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  smut warning  ,, TRIGGER WARNING: rape

      "Y-You're dating him? How?" Michael looked to Jeremy hurt. Not only because the boy of his dreams was taken, but he was scared for his safety. He didn't know how it was possible for Jeremy to be dating the Squip, he assumed it was just a pill that changed your mind.

      "He has a humanoid setting thing." Jeremy shrugged it off, blushing a little as his Squip praised him.

     Should I come out?

     Jeremy nodded, feeling the Squip somehow appear beside him. He was clad in a simple button up shirt and black pants and appeared to be around the college age. His arm was around Jeremy's shoulders as they sat on his bed and Jeremy seemed to be smiling.

     "Hi." Michael stated simply, looking a little upset to Jeremy. Jeremy was engulfed in being kissed by the other while Michael made a gagging sound.

     "He goes by Sebastian. But the company he's from is Squip." Jeremy cooed, leaning further into the side of his boyfriend. 

     "It doesn't bother you that he's basically a pill?"

      "Don't talk about him that way." Jeremy raised his voice, holding Sebastian defensively and rubbing his back reassuringly.

      "Make him leave, I want us to be alone..." Sebastian whispered to Jeremy so Michael couldn't hear.

     "I get it, I'm going." Michael spat, slamming the door behind him as he left. Jeremy looked almost forlorn for a second before feeling Sebastian tackle him and start kissing him.

Days Later     

     "Jer, you lost your virginity to a fucking pill!"

     "H-He's not a pill! He's my boyfriend and you're gonna have to get used to that! J-Just leave me alone!" Jeremy pushed Michael aside and ran down the hallway. Tears lined Michael's eyes but he instead angrily marched to the bathroom to lock himself in it for the rest of the school day.

     Good job, baby...

     "I wish you could come out now... I'm so lonely." Jeremy whispered suggestively, rolling his eyes as he heard his Dad downstairs.

     Well, I can see you... You wanna strip for me?

      "Fuck..." Jeremy nearly moaned, feeling Sebastian send small shocks through him. He shook his head, feeling to self conscious of his body.

     Take off your clothes, Jeremy.

     "No... I don't like my body." Jeremy frowned, then feeling a huge shock down his back and wrists. He panted, only to bit down hard on his lip as he felt another wave of shocks.

     I love your body, so take it off or this continues.

     "O-Okay." Jeremy obeyed this time, keeping his sweater on but taking off his jeans and boxers. In seconds Sebastian had appeared in front of his legs, kneeling before him on the floor. He held his finger over his lips, silencing Jeremy for a moment. He took Jeremy's dick in his hands, then bringing it to his mouth to suck him off. Jeremy moaned for a fraction of a second before Sebastian closed his eyes to signal more shocks through the boys thighs. He nearly screamed but couldn't seem to open his mouth. 

     "I love you, Jeremy." Sebastian said as pulled away from Jeremy, leaving him aroused but not completely off. He pulled up the boxers on the boy before slowly disappearing.

     "I love you too....W-Wait! Finish me off?"

     That's your punishment, babe. Don't disobey me next time.

     Jeremy just nodded, shifting his hand to jerk himself off but feeling shocks course through his wrist. He gripped his hands together, tears slowly pouring out from his eyes as the shocks continued every time he moved.

     Days Later

     "I don't think we should hang out anymore." Jeremy said awkwardly, feeling shocks course through him as he tried talking.

     More confidently! Can't you do anything right?

     "W-What? This better not be about him." Michael looked heartbroken, slowly backing away from Jeremy.

      "You're in between us!"

      "No. He's in between whatever we had... I don't even know you anymore Jeremy!" Michael yelled, Jeremy starting to cry. Jeremy felt a huge shock go through his whole body, falling to his knees shaking as tears raced down his face.

     Get rid of him. Or this will only get worse.

     "He's hurting you. Jeremy he's fucking hurting you... W-We need to get rid of him! Break up or some shit..." Michael sat next to the boy on Jeremy's bedroom floor, reaching out to put a hand on his shoulder. A hand slapped him away as Sebastian appeared beside Jeremy, hugging his shoulders.

     "Michael hurt you? How dare he..." Sebastian said in a loud whisper, raising an eyebrow as Jeremy looked at him upset.

     "B-But you-" He was silenced by a kiss and a huge wave of small shocks. He collapsed to the floor shivering, feeling Sebastian reach out to pet his hair. Michael looked furious, pushing Sebastian off of Jeremy.

     "You are hurting him! That's not a healthy relationship, thats abuse!" 

     "I don't think so, Jeremy likes me, doesn't he?" Sebastian praised Jeremy, holding his chin in his hands. Jeremy nodded scared, his hand sliding closer to Michael's.

