To Catch a Dream

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Dreams, something that makes us who we are and what we want to be. Everyone has different dreams. Sometimes it is to become a person everyone admires. Sometimes, it's to become a help to everyone. No matter how much big or small a dream can get, a dream is what we chase after to become a better person. Simply, the person we want to be.

Valt looked at the scattered papers on his desk. Many of them were about the upcoming beyblade tournaments. Some were letters from his fans congratulating him about being the world champion defeating Red Eye. He went through several of them and dropped the whole bundle to his closet and closed the door. He just came back to Beigoma, it had been some long days back in Spain answering to all the conferences and fan letters and now all he wanted was some peaceful time. To walk around the familiar paths of Beigoma, to feel that fresh air filling his lungs,to feel the the sweet aroma of beybread welcoming his nostrils. He wanted to feel like he's finally back home. "Mom," He yelled, running down the stairs, two or three steps at a time.

"Valt! Be careful" She scolded, shaking her head. She was proud of her son. He climbed his way up to the top using his own determination and strength.

"Mom, I'm heading out," He said excitedly, walking out of the door just barely hearing his mom's take care. He stretched grinning widely basking in the pleasant sunlight. "This feels soooo amazing"

As he heard, Honcho was catching up with his work to take his exams. He remembered how he always chanted about his dream to become a police officer just like his dad. Wakiya's dream was to follow his father's footsteps just as Honcho. Valt let out an amused giggle reminding himself of those fights they had debating who copied the following father's footstep thing. Daigo, as many of them guessed, wanted to become a doctor. To help the people in need, little kids like his own brother Ryota. Ken always wanted to make people happier, but he was a shy person which is why he chose to do that using puppets. His dream was to become a puppeteer, to have his own shows all around the world to make people smile and laugh. Shu always dreamed of becoming a scientist, to find new things. To make new inventions to make everyone's life easier. For Valt, beyblade was and is his dream. He wanted to reach as far as he could.

Everyone was back in Beigoma, Valt thought, placing his hands on his hips thinking about having a hangout, just like the old times. But, his thoughts were drawn by Zac, who was sitting inside the cafe just a few blocks away from Valt's house. The hazel eyed blader frowned seeing the gloom in his face. Zac the sunshine, was a literal ray of sunshine. The smile never left his face, even in a defeat he also rose up from the ground making even the rivals his friends. Many have said that they have similar personalities. As Ken said once, becoming a sunshine to the people around you is not easy. Valt watched as Zac sighed, pushing away the mess of papers aside, grabbing to the mug placed in the corner of the table. Without a second thought he entered the cafe, with his usual big friendly smile covering his features. "Zac!"

Zac blinked, snapping his attention toward Valt. "Hey twinkle toes". His enthusiasm was clearly missing from his voice.

Valt sat down in front of him not even bothering to ask permission from the blonde. "How are you? Even if we met at the finals, we weren't able to talk much"

Zac hummed, still looking down. His eyes not moving from the steaming mug in his hands. Valt frowned. True, sometimes he was pretty dense about people's feelings but it didn't take a genius to find out that Zac was completely out of it. "Something wrong Zac?"

Zac finally looked up at him. His eyes were dull and watery, the beautiful sapphire had lost its shine. "Yeah" He answered, hesitantly.

Valt pouted leaning against the table. "But you look sad"

Zac curled into himself. It was true, his whole life was breaking apart in front of him. The dream he chased for years was shattering to bits and pieces right in front of his eyes. "It's my agency" He started, his cheerful voice turned into a completely contransed tone. "They are trying to kick me out"

Valt did a double take, Zac's agency kicking him out sounded completely ridiculous. From all he knew, Zac was a devoted singer. He cared for his fans. All his songs are hits and loved by many people around the world including him and almost all of his friends. "But why?"

"They found a more promising rookie singer. I'm just a burden to them now. I need to write a new song to prove myself but I can't! All these problems are stressing me out." He said cutting down another word he wrote in his paper.

Valt frowned, he didn't have much knowledge about songs and arts. But he knows one thing Zac needs help and he's going to help him. Maybe just not him, because when dealing with problems like this he knew the right person he could crash in. His one and only best friend who can put up with any ridiculous idea. Valt stood up all of a sudden startling the blonde. He took Zac's wrist and dragged him outside without giving him the chance to talk. "I know the right person to help you out" He said, leading him to the familiar apartment building standing tall facing the sea.

"Valt" Zac said in a confused tone, he really didn't understand what was going on. But, to be fair no one really didn't understand what Valt was doing most of the time. His nickname as the 'dark horse' suits him well, Zac thought absentmindedly letting the younger blader drag him wherever he wanted.

