part 2

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Emma tugged on Axel’s hand, leading him towards her apartment, which was close to the bar that she had met him at. Nerves slightly tickled her belly, but she willed them away as she turned to Axel with a smirk on her face.

“You ready for this?”

“Are you?” Axel shot back, and it was so cute how he tried to be macho around her.

“Babe,” she said, leaning closer to him and putting her hand on his chest, enjoying seeing him swallow. “I was born ready.”

“How are you so confident?” he asked from behind as she unlocked her door.

“M’not,” she answered. “I just act like it.”

“So you’re nervous right now?” he questioned.

“No, you’re easy to be confident around,” she turned around and winked at him. “You’re so easy.”

“I am not easy!” he said, indignant.

“I asked you if you wanted to fuck and you said yes,” Emma pointed out.

“What guy wouldn’t say yes if a girl came up to him and asked to fuck?”

“Good point,” Emma said, grabbing his hand and pulling him into her dark apartment.

Axel sputtered as she did so, and she really wanted to kiss him properly this time, because he seemed like a sweetheart who was just a little lonely, especially around Christmas, and maybe just a night with a girl was just what he needed to get in the Christmas spirit.

Emma flicked on the lights and almost laughed at Axel’s face when he saw all her Christmas decorations.  His face was one of distaste and he turned to her.

“Please tell me that you don’t have decorations in your room,” he began. “I don’t think I could do anything with a girl if there was a snowman watching me.”

Emma laughed, despite herself. “No snowmen,” she promised.

“Good,” Axel huffed and he looked around a little awkwardly. “Well, now what?” he asked.

“We get drunk,” Emma said simply. “One night stands aren’t any fun unless you’re drunk.”

Axel started to say something, but Emma couldn’t hear because she was in the kitchen, grabbing all the alcohol that she had and brought it back out, setting it on the coffee table in her living room, kicking off her heels and flopping on the couch. Axel stood awkwardly, hovering around her.

Emma glanced up. “Well, you can take of your shoes, relax a little bit,” she said, patting the seat next to her. “Come on, I don’t bite, that hard,” she teased.

Axel shot her a look as he took off his jacket, revealing a button up shirt underneath that hugged his muscles nicely, and Emma’s breath caught in her throat because damn, she didn’t expect Ebenezer
Scrooge to be so ripped.

Axel sat next to her cautiously, his body tense as Emma poured him a shot and one for herself. She handed it to him and grinned. “Bottoms up!”

She downed it and when she came up for air she was pleasantly surprised to see that Axel had done the same, slamming the little glass on her table.

“Now maybe you’ll loosen up, yeah?” she teased and bumped his knee with her own.

Axel flinched a little bit, his eyes on her legs clad in leggings under her dress. Emma bit back a grin as she saw his eyes travel up her body.

“Another shot?” she offered, and Axel accepted.

In about an hour, Emma sat back and laughed at Axel.  He was hilarious when he was drunk, being loud (that was usual for drunk people but nonetheless) and he wasn’t hiding the fact that he was openly checking her out.

“Didn’t I come here to do something?” he slurred.

“Maybe,” Emma said, trailing her fingers up his chest.

“Hey,” Axel protested, taking her hand off of him. “Don’t touch me like that. I don’t know you.”

“I’m Emma, remember?” she said, laughing at him now, as he squinted at her like an old man.

“Emma,” he said, trying out her name and the owner of that name felt chills go up her back because when he said it it sounded exotic, not like a common name, a beautiful name for a beautiful girl. “Weren’t we going to fuck?”

“If you want,” Emma giggled, which surprised her, because Emma didn’t really giggle all that often.

“Then why aren’t we?” Axel pouted.

“You didn’t really want to,” Emma reminded him, because he really didn’t, not really.

“Why not?” Axel drew his eyebrows together in confusion. “You’re very pretty.”

And Emma felt heat rising to her cheeks as this attractive mystery called her pretty, because she didn’t think that she looked all that good at that moment, to be honest.

“You think so?” she whispered.

“Yeah,” Axel said, tilting his head up as he surveyed her. “You’ve got a nice body, and your smile… Jesus that smile could make me do anything you want me to do.”

“Anything?” Emma purred, because she wanted to tease him. “So I could make you do things to me…”

Axel’s breath hitched in his throat as Emma trailed her fingers along his shoulders and down his arms, coming to meet the top button on his shirt.

