A Boy Friend

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Next moment being startled he blinked his eyes away from Avni when he found himself wrapped under two soft arms of Tina. She rested her arms around his chest over shoulders. His hands stiffened in his pockets for the upteenth time, this time in discomfort. He tried to firm a smile when Tina sneaked over placing her chin over his shoulder to look at him flashing a simper.

Avni darted her eyes away not to look at their proximity.

Tina- Relax. Before them we are getting engaged. Not Avay. We will be first in everything Mr. America.

Avay? Being confused they both avneil yelped in unison. Tina giggled at their reaction.

Tina:Oh God It's a ship name. Avni + Advay= Avay. You two silly. She giggled more this time with a eye roll.

In response Neil pursed his lips. And Avni did the same, forced to flash her best grin.

Neil: I have some work you both carry on. He said and gave Avni a good look up and down abruptly before leaving.

Tina: Gosh for a second l thought you both would end up fighting. She huffed a heavy breath of relief.

Avni recalled Neil's reaction but pushed those tormenting thoughts aside.

Avni: For what? There was nothing to fight about l just don't understand what his problem is with Advay.

Tina: Maybe there was nothing to fight about but Neil is really protective about all of us and he has grown a great bond with you. So his reaction is kind of justified don't you think?

Avni: Already taking his side huh. I see. She said playfully.

Tina: Avniiiiii. she slapped her arm playfully which Avni reacted in fake pain.

Avni: Ouch Tinaaaaa.

Tina: Ok seriously tell me are you and Advay seeing each other? I mean l didn't expect you to call him your boyfriend this early. I reckon you guys actually like each other.

Avni looked at Tina...in a heat of the moment she said something she shouldn't have but she had no choice as neil was just pestering her with questions and the quickest thing she could come up with was a another lie which she instantly regretted.

Avni: Not really but we are getting to know each other. If things go fine then maybe I can give a tag to our relation. She said forcing a small smile.

Tina: Then why did you say he is your boyfriend? That's to Neil?

Avni: I didnt lie he is a boy and also my friend. Avni said with a cheeky smile making Tina roll her eyes.

Next second suddenly she got a call and grabbed her phone to check it. It was Advay.

Avni: Hey.

Advay: Hey Avni I hope I am not disturbing you or something.

Avni: Of course not. How did you remember me so soon by the way? I didn't know you would start missing me already. She said teasing him whereas Tina looked at avni casually as she started to file her nails.

Advay: Ab what can I do your friendship is such that it's hard not to think about you. tbh I called because l wanted to give you a treat.

Avni: Treat? For what?

Advay: For getting a confirmation for your job.

Avni: Come on that is not needed and you kind of did give me a treat earlier. She said looking at Tina who was now frowning at her being curious.

Advay: Of course it is needed. Besdies this can be a two treat in one.

Avni: which is ?

Advay: One is obviously your job and second is to the start of our new friendship. What do you say? Ready to have brunch with me? His voice playful.

Avni was about to deny but then she thought this is better to divert her mind from Neil after whatever happened today. And there is a big chance such conclave may help her to clear things up and also grab some break from those on-going emotions by spending sometime with her new found friend where it will only be her and Advay. Therefore she instantly agreed to his arrangements.

Avni: Okay fine.

Advay: That's like a good girl. I'll pick you up around 5pm.

Avni: Alright. I'll send you my address. See you soon. Bye.

Advay: Bye. He replied ending the call.

Tina: who was it Avi? And what treat does someone wants to give you?

Avni: It was Advay. He wanted to give me a treat for my new Job.

Tina: Job haan. Are you sure there is nothing between you two. She asked with a devil smirk which Avni responded with eye roll very well understanding what Tina indicating at.

Avni: Shut up Tina.

Tina: why shut up? Is this like a date where you both want to get to know each other and then take the next step?

Avni: Tinaa you know if there was such thing between us I would have told you. If you think what I said earlier on was true then you know it that I made an excuse so that Neil doesn't find out what we were talking about.