He pressed the button on the elevator finally turning to Zac who looked like he'd prefer an explanation. "I'm going to help you," He declared.

Zac smiled. "I appreciate the thought, Valt. But I don't think this problem can be helped. It's my own fault that I'm not able to come up with any lyrics."

"Nuh huh," Valt said, shaking his head vigorously. "We're your friends. And we're always here to help"

"We?" Zac asked as the elevator doors opened with a hiss. Valt grinned, "You'll soon find out"

He led Zac through a fairly lighted up corridor lined with doors each side Once they reached the corner one Valt stopped. He raised his hand and rang the bell, which included his usual aggressive mode of slamming his thumb against the button. Zac watched him in amazement. "They will probably get mad at you" He simply said when they heard footsteps from the otherside of the door. Valt rocked on his heels excitedly. He was enthusiastic to see his friend again. It had been several months since they last saw each other and seeing him again was something he awaited eagerly for the past few months.

The doorknob turned as the door opened revealing the red eyed blader. His eyes widened in surprise seeing the familiar figure. "Valt!?" He asked, "You're back in Japan?"

Valt grinned nodding vigorously. "Came here today morning, took a quick nap and I'm here now"

Shu smiled, his eyes moved to the other figure standing by the door. His crestfallen face made the albino wander silently. "Hey Zac," He greeted.

The other greeted back silently with a nod. There was no enthusiastic grin or a friendly headlock, not even a greeting using the nickname Shooting star. He frowned, turning to Valt. A silent question asking from the blader. Valt shrugged. "Can we come in?" He asked, wanting to turn the awkward situation around.

Shu blinked, he didn't even realize that he didn't welcome them in. Shu nodded opening the door wider to let them in. "Come in"

The two males entered the apartment. It was clean, obviously. Since they were young, Shu had been the type that will clean up any mess right away. As he used to say back in the days a cleaned place helped him to concentrate better on his work. Valt took off his shoes, catching the sight of another extra pair that's too small to be Shu's. "You're having guests?"

Shu smiled leading them to the living room. "It's just Fubuki. He asked help with his homework"

Fubuki, Valt knew the kid well. Shu had already told him about the kid he was training. As Valt thought it was a good way to keep him out of the thoughts and traumas he faced as Red Eye. It was his first time seeing the boy face to face. It didn't take him long to spot the blonde sitting by the coffee table. His ruby eyes widen at the sight of them. "Valt Aoi" He almost whispered glancing at Shu then back at Valt again. "You're Valt Aoi"

Valt scratched the back of his head with a quiet giggle. "That would be me" Then Fubuki eyed the other person standing beside them. He gasped again.

"Zac the Sunrise, the famous idol" He turned to Shu in awe. "You're having Valt Aoi and Zac the Sunrise standing in your living room Shu!"

Shu rolled his eyes playfully. "I thought you were so exhausted with those formulas. You got worked up after seeing them"

"It's" He said, gasping for like the hundredth time. "It's Valt and Zac. I love your songs" Fubuki cheered.

Zac winced faintly. It was good to know that he still had fans waiting for another comeback. But at this position he wasn't sure whether this would be the end of his career. "Sit down," Shu said, cutting off his thoughts.

Fubuki got down from his chair and packed his bag. Shu raised his brow. "You leaving?"

Fubuki nodded smiling, "I think they need you for something. And I understood the basics for the formula. I can do it now"

Shu crouched down in front of him reaching a hand to pet his blonde locks. "You sure? Don't you want an autograph though? You were fussing about those two literary everytime we meet"

"Shu-kun" Fubuki whispered in an embarrassed tone marching to the door. He reached for the door knob and finally looked back at Shu, a tint of pink evident on his cheeks. "Can you collect their autographs for me? Please?"

Shu chuckled. "Of course. Come around tomorrow. Let's practice a bit"

Fubuki nodded as he left the house with another final goodbye. Shu locked the door and walked back to the living room. The air was heavy, as if an unknown force was weighing it down. "I'm glad you two dropped by," Shu said, breaking the gloomy atmosphere. "How about something to drink?" He asked.

Zac shook his head. "I don't have an appetite. Thanks anyway"

Well, indeed that was not the Zac he knew Shu thought grimly. He placed his hands on his hips sighing. "Let's not beat around the bush, what's the problem?"

Valt looked at Shu. "Something really bad is going to happen" Zac watched them as Valt explained Shu everything. More than explaining it was mostly blabbering in his own special way and miraculously Shu really looked like he understood everything Valt was saying. "That's it" He said, finishing his talk.

