Most Precious Present - Christmas Collection (2)

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Written by: _AquaBlast

Winter was here. Everyone was preparing for Christmas with their family. In the streets of Spain, it was cold as everyone was buying warm clothes and decorations for Christmas.

"Christmas is coming soon," the blunette muttered, looking at the sky, leaning against the wall. "This year passed in a blink. I didn't even get time to meet my friends and family," he said, sighing. After that moment, he heard the ringing of his phone. He saw it was the call from his best friend, Shu, who was in America at the time. He picked up the call.

"Hey Valt! How are you?" Shu said. 

"Fine! How about you? "It's much colder in America than Spain, I guess," he said. 

"Yeah. It's pretty cold here. I thought we hadn't talked for a long time, so I called," Shu said. 

"Glad that you called. I was dying with boredom," Valt said in a dramatic voice as Shu chuckled.

"So, any plans for Christmas?" Shu asked as Valt thought about his question.

 "Well, nope. I didn't get time," Valt said, laughing nervously. "I hope we all bladers can meet and give a party, but everyone is busy," Valt said, sighing in the process. 

"Sad to know. Same here. By the way, what's about your family?" Shu asked. 

"They are all right?" Valt was surprised that why did Shu suddenly asked about his family.

"No. I mean, how about celebrating Christmas with them? They all miss you," Shu said.

Whatever Shu said was right. Valt thought deeply about it. Maybe he thinks about a meeting with his friends, but he never thought about celebrating Christmas with his family. That was the time he started feeling regret about it. Suddenly, his thoughts got interrupted by Shu as he got back on the talk.

"What were you thinking?" Shu asked suspiciously.

 "No, it's nothing. I thought that it would be nice to celebrate Christmas with them," Valt said excitedly. "Wait- I have to ask Kris first. By the way, Thanks for the idea, Shu. Merry Christmas!" Valt said. 

"Same to you. Bye." Shu said as he hung up the call. "He will never change,"

Valt ran and got to the gate of BC Sol. After talking to Shu, he can't control himself to go to Japan and celebrate Christmas with his family.

On the way, Silas and Cuza were talking when Valt passed through between them.

"Hey! Why are you in such a hurry? You're not going to world war III!" Silas shouted while Cuza chuckled.

 "Why not, Silas? He is a great warrior," Cuza said in a teasing tone. 

"I don't mean that! You should shut your mouth!" Silas yells at him as Cuza shrugs innocently.

Valt ran through the corridor to Kris's office, but when he reached there, he got frustrated by the absence of a Maroon haired female. He was about to search for her somewhere else when he saw the blonde sleeping on the sofa in her office.

"Oh, free?" the blonde opened his eye to see who called him, finding the blunette in front of him. 

"Valt? What happened?" Free asked. 

"You know where's Kris?" he asked.

 "On her desk?" he said, a bit confused by the question of the blue-haired male because Kristina's desk was in front of him, and he couldn't see.

"She is not here, that's why I asked!" Free took a look behind him when he found Kristina missing. He turned back to Valt. "I guess I slept for a long time," he said, rubbing his eyes.

 "Ugh! I need to talk to her!" Valt gritted his teeth.

"Why so?" A voice came from the door, taking attention to the two males present in the room. 

"Kris!" Valt said as he walked to her. 

"You need any help?" She asked, smiling. 

"Yes! I want to go to Japan for Christmas. Can I go? Please," Valt said, showing her puppy eyes when she let a laugh come from her side.

"Why not?" she said when a joyful smile came on Valt's face. "You can go. Celebrate Christmas with your family!" She said as Valt grinned delightfully. 

"You should say No. It would be fun," Free suggested, where Valt pouted at his suggestion.

"Whatever, So I will leave for Japan tomorrow morning!" Valt went to pack his bag before he left, so he shouldn't forget anything. "Clothes, my bag, extra shoes, and what else is missing?" His vision turned to the desk on which his bey Valkyrie was, "Oh yeah! Valkyrie! How can I forget you?" he picked up Valkyrie and got a flashback of memories in his mind.

'I remember. I got you on my Christmas, Valkyrie' he closed his eyes and remembered the day he first got Valkyrie.