Tina: I now Avni. And I thank you for coming up with something quick as I felt that maybe we would have no way out until he would have gotten his answer.

Avni: Right...now I am gonna freshen up as Advay will be here soon

Tina: you get ready and i will choose your clothes for you.

Avni: Ok and listen dont tell anyone downstairs yet that I am going out for brunch otherwise they will start cooking their own story.

Tina: Got ya she said with a giggle.

Avni went to get ready wheras tina opened avni wardrobe to find something to wear for brunch.

Meanwhile Neil was in his room.

He rested on his arm chair as he recalled avni's words and the way he had reacted.

Why has each and everything about her started to matter.

Why his heart doesn't seem to be in control anymore? Especially whenever he hears the name Advay ? Avni is a good friend. His heart should be more engaged into Tina. Instead there is always a feeling like his heart and mind just wants something else. What is it that he hasn't figured it out. Why does rage, sadness fill his heart whenever she takes that name.

All the recent outcome has confused him so much that he now isn't sure about his own feelings anymore or maybe if he is just worried as a friend... somehow he tried to convince himself but deep down he knows the answer is something else.

Back in Avni's room.

Tina helped Avni get ready as she did her hair when Advay called that he will be there in 5 minutes.

Neil felt the slight cool breeze move his hair back and forth as he sat in the back garden along with the rest of the family members, wondering where Avni and Tina were when he saw them walking towards where everyone was chilling.

He frowned seeing avni ready with her handbag.

Neela: Avni, bacha y are you ready? Are you going anywhere? she asked while tina sat down next to neil as she elbowed him giving a wink making neil look down with a smile.. somewhere not really excited with the attention he is getting from tina nowdays.

Avni: maa actually im going out for brunch with a friend ...I am sorry it was planned last minute.

Ashish: its ok beta go and enjoy and have fun with your friend.

Neela: what have fun Ashish. You didnt even ask what friend she is going with.

Avni looked at Tina wheras Neil who was looking at Avni saw her look at Tina.

Avni: its Advay Maa, the guy I met at the club and please dont assume anything he wanted to give me a treat so I agreed.

Dayawanti: its good you are spending time and making new friends. Go and enjoy.

Bebe: exactly...if you dont enjoy now then when will you. Have fun puttar ji.

Avni smiled and nodded.

Tina: do take loads of pics Aviii and have super duper fun and also tell Advay I said Hi.

Avni: will do she said with a smile as she looked at Tina when her eyes impulsively darted at Neil sitting next to her. Her heart leaped under his intense gaze. His gaze fixed watching her every facial expressions.

"What's his problem? As if I am not allowed to date. What's actually wrong with him. Lately Neil has not behaving like the Neil I know since grade one. He suddenly talks less with me these days, most of the time keeps silent, sore mood...He was never this serious before, even now days most of the time his smiles are constricted as if he is faking them all the time. Or may be I am over thinking,...he actually doesn't seem to be smiling all the time as I and Tina do unnecessarily. And talking about a particular male friend who I just met in some random club and started hanging out recently with ....like any other good friend Neil is just being protective about my safety that's it Avni.. He think of you as his very good friend. that's it. He is doing this because he hasn't met Advay properly, never had any sort of conversation with him as I do. He does not know Advay personally, neither do I definitely but I can see through people. Advay is a nice guy, funny, there is a positive vibes around him. And he is....anyways let's not keep that in mind. For now Advay is the guy I am genuinely having some fab time with and lately He is the best excuse for me not to tag along like a third wheel all the time with my bestie and her boyfriend wherever they plan to hangout and me being there to ruin their date. I am happy that my motive is fulfilled. Neil and Tina would get some alone time, without me following them everywhere like some stupid shadow. They will get to know each other better in person without any interruption. It's time Neil should know how beautiful in and out of a person Tina is" Thinking this Avni nodded with a heavy, sigh and her stance determined not so weak anymore under Neil's abiding gaze on her. In response to that Neil narrowed his eyes watching her chin up...she looked happy, confident and for an emotion still unknown to him his jaw clenched at the sight.

