Chapter 1⃣1⃣ : Marriage

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👑👑👑👑👑 Author note 👑👑👑👑

Hey guys.. I'm back with the new book cover, and i wanted to said that, the true stories is beginning after this chapter, the real life of Bas and God started here.

"when i started to like you, you're started to like someone else, i hope i can't hold back the time and said that i don't like you, but i love you.

from Xxx

i give you guys a bit of story flow to the on coming chapter, we will see the end of the story, will bas and God live happily ever after, or same like another sad Disney story. Ended with sadness.

👑👑👑👑👑 Author note 👑👑👑👑

Prince God POV..

I can believe that, I'm going to marry tomorrow, all the wedding preparation has been made, I'm sitting in front the glass windows on my room thinking about my feather life, I'm marrying a guy, it made a world history in royalty Marriage. i really don't like it, but i must accept it, it all about the promise that my great grandfather made with his best friend. beside I'm the Crown Prince here, it our way to carrying the tradition about hundreds year ago.

"I'm sorry god, i don't ready yet, besides there is to many rules in the palace"

the words from Jane, still on my mind, i close my eyes. the world keep running on my head, I'm sorry Jane, suddenly my brother Beam came in,

"P'God, Mother said that your fiancé will be arrived here today, did you wanted to meet him" Ask Beam,

"Oh.. yes, he will, why you look so happily non like before Beam? " I ask him back,

"Nothing P', i just happy to see my brother marriage to someone i know" said Beam again.

"Wait, what?? someone that you known.. who?? " i ask him back, because I'm really confused.

"Prince Bas, he is my best friend, he is really nice guy, always smile and really cute" said Beam, i just smile. I don't know why, but what Beam said is right, Well that prince, kind a Cute, i never met such a cute guy like him on England.

"Nah.. you're smiling, you started to like him did you? " ask Beam.

"Well no, i don't know, i just smile on something, not to that Prince who i will marrying with" i said to Beam, for not making him testing on me.

"Ohh, i see, did you still, thinking of Jane again, P', Please.. why did you still on relationship with her. P', i know that she damp on you, you saw it right? it not once P' but it a lot of time, you found her sleep with someone else, P' Please accept Bas in your life, i know it hard but, he is a nice guy" said Beam again.

I was silence, I'm speechless, i don't know, my body was just stop and stuck. i known that jane always damp on me, i saw the guy on his bed, i saw the condom on her apartment, but, i don't know why, i still love her, even she keep damp on me.

"Your Highness's, it time, your fiancé is here, and he just arrived" said my personal male Butler. Me and Beam, goes to the Main palace to greeted the guy. well, for the most my fiancé. After i and Beam arrive at the king office, i and Beam greetings our royal
parents, on there. But i didn't see where is grandmother, i shake the guy hand, i look at my father, he give a sign to me for kiss that guy hand, i kiss his hand and sit at the empty place.

"I'm glad that you're come here, Prince Bas, [smile] said father, i can see that father and mother are smiling, i never saw them smile like that to the another royal guest before. Maybe they're happy today.

"Prince God, please take Prince Bas to his room, for rest, you have a long journey right Prince Bas" said Mother, and i can see that guy smile, "Wow.. so cute" i was super impressed with his cute smile, we're stand up and banding before goes out from, the room. with followed by the royal maid.

"Prince Bas, please met your personal maid assistance, Anna, Ariana and Ninna. Ariana was your maid leaders and if you need something, please tell her. I have to leave you for them, because i have a something to do" i said to him and walk away.


I just out from the King office, my father wanted to meet me about the wedding tomorrow. suddenly Ariana and her suborder get near.

"Your royal Highness, Prince Bas, was missing, a while ago, i just sent to his room for rest and i was check him on this evening, he is gone, he missing" said Ariana. I was shocked and said to them to find Prince Bas, all over the palace until he has been found.

Prince Bas POV

I steps to the main palace and I'm greetings from the Trailokanat secretary,

"Your royal Highness, shall we go now, the Trailokanat King, The Queen and the Prince God are waiting to meet you, Your Highness" said the Trailokanat kingdom secretary to me, i just give a sign and walk to the car. I get in the car, my royal driver opened the car door for me. The car are drived to the airport. The media people are there, i can saw a lot of them. The issue about me marrying Prince God, get a lot of attention from my kingdom people. I be the number one trading in social media.

The guard opened the car door and i walking out, the media people started to get near me, but they're blocked with the royal guard. They're taking a picture of me, i give them a smile and walk straight to the royal private airport. i take a steps up and wave of my hands to the people, that call as respect, what mean is, you're care about them even you just give a smile or waving a hand.

