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Avni: congratulations neil you finally got the love of your life she said grinning ear to ear only she knows how pathetically forced her smile is, her heart is bleeding inside but she has to put up that contented facade because her bestfriend is involved into this, Tina.

Neil: thanks he said though his smile didn't reach his eyes which he has no clue why. At this moment Neil realised he should feel happy too but his heart clenched strangely instead.
"Seems your are happy" Neil looked straight into her eyes as he almost whispered through his grinding jaws but Avni heard it clear. His words sounded like more of a taunt to her. Her smile fainted looking at him in doubt. Why he is staring at her like she has done something wrong being happy for her bestie, that she shouldn't have. Neil couldn't help but his gape turned accusative at Avni standing there clueless in front of him.

Their moment broke when Tina walked up and wrapped her arms around Avni and kissed on her cheek

Tina: I love you avi she whispered to her and then beaming shyly she sneaks at Neil who in instant averted his gaze away from them and walked out that spot. Avni's smile returned seeing Tina this happy, she turned around and pulled her friend in a tight embrace which Tina responded with a giggle.

This is what Avni wants and this is the best thing. Avni thought and her smile brightened .

Neil heaved a sigh, there is a bizzare feeling inside of him. His chest felt heavy. He is not happy the way he should be, and everyone is. Instead t's like his heart will explode anytime soon if he won't get out of this spot immediately.

Neela walked towards tina and avni and held tina hands

Neela: tina... I have held you since you was a small baby...I may not have given birth to you but you have always been like a daughter for me...infact i consider you as my daughter... a mother always does so much for her daughters wedding and I'll make sure that I will do all the responsibilities that a mother Does

Tina: you dont know how much this meana to me...I know you never considered me less than avni and gave me equal say that you will fully all responsibilities that a mother does for her daughter wedding but you have being doing that since I was so small and I'm blessed to have you in my life she said as her eyes welled up

Neela kissed her forehead and pulled her in for a hug as her own eyes welled up

Avni wiped her tears from the corner of her eyes

Avni: now I'm getting jealous with the attention tina is receiving

Tina and neela chucked as they moved away wiping their own tears

neela: you will also get the same attention when you marriage gets fixed she said to which avni froze for a for a sec

Avni: I am happy living the lifestyle that I currently have she said

Shweta came near them and hugs tina

Shweta:where did neil go?

Tina: I think he probably went to his rook

Shweta: le...looks like my son is feeling shy all of a sudden she said jokingly making neela and tina chuckle while avni frowned

Meanwhile in Neil's room

When neil left the hall and barged into his room the first thing he did was turn on his laptop and open the mails...he went through each mail again re-reading the messagea they had sent eachother...while reading the mails he was feeling better than before as he was reliving the conversation they had though mails
Neil relaxed against his chair and smiled...he knew he can never delete the emails as they have always made him feel a sence of peace

Suddenly his room door opened making him turn of the laptop as he saw shweta walk in

Shweta: Tillu when do you think will be the best time for you to get engaged to tina? So that we can find near dates that you give

Neil: you can make it next month or few weeks later mom

Shweta: Really?" Shweta paused looking at her son with her eyes full of sudden grown suspicion before she spoke further.
Like don't you want this engagement thing to be soon?" She asked

Shweta stared at Neil which Neil replied looking away from her to mask up his inner turmoil. He took a deep breath, tried to plaster a cover up smile. He has to think a solid excuse to make, or as always his mother within a second would see through him and he will have nothing to say in deny... he hasnt got a single clue to what's going on in there with him, then how could he explain it to his mom. So exactly he did which would be better at the moment for all.

Neil: Actually mom, I need some time to wrap up this current project I'm working on. I need no other distractions until I finish atleast half of it" he said convincingly his eyes meaningful back at her.

Shweta: Are you sure this is the only reason? nothing else you want to share with me Tillu?" Shweta asked holding concern in her words watching Neil keenly.

Neil: Ofcourse mom,this is the only reason. There is nothing to stress out for you or Dad. I just want everything to be perfect, that's it" Neil smiled reassuring his mother, took her hands into him.

Shweta: If you feel like something is bothering you..., anytime you can talk to me or your Dad you know that, don't you baby?...we will support you in your every decision, no matter how hard it would be, we will be there for you until unless you are not hurting someone" Shweta's words weirdly hit him thinking of something god knows what but next moment his core jolted when Avni's face flashed in his eyes. What was that? Why he is thinking of her? Neil has no idea

"Neil!" Shweta called out and he is immediately out off his zoned out state. Being nervous he licked his lips and dragging a abrupt breath he tuck his mind.

Neil; God mom. Everything is fine. I'm just too busy and want to be focused at a time on one thing that's it" Neil let out a laugh making the air lighter. Surreptitiously a sigh realised his chest watching Shweta's lips finally curved a smile watching him cheerful.
Inside him it is a feeling like something is slowly slipping out of his grip and the time is ticking.

Shweta Okay it is next month then, final" shweta grined brightly and in reply Neil flashed the same grin before she let the spot with a happy face.
Only Neil knows how fake his smile was.

