Home is where the Family is

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Shu sighed taking out the keys for his apartment. It was still locked. The day had been pretty hard to him. First his launches didn't work. And then Kurtz and his gang tried to beat the hell out of him but thankfully Valt and that weird bird of the circus boy whose name is pretty sure to Shu as Cuza came to save the day. Each day he spent as Red Eye felt more and more lonely. And he had moved in to Mexico with his dad with the help of Theodore cause ha had to participate to the bladers cup. His dad had started drinking since his moms death last year. And they were running low with finances and Shu practically work two part time jobs to mend the family. It took him whole months to convince the owners of this café to let him work there even though he was young exactly like only ten years old.

And back to his shitty day. Shu wondered whether his friends will help him if they knew the shit he was going through. His main reason to become Red Eye and pulling off an act like that was to get away from his friends. To hide his pathetic world from them. Shu opened the door. The house was filled with the smell of alcohol and it was messy. He walked on his tiptoes trying to be as quiet as possible. He saw his father laying on the couch. Eyes closed a bottle of alcohol in his hand. He took the empty bottles to the kitchen and put them in the recycle bin. He put his bag away as he started to clean out the place. He was quiet as always. He didn't want to risk his dad waking up and beating the hell out of him. Specially when the finals are near. He looked at his watch to see that he needs to head to work.

Shu stepped outside the air had gotten colder because it was getting closer to the winter. He shuddered against the coldness. Too bad he didn't have any jacket to wear. His thin cotton jacket didn't work much in the cold. It was 2.00 a clock when he stepped into the café. Shu smiled at the owner. "Good Afternoon Mr. Greenwood." The owner nodded with a smile.

Shu took off his jacket and wore the apron over his black jeans and white sleeveless shirt. Shu walked to the table with three girls. The squealed at him. He sighed. So, his day start again. It was half past ten in the night when he finally finished his shift. "Dang it. It's so cold" Shu hugged himself tightly. He walked to the dusty and small apartment again. This time his dad wasn't on the couch. Shu tensed looking around.


"Where did you go?" A deep voice asked behind him. He spun around to see his dad's eyes dangerously narrowed.

I-I went to work" Shu stuttered.

Where's the dinner?" He asked.

Shu gulped. Right he forgot to made dinner before he goes to work. Fear rose through his chest. Today is a shitty day for sure. Shu gulped taking a step back. "I-I'm sorry dad. I-I I'll make the dinner quick"

A loud sound echoed through the apartment. Shu winced as his father's rough palm collided with his cheek. Pain rose through his cheek. He bit his bottom lip for keep himself from whimpering. The man smashed the bottle on the wall. Shu flinched as his father grabbed his shoulders and pressed him against the wall. The pieces of the glass sank into his bare feet. "Dad" He whimpered. "It h-hurts. S-stop"

"Shut up" He growled. "You deserve the pain." He said slapping Shu again. Then he took a belt from the nearby coffee table. "And you deserve the punishment for keeping your dad hungry"

He started to beat the poor male from the belt. He did it until he felt satisfied. Shu's arms and legs felt like they're on fire. His whole body ached from the beating he just received. He watched his dad leaving the room he fell into his knees. He yelped when the shard of glassed cut through his flesh. But he didn't move. He didn't have the strength to move. He took few several breaths before retreating to the kitchen. He made some scrambled eggs to his father and placed it on the table. He didn't really have an appetite to eat something. Then he moved to his room and stripped do take a shower. The moment he stepped into the shower he felt like his body is being dipped in lava not fresh water. He hissed in pain placing his forehead against the icy cold wall of the bathroom. After the shower he put on a pair of shorts and a light pink short sleeved shirt.

He went to the place which was the most familiar to him, The first aid box. He wrapped up bandages carefully around his torn arms and legs. There were few deep cuts on his knee and his feet. After taking care of them all he plopped the box aside and close the lights plopping to his bed. It was yet another painful night. A painful day. Shu sighed hoping that it would get better at least from a little bit tomorrow.

