Incorrect Quotes Part II

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cuz why tf not? I wanna do something but I'm not motivated enough to do anything else rather than playing with a quote generator, might just as well waste ya'lls time too lol

Valt: I spy with my little eye something that begins with the letter "s".
Honcho: *looks over at Shu and Lui*

Honcho: Is it "sexual tension"?

Shu: My name literally starts with 's' but you failed to see that? Really?


Valt: H-how do you ask someone out?

Free: Well, first-

Shu: Don't ask Free, he asked me out in a McDonald's parking lot.

Valt: ...And you said yes?

Shu: Mistakes have been made, okay?


Shu: There's no way they like me back.
Silas: Lui would throw themself in front of a moving car for you.
Shu: Lui would throw themself in front of a moving car for fun.


Shu, holding a rock: Valt just gave this to me and said "I feel like you deserve the moon but all I can give you is a rock".
Honcho: If you don't marry him, I will.
Shu: That's pretty gay of you Rantaro
Honcho: I don't want to hear that from you, you fruity motherfucker-


Lui: Valt! I can't do this stupid math!
Valt: What's the math problem?
Lui: Well, we have to add the bed, subtract the clothes divide the legs, and hope we don't multiply.
Silas, covering Shu's ears, while Valt smacks Lui upside the head: Not going to lie that was hella smooth.
(Ok idk why Silas is covering Shu's ears but that is hella cute im keeping it)


Free: I'm in love with you.
Shu: We called off the prank war last night at midnight, dork.
Free: I know.
Shu: Ah. Okay. Um. Cool. Neat. Very cool. Cool. Cool. Coolcoolcool-


Shu: Okay, I'm going to get the wedding cake.
Valt: Perfect, while you do that I'll check on the ring bear.
Shu: ...
Shu: You mean ring bearER, right?
Valt: ...
Shu: Look me in the eyes and tell me you are not going to bring a dangerous wild animal to our wedding.


Shu, looking through their clothes: Has anyone seen my top?
Honcho: Free's in the kitchen.


Honcho: Why is Shu crying on the floor?
Lui: They're drunk.
Honcho: And?
Lui: They saw a picture of Valt's spouse.
Honcho: But they're Valt's spouse.
Lui: I know.
(Don't really ship Shalt but-)


Honcho: From now on we will be using code names.
Honcho: You can address me as Eagle One.
Honcho: Silas is "been there done that".
Honcho: Shu is "currently doing that".
Honcho: Free is "it happened once in a dream".
Honcho: Lui is "if I had to pick a dude/gal/enby".
Honcho: And Valt is..
Honcho: Eagle Two
Valt: Oh thank god.


Valt: Talk dirty to me~
Shu: Inflation is a serious problem and lumber prices are at a high.
Valt: Wha-
Shu: The economy is in shambles.


Honcho: Just be yourself.
Shu: Really? Honcho, I have one day to win over Free's parents.
Shu: How long did it take for you guys to like me?
Silas: Couple of weeks.
Aiger: Six months.
Lui: Jury's still out.
Shu: See Honcho? 'Just be yourself,' what kind of garbage advice is that?!
Valt: I liked you the moment I saw you,Shu!
Honcho: There you have it. 
Shu: Valt would say that to a fucking racoon he met at the parking lot. He loves everyone!


*The Squad when asked about their earlier confession of love*
Lui: Yeah, you're lucky. I like you.
Shu: I'd understand if you didn't feel the same way...
Valt: *has a panic attack* What confession?
Free: *winks* I know, babe. You like me too.
Silas: So what? Are you going to date me or not?
Honcho: It was a dare.
(This is so accurate-)


Shu: No, this is not a mess. You know what I consider a mess?
Lui: Your life?
Shu: I- well yes, but-


Honcho, singing: I don't want a lot for Christmas, there is just one thing I need—
Free: A family.
Silas: A better love life.
Shu: Mental stability.
Valt: *clueless* Bagels?


*The Squad is on a hike*
Honcho: It's beautiful out here.
Free: And quiet.
Silas: Too quiet.
Free: Did we lose someone?
*cut to Valt with a bear in a headlock*


*Wakiya is considering cancelling plans, and Lui and Shu are advising them on what to do*
Lui: Just don't go.
Shu: Say you're ill!
Lui: Pretend to break your leg.
Shu: Really break your leg!


Valt: Why would you think any of this was a good idea?
Shu: Probably because I'm a dangerous sociopath with a long history of violence.
Shu: I don't know how you keep forgetting this.
Valt: Shu we've talked about this. Just because you ignored your friends and had a emo phase doesn't make you a sociopath. 
Shu: But :(


Free: I've met a lot of pricks in my time, but you, Silas, are a fucking cactus.


At Raging Bulls 

Lain: How do you tell someone that you wanna have sex with them in a polite way?
Fubuki: Excuse me Mx. Would you give me the honours of indulging in sexual activities with you?
Shu: What the fuck is wrong with you two?


Shu: We should normalize not loving family members.
Lain: You can just say: "I hate my dumb fuck uncle" or whatever. Talk like a normal person!


Lain: We're going to defeat you with the power of friendship.
Fubuki: We're not friends.
Lain, holding an axe: We're going to defeat you with the power of incredible violence.


Fubuki: What did Shu do this time?
Lain: More like WHO did Shu do this time?


Shu: Why can't any of you ever clean up after yourselves?
Fubuki: I have a person who does that for me.
Shu: Yeah, ME.
Fubuki: I'm glad you agree.


Lain: Why are you drinking?
Shu: I drink when I'm depressed.
Lain: But you're always drinking?
Shu: *smug grin*


Lain: Hey, do you know the password to Shu's computer?
Fubuki: Fuck you, Lain.
Lain: Hey!!
Fubuki: No, you misunderstood, the password is "fuckyouLain".
Lain: Oh, no numbers? Not very safe.


Shu: What are you doing here?
Lain: I could ask you the same question.
Shu: I live here. This is my house.
Lain: I should probably ask you a different question.

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