I sit on the airplane sit, and take out my drawing something on my imagination, Trailokanat is the famous kingdom of flowers, or another call as flowers paradise for the flowers lover like me, i love the rosé flowers the most. I love to see the black rosé flowers, but it only growth on Switzerland, so i start to sketch of the rosé flowers, and i draw it black, i opened the next page, and draw a beautiful waterfall, with the beautiful rosé flower garden around it.

The Trailokanat kingdom secretary get near and said, "Prince Bas look at the windows and welcome to Trailokanat kingdom palace" said the secretary to me, i look at the window, and saw a beautiful white palace with the beautiful flowers garden around the palace. The flowers really lovely and so beautiful, I'm really excited to go and exploring another world and it well be part of my life after this.

The landed landed safely, i steps down and get in the car. The Car take me to the Palace, when the car are arrived, the Trailokanat prime minister, Sir Victor, greeted me and said welcome.
They took me to in side thw palace.

"I steps in the room and saw the King & The Queen are sitting, the Prime minister introduce me to the king & the Queen.

"Greeting Your Majesty's" i said and bowed respectfully to the Trailokanat King and Queen.

"Prince Bas, Welcome to the trailokanat kingdom, did you have a nice journey? " Ask the king to me.

"It really great Your majesty, it really beautiful kingdom, with the flowers, i really love the flowers" i said to the King, He just smile.

"It really great, if you're like it. You can see them latter" said The Queen.

"I will, i really love to, Your Majesty" i said and give a nice smile to the Queen, She is beautiful, same as Mother. Suddenly Someone is walking in the room, It Beam and Prince God, the guy that I'm going to marry with.

"Greetings father, Mother and Prince Bas" said Beam bowing to his parents. he smile and sit beside me.

"Bas, who the journey? it far away from Ayutthians kingdom to Trailokanat Kingdom? " ask Beam after he sit beside me. Prince god get near and shake my hand and suddenly he kiss my hand, i was shocked.. He kiss, me did he really wants to do that"

"It really great" i said to Beam to cover my shockness.

"I'm really glad that you're coming here" said the king again.

"It such a pleasure Your Majesty" i said to The King Back.

"Prince God, can you please take Prince Bas to his room for rest " said the Queen.

Prince God and Me stand up and bowing to The King and The Queen, me and Prince God, steps out from the room with followed by some royal maid. Prince God walking in front of me, he stop and turn around and spot on me.

"Prince Bas, Please Met your personal assistance, Anna, Ariana and Ninna. Ariana was your maid leader, and if you need something, please tell her.
i have to leave you with them, i got something to do" said Prince, God and walk away,

"What a guy like that" i said not really loud but still the ladies maid can hear it.

"i look at them, and said, Anna, Ariana and Ninna right? " i ask them.

"yes, Your Royal Highness" said Ariana Bowing to me.

"Your Highness, nice to meet you? " said Anna.

"Nice to meet you to Anna" i said to her back.

"Your Highness, you have a nice white skin, Wow.. it really like a girls skin" said Ninna and Ariana mad her, not to say stuff like that to the Prince.

"It ok Ariana, he just say it, didn't mad at her" i said and give her a nice smile that i have, we're continue walking to my room. After we're arrived, the Palace decorations full with the beautiful flowers, i love it.. the smell is go fragrant. Suddenly Ariana shocked me.

Your Royal Highness, your room is ready, come over here" said Ariana and take me to my new room on this beautiful palace. I steps in my room and it really nice, with the peach color of the wall, and the beautiful balcony with beautiful flowers view. i like this room, this is the best room in my life.

"Wow.. this room is beautiful, did I'm staying here? " i ask Ariana.

"Yes Your Highness, You're staying here until the wedding ceremony. After that you will move to stay with Prince God, at the West wing the place of the crown prince" Said Ariana again.

"Why i have to move? this room is already great" i ask her again.

"The West wing Palace is the place for the Crown Prince and his Royal consort. it's our tradition" Said Ariana again, now i know, every kingdom have their own rules and Tradition. So i think, it nice to try something new, at new place and Kingdom.

" Your Highness, If you wanted something please, call this number here" said Ariana and closed the door room. I look around the room and opened the fitting room, A lot of the new clothes and some of them are Trailokanat royal tradition suits. it really lovely with the rosé floor on it, i started to like this palace.

After done with the exploring my new room, i steps out to the balcony.. Wow... this is amazing, i take out my drawing book and out from the room, i find the way out to the beautiful rosé garden that i saw a minute ago. After a minute, i found the out the that rosé garden. I started to walk along the beautiful rosé flowers that, i don't see it either. Wow, this garden was so beautiful, if i own this garden i will explore everything. the flowers here are unit and different from my kingdom, maybe this is cold kingdom, and my kingdom is warm kingdom so the type of flowers are different.

I keep continue walking and found the lovely flowers to draw, a sit in front the flowers and draw them, until i spot on something, "Wow..."

