Fallen too Far

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Love, a common concept for each and every human being. Many people define this word in various ways. Each of us has our own definition to this concept. For some, it can be something beautiful and serene. For some, it's the definition of despair and hurt. We look at things in our points of view and love can either make a human grow up or sink down. 

Shu did not know when it all started. The only thing he knew was that he was hopeless about his feelings. He was supposed to be the person who kept his cool. He was supposed to be one who kept the bey club going regarding their moods. He was supposed to be emotionless and cold. It was rather magical, he thought. That one person can change someone completely. That one person can make your heart race at their sight. Shu stared at the book in his hands. His projects, next week. He often finished his work at least a week before the due date but this certain project in his literature class made him falter about his own principles.

It was supposed to be a normal literature class like any other day. But when their teacher brought a big book of Shakespeare Shu knew that something was definitely up. She ran her eyes across the classroom with a small smile. "Class" she announced, her usual soft cheerful voice echoing through the class. "We are going to do a special project about love."

Some students whistled. Girls squealed, passing notes with each other already planning their projects. Amidst all this, Shu just stared at her, dumbfounded. Love, he thought bitterly. All his life he had known his parents' love and his friends' love toward him. Other than that love is completely a foreign concept for him. The truth was, the teacher was talking about something deeper and serene. The rest of the class was a blur, his mind storming around the word, love.

Wakiya sighed, resting his against the table. All of them gathered inside the library to finish their homework. There was no upcoming tournament. So, they had time to get ready for whatever comes after. These days they just hangout to complete school work and have fun sleepovers. "These formulas are going to kill me one day" he grumbled biting the end of his pencil.

Valt leaned against his chair, sighing heavily. "I'm in the mood to bey battle. Anyone in?"

Honcho smacked the back of his head. Popping another lolipop to his mouth he wrote something on the notebook in front of him. "Finish your homework first idiot"

Shu hummed thoughtfully looking at his book. "What do you guys think of true love?" He asked. Everyone snapped their attention toward him, surprise clearly written all over their faces. Shu bit his tongue, he messed up. "Sorry" he muttered trying to sink down to his chair.

Honcho took out his lollipop and looked at it thoughtfully. "You don't have to apologize. It was rather a good question. I mean I love lollipops from all of my heart" He said dramatically blinking, as if trying to avoid his delusional tears. "My first true love"

Valt chuckled. "Then beybread is my first true love"

Shu sighed, why did he even ask them in the first place. Wakiya crossed his arms. "This is about that literature assignment right? I heard some students from your class talking about it"

"Yeah" Shu answered, turning the page of his novel. He was not drawn into it. The truth was, he was not really a fan of romantic novels. He prefered a genre which is closer to action or sci-fi but he forced himself just this time to read a romantic one to get an idea about this concept. The concept of love. "I really don't know what to write about it"

Wakiya shrugged. "Well, love can be interpreted as many things. Do you have a crush on someone? Or at least had one?"

Shu shook his head, "Not really. When I was young I did have few crushes on celebrities but those are just, you know, childhood fantasies and all"

Daigo hummed thoughtfully. "Well, I think love is something beautiful?" He was unsure about his own statement. "It mostly depends on your experiences"

Shu nodded, "I guess" He said, placing his chin on his palm. "I'll search in the internet, I guess"

"Love from the internet" Honcho said, closing his book. "Nice"

When the group parted their ways, it was almost the sunset. Shu opened the apartment door and entered. He took off his shoes and placed them near the door and entered the living room. The lightened up kitchen made him realize that his parents must've come home early today. He placed his bag on the coffee table and walked to the kitchen to see them. Mom was near the cooker checking the amount of water while Dad blabbered about the news and about some crazy client he met at his office. Shu watched them silently. His parents shared so much love among them, he knew. A sudden thought tackled his mind as he blurted out.

"Hi, I'm home. What do you guys think about love?"

His mom yelped, turning around. "Whoa! That was a sudden"

"That was a sudden indeed" his dad joined chuckling. "I didn't even realize that you entered. You're training to become a spy. aren't ya?"