Neil stood off his seat, locked the door. He then walked to his bedside mirror and for few seconds he stared at his own reflection, then to his own surprise he did something out of his character.

Neil actually tried few smiles to feel genuinely happy. He thought of the girl he has been talking to since long and also grew secretly feelings for is going to be his forever then why he isn't feeling happy the way he should be? Why his heart is not anymore as same elated as it was the day he was going to meet her? Not even there is that massive adrenaline rush he used to feel from one glimpse of Tina?

The more he tried the more he realised something is off, something is weird with him which he has no idea about. He scratched on his slightly grown stubble looking at himself very keenly and his eyes instantly grew bigger, heart beat escalated.

Next day

Everyone was sat at the dining table getting ready for breakfast

Shekar and tina had joined too

Avni had come down with her handbag and saw everyone at the dining she sat down opposite neil

Neela: bacha are you going anywhere?

Avni: haan maa she said and looked at neil who seemed lost as he was playing with his food.

Suddenly she felt him stop doing that and look straight at her...she smiled at him which he slowly returned and looked away grabbing herself a toast and some juice

After breakfast avni was about to she was checking her phone she slows down stopping mideay reading the mail she received for her job

Avni: finally she said happily

She walked back to where everyone was still at the dining table taking their own time while chit chatting

Ashish: what happened beta you didnt go yet?

Avni: I have a good news she said

Ashish: good news? Am I thinking it's that sort of good news he said making everyone chuckle

Avni: nooo...I actually got selected in one of the most famous company based in mumbai itself she said happily

All were happy and got up to congratulate avni wheras neela quickly got some sweets and gave it to avni and then everyone

Tina: congratulation avi I'm so happy now I can spend all of your money she said making avni slap her playfully as she hugged her again

Neil: congrats avni...I know how hard you have worked for this job and finally all your hard works paid off he said and hugged her

Avni hadnt expected a hug from neil...but her hands moved up slowly to hug him back

Neil's eyes automatically closed and unknowingly a smile came on to his face...there was a sense of comfort and warmth he was feeling but it was something yet he fully wasnt able to understand

Avni broke the hug taking a small step back making neil Come back to reality

She gave neil a small nervous smile

Avni: it wouldn't have been possible without you neil...since you had helped me with the interview so thank you she said genuinely smiling at him

Neil: anything for you he said with a small smile

Avni: I'll leave now she said looking at him and the rest

Neil watched avni leave and recalled the hug

Neil: what just happened he thought to himself as he saw her walking away

20 mins later avni had reached to a book had been 10 minutes since avni was checking the books out and even found few that she liked as she turned to her left she bumped into someone

Avni: I'm so sorry I didnt see...she stopped speaking noticing advay in front of her

Advay: it's ok you dont have to worry he said picking up his books and looked up and was surprised to see avni

Avni: hey she said smiling

Advay: omg hey he said getting up and moved to hug her which she returned back

Avni: you over here?

Advay: haan I came here to buy some food he said

Avni gave a look with a smile...both looked at each other and burst out laughing..but controlled since they were in the book store

Avni: I never expected to see you here

Advay: y? Can girls only read books he asked with a teasing smile

Avni: noo but like I thought we probably wouldn't meet you know

Advay: coincidentally we did and what a better place to meet he said

Avni: agree

Advay: I'm actually done...if you want we can go to the cafe few stores away...I mean if you are ok

Avni: no that's fine I'm done too so let's go she said

Avni and advay moved to purchase their book

Advay: if you want I can pay for yours too..just a small thank you gesture for dancing with me at the club

Avni: I danced because I wanted to not so that you can do something in return so dont worry she said with a smile

Both purchased their books and headed towards the cafe

After 5 mins they were seated waiting for their order

Advay: you know...I actually didnt think you will accept my friend request

Avni: y do you say that?

Advay: i mean we met at a club hardly know each other so wasnt really sure

Avni: so you took a risk by adding me

Advay: you can say that

Avni: well if I had accepted your dance request by being a complete stranger what made you have a doubt that I wont accept your request since i knew a bit about you regarding our conversations during club

Advay: I dont know avni...maybe because I had felt you genuinely just wanted me to feel better and wasnt sure if you would accept my request but then I also felt maybe you might because of what you just said

Avni: advay you think so much she said shaking her head with a smile

Their order came and both took a sip of their coffee

Advay: so how are things going

Avni: good...infact you know I even got a confirmation today

Advay: congratulations avni

Avni: thank you

Advay: it surely is a lucky day for you first the confirmation for your job and you also got to meet me he said with a smirk

Avni: gosh you seriously Give yourself so much importance

Advay: cant help it you see he said

Avni: come lets take a pic she said happily and both posed...

Avni then put it on her insta story and what's app story

They both continued talking for some more time

After 3 hours avni had reached home and headed straight to her room and placed her books in her drawer

She grabbed her laptop and sat down on the bed and was checking some mails from her workplace as she was reading the do's and donts when tina came in

Tina came and plopped down on the bed across where Avni was sitting positioning her laptop on her lap.