“Why don’t we take this off?” she whispered, enjoying the effect she had on him.

“Um,” Axel said, frozen under her fingers.

Slowly, she undid the button and started the next one before Axel managed to move and bring his hand to hers, stopping her. She met his eyes and was surprised to see the desire in them.

“Remember how you said we’d fuck?” Axel asked, his voice low and she wasn’t sure if it was supposed to be seductive, but it came out that way.

“Y-Yeah,” Emma’s voice came out in a little squeak and dammit she was supposed to be in control.

“Let’s do that,” Axel said, and he kissed her.

Emma was taken by surprise, so she ended up on her back on the couch with Axel above her, his lips still on hers. Even though he was drunk, he was still a very good kisser and Emma found herself responding, bringing her hands up to rest on his chest, where she could feel his heart beating rather fast.

“Is someone a little nervous?” she mumbled through the kiss.

“Shut up Emma,” Axel groaned and kissed her again and Emma liked the way her name sounded falling from his lips.

In one simple maneuver, Axel scooped her up and started to carry her like she was a feather. “Where’s your bedroom?” he mumbled and Emma breathed out, “First door on the right.”

Axel carried her down the hallway, turning into her room and dropping her on the bed, climbing on top of her and continued to kiss her again, his hands coming to rest on her hips as hers went up and into his hair and tugged.

After one particularly hard tug, Axel groaned and pulled back, looking at Emma with eyes that were shiny from the alcohol and darkened by lust.

“You make me unable to control myself around you,” he said, and Emma’s heart beat faster as she wanted this very attractive, very nice man to kiss her again.

He ducked his head down and his lips touched her neck, and he started kissing it, nibbling every now and then, and Emma let out an unwilling moan as he hit a sensitive spot. Axel stopped there and sucked, and Emma closed her eyes because yeah, that felt good.

“Emma,” he muttered her name like a curse, and his hands were traveling all over body and oh God Emma really couldn’t take it.

“Axel,” she murmured, trying to wiggle away from him.

He hummed in response, his lips against her neck still.

“Axel, stop,” she bid him and managed to wiggle away and sit up against her headboard.

“What’s wrong?” he asked, his hair in disarray and his shirt was partially unbuttoned, revealing his toned chest.  “Did I do something?”

“No,” she sighed. “No, you were fine.”

“Then why’d you stop?” he asked, his green eyes confused.

“I- it just feels wrong,” Emma admitted, pulling her knees up to her chest.

Axel came up next to her. “Why is it wrong? You’re the one asking me if I wanted to fuck.”

“Yeah,” Emma admitted. “But… I kind of took advantage of you. I knew you were lonely, and I was lonely and I got you drunk…”

“Hey,” Axel touched her shoulder gently. “You didn’t push me into anything. I could have said no.”

“But…” Emma still wasn’t ready to just fuck like she’d suggested.  “But I led you on!” she cried.

“How?” Axel asked, his body tensing and his tone hardening.

“My boyfriend just broke up with me,” she admitted, burying her face in her hands. “And I was lonely, and I didn’t want to be alone on Christmas, so I… I tried to get you to come home with me so I wouldn’t be lonely. And I didn’t really want to fuck; I just wanted someone to talk to.”

“That’s not a bad thing,” Axel told her gently. “Lots of people go out and get other people after breakups.”

“But then they fuck and leave, not stay and try and get their company out of them!” Emma cried, and dammit she could feel tears coming to her eyes and just when she thought she was done crying over him here she was.

“We don’t have to fuck,” Axel said, touching her shoulder. “I can just keep you company.”

“You’re drunk,” she sniffled. “You don’t know what you’re saying.”

“But you’re not drunk,” he pointed out. “That’s the problem here.”

“What?” Emma asked.

“Emma,” he said gravely. “We need to get you drunk.”

That’s how Emma found herself completely wasted two days before Christmas, with her ex-boyfriend’s presents still under her tree with another guy next to her making her laugh.

And before Emma couldn’t remember anything else from that night, she swore she and Axel kissed maybe about twenty more times and she enjoyed every single one of them.  


haha you thought i'd make them frickle frackle FOOLED YOU LOLOLOL haha enjoy you dirty minded people 

-T A Y L O R

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