Laser Tagging

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A shitty oneshot by yours truly 'cause i saw a random prompt in pinterest and wanted to try it out. then halfway down the oneshot i got bored and decided to slip in a lot of dialogues and it came out like a half-baked pie but am I shameless enough to publish it?

yes. yes i am. 


"Isn't the team formations kind of unfair?" Shu questioned, tugging in the sleeves of his black hoodie.

"We drew lots," Rantaro reasoned, checking his laser gun with the expert of a veteran.

It was Valt's grand idea to go laser tagging with the juniors after a tournament. He reasoned that they could have fun after the long hours of training and tension they faced during the league. Kristina supported his decision, telling everyone it would be a great method to unwind and have fun, urging them to join. Now they were standing in two groups in front of the arena with a very dissatisfied Shu who kept looking at the two disproportionate teams.

Team A consisted of Free, Lui — which was a deadly combination in itself — a very satisfied Silas who stood next to Rantaro and Ranjiro — claiming to be brilliant at the game — and Fubuki and Lain who together could be challenging if they decided to cooperate. Considering the fact he was on the opposite team, Shu had the distinct feeling they might.

Team B was himself and the sunshine boy from each generation who used instinct and gut feeling rather than actively strategising to guide them towards a win. Drum was trying to make his gun work — he was holding it wrong, Shu chose not to comment on it — Aiger was grinning like maniacs to his left. Asahi brothers were bickering over who got the biggest gun and Valt was beside him nudging him softly. Oh well, at least he had Delta to rely on.

"Oh c'mon Shu!" Valt berated, "Us together make the best team."

Shu glanced at Free and Lui, "I doubt that."

"We've known each other since we were four!"

"Exactly the reason I'm worried." Shu smiled, as Valt sulked beside him.

"Suck it up, Kurenai," Lui grinned, "You're gonna lose anyway. Why not just accept it?"

"Cause he's a sore loser," Lain added with a grin.

"No, I'm not," Shu countered, pink dusting his cheeks.

"I don't know whether to be offended that you're not trusting us, or be flattered that you want to win with us." Aiger said, "But losing is not an option."

Delta sighed, "Well, at least we'd be facing the punishments as a group."

"Yeah," Shu said, but losing was the last thing on his mind so he decided to not think about the compensations they had to follow if they were defeated.

"Okay okay," Rantaro said, "Let's start!" He repeated the rules, making sure they would not get kicked out of the laser tagging arena and marked the start of the game and the two teams scattered.

"Well!" Valt said in a hushed whisper as they gathered behind one of the walls to discuss their strategies. "What is the plan?" Everyone turned to Shu with expectant eyes and Shu blinked.

"Uh... well, I was thinking we should move in units of two," Shu said, "We have to do with what we have, so, I'll take Aiger and Valt. Delta you make sure Drum doesn't rush in and don't die in the first five minutes."

"Roger," Delta said, standing next to Drum who looked happy to fight alongside his friend.

"And Hikaru," Shu started.

"Will make sure Hyuga would not run blindly to Lain and get mercilessly slaughtered at his hand. Yes sir!"

Shu smiled, "Yes. Listen, you guys are great alright, but don't be impulsive. I bet they're guessing at least one of you to get excited and walk into their traps. Lain and Fubuki can be very calculative in their plans, so if they seem to be standing out there in the open, they're making themselves vulnerable on purpose. It's a trap. Make sure to stay hidden and attack. Don't go out in the open unless it is absolutely necessary."

"Okay!" The kids chorused.

Shu pulled out his walkie-talkie, "Everyone knows how this works?"

"Yeah," Valt said, "We'll keep communication through this. And if anyone gets lost, keep in that place. One of us will come and get you."

"We have to win," Delta said, "I don't want them to dress me for the next meeting. That's going to be a disaster."

"Please," Shu said, "They'll have a field day with us. We have to win."

"Ay, sir!" They chorused and scattered through the arena as the lights dimmed.

"Please stay alive," Shu quietly whispered to Delta who nodded with a shy smile before taking off with Drum towards the opposite end of the room. They waited in silence for another two seconds, hiding behind walls and obstacles that were set in the place before Valt said in an exaggerated whisper.

"This is boring."

Shu sighed. He knew what Valt was going to do. No point telling him to stop. Shu mentally counted to three as the male walked out into the open. "Come out cowards," He yelled as he got shot right in the chest. Twice.