Zac blinked. "Don't tell me you understood that"

Shu gave him a small smile. "I did"

This is what it really meant to be best friends Zac thought looking at Shu and Valt. Shu pulled out his phone surprising both of them. "What are you going to do?" Zac asked.

"Asking help from someone who knows better about music. Don't worry Zac, everything will be just fine"

After Shu made a few calls, they all waited for them to come. Zac really didn't know whom Shu might've called. But the waiting wasn't uncomfortable or awkward . Valt kept chatting about his experiences in Spain. Like how he went to visit all the monuments and how many fans came asking for autographs. Shu watched him with a fond smile. Zac leaned against the couch letting his mind sink in his thoughts. After a few hours, the bell rang startling the three males engaged in a friendly chat. Shu stood up and walked to the door. Zac and Valt shared looks listening to the muffled voices coming from the outside. Soon, Shu walked into the living room with Orochi and the rest of the 'Superstars' members. Zac blinked, "Shu, why did you?"

"They are the people I talked about. They know about music better than me"

"Zac" Freddy said, walking to the blonde with a pointed look. "Why didn't you tell us? We are teammates aren't we?"

Zac dodged their gaze. "I didn't want to bother you"

"Well, there's no use blabbering now. We need to get to work, and show that annoying rookie his place" Mick cheered, causing Zac to look up at him.

"He's annoying?"

Bowie hummed, "Yeah" He simply answered. Bowie had always been the most laid back person in the group with a massive curious heart. All of the members saw Bowie as the cinnamon roll who should be protected. Mick was the cheerful extrovert of the group. He was always there to life up the spirits of the other members. Freddy was passionate, just as Zac but he could be quite aggressive with people. Orochi had always been the silent helper of the group. His amazing ability to listen and composing made Superstars what they are. True, they have different personalities but they all love beyblade and music which brought them together as a team.

Orochi turned to Shu. "Is it okay if we just crash in for the day?"

Everyone turned to Shu, Shu nodded. "I don't mind. Not like my parents would be here today"

Valt pumped his fist. "Let's get to work"

Shu led them into the study room. Thankfully, his dad always had this idea to have a separate room for study and reading. It was quite spacious with three desks and shelves of books with stationary aligned neatly on one of the shelves. Opposite it was another shelf with trophies and medals and photos of the family. As Mr.Kurenai thought, a study is not complete with pictures of your own family. Mick peeked at the glass cupboard with family pictures. "Shu looks cute in these"

Shu cleared his throat awkwardly. "Thanks?"

After a few minutes of exploring the group settled down. Orochi placed the guitar on the table and looked at Zac. "What's the theme?"

Zac pulled out a few papers where he was messing earlier. "I thought of love at first, but then I thought of writing about dreams. It sounded more fitting to this situation."

Freddie hummed taking a seat. "I agree," He said looking at one of the papers with Zac's messy handwriting. The lyrics were good but he knew that Zac could do better. The first part of their meeting was mostly the discussions about the theme and the melody. Then they first settled down with making the music. It was hard, Valt watched them work, in amazement. All of them speaking with each other in their own language using words that Valt hardly understood.

"Shu" He whispered to his best friend standing beside him.

"Yeah?" Shu answered, turning to Valt.

"It's like they are in their own world. It's amazing"

Shu chuckled, "Yeah, it is." He took Valt's wrist and slipped out of the room. "Let's go and get some snacks for them. The two of us don't know about music, so it would be the best way to help"

Orochi sighed in relief looking at the completed track playing on Zac's phone. The notes were right at the place, as he liked to tell it, everything was playing in perfect harmony. "One job is done"

Freddy placed the guitar on a chair , stretching his arms. "I'm tired"

"But I'm happy too," Bowie said with a small smile. "It's been a while since we did something together like this"

Mick nodded, "The five of us are stronger when we work together. I don't know why we didn't realize it earlier"

"Thank you guys," Zac suddenly said, taking their attention. "I was ready to give up"

Mick shook his head. "That's not a very Zac thing to say"

"The lyrics now," Orochi said, leading them to work again. He loved those littles chit chats among the group but right now their priority is work. But interrupting his statement Freddie groaned.

"I'm hungry"

Zac stood up, "I'll go and-"

"The food is here" Valt cheered coming inside with a tray of homemade muffins in his hands. The aroma of the fresh chocolate muffins filled the air making the boys drool at their sight.

"You made this?" Orochi asked, totally not believing the fact that Aoi Valt made this.

"He did help me," Shu answered, coming to the room. He was holding a tray with coffee, steaming from their mugs.

