Chapter 1⃣0⃣ : Royal Marriage

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Author POV..

"Glad that, you're coming Prince God, i was very appreciate that you're coming for tonight, let me introduce you, my youngest son, Prince Bass. As known as your fiancé" Said the king To greetings Prince God at the Royal families rooms, Prince God bowed half his head and shaking Prince Bass hand but he not kissing Prince Bass hands, on the royal traditions the Royal couple are allowed to kiss his fiancé hands. Maybe Prince Bass is male, or the same gender as Prince God that why even they're fiancé but it really awkward.

"Thank you Your Majesty's, for inviting me to the ball, it really nice to be here. You have a beautiful kingdoms, that why everyone said Ayutthians people are very beautiful and have a good manner" said Prince God to the Ayutthians King. The King smile and had a little laugh, he like Price God, and ready to combined two Royal hearts together. The king look at Prince Bass and said,

"Prince Bass, you're really quiet.. what wrong, just talked to your fiancé.. come on, greeted our guest" Said the king to Prince Bass. Prince Bass smile and said,

"nice to meet you prince God" said Prince Bass short and smile at his fiancé, but on his heart he stil can't believed that he will be married a guy same gender as him, And "the main problem is, He is a Crown Prince of 'Trailokanat Kingdom' and i will be also crown Prince, and I will be a Male Queen.. erh.. no. no. no.. stop thinking a nonsense Bass" said Bass in his heart. Prince God is taking with the King and the Queen, other Prince Bass is still on his daydream.

"If so like that, i will be there.. and don't forget for the bride" Prince Bass back to realty after heard the world that his father said, Prince Bass confused about what they're talking about.

"Erm.. I'm sorry what bride? go where? " asked Prince Bass to the King. The king smile and said,

"It about your marriage Prince Bass, it in this week, perhaps it on this Wednesday right prime minister motez " said The king to prince Bass and ask prime minister motez about the wedding.

"Yes you're Majesty.. it on 25th, Wednesday at 'Trailokanat kingdom' Base on our royal traditions the wedding is on the male bride" said prime minister motez, to the King and all of guest on the room.


Prince Bass POV.. 。^‿^。

I in the room right now with the guy that I'm going to marriage with, he looks nice and handsome no.. no.. no.. what am i talking about, he is the same gender as me, what should I do... i can't hold back the time, P'Kim said that i have too accept the trust and always move on not to stand back, at first, i don't really understand what he mean, but now i know it. I already accept this marriage, i made a promise to My father, My mother and My older Brother, but it not that easy to accept it, i still remember one days when i was cry alone at the fower garden, it my favorite place to chill my self back.

(flashback.. 🍃🍃🍃)

Today was the bad day ever in my life, I'm not like another kids, I'm trouble, i can't do anything, everyone have they own talent.. prince Beam, he is talented on food, cooking and baking. Prince Copter talented on dancing, he can dance event it traditional or modern dance. Princess Jenny and Princess Wanida talented on singing, those girls have a beautiful voice, but me, i don't have any of them, i can't cook, i remember i made a our traditional royal pudding it really bad taste. I'm bad dancer, i remember on my 8th birthday, it my first time i dancing on my birthday, i step on everyone toes, hrum.. what a trouble I'm. And i don't know how to singing, i love to hear a song but, i don't know.

I said to my self and cover my face with both of my hands, on the school this morning, the teacher wants us to show our talent, everyone have their own talent but i don't, I'm crying and left the school, i know Beam and Copter calling my name from the far, but i want a time to be alone so i sit here the place that I'm sitting now. This is my favorite place if i feel bad or I'm not in mood, i always came here, it really nice, this rose lake in front of me, make me feel peaceful.

Suddenly my older brother P'Kim get near and sit beside me,

"Hey little Brother, what are you doing here, everyone is looking for you, your friends, your maid assistance May. Steven said that you're crying and run into here... did anything happens? " said my older brother and ask me, Steven is my personal driver.

"I'm ok P' i just want to get some refreshing air from here" i said my tear drop from my eyes, I'm crying without no voice, i look at my brother and hugged him.

[ crying ] "P' everyone have their own talent, but i don't, why P' did God doesn't bless me or I'm born without any talent.. I'm troubled" i said to my brother he hug me back and said,

"hrumm...[deep breaths] little brother, we're are born to this earth with the reason why we're born.. i believe that we're born here to make our on history, everyone have his own history, everyone have his specialty, and every single person on this world have his own talent, some time you have to accept the trust and keep moving forward not to steps back.." Said my brother, i don't really understand what he mean, the trust?? what kind of trust.. keep moving forward not to steps back..?? what he mean. I release the hug and ask him.

"What do you mean, i don't get it" said to him and wipe my tear on my eyes, he smile to me and said again.

"You don't need to understand now, one day the answer that you want to know will come for you.. but i believe this is belong to you"

said my brother and give me my drawing book, i don't know where he get this, i love drawing so much, i love the draw the nature things, like flowers, birds, lake, even i really love draw human it really have a perfection on human and another thing that really inspired me to draw.

I take the book from my brother and slips from page by pages, i started to smile, I'm quite proud with my self,

Page 1

"Wow.. those flowers drawing are beautiful.. i really nice nah" said my brother, i just smile and flipped another pages

Second pages

"It really nice, little brother did you draw this..?? " ask P'Kim

"yes P' i draw it" i said and smile to him and i flipped to the next pages.

Next pages

"Wow.. this is nice, btw who is his person??" ask P'Kim again.

"Can you guess who?" i said to him back, he putting his two fingers on his jaw line and things.

"I don't know, hehehe" he said,

"This guy is Prince Copter, you don't recognize him.." i said to my brother and he is shocked and smile.