"Oh c'mon!" Valt complained as Honcho walked out to parade around his friend and his successful attack. Shu shot cleanly on his chest and signalled Aiger to move. Well, Valt was not being the smartest person but at least they took out Rantaro because of him. Shu would give him credit for that. Valt laughed, "He got you good, mate."

Rantaro cursed loudly as the pair walked into the adjoined benches where they could watch the game. The game proceeded smoothly from there. Delta was able to shoot Ranjiro and almost Lain who moved expertly and dodged their attack. Hyuga and Drum were next to go, excitement finally got into them as they both rushed forward trying to attack an oblivious Fubuki which as Shu guessed was a trap.

Lui was not so merciful of his favourite junior and well, Free seemed to be having fun shooting which made Shu concerned.

Sort of.

Shu slumped behind one of the walls. His black clothing was working in his favour, the hoodie covered his silver locks which would be a clear target otherwise. Their team had boiled onto just Delta and him — he was disappointed but not surprised. This was the outcome he expected but losing Hikaru was a pretty bad loss on their front. The kid was good. On the other hand, their rival team still had Free, Lui, Silas and the two devils of his own making; Fubuki and Lain.

"Come out Kurenai," Lui called out, "You're not going to win anyway."

Shu scowled, keeping on guard. "Don't listen to them, Shu! You and Delta can turn this around." Valt cheered from his spot on the benches. Shu switched on his walkie-talkie and talked in a hushed whisper.

"Delta. Now."

There was a rustle in the corner of the room and Lain stepped out of his hiding place to chase Delta and Shu attacked as Delta took out Fubuki.

"Fuck's sake!" Lain complained loudly, dragging himself to the benches as Fubuki jogged to catch up with him. Shu saw his lips moving in a teasing remark as he patted Lain's back. The latter shrugged him off with another string of curses. It didn't take Silas much to find Delta and the latter put up a fight, taking Silas with him as they both shot each other simultaneously cutting them off from the game.

It was Free and Lui against him. Shu sat on the floor, crossed-legged. The whole room was silent as the blonde walked around nonchalantly, peering behind walls trying to search for Shu. The time was dragging on, and Shu didn't mind. If they got kicked out of the arena they could argue it was a- "There you are~" Free said with a grin on his face. Shu scowled, he was quicker in his actions as he shot Free with a quick flick on the wrist.

"Oh well," Free said, "Princess is all yours Lui." He said, dropping the gun and walking off with a wink. Shu stood, there was no time to switch places and Lui was right in front of him, his condescending grin in place, his gun cocked both of them stuck in a deadlock. They could shoot, but if the other was faster, it would be no use.

"Damn it," Aiger said, leaning forward with anticipation. "This is like watching a live-action movie."

"Better," Hikaru joined in, "Only the popcorn is missing."

"Shoot Lui!" Rantarou cheered, "Obliterate him."

Lui took a step closer and Shu instinctively took a step back, his gun still cocked as he backed against a wall. Lui was menacing, he'd be lying if he said he wasn't actually worried. Before Shu could pull the trigger, Lui was in his personal space, his hand tipping back his hoodie and grabbing a handful of his white locks. "What are you-" Shu started when he felt his lips on his own, kissing passionately. Shu flushed, instinctively closing his eyes, his hands locked in between them, the gun on the floor. He sucked in a deep breath as they parted, his lips reddened and agape, face flushed with the intensity.

Lui grinned, pressing the gun to his forehead. "Checkmate, princess." He shot him and waved. "You lose." He said, walking towards the group on the benches without much of a look over his shoulder. His hands were shoved in his pockets. They were already celebrating.

Shu opened his mouth to speak and blinked pressing his palms flat on his cheeks.

"What happened?" Aiger asked, looking flabbergasted as a very frustrated Shu walked towards the group. "We couldn't see!"

"Did he shoot you first?" Valt questioned, dejected. He really didn't want the punishment.

"Sure did!" Ranjiro said, "Otherwise Lui Senpai wouldn't have won, right?"

"He kissed me," Shu accused, "He kissed me shot me and walked away. You fucking lunatic." He said, trying to attack the White Tyrant. Free slipped his hands around Shu's waist, pulling him back so he wouldn't murder Lui.

"Calm down, Shu."

"What do you mean calm down? It's not even fair! That's playing dirty."

"Oh boy," Silas grinned, "You really had fun with that last shot."

Lui shrugged, "A good shooter never gets distracted."

"You shoved your tongue in my mouth," Shu countered, "How am I supposed to not get distracted?"