"Dad, is it my Christmas present?" he asked, looking at his father. 

"Yes! Wanna open it?" his father said as he nodded. He tore up the cover with excitement. He got a Bey of light blue color with some golden stripes. 

"Dad! It's amazing!" He said with sparkling eyes. 

"It's a Beyblade. And from now, it's yours," his father said pat his head. "Mine? Yay! I named it Valkyrie!" he said. 

"It's a nice name. Promise me that you will take care of it and be a great blader," his father said. 

"Yes! I will!"

Valt smiled, remembering the memories he had of his childhood. 

"Time passes so fast," he said. "I wish I could go back to the past. I miss those days," He said as he walked to his goods and packed up his things. "Let's rest. I am excited for tomorrow," he covered himself with a warm blanket and fell asleep.


The next day, Valt woke up earlier to leave. 

"Can't you book a flight for daytime? Kris asked me to walk you to the airport," Free said, yawning in the process.

 "I also woke up earlier. Can't you agree to the fact that you're lazy?" Valt said, rolling his eyes. "I never said that I wasn't," Valt sighed while Free smirked.

Valt and Free think of waiting for some time as there was more than enough time for departure. "When will you reach Japan?" the blonde asked.

 "It takes approximately 15 hours!" Valt's expression suddenly changed as he saw the time it took to reach Spain to Japan. 

"Remember you had traveled to many places. Why are you so surprised?" Free said as a smirk came on his face. 

"It will be boring to spend 15 hours," Valt said. "

You can plan for Christmas Surprise," Free suggested. 

"Not a bad idea," Valt said when he heard the announcement. It was time to go.

 "Ah! I need to go! Bye Free! Merry Christmas!" Valt said. 

"Same to you. Have a nice journey," Free said, waving his hand to the blunette.

Valt took his seat, and the whole time, he looked out of the window. He tried to pass his time, and at last, he slept.

Valt slowly opens his eyes. His vision was blurry. He rubbed his eyes to clear his vision. He heard the announcement, "We're going to land in 15 minutes. It's a good time with you all. Thank you." He looked through the window and whispered 'yes!' In excitement.

The plane landed at Japan airport. Valt stretched his arms and exhaled in relaxation. "It was a nice trip after all. I slept very well!" he said.

"Onii-chan!" He broke his gaze and saw the twins waving at him.

 "Toko! Nika!" he walked to them as he hugged them tightly. "Nice to see you two again!" He said as they chuckled.

 "Nice to see you too, Valt. I thought you would take more time." Toko said. 

"Yeah, but luckily, the flight was on time," Valt said.

 "Let's go. the car is waiting for us," Nika said as the two nodded.

After some time, they reached their home. "Yes! Beybreads!" Valt exclaimed as Toko and Nika smiled. He opened the door and saw his mother waiting for them. "Mom!" He hugged his mother. His mother patted his head. 

"It's nice to see you after a long time. And here, you're favorite Beybreads!" Chiharu took a basket full of Beybreads as the three siblings' eyes sparkled. They took their bread and started eating.

"Delicious," he said, tasting the Beybread. Chiharu smiled at him.

"Hey, Valt," Toko whispered to Valt. 

"Hmm?" Valt looked at Toko, waiting for him to complete his sentence. "There's a surprise for you in the evening," he said. 

Valt looked at him with a confused look. "Surprise?" he said in a questioning tone. "You'll see," Nika said, smirking. Valt still didn't understand them.

Valt was waiting for the evening. He was getting restless to know what such a special surprise was for him. "Could this be a Christmas gift or something else?"

He was in deep thought when his thoughts were interrupted by the doorbell. He came down the stairs and he could not believe his eyes after what he saw. "D-dad?" he said in surprise. 

"Long time since we last met, Valt," his father smiled as he still couldn't believe it. 

"Wait- we're here too. Did you forget us?" From behind, he saw Silas, Free, and Shu there. 

"W-wha-what-" Valt was overwhelmed with excitement and was in shock. "But you said-"

"I know, I know. I want to give you a surprise on Christmas, so I planned with BC Sol members that we'll give you a surprise. That's why I called you that day and asked you to go to Japan. About Mr. Aoi, they were in America at that time and got holidays for Christmas. So I went to Spain with Mr. Aoi. And just before you left, I also left for Japan." Shu explained, grinning. 

