Chapter 2⃣2⃣: Do I like Him?

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After done with my school uniform, I walk away to the dining table. A weeks have been pass after the Press conference. Prince God and i don't talk much after that. We just like an stranger, I only see him at breakfast, and at bed time. Don't get wrong, we didn't sleep in the same room but. I will go to his room and check if he there or not.

🍴Morning at dining tables. 🍽

Hey Bas, Let go to school together? said Beam suddenly shocked me. Ah.. Beam, Hrumm.. let me finished my breakfast first. Ok👌Ahh.. P'God, Father said that you're going to accompanied him to Bantam Kingdom. When the date? Said Beam.

Bantam Kingdom? What about it, I don't even know it? I asked Prince God. But before Prince God talk, the royal guard came, "Your Royal Highness, The car is ready. I sign with my head and the guards walk away. It nothing, for you to know. He said to me.

I don't know why, but i feel mad just the way he talk to me like that. I stand up, "ok,Fine.. let go Beam. " and leave the dining table. I walking to the car and get in, Beam following me from my back,

At School....

"Bas.. are you okay? you're not in mood today." Suddenly someone pat my shoulder. I look at behind, it Nick. "Nothing, i just thinking of something. No important actually.." i said back to him. "Nie.. if you have problem, you can tell me na.. i will help you.. "

"Nick, Have you like someone before, and how did if feel? " I asked prince Nick suddenly. "Well I do. When i with him i always wanted to look at his cute face, his smile always make me happy. I don't really like to see him sad it make me hurt. But i don't think we can be together, because he already in relationship between something. " Said Nick.

"Ahh it not that easy to love someone right ? even we do anything just to be with him.. " i said back.

"Nie.. Prince Bas, You wanted to know one secret? come follow me.. " said Nick.

I stand up and follow him to the School Royal garden. Prince nick holding my hand to the bridge. In to the back of waterfall.


"Let sit, This is my favorite place. No one knows this place except me and you. You can came here anytime, if you fell upset. I love here because the environment is nice, fresh air and beautiful place ever. " said Prince Nick that sitting next to me.

Yeah it nice, sure I'll come here. I look at my hand watch it already 2:30 pm. Time to back but i don't think i wanted to back to trailokanak palace. I wanted to back to my palace at Ayutthiat kingdom.

I excuses my self to Nick and walk back to the school, I get into my class, there is Beam, Kit and wanida.

"Guys we're is jenny?"  i asked them

" Well like always, his prince charming already take her for a date.. " said Kid and wanida together... We're laughing just because of them. "Well Beam, I'm going back to Ayyutian today. Please don't tell prince God about this OK. I have to go guys, My brother already wating for me. Kit, My brother said to take you with me also.. let go...  Bye guys " I said to Beam and wanida.

Kit and I walk away to the car by following of the royal guards, the car ride from Royal Charms High School to Ayyutian kingdom is about thirty five minutes, not to long or to short period time, just perfect.

"Bas.. Bas.. Why you look like stress? Did you have a fight with Prince God?
or maybe you're thinking of something? asked kit suddenly wake me up from the mess on my mind.

Nothing kit, He and I are fine. We just didn't talk much after the press conference A week ago. I said while still thinking about Him.

Kit hold my hand.. Ohh Bas, I'm your best friend, I understand you the most and i know what inside your heart and mind. If you still being like this, the problem never going to solved. Now tell me what the matter?.

For sure, I don't really know when this things mess up in my head. It started when he ignored me. I feel hurt when he do that. I'm thinking of why he ignored me, why i feel this kind of things is hurts. I said to kit.

Ok let me asked you some questions. What do you think about him? asked kit.

"Well at first we meet he was the most bloody cool heart prince i ever meet. But when i know him well, he was not bloody cool heart at all, he is nice, carrying, most understanding.." i suddenly smile when I'm thinking of the moment when he was super nice.

Nie.. you comfortable around him? 

i nod my head.. 😊

You happy when he be with you ?

i nod my head..😊

You mad when he ignored you?

i nod my head..😊

You mad when he didn't talk to you?

i nod my head..😊

You mad when he talk about another person another than you?

i nod my head..😊

BINGO.. I know it, You like him right? said kit nonsense.

Ahh what?  no.. way, I.. I.. just comfortable around him I.. guess..

Haha.. Bas you know that you're not good at laying to me right.. I know you.

phuf.... I don't know for sure, maybe.. But..

I didn't finish my words, suddenly the royal guards open car door and announce that I'm arrive, I step out the car and the royal maid greeting me and Kit. May my personal assistant came to me and said.

Welcome back Your Royal Highness, and welcome To Ayyutian Kingdom Prince Kit..  Your Royal Highness, His Royal Highness Prince God are inside waiting for you...

WHAT... I'm shocked, what he doing here?

To be continued 🔔🔔🔔

Finally, i updated hehe.. well i got free time today, so i can replying back all your chat, it thousands of them. But it ok, I'll replying them all. Hopefully you like this chapter and enjoyed reading it. Next chapter I'll uploaded tomorrow. Have a nice day.
I love you  💖🤗

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