Night always felt too short to Shu. Most of the time he was awake to see the dawn breaking through the east. His whole body felt sore. Shu stared at his wounds to see the blood seeping through his bandages. Even though his body screamed him to stop he got up and dragged himself to the washroom. After another shower he changed his clothes. Not the snake pit uniform he wore a light pink t shire and black jeans. And a black jacket over it. He walked to the WBBA building. It was still early and his father hadn't come home after last night's leave for his favourite place in this world. So, he was still early. When he stepped outside, he almost yelped when the cold hit against his skin. It was snowing and Shu loved the snow. It remembered him a lot about his mom.

He missed her. Her snowy white hair flowing to her waist and he crimson eyes just like his. He looks like a carbon copy of his mother many have said. It often led him to think that the reason his father hates him. And Winter was mom's favourite season. She always loved the snow and Shu also grew to love snow but now the coldness clouded his mind. He took quick steps to reach the WBBA building quickly. But when he stepped un there was not much people inside the building. Just few people here and there. And among those people was Xander and... Zac? Shu tilted his head curiously thinking what was Zac doing here.

"Shooting Star" Zac said when he saw him. He started to walk toward the albino when Xander stopped him.

"Don't Zac. He had changed. He says he doesn't have friends anymore"

Shu winced at the words. But he shoots a glare but his mouth kept silent. Zac raised his brow about to say something when Valt broke in. Most of the bladers from Japan was there. Orochi, Quon even Ukyo and Yugo was there. They were all eyeing him like his was some kind of an alien. Shu pursed his lips thinking. "Right... everyone must know it by now."

"Red Eye" Someone called behind him. Shu turned to see Norman standing behind him. "C'mon boss needs to see you"

Shu nodded silently. He glanced at the rest of the bladers almost all of them was staring at him. Valt was looking at him with a hurtful expression, Shu turned his head as he followed Norman slightly wincing in every step. The day spent like normal. Shu practiced launching over and over. But it wasn't easy with hundreds of scars scattered across his body. He messaged his sore legs whimpering, It was a blessing that everyone got a separate training room and he was always alone in his one. A sudden knock on the door broke his thoughts. He went to open it revealing the big five. Shu frowned. "What do you want?"

Lui made a tched sound as Ruway talked. "I want a battle with you"

Shu blinked in pure confusion. "A battle?"

Ruway nodded. Shu thought for a moment about his painful arms and legs screaming him to stop. His muscles were sore and painful. Shu stepped aside letting them inside. Xander stared at him almost trying to talk but at the last minute decided against it. Ruway took his stance and across him Shu did the same. His wince didn't get unnoticed by the rest of the bladers.

Ruway suddenly stood up again making Shu talk. "What's the matter?"

"That's enough Shu" Ruway said.

Shu raised his brow. "Are you messing with me?"

Lui sighed leaning against the door as he gave the other bladers a look. "You all do the talking"

Shu turned to that asking for an explanation. Xander walked to Shu and placed his both hands on his shoulders. "Shu, you have to tell us what's going on"

Shu blinked as a sudden thought tackled his mind. "Do they know?".

"I thought you wanted to battle me" Shu said crossing his arms.

"Shu, we need to talk with you" Free answered.

"If you guys don't wanna battle then I need to practice get the hell out of here" Shu yelled frustrated. He wasn't going to listen to their blabbering. He slapped Xander's arms away from his shoulders. "Out. Now"

Lui walked away from the door stepping toward Shu. His expression was impossible to read. "Listen Kurenai, We aren't here to take your orders. Shut up and listen to what I'm going to say"

Shu just stared as Lui continued. "Now tell me, why do you look like you can't even walk straight without hurting. And your launches are starting to get more and more weaker"

Shu frowned. "Why do you want to know that? It's none of your problems. I can take care of myself."

"Yeah" Lui said raising his voice. "But when we found out about your dad's behavior and how he treats you. I think none of us can just sit there and watch"

Shu's eyes widen as he took a step back processing all the words he just said. A thought chanted over and over in his mind. "W-what are you talking about?"

Free crossed his arms. "Shu, listen, what your father do to you is not fair. It's abuse. You're still eleven, younger than most of us here. And you're at the age where you need love and care not work like an adult."