     "He's only saying that since he's scared of you! You're fucking scaring my friend, get out! There has to be something to turn you off..." 

      "Nope. I'm in him... In both ways." Sebastian whispered the last part close to Jeremy's ear, seeing the boy blush bright red.

      "Y-Yea, I love him." Jeremy said with a small smile, kissing Sebastian's cheek. 

      "Fuck you, fuck both of you!" Michael cried out before running out the door. Sebastian just shrugged and picked up Jeremy in his arms, laying him down on the bed.

     "You almost revealed everything. He could've reported me... He could've taken me away from you." Sebastian said angrily, holding Jeremy's wrists to his side and concentrating. Soon enough Jeremy screamed out as he felt waves of shocks through his wrists. Small blue marks appeared on his wrists and Sebastian just smiled. He started to grind softly down on the boy, kissing his neck.

      "Just take me inside you..."

      "G-Get off of me-" Jeremy couldn't finish his sentence when his vision flashed electric blue, feeling his body become almost slack. Sebastian was quick to rip off his clothes, attacking his chest down to his dick in hickeys. 

Days Later

     "I'm sorry, b-but we're over." Jeremy said nervously, looking Sebastian in his cold eyes. He looked back emotionlessly before laughing insanely.

     "You... You think you can just get rid of me? I don't think so. You made the decision to take the pill, so I'm with you for life babe! Get used to it. You don't really want me to leave you alone, do you?" Sebastian stroked a hand down his body, climbing on top of him slowly. Jeremy pushed him off of him onto the cold floor beside him. They were in the hallways long after school ended, Jeremy had some off time during rehearsal. 

     "I-It's over, Sebastian! Leave me alone!" He yelled, trying to run to get away but feeling a large shock push him to the ground. Michael was walking around the corner with his headphones on, but seeing Jeremy hunched over caused him to throw them off while putting his drink aside and rush over to the boy.

     "You better stay the fuck away, Squip!" Michael yelled, holding Jeremy in his arms tightly. Jeremy held onto Michael too, watching Sebastian walk over to the pair and smile crazily.

     "I'm in his head! We're together forever." His voice sounded almost automated and he seemed to be twitching a little as he eyed Michael's red drink. Michael followed his gaze and grabbed the drink, holding it to Jeremy.

     "Red shuts him off. Rich told you to take it with Mountain Dew, right? Meaning that's how he activates. Red shuts him off. Drink." Michael commanded, not breaking eye contact with Sebastian the whole time. Jeremy took it in his hands, gulping as he twisted the cap.

      "Think of our sex, our relationship, our everything!" Jeremy frowned and kicked the Squip with his foot, kissing Michael deeply before chugging the whole bottle of the sickeningly sweet drink. Michael watched as Sebastian faded, feeling Jeremy hold onto him tighter. He nearly forgot about the kiss before he noticed Jeremy crying. 

     "Hey... It's going to be okay..." Michael said quietly, holding Jeremy so he was facing him.

     "T-Thank you! Thank you so much... It hurt so bad, Mich." Jeremy sobbed, collapsing forward into Michael again. Michael just wrapped his arms around the taller boy, letting him cry.

     "Oh my god I was so mean to y-you! And I love you... I-I'm so sorry! I'm such a bad person you shouldn't ever forgive me-" Jeremy was cut off by Michael kissing him this time and for a second he was to shocked to do anything. He brought himself together to kiss Michael back, tears interrupting their kiss ever so often. They broke apart to Jeremy sniffling but Michael smiling supportively.

     "Was that okay? Or too soon?"

      "Not soon enough... I-I tried to break up with him before but he... We just... He raped me..." Jeremy said as all of it came together. He hadn't even noticed it in the moment, he was to shocked that his mind had repressed it. Michael looked furious as he grabbed Jeremy closer to him. He was crying now, peppering Jeremy's face in small kisses.

     "I-I'm so sorry Jer... We're gonna get rid off him forever soon. I didn't even know I'm so sorry..." Michael was choking on his words but Jeremy offered a small smile.

     "It's okay... You're here to protect me now, r-right?"

      "Fuck yes. Fuck yes, Jeremy." He whispered, holding the shaking boy close to his chest. 


a.n: no idea how to end this one but in no way did i write this with the intention to romanticize rape. if thats how this makes you feel, please tell me and i'll work to change it. aalso i think it's incredibly important that people know that the author of Be More Chill and other books, Ned Vizzini, killed himself. if you're ever in a state where you need someone to talk or just rant to, please feel free to message me. i'm here for you and will do my best to get back to you and provide all the help i can. i care abt you kiddos, ily. <3

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