"Nice drawing" he said and smiling again, and then i flipped to next pages

Next pages

"Cute" only one words i hear, i look at my brother, he is smiling and i can he his eyes is sparkling. I know that, he is crush on my friend Prince Copter, he always smile, look at him even we're in school, he always staring on Copter. Maybe my brother is interested on my friend, i don't mind coz I'm an open minded person. if they're liking each other, i really don mind, as far as my brother happy it always made me happy. so i turned to another pages.

"Wow.. this is Prince Beam right?? this is nice drawing" said my brother back.

"You know P' that he had a beautiful smile, just over here and here" i said to my brother and using my finger and pointed on Beam mouth and his cheek area.

"Ya.. it really nice nah.." said P'Kim back. i flipped to another pages and P'Kim was shocked,

Next pages

"Wo.... this is me, wow.. i look nice even it just a drawing" said P'Kim and he smile and take my drawing book to take a look at his the drawing. I can see he is really excited on his face drawing, he smile a lot for today and so do i, I'm really happy. P'Kim give back my drawing book and i flipped to next pages.

Next pages

"Wow.. this is amazing... incredible, his drawing look really alive, little brother did you realize that you have a gift from the God, not all the person have the talent like you.. you have a talent but you don't accept that you have it, this drawing is mind blowing" said P'Kim, i smile and i don't realize that I'm crying, my tear drop from my eyes to the ground of grass.

Now i understand what P'Kim mean is, i hug him shortly and said "thank naa for realizing me"

"it ok little brother, you're really talent person and have a beautiful gift"

(End flashback 🍃🍃🍃)

"if so like that, i will be there... don't forget the bride"

Those words sand me back to the reality, i ask them what they mean, and father said that I'm the bride and I'm going to marriage on this Wednesday, i was really shock, oh.. no this Wednesday, and i will be married, oh god, what should I do.. I'm going to married.. no.. no.. please tell me this is a dream,

"Prince Bass.. are you okay?.. Prince Bass.. Prince Bass.. " someone is calling me.

"erh.. ahh.. yes" i said when I'm back to my reality again.

"Are you okay..??" ask my father

"Erh.. I'm okay, father i have to go, I'm sorry" i said to my father and steps out from the room.

i steps out to the rose garden, i need to get some fresh air, even i already accept this marriage, i don't know, it really made me feel awkward, he is a guy, same gender as me, why.. did l look pretty as a woman or what?. I'm walking straight thru the dark way of the garden, after a arrive at my favorite place at the garden, i sit on the grass and look highly into the dark sky, it really nice, with the sparkling and shining star's on that dark sky, add more beautiful for the night, i hope one day i will be shine like those star's on the sky.

Suddenly someone pating my shoulder,

"Hey little brother, what are you doing here" i look at the person who pating on my shoulder and i realize that person is my older brother.

"awh.. P'Kim, what are you doing here? " i ask my brother back.

"awh.. i ask you, you ask me back.. I'm looking for you of course, i saw that you steps out from families room and straight here, what the matter little brother? you can tell to me why" said P'Kim.

"I don't know P', even i always accept the marriage, i still don't know why, after i meet him today, it really hard to accept it, even i don't know him, what kind a person he is, he looks nice but i still hard to accept it, P', can i get thru all of this, or one day it will hurt me back" i said to my brother.

"Little brother.., i believe that duty came before everyone make a mistakes, if you believing your heart, i believe that you will successful thru this thigs, every time you feel bad, just take your right hand and putting on your heart area, close your eyes and breathing slowly, clear your mind from everything that made you feel bad and you will fell batter" said P'Kim.

"Thanks na.. P'Kim you always with me, if i have a problem, i fells better now " i said and hugged my brother shortly.

"It ok little brother, i think we should get back to the ball before everyone is worries about us" said P'Kim, we stand up and back to the balls.



Author POV..

Prince Bass woke up as usual morning, but for today he had a different on his usual days, it a breakfast on bed, mostly the royalty on every kingdom have his own rules, start from the Queen until all the single workers on the palace have a rules that they have to follow. For Prince Bass today is different, he got an breakfast on bed, the state that not allowed the Prince or princess eating breakfast, lunch or dinner at the bedroom, except that Person is sick that it allowed, if not the Prince and the Princess have to eat together at the royal dining room together with the King and Queen.

"May!! can i know what was going on here? " ask Prince Bass to May.

"I don't clearly, know about it your Highness, it an oder from The King him self" said May, it really make Prince Bass shock, it the oder from The king it self so all the palace workes have to follow it.

"It ok that, you can continue your work" said Prince Bass to may and he start eating his breakfast.

"It really nice to have a breakfast on the bed, i love it nah.. " said Prince Bass inside his heart, she smile and putting his breakfast on his mouth.

After done with the breakfast and watering, Prince Bass feel weird again, why his maid wearing him his Ayutthians traditional clothes, "Did today have another visitor from another royal family or have any kind of Royal meeting to another royal kingdom.

After done May, get in Prince Bass room and speak,

"I'm sorry, Your Highness, the secretory from Trailokkanat is here, to pick you to the Trailokkanat kingdom. The King oder Your Highness to goes there, for prepared of the wedding Your Highness" said May to Prince Bass,


To be continued 🔔🔔🔔

Hehe all of the photo drawing is officially my drawing, I'm not really good on drawing but, on the last drawing pic is my cousin drawing, he really talent on drawing thanks to him 😋😋😋

A/N : Hey guys Sawadikhap 🙏🙏
I'm back, sorry for the long time not to update it, i will update another chapter as fast as i can, I'm if there is some of grammar mistakes because, i don't check it twice, and if you love this chapter don't forget to vote and comments.
see you next chapter 😊😊
i love you 😘😘😘

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