Shu bit his bottom lips. He knew everything. He knew he needed someone to care and someone to protect him from everything. "But he's all I have." He said as the others fell into silence. "Please don't take him away from me. He's everything I have in my life. After mom died, he changed, I know it's wrong but I don't want to be an orphan he's the only family I have left with"

Ruway walked to the younger who was in the verge of breaking down. "Shu, but you can't continue your life like this, can you?"

"I can" Shu said as two drops of tears leaked down his cheeks. Shu quickly wiped them off.

Xander was the next to talk he knelt beside Shu. "You can't. I can't see you hurting yourself like this Shu. You're my friends and we've been friends for ages and I can't just see you like this. I care for you"

"Then stop caring" Shu yelled. "Stop caring about me. Just leave me alone. I can lead my life myself. Just please I'm begging you all leave me alone"

"Sorry Shu, we can't do that" Ruway said.

Shu stared at them for a few long seconds and the spun on his heel and ran down the halls. "What the..." Xander cursed running after him as the rest quickly followed. Shu ran past the beyclub and collided with Ukyo falling down from the impact.

"Woah Shu, calm down" Ukyo said extending his hand to the younger.

Shu ignored it and got up and started to run out of the building. Xander ran after him. "Xander" Valt called. "What's going on?"

Xander looked at him and the rest of the bladers. "Shu is in danger we have no time to talk"

The beyclub shared glances and without even talking they made a silent agreement. They all ran after Xander and the rest of the big five. Shu ran out of the building and headed toward his house but he stopped when he saw his father, Theodore and Christina talking with each other. His heart sank as he walked toward the bridge they were talking. Snow had started to fall and the surrounding is cold. The cold stabbed into his body like pointed needles.

Theodore was the first to notice him. "Shu, it's not healthy to stay outside when it's freezing. Specially with no warm clothes on"

Shu turned to his father who had a hateful face. He had a bottle of Alcohol on his hand. "Shu" He heard Valt's voice behind him. Shu turned to see half of the bladers standing right there. Just great he thought. Now everyone is here to see how pathetic and miserable his life is.

"Shu" His dad talked. Shu almost jumped when he heard his voice.

"D-Dad?" He stuttered.

"What is the matter this people talking about? Am I hurting you Son?" He asked the anger glinting his eyes telling him to make something up.

Shu looked down letting his bangs fall over covering his ruby orbs. "SHU" This time his father yelled.

Shu flinched taking a step back. Theodore interfered. "Mr. Kurenai, I don't think you can yell at him like that when we're around"

His dad gave out a laugh. "He's my child. Don't interfere to my family problems I can take care of them by myself. Besides" He said turning to Shu he gripped the male's hair roughly slamming him against the iron bars of the bridge.

"Ah" Shu yelped trying to get away from his grasp.

"Stop that" Zac yelled taking a step forward when Mr. Kurenai looked at the threateningly.

"Don't take a step forward. I'll kill him"

Several gasps could be heard. "But Sir he's your own son" Free reasoned.

Mr. Kurenai took his hand away from Shu's hair and raised his alcohol bottle before anyone could do anything, he slammed it on Shu's shoulder. Shu cried out in pain as the albino fell to his knees holding his aching and bloody shoulder.

"Shu" Honcho and Wakiya yelled in sync. Valt clenched his fists.

"Stop hurting him" Valt yelled.

"You indolent child, you don't know how to be grateful for what I've done to you" He yelled forcing Shu to his feet as he squeezed his injured shoulder roughly drawing out more blood. Shu kept his eyes trained to the ground as he kept whimpering slightly. "I didn't want you at the first place, it's your mom wanted you. You're a cursed child. Because of you, your mom died, I lost my wife because of you"

The power of the words is way higher than the physical wounds. His father's words cut right through his heart and soul. He didn't try to hide the tears flowing down his cheek. The snow under his feet now had painted red with his own blood. His mom's favourite thing in the world was snow. "You look like a little snowflake Shu" She would always say. He missed her even after one whole year he missed her. She was the one who completed their family and made their house a home.