"Let's not get into details," Rantaro laughed when Lain muttered a gross under his breath in the background.

Hikaru chuckled, "I think this has to be the first time I've seen Shu curse."

Drum grinned, "But it was fun!"

Valt, desperate for a change of subject jumped on the comment from Drum. He grabbed his shoulders shaking him lightly. "Exactly! It was fun. I mean the punishments are not going to be fun, but still, we bonded!"

"Delta was good," Fubuki commented, "I didn't even realize you attacking me until you did."

"Thanks," Delta muttered with an adorable flush on his cheeks.

"See Shu?" Lain said, a familiar grin playing over his features. "They're not being sore losers, only you are."

Shu scowled, "Shut up, Lain." He grinned triumphantly. He loved getting on his teacher's nerves. Worked every time these days.

"Your time is over!" One of the employees said, walking into the room. "Did you guys have fun?"

"Yes!" Half of them chorused. Shu let Free drag him out of the room as the next group entered, enthusiastic to start playing. They sat on the sofas arranged in the lobby, their faces flushed in excitement minus Shu who had completely different reasons to get embarrassed.

"Well," Honcho grinned, "Guess you're cleaning the halls this Tuesday, Valt."

The latter groaned. The punishment was that they were supposed to do anything the winning team wanted. They became slaves for the next Tuesday.

"I want Kurenai," Lui announced crossing his arms. "I shot him."

"No," Shu rejected the idea, "You guys can't actually send me with him. He'll kill me."

Lui grinned, "That's a good idea."

Valt patted his back sympathetically. "Well, we can switch if you want."

"I'm not cleaning the halls for you Valt," Shu said, "I'd rather get killed. You know how they never end, don't you?"

"I wanted Shu," Free skulked, leaning back against the comfortable sofa. "He's fun."

"I fail to see that," Lain interjected, "And Hyuga and Hikaru are going to dress as clowns next Tuesday. Isn't that fun?"

"Clowns?" Hikaru asked, flabbergasted.

"Aren't you two already?" Lain grunted, "My cousin's birthday party. I forgot to send invitations to whatever agency they asked me to. But I can send in the clowns for free."

"That sounds fun! I love birthday parties." Hyuga cheered.

Hikaru screamed to one of the pillows, "This is actually not fair. What has my life become."

"I'll take Delta," Fubukis said, slinging an arm around his shoulder. "Guess we're gonna hang out." Delta nodded timidly, he was receiving the better end of the stick.

Silas shrugged, "I need that one," He said pointing at Drum. "Kristina keeps nagging me to move all that furniture and dust off one of the rooms. I guess I can put that one to work."

"Yes sir!" Drum said, clearly missing the point of the whole affair being a punishment.

Ranjiro patted Aiger, "Well, Aiger knows what we're going to do."

Aiger groaned, "I don't want to go to a concert with you. I hate that group."

"Well!" Free clapped his hands, "Guess we're both getting Shu then."

"Can this get any worse?" Shu complained, "I'm the one who survived until the end, and I'm the one who's going to suffer."

"We'll just go on a date," Lui offered, "And we'll dress you up."

Shu flushed, "No."

"Don't worry Shu," Fubuki said, "You would look good in literally anything. They can't make you ugly even if they tried."

"Well, thank you but that's not the issue here."

"It's fine, Shu," Valt patted his cheek. Shu turned his head to look at his best friend. "Have me on emergency contact. I'll be there in five if they try anything funny."

Shu smiled, "Sure."

"All that aside," Valt announced, "It was fun, but I'm really hungry."

"You will need all that fuel when you're cleaning," Rantaro teased as the group stood to walk over to the food court.

"Shut up, Honcho!" Valt complained, chasing him down towards the busy halls of the arena towards the food court. Lui walked over and slapped his back, Shu flushed.


"Well, see you next Tuesday princess."

"You're leaving?" Free asked, slinging an arm around Shu's shoulder. "Stay for lunch."

Lui shook his head, "I have a meeting. Something 'bout the accounts. Have to be there." Lui was often busy after he started working at his dad's company. But at least he always made time for them.

"See you," Free said, sighing.

"Don't pout De La Hoya, we can hang out soon."

"Bye," Shu said, "And please try to be civil with my outfit?"

"Will try," Lui grinned, walking out of the automatic doors. Free looked at him.

"You do realize he's not going to be civil with that, do you?"

"Well, a man could hope," Shu said as the pair caught up with the rest and started their way towards an empty table at the food court. 

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