Giving a quick smile to everyone she turned to leave.

Neil watched Avni walk away. He didn't expect Avni would meet Advay. He never thought that Avni would go out with a random guy like Advay to brunch who she just met few days ago. Thinking of them meeting up made his mood sore, fist clenched. He has no idea what Tina is blabbing sitting beside him nor he is interested anymore on the discussion going on. Neither he has any idea why he is feeling so dejected, pissed. Avni is just a friend of him, like any other female friend he has. He never felt this annoyed, agitated on their dating status then why it is getting so different with her? Why does his heart release a bizarre kind of emotion whenever he watches any guy give extra attention to her? Why is he so pissed about their meeting up? Why does he wants to kill that Advay? Why does he uses the f word for him?

"Oh god Neil hold up, concentrate on Tina not Avni. She is the girl who you should be giving all your attention to. She is the girl who captured your heart. She is the girl you are soon getting engaged to". Neil rubbed his neck in a very tensed way then he averted his eyes at Tina who is already staring at him, unsure. As soon as their gaze met She gave him a smile, a very sweet smile which he reciprocated with a tiny smile on his lips and put his hand around Tina's chair moving a bit closer to her. This act made her cheeks turn red and she looked away which Neil didn't miss. Tina is the only girl he is supposed to be keeping all his mind on. No one else. With a heavy sigh next moment he was in a great struggle trying to catch up the conversations going on around the dining table. But nothing was working actually, he knows how forceful all of these are.

Advay smiled as he saw avni come and opened the door for her

Avni: Thank you mr gentleman she said bowing as she got in the car while Advay gave a boyish smile.

Advay: Anything for you ma'am. He said and moved towards the driving seat.

Avni: So how come you got this brunch idea?

Advay: Well lets say it randomly popped up when i had reached home so without wasting any time i thought i would ask you...besides it would give me a chance to meet you again and also celebrate for you getting a job plus i could give you this small treat since you became a saviour for me at the club by giving me company.

Avni: Well consider that to be one of your lucky day otherwise I would have had probably rejected your offer at the club.

Advay: Is that so Miss Avni Mehta?

Avni: Absolutely she said as she smiled at him as they headed to the restaurant.

It had been few hours since avni had left...neil looked at the clock on the wall showing it was 19:45pm now he was pacing back and forth in his room.

Neil: Whats taking avni so long? It doesnt take this long for brunch right...she left at 17.00pm and its 19:45pm..atleast she should see the time..if it was a known person then fine but Advay she has met him recently and already she is so comfortable..how can someome become boyfriend and girlfriend so suddenly.. he said shaking his head annoyingly.

Through his hand He pushed his hair back and walked towards the baclony where the main entrance was visible

Resting his elbows against the railing he lowered his head with eyes closed when he heard a car sound ...looking up he saw a car stop right outside the house and saw the driver door open...he stood up straight when he saw it was advay who went to open the door for avni...his jaws ticked as he noticed how both were smiling and talking wondering what were they talking about now.

Advay: Thank you for coming Avni..it was one of the best time that I ever enjoyed

Avni: Thanks to you for giving me such an amazing company Advay and trust me I enjoyed each and every moment.

Advay: I am glad you did...hopefully we will meet soon.

Avni: we will...have a good night she said.

Advay: you too avni.

Both moved to hug each other...Neil hands tightened around the railing as he shot daggers... he saw them break apart after few seconds and how they waved at each other..his eyes then moved to avni as she walked towards the main entrance with a huge smile on her face.

Hey peeps thank you for the response for the previous update. I hadn't expected such response so soon and trust me it made me happy

As promised here is the next update.

Say thank you to NeilAvni_love for bringing Advay. Trust me the way she has made Advay character is epic and amazing.

Thank you to all those who took time out to read and left their valuable comments and votes.
Silent readers do vote if you dont want to comment please

Anyways enjoy this chap..

Lots of love

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