Avni,-Don't tell me you had a fight with your Mr.America.You two need to grow up. She said looking up at tina

Avni stifled a giggle glancing at Tina who is looking down at her lap playing with her fingers putting an upset face. Avni pulled back her focus to the screen.

It seems like ages has passed when Tina spoke.

Tina-Do you think we are doing the best thing by hiding everything from Neil? This is not any kids thing anymore Avi, we are going to get engaged, then we will get married soon. Do you know sometimes he talks about things that I don't know what, how to answer them.
Do you know how it feels when every time I look into his eyes and see him searching only that one girl who I know I'm not her. You really think we can be a great couple when I know the truth but he doesn't? We are not doing fair to him.
This time we messed it up a big time Avi.
She trailed off looking down on her lap.
When she looked up Avni has already closed the laptop lid and causiously put it aside off her lap. Then She slowly moved closer the spot Tina is.

Avni- We didn't Ti, see how far we have come. Now there is no going back.
SHe took both Tina's fiddling hands in hers. Her gaze meaningful.

Tina-What if I tell him the truth? I do not want to lie him, not when we are going to be a couple now. I want to start it fresh. ..We owe him the truth Avni.

Avni felt very bad watching Tina initiating to make things fair. Only if she knew things have slipped out of their hands long back, now they can't fix it.

Her chest let out a regretful sigh. She is feeling so bad. She would never forgive herself for doing this to her bestfriend. Why she even answered his mail instead of Tina at the first place? things could have been so easy between them. Needless to say Neil would always choose Tina, without any fuss and there will be no Avni.

Avni-Oh Ti We can't change it, not now, we can't tell him any of it. Because at the very first day there was a chance we could have told him all. But remember he chose you Tina, coz he liked you the very moment he saw you. Not me.
Saying those last two words her heart clenched recalling that day she first saw Neil after years. And how he walked passed her and immediately stopped at Tina,like Avni was never there...she continued talking
He walked to you not to me tina . There wasn't much to be unsure about that the tall beautiful Tina is the girl his choice would be, not someone like too simple, nerd Avni. He always loved you Ti never me. While talking to him he ever hardly asked about Avni or certainly showed any concern about me. It has been always you Tina.
Avni smiled as she tried to put some sense to her friend who has grown unsure about her life ahead.

Tina- but you are the girl he sent those mails. He certainly like you.

Avni- doesn't matter who he messaged . He pictured you the whole time. Avni dogged off smoothly reasoning out.

Tina- what if Neil has fallen for the heart not the face? She panicked.

Avni- he fell for the name and the face. Her determined tone said it all. There is no point to argue on this anymore,... not atleast Avni would entertain her further. So Tina felt a tad bit of relief admitting her defeat and heaved a sigh nodding in agreement.

Tina-You are beautiful. My bestie is not boring. Don't talk disrespectful things about her. By the way I'm not liking you at all. ...Tina ruefully shoot a glare at Avni which Avni shrugged it off with a giggle.
She pulled Tina in a hug.

Avni-And The letters doesn't matter to him not to me anymore. You are his love Tina. He is a nice guy, you are going to have an awesome married life trust me.
Avni said holding her, hurriedly wiping that single drop tear her eyes betrayed her.

Avni: Now stop over thinking. By the way since When did you start acting like me?haan?
Avni frowned pulling away, Tina didn't say a word but rolled her eyes in response to that statement Avni made to lighten up Tina.

Avni: Everything will be perfect trust me. Either ways Neil is going to thank you for not being me but you that person who mailed him, you stupid. He had never loved me but you.
Avni pulled her nose playfully and Tina slapped that hand away her face.

Avni frowned watching how Tina's face turned again serious and her gaze now on her.

Tina- Did you?Did you love Neil?
Like did you ever fall for him? I mean it's you who sent him those mails so there can be a possibility you can have thing for him?
Her heart skiped at how Tina is watching her and the question she asked is too much to ignore with a straight face.

Avni- Trust me I never did. I never fell for him.
The way she said putting so much of strength in her voice left Tina awfully her gaze watching the girl she isn't sure if her bestie can sacrifice her love for her . Can avni be that imbecile? There is a voice that spoke inside her head.

Tina-You sure?
Tina wanted the reassurance.

Avni-Sure like anything Avni tried her best to sound neutral, convincing.

Tina noticed Avni's voice didn't shake at all telling it clear. Which made her feel good knowing Avni is not in love. She is not doing anything grave as such seperating two lovers. Tina felt her heart slip out a heavy breath she didn't realise she was holding the whole time.

Neil- what will avni be sure about? What were you girls talking about before I walked in?
He said as he walked in, taking in the scene. His hands shoved in his cotton pants pocket. It left both the girls gasped out loud yet immediately covered up by his unceremonious arrival straight in avni bedroom.

Hey guys here is another chapter of be mine

Again big thanks to bani di who is always there to guide

Thank you to those who voted and commented on the previous chapter

Lots of love

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