"You didn't tell me!" Valt pouted.

"Why would we tell you even?" Silas said, smirking.

"Your friends are very nice, Valt. You're lucky that you've got friends like them," Mr. Aoi said as Valt too felt happy and joyful. They all sat when suddenly Valt realized what Shu had said.

"Wait a minute," he said, "You said you planned with 'BC Sol'?" Valt said. 

"Yup," Shu nodded. 

"It means the whole BC Sol is here?" Valt exclaimed. 

"Of course we are," Cuza said.

"Gosh!" he said.

 "C'mon. We have to tell you something," Nika said. 

They all got out of the house where everyone was. 

"You know tomorrow is Christmas, yeah?" Shu said. They all nodded. "So, you all must remember what else tomorrow is, right?" Shu said, but this time, everyone gave him a questioning look. "Really?" Shu shook his head in disappointment.

"Santa came to earth?" Kit guessed.

 Everyone looked at him as he shrugged. "He has a point," Silas agreed with Kit as everyone gazed at Silas. "What?" he said as Shu sighed.

 "You all don't know?" Shu said. Everyone shook their heads, looking at Shu with a questioning look.

Shu sighed and started speaking, "tomorrow is a shark-"

"Lui's Birthday!" Everyone said in sync at the same time as Shu nodded in agreement. 

"I am a genius," Shu said.

"You said that intentionally, didn't you?" Free said, not asking but as a statement. 

"Exactly!" Shu replied.

"By the way, only Shu remembers about it," Silas said, looking at Shu. 

"I do. Not because of any other things, but because you all are forgetful," Shu said.

 "Whatever, let's get on the topic. You want to tell us that tomorrow is Christmas and Lui's birthday too, so you want to give Lui a surprise, yeah?" Sasha said. 

"Right, but wait, why do you say 'you want to'? We all will give him a surprise," Shu said. 

"I mean, whatever," Sasha said, rolling her eyes in the process.

"Any idea how we do that?" Valt said. 

"I asked dad," Toko said, interrupting everyone's thoughts. 

"Asked what?" Kit asked. 

"I asked if there's any place which is suitable for a party or picnic, so he told me a place. We can check that place." Toko said.

"Nice! I don't think we will get much time tomorrow, so let's check out that place," said Shu as everyone nodded and headed to the venue.

"Valt! Don't be late!" Valt's mom said before he left 

"Understood! Bye!" Valt waved his hand.. A few minutes later, they reached the place Toko mentioned. It was a mansion where there was nothing but dark. 

"More than a celebrating place, it looks like a haunted house," Sasha said. 

"Agreed," Valt said, nodding. 

"Is it safe to go in?" Kit said, gulping in fear.

 "Let's check it out," Shu said as they all entered the mansion. They all started inspecting the place as there was no light inside. 

"What the" Cuza looked behind when he felt something on his back. 

"What happened?" Silas looked at him with a questioning look. 

"I felt that someone's here," Cuza said. 

"Don't overthink, Cuza. There's no one except us," Silas stated.

 Cuza was confused by the situation. He knows that there's something wrong but couldn't tell what.

"Hmm? Free, are you serious?" Silas looked annoyingly at the blonde. 

"No, I'm lazy, but why you ask?" Free replied. 

"I am serious. You pat my back, yeah?" Silas said. 

"Why would I when you didn't did something appreciative that I pat your back and appreciate you?" Free said. 

"I am not kidding, Hoya!" Silas yells. 

"Is there's a ghost here?" Cuza said, scared. 

"There's nothing like a ghost," Sasha said. 

"Then who patted Silas on his back!" Cuza said. He was shivering with fear. 

"Ghost," free said as Silas and Cuza gazed at him. Free shrugged. 

"shut up," Sasha sighed when they heard a mischievous laugh.

"Hahaha! Welcome to the abyss!"

"And who was that?" Valt said.

 "I am here to gift your souls to people of hell as a Christmas present! Hahaha!" The voice said.

"People in hell celebrate Christmas?" said kit.

 "Who knows?" Toko said.