Valt grinned, placing the muffins on the tables just as Zac cleared the scattered papers organizing them into a pile. Shu placed the coffee mugs just beside it. "Enjoy"

"You two are angels" Mick cheered already digging up. "This tastes amazing"

Zac looked at the food and back at Shu. "Sorry for bothering you Shu. You really don't have to do this you know?"

"Nah... Shu loves to cook" Valt said enthusiastically. "And he's super good at it. You guys should taste his Napoli- or whatever that dish. It's super tasty."

"You don't even remember it's name correctly" Bowie pointed out silently making Valt flush.

"Shu often names things using hard words" He elbowed the albino male standing silently beside him. "You should learn some simple words man"

"No, seriously." Zac said, turning to Shu.

Shu shook his hands. "You guys were there for me when I was going super psycho as Red Eye. I owe you all for that. I'm the one who should be apologizing you know"

"Shu" Valt said, giving the albino a reassuring smile. "It's all over now, the best thing is you found the correct path again."

"He's right," Orochi said, walking to the albino. "You're here with us again, and that's all that matters. Then he turned to Zac. "Everyone has these moments when all you want is to give up, but we have to fight against them. That's how legends are made"

Freddie suddenly stood up from his seat, clapping. "Orochi, striking with philosophies again. All hail the king"

Zac pouted from his seat. "I'm the sun, the sun is better than the king"

"That sounded like something our Zac would say" Bowie said, taking a blank sheet of paper. "Let's write a song that will become a legend"

The rest of the day went away like that. Everyone passing random lyrics here and there, trying to rhyme the end words. At the end of the day, the song was ready. "This song is beautiful" Valt cheered while listening to the lyrics as he sang for like the fourth time.

Freddie cracked his knuckles. "That rookie gotta learn from us"

"I think you three have this grudge over him because he doesn't call you senpai right?" Orochi asked out of the blue, making Zac blink.

"He doesn't call you senpai? That's a serious crime" Zac screeched. "I need to teach him some manners"

It was just like the old times, Mick thought looking at the group. Fussing around, and at the same time making masterpieces. "The song is done, and we need to paste the posters we made around Beigoma. How're we gonna do that?"

Zac grinned, "I'll call Lui and ask help"

Beside him, Shu choked on air. "Lui? Isn't there anyone else you can call? Like Satan himself would be better"

Valt snickered, "C'mon Shu! We need all the help we can get. I'll assemble the beyclub. Man, this is going to be exciting"

Freddy patted Shu's head sympathetically. "Don't worry, we'll keep Lui under control"

They all decided to meet up at the next day and parted their ways. When Valt reached the beypark Shu and the rest of the beyclub alongside with the Superstars and Lui was there. He cupped his hands and took a deep breath getting ready to his usual greeting. "HEY GUYS"

Lui cracked his knuckles, looking at the world champion coming to them with a huge grin. "Tell that idiot to shut up, or else I'm ditching this group"

Zac smiled sheepishly. "Grumpy as ever Lui"

Valt jumped up barreling to Honcho. "Honcho! I missed you"

Honcho grinned patting his head few times. "Same here buddy."

Daigo bumped his fists with him as Ken greeted him with his own unique style, with his puppets. Wakiya crossed his arms. "I'm just here because Zac needed help. Not to this stupid reunion"

"That's how he says, I missed all of you so much" Honcho snickered.

Breaking their conversation Zac piped up, a bundle of posters in his hands. "Let's do this! I'll make sure to treat all of you after this"

"Well" Mick said smirking. "That's a good call"

The bey club and Lui had to partner up while the Superstars went with Gou, who arrived a bit late after Valt. The truth was Gou knew about Beigoma than Lui, so for Superstars he was like a guide. After threatening to murder Zac, Lui followed the group with his usual scowl covering his face. "It's not straight idiot" Wakiya grumbled looking at the poster Honcho just pasted on the wall.

"You're not straight idiot" Honcho shot back making Wakiya take a double take.

"What did you just say Kiyama?"

Daigo sighed rubbing his temples. "He's calling you gay"

Ken cracked up beside him, seeing how boldly Daigo talk about this situation. Wakiya took the bundle of posters and slammed it on Honcho. "Take that boomer!"

"I don't think you know how to meme Wakiya, please stop embarrassing yourself" Honcho said making Wakiya flush bright red.

"Idiots" Lui grumbled pasting another poster. Valt walked to him grinning. "Lui, let me help you"

"No thanks" he stated trying to hold the tape and poster both at one time but failing miserably. "Okay fine" He yelled at Valt's face pushing the tape violently to his hand.

