting on. The flashbacks of his lover came to his mind constantly. Even after two whole years his heart still belongs to him. Lui Shirasagi, the one and only who had the key to his heart.

Shu stared at the full moon hovering at the sky. A smile tugged his soft lips. He decided.

"He is like the full moon. No matter how much far away he is, he will always be closer to his heart"

And most of all Shu thought. "Even the moon disappeared, it leaves with a promise to come back"

A tear streaked down his eye glistening with the light of the silver moon. "I love you" He whispered getting up to reach his home.

Far away from him the wind carried his three words to the other end of the earth. The violet eyed male stared at the starts thinking about his lover as he whispered back. "I love you too"

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