Shu smiled. "I didn't know that you guys were in. I thought you'd be late as usual"

"Well then" His mom said coming over to him as she reached a hand to his hair ruffling his milky white locks. "Surprise"

"So what's this thing about love? Our little Shu having feelings for someone?" His dad asked with an amused face.

Shu shook his head walking to the kitchen counter and hopped on sitting down on it. "Actually it's for a school project"

"Well" his dad shrugged. "I think love is beautiful and amazing. I knew she's the right person for me as soon as I saw her"

His mom chuckled. "He used to be a dork"

"That hasn't changed," Shu mused, earning a glare from his dad.

The rest of the day went normally. It had been a long time since they had dinner together, as a family. His parents are busy most of the time but they try to be with him at every moment they can, and Shu appreciated them for that. Because they're always there for him whenever he needs them.

Next day Shu went to the beach for a walk, to clear his mind from all the storming thoughts blizzarding inside his mind. He had only a few more days to hand over his project and he hadn't even started to write a word. He took off his shoes and placed his bare feet on the sand tickling his feet. He walked along, breathing the fresh air surrounding him. The wind ruffling his shaggy white hair swiping the bangs from his face exposing the scar over his right eye.

Shu always loved the silence in Beigoma beach. Mostly, locals came here to visit and to have a peaceful time of their own. There were rare moments when groups of people came to the beach but most of the time it was the ideal place to clear one's mind and think. After some walking he stopped to stare at the beach in front of him. The waves splashing against the golden sand in a rhythmic way, he could watch it the whole day without getting bored at least once. He sat down, cross legged on the sand watching the waves decorated with white foam splashing against the beach. "Fancy seeing you here, Kurenai" A voice said, breaking the calm and quietness in the vicinity . Shu didn't want to turn around to recognize it. He knew it too well.

"Lui Shirasagi" He whispered, the wind carrying away his words.

Lui walked to him, his hands stuffed inside his pockets. His violet eyes straightly focused on his own red ones. "May I?" He asked, looking at the spot beside Shu. Shu nodded moving to his left giving Lui more space to sit. They were enemies, sure. But at the moment it was his pure instinct that told him to do what he did. Lui sat down, both of them quietly watched the waves. The only sound was the slight splash sound of the waves.

"Well, any reason to come to beigoma? There's no matches around this time of the year"

Lui shrugged, "Just came to find some fresh air. You?"

"I came to clear my mind" Shu answered, placing his chin on his knees.

Lui just hummed, the silence getting more and more awkward at each passing minute. Shu could feel that unknowing feeling wrapping around his heart again. His heart skipped a beat as he felt Lui's shoulders slightly brushing against his own. After debating a few times, he risked a glance at the white tyrant. His violet hues mixed with a hint of blue looked almost calm, not furious. For once, Shu let his mind wander about him and before he could stop himself he asked, "Lui, what do you think about love?"

Lui blinked, confused. He turned his head to Shu to see whether the question was serious or not. Seeing the serious expression of the albino he smiled, almost laughed. "Why are you asking that so suddenly?"

Tints of pink coloured his cheeks as the red eyes blader turned his head in embarrassment. He could not believe that he asked his sworn enemy that question. After all, these past few days all he had done was looking for answers for this question. "I don't know," Lui answered, startling the male sitting beside him.

Shu tilted his head. "Oh"

"But I do have feelings for someone," Lui said, placing his hands behind him.

Quite suddenly, Shu felt his heart racing on and on. His mind craves to ask him about the person. A tiny part of his heart shattered into pieces convincing himself that he'll never get a chance with him. But another part was wrapped up with a single hope. "Someone?" Shu asked, not looking at him in the eye.

"Yeah" Lui said, "Someone"

Shu turned his head to Lui, another breeze swiping his bangs away from his face. Maybe it was Gou, Shu thought. They're always together after all. Maybe what he's feeling was not love, maybe he's just misinterpreting it. "What is that feeling like?" Shu asked.