"I said! It's a ghost!" Cuza screams. "Hahaha! Now I will-"

"Amigo! I said you do not prank people!"

 Everyone turned their gaze to the way where the other voice came. There was a tall boy with blonde hair with chocolaty brown eyes. 

"Ranzo! Long time, no see!" Valt said. 

"Oh! Valt! Nice to see you~" Ranzo replied with a smile. 

"It means," Shu noticed a rope and pulled it. The curtains rise, showing the maroon-haired boy. "Bell," Shu smirked as Bell rolled his eyes. 

"Okay, I am exposed," He said. 

"It was fun!" the other maroon-haired boy showed up as a smile cracked on Valt's face. 

"Aiga, You're here too!" He exclaimed. 

"Nice to see you," Aiga greeted.

"So it means there's no ghost?" Cuza said, blinking his eyes. 

"Someone was scared, yeah?" Silas said in a teasing tone. 

"N-no! I wasn't!" Cuza defend. 

"I see too," Free said. 

"No!" Cuza pouted while Silas smirked and Free shrugged.

"How are you all here?" Shu asked. 

"I asked them to come," Toko said. 

"Sorry for not telling," he said.

 "By the way, it's nice that we all are here. We can start preparing for the party," Kit said. 

"yup! Let's start fast. It will be night soon." Shu said as everyone got on their work.

They decorated that place with wall hangings and set tables and chairs for sitting. After they have done most of the work, they decorated the Christmas tree, which was in the middle of the hall. It was adorable. After they put lights on it, it was looking even more beautiful. 

"Bell, turn off the lights. It's fine here," Aiga said as Bell turned off the lights and came downstairs.

"It's almost ready! We'll ask for more help tomorrow. It will be awesome! I can't wait, Amigo!" Ranzo cheerfully said.

 "Yeah," Valt said as he turned his gaze to his wristwatch and checked the time. It's almost dinner time.

'If I will stay here more with others, mom's gonna kill me,' Valt thought.

 "Hey guys, It's late. We should go now," he said taking everyone's attention. They nodded in agreement as they all left to their ways. In front of Valt's house, Shu waved his hand to Valt and Toko as Valt and Toko also waved their hand to Shu. After having dinner, they went to their room. It was a tiring day.

Valt was excited for tomorrow.


"Valt! Wake up!" the blunette was sleeping soundly until he heard voices of his siblings waking him up. 

"5 minutes more~," he said, yawning.

 "It's Christmas! Wake up!" the twins said. Valt opened his eyes wide and glances at the twins. "Christmas? It's Christmas!" he exclaimed. 

"That's what we're saying," Nika said.

 "Get ready and come down. Fast!" Toko said as both left the room, and Valt got out from his bed to ready. After getting ready, he came downstairs and saw his family having breakfast. "Merry Christmas Dad and Mom!" he greeted. 

"Same to you. Have breakfast," His mom said as he sat on the table, eating breakfast.

"Here! Christmas Special beybreads!" his mom showed a basket full of beybreads and which were based on a Christmas theme. "Beybreads!" Valt exclaimed. 

"Mom, can you make more for today's party?" Nika said. 

"Sure!" Chiharu said as the three grinned.

"I've asked others to come. They said they are coming too," Toko said changing the topic. 

"That's nice. More people, more fun!" Valt eat his beybread and washed his hands.

"Bye, we're going!" Valt said as they left the house. 

"Kids will be kids," Kento said and Chiharu smiled.

In a few moments, they reached the mansion and entered when their eyes widened in surprise. Everyone decorated that place beautifully. The Christmas tree was looking amazing in the middle. The hall was glowing up by the beautiful decorations.

"So you came," Valt looked behind and saw the albino.

 "You guys are awesome! This place is looking amazing!" Valt said.

 "Thanks. It's all because of others. They helped a lot." Said Shu. 

Valt smiled and gazed around when he heard a voice. "Valt senpai!" the blonde with blue strips said. 

"Drum. When you came?" Valt asked.

 "An hour ago," he answered, "I am excited for the evening!" he said. 

"Me too! Let's help others," Drum nodded as they both went to help others.

Shu looked at the scenario and smiled. 'Friendship wins this Christmas,' he thought and went to help others.