Wakiya raised the bundle to attack Honcho again when Shu interrupted them standing in front of Honcho. "You're ruining the posters Wakiya"

"Yeah" Honcho said sticking out his tongue at him.

A murderous grin evoked on his features. "Shu, take this" he said handing the posters to him. Shu blinked confused as Wakiya took off his shoe and looked at Honcho. "I'm going to beat you up with this"

Honcho handed his own bundle to Shu who was trying to keep all the posters balanced in his arms. "I'm going to run" He screeched running for his life as Wakiya chased him around the roads.

Shu groaned, the bundles were practically weighing him down. Ken came out of nowhere and took the posters out of his hands which Shu was thankful for. "You're shoulder is still injured" He said through Keru.

Shu gave him a smile messaging his arms. "Thanks, Ken"

Daigo placed his hands on his hips. "No matter how much time pass, the beyclub will be the beyclub"

When they finished their work, it was almost the sunset. Zac led all of them to Aoi Bakery. Valt grinned jumping inside. "Mom! Zac is treating us today"

"I heard you worked hard today. The treats are on me" Chiraru said smiling at the exhausted group of boys.

Zac dramatically clutched his heart. "Thank you so much. I'm broke these days anyway"

Chiraru smiled advising Valt to lead them to a table. The group settled down as the silence broke into chattering again. Zac looked at them fondly, wondering about their own dreams. Since he was young, music had been his life and soul. Even his parents found it surprising, that how much Zac loved music. His eyes turned to Valt who was gobbling up beybread. "Valt, thank you"

Everyone stopped talking and looked at Zac. Valt tilted his head. "For what?"

"For telling me not to give up."

Valt grinned. "Well, giving up is not a choice. My dad taught me that."

"Your dad taught you right" Gou said looking at Lui from the corner of his eyes. "Right Lui?"

"Whatever" The dragon blader said, his gaze settling on Shu's. A tension filled the air, some squirmed on their seats as Lui spoke. "If you want to tell something, do it now" He said apathetically. Lui realized that Shu tried to speak with him the whole day but faltered at the last moment. He wasn't sure what he wanted to say, but if he had to say something that moron better get over with it.

Shu blinked, so he did realize. He dodged Lui's gaze focusing it on his lap. He had to do this. "I'm sorry" He said raising his head to look at Lui.

Lui raised his brow. "Not like I care," He said. "You just got a lucky shot. Don't get used to it Kurenai"

Shu let out a relieved breath. "Well, that wasn't luck. Get ready to lose for me Shirasagi"

Zac clasped his hands together. "Aww friendship"

"What the heck is that?" Lui said rolling his eyes. "I'm not friends with anyone." He said getting up. "I'm leaving."

Gou stood up with him. "Yeah, it's getting late" He said looking at the others. "See you all again" He said, and at the last moment he turned to Shu. "Don't get upset over that Shu, Lui really don't mind it. He's a beast" He said ruffling his hair as he turned around and left the bakery.

Shu blinked moving a hand to his hair. "Okay...?" He said, more like to assure that to himself.

Freddie laughed. "Never thought I'd see a conversation between Shu and Lui. But it was worth it"

Shu shrugged. "It was not exactly a conversation if you asked me"

Valt grinned talking through a mouthful of beybread. "They talked"

"Don't talk when you're eating dumbass" Wakiya grumbled when a sound went off from Zac's phone.

"That can be the message you were waiting for" Daigo said looking at Zac who looked like he was in the verge of having seizure.

"I'm okay, I'm okay" Zac muttered to himself as he opened his text app.

Keru snickered. "Calm down Zac, it's just a text"

"And it's not even your girlfriend" Freddy said biting into his beybread.

Everyone stayed silent as Zac read the text on his phone, the normal charming light came back to his sapphire eyes. "It's the manager, he's asking me to come to practice. Because..." He said looking at the superstars. "We're going to have a concert"

Mick jumped up. "Heck yeah!"

The whole gang cheered sharing their happiness with each other. Zac looked at all of them. "I don't know how to thank you all enough, this is not enough but you all are welcomed to the concert"

Valt squealed. "Yes! A concert"

Honcho looked at Shu and Daigo sharply. "No ditching you wallflowers"

Shu chuckled. "I'll be there"

Daigo nodded, agreeing with him. "Same here"

Zac smiled, leaning against his seat. "I'm so glad. I thought I would have to give up on my dream"

"Never giving up is the key" Valt said grinning as he raised his orange juice glass for a toast. "Cheers"

The others followed him as they cheered for the concert to become a success. After his eventful say Zac sat down on his bed at his apartment listening to his new song. Dreams are there for us to chase, if we want to achieve it, the only way is to work hard and try harder. 

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