What this things, it like hammock or something, i sit on it but it not waving, hrum.. what wrong, did i have to sing or what? hrum.. i said on my self, what if i try.. who knows maybe it works.

i sing my favorite song, that Mother always singing it for me when i was a little child, "it working, this thing is waving, i sing not to loud but, i think everybody around this area can heard it. I saw one old granny was gardening the black rosé. "It a black rosé, why the workers are bad, i feel pitiful to that granny, i make decisions to help her. I stand up and get near her,

"Granny, may i help you? let me give some hand" i said to her and sit beside her.

"Sure son, you're the one who is singing on that magical hammock?" he said and smile at me, i don't say anything, i just give her a smile back.

"You have a nice voice" she said again.

"Hehe thank you" i said and help him planting the rosé.

"I love this flowers, i ever dream wanted to see this flowers, i love the black color of this black rosé" i said and smile at him.

"Granny, won't you like to see my drawing" i said to her and shows the drawing of the flowers.

"Yes Prince" she said and smile,

"How can you know I'm Prince granny? " i ask her back.

"That magical hammock only waving if you sing it, but only royal blood line can made it waving" said Granny to me. I just smile.

"Wow.. this drawing are beautiful, you have a talented gift, i never see, something like this before.. did you wanted to an artist" said granny.

"I want, that my dream, but now, I'm feeling lonely, alone I'm boring" i said what i fell just now.

"You don't need to, feel like that way nah.. i can be your friends" said granny, I'm happy so i just sign it by waving my head up and down.

Author POV..

Prince God and the ladies maid still looking for lost Prince Bas, "Where that guy goes, if Mother and Father know about Prince Bas was missing, i will be on death. Please.. Please.. Prince Bas where are you now" said Prince God to him self. Prince Bas and The Mother Queen are walking from the Royal garden happily, with smile and laugh on them face, until Prince God get near and hug him.

"Where have you been? I'm really worried about you, you know" said Prince God with hugged Prince Bas. Prince Bas face was shocked with Prince God, reactions. About a minute later Prince God release the hug and Bowing to the Queen Mother, besides Prince Bass,

"Grandma" said Prince God Bowing. Prince Bas was shocked, Prince God give Prince Bas a sign to bowing at The Queen Mother. Prince Bas, was confused and followed what Prince God, sign for.

"Grandma did you tired" said Prince God to the Queen Mother.

"It alright, God?
i think our palace is now more lively then before" Said the Queen Mother with laugh.

"I'm sorry Your Majesty, i don't know about it" said Prince Bas apologize to The Queen Mother.

"Hahaha.. it OK Prince Bas, I'm fine, i feel like, a grandma and her cute grandchildren are gardening the flower at the garden" Said The Mother Queen and laughed, The King and The Queen also had a small laugh.


The day that made the world history in royalty life, A marriage between two Prince, One is cute Prince From Ayutthians kingdom and another one is the handsome Prince from Trailikanat kingdom. They both, look cute and handsome with royal marriage outfits, Black pants, Red suite.

Prince Bas, enter the grown room hold a bouquet of flowers on his hand, the guess on the grown room stand up and opera of wadding music starts. the cute smile on Prince Bas face are showed up and Both of the Two kingdom are smile happily. The day on their lives will change, Prince Bas, have to stay at Trailokanat kingdom, he is also the Crown Prince, and soon will be the first Male Queen on the world.

"Love grows like a flowers. Before growing, needs a lot of attention. As well as love, Both of you need to be honest, for forgiven, for respected, for care. For better and for worse. I want both of you to remember this, and love last forever" said The King, both of them are Bowing to show the respect to what the King is saying.

Prince God take the ring and wear it to prince Bas, Prince Bas do The same thing to Prince God also."I make this vow before our The King, The Queen and Our beloved Trailokanatnes. I will be honest to my husband, from now on. Till death us do part." Said Prince God.

"I make this vow before our The King, The Queen and beloved Trailokanatese. I will be honest to my husband. From now on, till death us do part" repeat Prince Bas again.

"May both of you live as Trailokanatese's honor. May God of Trailokanat bless you and your family be happy forever" Said The King.

"For now on, you're no longer as a Royal Fiancé. From now on You're the Royal consort of the Crown Prince" said The King, and one again, they both Bowing. they both turn around and everyone clapping their hands.

"Jane is watching the television that shows the wedding of Prince God and Prince Bas, with angry face. And she talk to someone.

"What should we do? Prince God already marriage" said Jane.

"Do not worried, i will make sure they both, no longer as a husband's"
[😏😏evil smile 😏😏]

To be continued 🔔🔔🔔

A/N : Hey guys, Sawadikhap 🙏🙏🙏
I'm back with another chapter, i hope you're enjoying this chapter and forgive me if there's some grammar mistake and please correct me back. So guys!! what about this Chapter please vote and leave the comments if you like this Chapter
See you next chapter 😋😋
I love you 😘😘

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