He Can't Be Hurt

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Tina- Did you?Did you love Neil?
Like did you ever fall for him? I mean it's you who sent him those mails so there can be a possibility you can have thing for him?
Her heart skiped at how Tina is watching her and the question she asked is too much to ignore with a straight face.

Avni- Trust me I never did. I never fell for him.
The way she said putting so much of strength in her voice left Tina awfully her gaze watching the girl she isn't sure if her bestie can sacrifice her love for her . Can avni be that imbecile? There is a voice that spoke inside her head.

Tina-You sure? Tina questioned as she wanted the reassurance.

Avni-Sure like anything Avni tried her best to sound neutral, convincing.

Tina noticed Avni's voice didn't shake at all telling it clear. Which made her feel good knowing Avni is not in love. She is not doing anything grave as such seperating two lovers. Tina felt her heart slip out a heavy breath she didn't realise she was holding the whole time.

Neil- what will avni be sure about? What were you girls talking about before I walked in?
He said as he walked in, taking in the scene. His hands shoved in his cotton pants pocket. It left both the girls gasped out loud yet immediately covered up by his unceremonious arrival straight in avni bedroom.

Tina- Neil!

Tina almost squealed, pressed her lips together hiding her terror thinking if he heard of their little talk about him. Two friends shared a quick panic eye lock then their eyes are back to Neil who is waiting for their reply.

Avni-Oh hey Neil. I'm sure you came looking for tina.
Avni said and let out a carefree chuckle trying her best not to surface out her palpitating nerves which she got it when Neil barged in.

Neil-Are You guys hiding something from me? He spoke.

Neil's gaze moved back and forth over both the girls. A deep perplexing frown took over his face.

Avni bit her lips before she dragged a breath, ready to cook something in instant to his reply.

Avni: Think Avni think. She muttered fiddling with her hands as Tina stared at her in hope that Avni would come up with something.

After few seconds of silence.

Avni-It's Advay Neil. We are talking about Advay.

Avni pursed her lips, managing not to stutter.

Neil's gaze sharpened. The name itself brings Neil's body and mind a kind of rage that he just want to break every single things he would eye at. His fingers fisted.

Avni: Your Tina is actually very keen to know what we do exactly when we go for a date? Like seriously she thinks she could ask me that? this is not so appropriate to ask someone what they do when going out with their partners. Topic like this is something off limit...just because I went out with advay today she wants to know everything.
Making an-I-can't-believe-you-Tina face Avni rolled her eyes overly dramatically. Only she knew how frantic she is inside but she continued speaking...
Neil Why don't you take her for few dates before you guys get things between you two official? So that she can stop mortify me asking about my time with my boyfriend. Avni put her legs one upon eachother leaned her body a bit backward watching Neil in a very casual manner.

Neil-I didn't know it, Advay is your boyfriend already. Said Neil. Avni grimaced at the thought out of everything she told he got only this?

Avni-Why not? he is a nice guy, handsome and very romantic. Definitely the way I like it...I mean I even met up with him today to spend some time with him and also celebrated my job confirmation with him

She bit her inner cheek before she retorted. Avni fought keeping her tone as unfazed as she could by this interrogative chat with Neil she is having right now. She adjusted her cloth fabric feeling a bit uncomfortable under his intense gaze.

Avni: If Tina was much attentive then she would think he is hurt. But I know he is being curious that's it. He can't be hurt, he is already with the love of his life right? The girl he think he loves, with who he thinks he chatted with the whole time. He would never know it was me. So there would be no feeling hurt or anything as such. He is just being protective like any other friend. That's it Avni, that's the thing only. She thought to herself. But his next comment pulled her out of her zoned state.

Neil-Just like the way you like him to be? Is he?

Out of no where Neil asked and in response both A and T got taken aback. Avni slowly shifted out of her leaning stance, She sat straight. Tina swallowed hard. This was an unexpected questions they ever thought of him would be asking Avni by any chance.

Avni:Surely. By the way last time I remembered I never told you my criteria about the man I may fall for. Did I?

Avni almost snapped, her inner irritating surfacing through her tone of over confident.

Blinking she looked everywhere but not Neil. A frown appeared in between her forehead not knowing what to expect.

But his question next second brought her gaze abruptly back to Neil.

Neil-So it's true? He asked, harshly tightening his jaw. As if he wants to know every single thing about her and Advay....only he knows how he had controlled himself when she saw her picture with advay on her what's app story

The reason unknown to Avni she grew a bit intimidated by his gravel tone.

Drop it Neil. She prayed.

Tina-What's true?

This time Tina spoke before Avni could. Avni closed her eyes then opened it blinking away her frustration.

Neil-That is your bestie is dating a guy? He said. His voice, his face deadly serious. The intensity of his gaze caused Avni to look away, she gulped silently.

All the while He didn't realise someone frowning at his every expression. That's Tina.

Avni-Now this is getting really boring Neil. How many times you will ask the same thing? Avni scoffed acting like she is getting tired with this whole question answer thing that Neil is putting her onto. Her reaction made Neil tightened his face more and it's getting painful now to watch him.

neil: I would have snatched that confidence of her if we were alone. Just me and Avni. Neil thought sucking a breath. Only he knew, it took every ounce of his will power not to drag Avni out of her happy bubble.

Neil :Here I'm dying every second with this piece of shitty dating info I just got to know about her love life and there she is having a good time being fucking chatty about her boyfriend of a guy... that Advay fucker. I just want to beat the living shit out of that creep.

What what did I just say?

What the hell is happening to you Neil? I don't give a shit who you date nor you are the girl I will fall for. Did you hear me Avni Mehta? I barked inside my head not being able to figure out what the fuss is exactly going on inside that scull of mine. Most of the time I stay pissed these days God knows why?

Neil- You are right he is a nice guy Avni. I wish you both a happy life.
Neil said forcing a smile made Avni freeze her eyes at that weird behaviour of him suddenly all intrusive, and Tina beamed watching them. Inside he is breaking every second.

Tina: Neil? She called out and moved to him.

Neil: Hmm? He responded absent mindedly, his now melancholy eyes immobile over Avni whose state is no less worst than Neil.

Next moment being startled he blinked his eyes away from Avni when he found himself wrapped under two soft arms of Tina. She rested her arms around his chest over shoulders. His hands stiffened in his pockets for the upteenth time, this time in discomfort. He tried to firm a smile when Tina sneaked over placing her chin over his shoulder to look at him flashing a simper.

Avni darted her eyes away not to look at their proximity.

Tina- Relax. Before them we are getting engaged. Not Avay. We will be first in everything Mr. America.

Avay? Being confused they both avneil yelped in unison. Tina giggled at their reaction.

Tina:Oh God It's a ship name. Avni + Advay= Avay. You two silly. She giggled more this time with a eye roll.

In response Neil pursed his lips. And Avni did the same, forced to flash her best grin.

Hey peeps I know I know I took time to update this...trust me I did but at the same time there were things going at home and also I was facing writer block since a long tome I still feel it sometime but I know it's not gonna finish my stories for me and I'll have to do it myself so here i am thanks to NeilAvni_love for being there and helping me with story and waiting till I was ready

Hope there are ppl out there who are still interested in this book
I wont delay in updating the next chap too

Will be waiting to see all the notification pop up on my screen with a the comments and votes

Lots of love

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