"It's hard to describe." Lui said. Shu was really surprised to see Lui opening up with him, especially when he's talking about the person he loves. He knew that Lui had always been a person who kept many things to himself. But seeing him opening up to him felt weird at the same time he felt special. "It's a mixture of emotions. Sometimes you're just scared that the person will reject you, your heart races at his sight. Just a small smile can lighten up your days"

Oh, Shu thought bitterly. If the thing Lui described is love, his feelings are no joke. "Maybe" Shu talked, "You should go ahead and confess" His heart had already decided that the person Lui loves is Gou.

For a moment Lui stayed quiet. "You think?" He asked finally.

Shu nodded, trying to ignore the tears pooling inside his eyes. "Yeah"

The next thing he knew was Lui shifting closer to him. One of his hands wrapping around his waist pulling him closer. Heat rose in his cheeks as Shu stuttered. "L-Lui"

Lui didn't say anything. He just moved one of his hands to touch his face, fingers running against the edges of the scar. He leaned in, their noses almost touching. Lui breath, cold as ice hitting against his own face. After some nerve wrecking minutes Lui pressed his lips against Shu's, pulling him even more closer, tightening the grip around his waist. Shu stayed frozen, it was like his brain shut down trying to process. His heart racing inside his chest. Hesitantly moving his hands to wrap around Lui's neck, Shu kissed him back. The beautiful moment stamping inside his mind.

After a few minutes they pulled away. "Your first?" Lui asked with a small smile.

Shu moved his burning face away from him, nodding quietly. "No wonder you're so sloppy" Lui stated unwrapping his hand from the albino's face.

Shu pouted, hiding his face. "I didn't tell you to kiss me," He muttered.

Lui reached his hand to wrap around Shu's shoulder, "You got the answer?"

Shu bit his bottom lip. He knew what Lui was asking. It was not Gou after all. Shu thought, his heart swelling with warmth. Shu raised his head and placed it against Lui's shoulder. "Maybe" He answered, not wanting to admit it. "How long?" Shu asked looking up from his shoulder.

"The day we had our battle. Your passion, your determination is just hypnotizing. I felt devastated after that accident." He moved his hand to touch the scar again. "I thought you'd hate me forever."

"I didn't tell you I still don't," Shu stated, raising his head to look him in the eye.

"Oh" Lui said, "That's fair. I don't want to force you to like me."

Shu sighed, "Well, you don't have to. I'm hopelessly in love with you"

Lui blinked, "Wait! Really?"

Shu nodded. "I think I found my answer to the project"

Lui tilted his head. "Project?"

Shu chuckled, he explained the whole situation to him. Lui shrugged telling him how much of a stupid project that was. The rest of the day went by, both of them talked for hours and went to the nearby store to grab some ice cream. When they thought of parting their ways it was almost sunset. The two walked toward the quiet path of Beigoma, hands linked together. "Are you free tomorrow?" Lui asked, brushing his thumb against Shu's soft skin.

Shu nodded, "It's Sunday, so yeah"

"I'll pick you up at eight then. Let's go out tomorrow"

Shu squeezed his hand. "Okay"

"Before I go," Lui started. "What are you going to write in that project?"

Shu hummed thoughtfully. "I think love is magical." Shu said. It was true, he had no intention of falling in love. He had been a person who kept everything for himself, just like Lui. Falling for Lui was out of his control. "For me," Shu said, turning to Lui. "Love is all about you"

Lui leaned in for peck and pulled away. "I love you" He whispered against his ear.

The sun illuminated on their faces as they stared at the sea one last time. Hand linked together as their hearts sang the same song of love. 

First of all let me tell you guys this, 


Sorry if it's boring and bland. I wasn't just thinking when I'm writing this. It just wrote it? Am I making sense anymore? Never mind. Feel free to comment anything, heavy criticism is perfectly fine with me. 

See you guys! (I feel so bad for writing this lol)

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