A few hours later, everyone was done with decorations. They all sat and talked for a long time, waiting for the evening.

 "You think Lui will appreciate our work?" Free said.

 "Who knows? Anyways, this is a Christmas celebration," Shu replied. "

You're the one who said we will celebrate Lui's birthday," Free said while smirking. Shu narrowed his eyes and looked at Free. 

"Yeah, yeah," the albino rolled his eyes as the blonde smirked.

Time passes, and it's evening. Everyone was ready for the surprise.

 "Are you sure we should call Lui?" Rantaro said.

 "What's wrong about it?" Hyuga said.

 "It's hard to know him," Honcho said. 

"Don't say you're scared of him, Honcho," Hikaru smirked. 

"I am not. Shut up you two!" he yells at the brothers as they both fist bump.

"Let's call him," Shu said.

"Hello?" Shu said

"What is it, Kurenai?"

"Can you come to a place? I've already sent you the venue. Check it out!"

"And Why would I?"

"That's what I expected," Free said as Shu twitched his eyes glaring at the blonde. He got back to the call.

"Just come. I'll tell you,"

"Fine then,"

Lui hung up the call as Shu sighed. "Phew. Task completed. Now be ready, He'll be coming anytime," Shu said and everyone nodded and take their position.

"He's coming," Drum said. They turned off the lights and let the darkness consume the mansion.

"This was the place, yeah?" Lui said entering the mansion. 

"BOOM!" The lights were on as there were birthday sparkles everywhere.

 "Hmm?" Lui was confused by the sudden surprise. 

"Happy Birthday Lui!" They all wished as Gabe handed a gift to Lui. "And Merry Christmas too," he said as Lui gently took the present.

"You all remembered?" Lui said. 

"Aww, don't cry," Drum said.

 "I didn't cry yet, and not gonna cry," Lui replied. 

"By the way, It's Shu's plan," Free said before anyone say something. 

"De la Hoya," Shu gritted his teeth in anger as Valt laughed nervously. 

"Maybe because you all are absentminded," Lui said. 

"Exactly! Someone understands," Shu said.

"Anyways, Let's celebrate!" Wakiya said as everyone said 'Yes' in Excitement.

They cut the cake and have lots of fun. Having games and eating sweets, and teasing each other.

"Hey drum, look there," Bell said as Drum look sideways when Bell took one sweet from his plate. 

"What is it?" Drum said

. "Nothing, it's gone I guess," Bell said as he walked away. Drum shrugged and start eating again when he noticed that his favorite sweet wasn't there.

 "Bell!" he yells while Bell grins.

Valt smiled. It was a great time with friends. Since when he meets them, they all are more than friends. It's like a new family with them. It's very rare that they all meet and spend some time with each other.

"It's a nice gathering, Isn't it?" the albino said, walking up to Valt. "Yeah. I hope these days won't end." Valt said.

"Yes. I guess we All found the most precious present on this Christmas," Shu said. Valt looked at the Albino's eyes which were glowing with joy. Valt smiled and said, "Yes,"

We all are gifted families by god. It can be our friends too. Sweet and lovely moments, which can't be forgotten. Let's wish one thing this Christmas. Together. Everyone be happy and spend lots of time with their beloved ones. Bonds between family members and friends can't be broken. Happiness everywhere.

Merry Christmas to all.


Yolo Bimsha speaking! 

First of all, Aqua sent me this oneshot days ago and my sincere apology for taking this much time to upload it ;-; 

And Secondly, that was wholesome! The Christmas spirit was there throughout the story and I think you nailed the characters and their personalities (Which is a really  hard thing to do) I love the message you've given at the end. The whole story was so light, beautiful and brimming with that Christmas energy. Loved the place where Shu remembered Lui's bday and the others are like *insert lenny face* (I need to keep my Shui tendencies in check no kidding)

I love your sense of humour btw. The subtle jokes in the middle of the lines just adds to the oneshot as a whole. Just keep writing these stories. I think you have so much room to grow and great potential as a writer. I'd be excited to see your writing more and more in the future! 

Thank you for sending me this oneshot! Thoroughly enjoyed it <3333 Sorry again for taking so long to publish this really ;-;

Thank you again Aqua! Happy Holidays <3

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