"Don't keep silent you brat" Mr. Kurenai said pressing his against the bars. He pick up a shard of glass from the ground and pressed it against his throat.

"Get away from him" Theodore yelled.

Shu tried to back away but instantly stopped when he saw the cold water flowing right under the bridge. The water was swirling past in a rough manner. "Dad stop, this isn't you"

The sirens started to break the silence around them. Someone had called the police. Kr. Kurenai held his throat chocking him then push him away with a yelp Shu fell into the cold water. For a moment everyone stopped eyes widening in disbelief. Xander acted quickly as he jumped at the water. Free did the same following him. Christina stopped the others. "Don't worry" She said mainly looking at Valt. "Shu will be fine. They're going to rescue him."

Free and Xander spotted Shu deep inside. His eyes were shut. Xander reached for the blader's uninjured shoulder pulling him up. In no time they were already at the bay. Christina knelt beside the beast blader hugging the younger closer to her chest. Shu's eyes fluttered open. He was trembling in cold. "Shu" Valt whispered.

Shu jolted up looking around frantically. He ignored the stabbing pain in his shoulder. He ignored the coldness enveloping his body. He got to his feet ant stumbled toward the officers who had cuffed his father. "Wait" His faint voice said.

Everyone turned to him. "Don't take him"

Xander took Shu's arms stopping him. "Shu, you're in no state to stand you have to rest"

Shu just stared at his father taken away from him. "Don't" He whispered breaking away from Xander's arms as he ran to his father. "Don't take him away please"

"Shu" Valt cried out.

Free and Christina shared glances. Free ran to him and wrapped a hand over Shu's torso holding him back. Shu struggled to get away from his tight grip. "Get off me, Let me go" Tears streaked down his pale cheeks. He didn't even bother to wipe them away. He sank down to his knees as sobs escaped his mouth. Free hugged the younger closer to his chest. Little by little he slipped away from consciousness.

Shu opened his eyes to see white walls. The throbbing pain on his shoulder made him wince slightly as he struggled to sit upright. Two stead arms helped him. Shu looked back to see Xander looking somewhat relieved that his friend was okay. He looked around to see Valt and the rest of the Bey club alongside with Christina and Theodore. The others weren't there probably because the doctors didn't want many people inside the room of the patient. He looked down. He really was an orphan now. Wasn't he? He had no mom and no dad. It was like a nightmare but after all living with his father had always been a nightmare to him.

Shu looked up again taking a deep breath. He wasn't sure whether it would be the right thing to say. No matter what he thought they were right, he can't live like that so he looked straight through their eyes. "T-thank you"

Christina smiled as Theodore walked to him. "Don't worry Shu, you're in good hands now. No one is going to hurt you"

Shu nodded silently thinking what would happen to him now. Probably he wouldn't be able to continue his matched in a state like this. And the worst is there is no one by his side to take care of him. Xander ruffled his hair. "You still can come to watch us battle you know?"

Shu nodded again as Theodore walked to him with a piece of paper in his hands. "Thought you would want to see this"

Shu gave him a confused look as he took the paper and went through it. His eyes widen. Theodore Glass is going to adopt him? Is this even true. Shu felt like he was trapped inside a dream and if this is what it is, he never wanted to wake up. It was too good to be true. Why he wanted a kid like him. Not like Shu was anyone with a good history. But from the kind and understanding look Theodore had Shu was sure that this is not some kind of a joke or something. "Do you want to stay with me?" Theodore asked looking at the albino boy.

Shu looked up at him giving a small smile. A real one which felt foreign in his lips. This time he chose to spoke. "I'd be glad"

"Shu" Valt yelled at last not wanting to wait anymore as he hugged his best friend. The rest of the Beyclub didn't wait to see only Valt hugging him. They all wrapped each other inside a warm hug. All of them felt happy after the reunite of the albino. Shu smiled melting to their hug as he thought. Maybe he was wrong. He always had a family, a family on his own by his side. He shouldn't have pushed them away. Now them wrapped up with him like this Shu felt safe, he felt cared. And with a new guardian. He could start a new life with a new family... no a new amazing family. 

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