part 1

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Axel watched as someone stumbled, loudly singing a Christmas tune at the top of their lungs as they tried to leave the bar. He snorted at that, their idiocy for getting drunk and doing stupid things but then again, he can’t really complain, as he’s doing the exactly same thing.

“What’s a handsome boy like you doing in a bar two days before Christmas?” a girl came up to him, a pretty girl, he might add, if it mattered, which it didn’t, but she was pretty nonetheless.

“Standing up for the fact that I’m not allowed to be alone of Christmas,” Axel replied blearily, wiping at his eyes as he took another sip of his beer.

“Why, not have any family in town?” she asked, and Axel wanted to roll his eyes at her pushiness.

“Nope, and I like it that way, I like being alone,” he said flatly.

“Alone? On Christmas?” she wrinkled her nose.

“Yes, alone,” he deadpanned. “Christmas is an overrated holiday, people just use it as an excuse to get drunk and tell people how much they love them and spend their money.”

She blinked at him for a couple seconds before whistling slightly. “Well, damn,” she said appraisingly.

“What?” Axel asked.

“You’re quite the Ebenezer Scrooge,” she commented.

He really did roll his eyes at that. “I just don’t like Christmas.”

“Which makes you an Ebenezer Scrooge,” she pointed out.

He had no comment for that, so Axel just took another sip of beer.

“So what’s your name?” she asked, taking a sip of her own drink. He grunted, unwilling to share anything about himself, so she said, “My name’s Emma, if that helps you any.”

“Axel,” he mumbled.

“That’s a sexy name,” she breathed, and he shot her a strange look. “What? A name can’t be sexy?”

“Not usually,” Axel said.

“Well yours is, congratulations,” Emma said, drinking from her glass.

“Why are you talking to me?” Axel deadpanned, giving her a look that said he was clearly not interested.

“A girl can’t talk to a guy in a bar?” she asked innocently and Axel shook his head.

“No, they usually have other intentions.”

“Well,” Emma said, trailing her fingers up his arm, causing Axel to tense up. “I can assure you that I have no other intentions, Axel.”

Somehow, his name did sound sexy coming from her.

“Then what was that?” he said drily.

“What, this?” Emma asked, moving her fingers up his arm again.

“Yes, that,” Axel said.

“I’m not allowed to touch you?” At this, Emma’s lips turned up in a smirk. “Does it bother you?”

“No,” Axel tried to say with difficulty, but then Emma was very close to him, hands resting on his chest and her nose near his nose.

“I think it does,” she whispered, trailing her hands across his chest and down his abs.

“It doesn’t,” Axel said, trying to keep from flinching away from her.

“No?” Emma asked the smirk clear in her tone as she raised an eyebrow. “You sure there, Axel?”

“Positive,” Axel said firmly.  

“How ‘bout this?” she whispered, fingers looped through the loops in his jeans.

“F-Fine,” Axel stuttered as Emma’s hands stayed really close to a sensitive part of Axel’s anatomy.

“You sure?” Emma teased, moving closer to him.

“I’m fine,” Axel said, trying to sound confident.

Emma pressed her lips to his cheek, quite close to the corner of his mouth and Axel almost jumped out of his skin as her lips traveled across his cheek towards his neck, and he wondered what he was doing; standing in a club letting a stranger kiss and touch him all over.

Emma’s lips found a sensitive spot on his neck and he groaned unwillingly and Emma took a back instantly.

“Well, look at that,” she said, satisfaction written across her face. “Someone got a little excited, huh, Axel?”

And he cursed because yeah, he did get a little excited. “What d’you want me to do, be perfectly fine when a hot girl is kissing my neck?”

“You think I’m hot?” For the first time, Emma’s confidence wavered and a blush started to appear on her cheeks.

“Well, yeah, I mean-” Axel stumbled around his words and decided to stop talking altogether.

“Do you want to fuck?” she asked bluntly and Axel nearly spat in her face.  Seriously, if he had a drink in his mouth, he would have done a spit-take all over her.


Emma shrugged, looking quite unconcerned. “Do you want to go back to my place and shag or…”

“We don’t know each other,” Axel pointed out.”

“Well, that’s why it’s a one night stand, dumbass,” Emma rolled her eyes. “You know, a fuck-and-duck, a sleep-and-sweep-”

“I know what they bloody well are, thanks,” he snapped. “I’m just not used to random people coming up to me and asking if I want to fuck.”

“You’re quite attractive, I’m surprised it doesn’t happen more often,” Emma shrugged. “Must be the anti-Christmas air you send out.”

“Anti-Christmas air?” Axel questioned, because honestly he had no idea what she was talking about.

“You know, you just seem really unapproachable, and like if someone did, you’d bite their head off, be rude and shit,” Emma said carelessly.

Axel’s eyebrows furrowed together as he pondered her words. “I appear like that?”

“Well, yeah,” Emma said.

“Then why’d you talk to me?”

“Because the angry ones usually are animals in bed.”

“What about the confident ones?”

“They’re usually pretty good too.”

“Then yeah, let’s fuck.”

so here's part one, hope you enjoy it, it's a bit different from something i usually write, but i had fun, and part 2 will be up later tomorrow, well, today actually, and then part three on Christmas Eve and maybe a part 4 of Christmas day. have a lovely day xx

-T A Y L O R

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