Sign of the Times

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      Jeremy and Michael were recently dating, spending even more time at each others houses than they used to. Jeremy's dad was always working so the boys would usually hang out at Jeremy's house. On a particular day, the couple was cuddling while lazily listening to the radio. Soon, the music turned to Sign of the times by Harry Styles came on. Michael started smiling, humming along to the first lyrics. Jeremy's attention was caught when he started noticing Michael start singing quietly along to the song.

     "If we never learn, we been here before," Michael sang out almost confidently, Jeremy just staring at him in shock. 

      "Just stop your crying, it's a sign of the times," He continued on as he rubbed his finger in circles on Jeremy's chest, his head resting on the others shoulder tiredly.

      "We got to, we got to... Away..." Michael ended strongly, Jeremy's mouth agape. 

      "Wait, what the fuck. I had no idea..." He kissed Michael strongly, straddling the smaller boy between his skinny legs. Michael flustered and held Jeremy's face in his hands, smiling shyly.

      "I-I started singing when I was really young but I don't really like performing..."

      "You could easily get the lead in the school play for literally any musical we do. You're... You're incredible! I've known you for so long I can't believe I haven't..." Jeremy trailed off, almost feeling hurt that Michael hadn't sang to him earlier.

      "I was too shy, because I liked you. A-And if you didn't like my singing I was scared you wouldn't like me?" 

      "You could sing shit and I'd still love you." Jeremy murmured, kissing Michael's neck as he laid down on top of him. 

       "Please, just don't tell anyone I try to... Sing. I don't want attention." He said scared to Jeremy, hiding his face from making eye contact. 

      "But you could be so popular! We could be so cool..."

       "You don't understand, do you? You may want to be cool but I'm weighing you down, aren't I? W-What if I hadn't just sang? Would you break up with me after you realized you weren't getting the attention you desired?" Michael lashed out, shuddering from many memories of Jeremy with the squip and leaving him alone at parties. He moved away from Jeremy, the taller boy falling face first onto the bed.

      "I'm so s-sorry, I keep messing this up. I try to get the thoughts out of my head b-but it's just so difficult... I'm a shit boyfriend! And friend... I finally get the boy of my dreams and I ruin it! Nice one, Jeremy." He mumbled the last bit to himself, slamming his fists into his thighs roughly and wincing at the little pain it provided. 

     "I'm not the boy of your dreams. Wake up, Jeremy." Michael grumbled, facing away from the boy. Jeremy tried to put his hand on Michael's shoulder but the other shrugged it off, causing Jeremy to frown more.

     "Michael Mell, I'm awake and sober. I really do love you... We've known each other practically our whole lives. I can't ignore the feelings I have for you... Even if you don't feel anything back, I love you as your boyfriend and best friend?" 

      "Sorry for lashing out. I just.... Lose trust quickly. It's my fault, sorry." Michael stated gruffly, pivoting a little bit on the bed so he wasn't quite facing Jeremy but so that they could make shaky eye contact. 

     "Don't apologize, I'm kind of a dick. I don't care about being cool, but he does," He pointed to his head, indicating the squip.

     "I don't care, or I try not to, care what he says. We could be, well, we are the lamest kids really. But that's okay because we have each other. That's all I need." Jeremy whispered, Michael finally letting him touch him again. Jeremy hugged Michael from behind, feeling the boy shudder a little as he whimpered out. Michael had started crying, and Jeremy's grip only got tighter on him.

     "I-I love you... I'm sorry I just get scared because... I love you." Michael choked on his words, turning around completely to collapse into Jeremy's arms. They just hugged, Jeremy rubbing circles on Michael's back while he let the smaller boy cry on him.

      "I love you too. I'm not leaving you, Mich." Jeremy whispered, connecting his lips to Michael's soft lips. Michael almost smiled as he tasted the familiar overwhelming vanilla lip balm Jeremy used, pulling against the others lips carefully. Jeremy held Michael's face in his hand, rubbing his thumb on his jawline carefully. They pulled away as Michael's hands trailed down Jeremy's body, his lips trailing from his mouth to his neck. 

      "M'gonna mark you as mine." He mumbled almost lazily, biting down softly through a kiss on Jeremy's neck. Jeremy blushed deep red, holding the boys lower back and guiding him through the hickey. Michael left them scattered on his neck, finishing with one just above his collarbone. He smiled softly at his work, the red marks bruising a little purple. 

     "My turn." Jeremy said with an awkward laugh, Michael nearly rolling his eyes a little. He pulled Jeremy against him quickly, Jeremy's mouth going to work on his neck. He left a messy trail of hickeys on one side of his neck and a horizontal line just above his left collarbone. After he finished, he moved back up to his lips, planting an almost innocent kiss on his lips. 

      "Now everyone can see we're dating, and I'm not embarrassed at all. I want to show you off to everyone so they can see how awesome we are. But only I get to hear my amazing boy sing. Unless he wants for other people to hear, then in which I fully support him either way." Michael blushed, averting eye contact as Jeremy finished his sentence. They kissed again quickly, giggling a little as music played in the background. Their finger tips touched, both boys blushing immaturely. They fell over, Michael lying on Jeremy's chest. Eventually, they had lost track of the time and the sun was setting. Jeremy was nearly dozing off, as was Michael. Jeremy's arms gripped tight around Michael's torso while Michael played with Jeremy's shirt tiredly.

      "Baby, it will be alright." Michael murmured, still somehow in perfect key as both of them cuddled to sleep. 


a.n: have some fluff bUT FUCK GUYS THIS IS AT 10k AND IM CRYING??? thank you so much <333 like it's so hard to picture 10,000 people and,, i'm just crying thank u all and i love all of ur support so much. also plz feel free to request me!!! i constantly have writers block so,,

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