Chapter 2⃣3⃣: I'm Sorry

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Welcome back Your Royal Highness, and welcome To Ayyutian Kingdom Prince Kit..  Your Royal Highness, His Majesty and Her Majesty and His Royal Highness Prince God from Trailokanak are inside waiting for you...

WHAT... Prince Bas was shocked, what they doing here, Both the Prince's look at each other with shock plus confused face. Without wasting time Prince Walk in the palace.

King Suradet, Queen Ariana, King ittipat, Queen sofia, Prince God, Prince Kim, Prince Bas and Prince Kit are sitting on the sofa having short conversation. "How is your health? is it better now? Asked king suradet to his younger son. "You know that I'm super worried about you" Said Queen Ariana with worried face. "I'm getting well Royal father. Royal Mother, I'm okay. Please don't worried. I'm okay now, plus Prince God take a good care of me. " said Prince Bas to his Mother.

" Thank you for take care of your consort very well, Prince God. Said Queen Ariana to Prince God. "Your Majesty" said Prince God and bow his head.

We're able to pass the crisis. we have to really thanks to Prince Bas. said king ittiphat. With my pleasure, your Majesty. It the duty i should do it. Said Prince Bas with shy face. You're kind and humility same as your father. said king ittiphat. Both of king laughed.

Next day at school, Prince Bas, Prince kit, princess Jenny and Princess Wanida are having conversation on their class. The prince/princess and Ellie family students are separate classes. Suddenly Prince Nick come in, Prince Nick are the same age as Prince Kim, Prince Forth, Prince God and Prince Dean but Prince Nick not in the same status as royal prince as Prince God. Since his father death fifty years ago he lost a title as next Crown Prince.

Nick's Birthday party? hoi.. sounds so much fun. Said Prince Bas with happy face holding an invitation card.

Hrum.. sounds fun, said Kit and Jenny together. All of them laughing, ah.. before i forget, I already invited Prince God and his friends. said Prince Nick again. Did he will come Nick? he said to me he busy. Prince Bas asked Prince God. Not sure but he said he will be there. said Prince Nick.

In the car back from school, Both of Prince's are silence. Suddenly Prince Bas started to talking, Prince Nick invited us to his birthday party, did you wanted to go?. Asked Prince Bas breaking the silence. I'm quite busy during that time. said Prince God coldly while reading the book on his hand. But Your Majesty was allowed us. Said Prince Bas back to Prince God. Prince God stop reading the book and look straight to Prince Bas with blind face. Please.. Go please.. please... Prince Bas bagging on his husband with his cute smile face.

But Prince God ignored Prince Bas bagged. Prince Bas turn to another side and mumble while making sulking face. Waste time. If you will go, just say ok. can't you say frankly? what a Prince?. Prince God close the book and get out because the car already opened. Leaving Prince Bas still mumbled at him.

The birthday party date are here. Today is Prince Nick birthday. Prince God and Prince Nick have short conversation while waiting for Prince Bas from done dressing. Thanks, Prince Bas and you give me an honored to join my birthday party, said Prince Nick. Prince God just smile. Suddenly the door are oppend and Prince Bas came out with handsome plus beautiful like an angle.

Look graceful like fairy tale Princes.. oops.. I mean Prince. Said Prince Nick. Really!!  said Prince Bas blushing. Thank you. Said Prince Bas again. Doesn't like someone, not even single words. Said Prince Bas to Prince God. Prince God just silence with blind face.

And why are you here Nick? asked Prince Bas. I intends to pick Prince God and you up together. said Prince Nick.. Oww.. So lovely, You are kind to pick me up here. Said Prince Bas with big smile. Prince God look at them with jealous face. Can we go now?  asked Prince God to Prince Bas. Yes, let's go.. said Prince Bas but before he finished his words, Prince God already walk out. Ignored Prince Bas. Hey! Prince God, wait for me! said Prince Bas and walk out to follow his husband.

At Prince Nick birthday party, a lot of high class person at the party. Prince Bas is walking alone to fine his husband that suddenly disappeared. Where is Prince God going? mumble Prince Bas.

Prince Beam, Prince Kit, Princesses Wanida and Princesses Jenny get near to Prince Bas. Bas... Said Prince Kit, Ohh.. Kit, Beam, Jenny and Wanida also, how long have you guys arrive?  asked Prince Bas. Long time ago, Nie.. why you look worried? asked Jenny.  Ahh.. because I'm looking for food. said Prince Bas again. Suddenly Wanida speaking. Bas worried about food? that the problem right? all of them laughed hear it from Princesses Wanida.

Everyone know that Prince Bas is the food hunger. He love to eat, Bas and food will never been separate. While Prince Bas take the food suddenly someone wanted to take the same food as well. Oww... Sorry, I'm so hungry.. then.. then, I'll take this for you. This is good. I have tired it. It so delicious, Said Prince Bas while put the food on the lady plate. This one is fantastic. A bit salt and... what? Suddenly Prince Beam tap Prince Bas shoulder and said that the lady was Prince Nick mother.

Both of them are sitting at the table.. I don't know that you are Nick mother. So i didn't greet to you before. Anynow, may I excuse. Said Prince Bas. You don't need to say sorry to me Your Highness. According to the Trailokanak nobility, you're higher than me. Said the Douches. No.. I couldn't. Douches Vivian is Nick mother. Nick is my friend, so you're like my mother too said Prince Bas.

To be in the position like this is not easy for you right? You make me recall to myself when i get married. Said the Douches. How was that? asked Prince Bas. It was the most happiest in my life. think about it. The most important man love you, everyone in country loves you, You get the best care from everyone. All person in the world, dream to be as you. Than, what would be the best happiness than this, Your Highness.

But at the same time, to be the Crown Princesses... oh.. sorry 😏 Crown Prince has to face many regulations. Plus you are a man. As well as being expectations of the whole country. If you could not make it, all dynasty member would be shameful. said the Douches.

Prince Nick came and sit beside Prince Bas and asked if Prince bas are okey or not, for sure The Douches words for him is too deep and full of secret meaning. Suddenly Prince God came in. Here you are, I'm looking for you. He said to Prince Bas. Prince God bowing at her Auntie and greets her.  How are you Auntie?  said Prince God.  As usual, please sit down we haven't talk for a long time. Said the Douches. But Prince God looking at Prince Nick that sit next to Prince Bas. seeing that you are sitting seat. Said Prince God to Prince Nick. Suddenly the Douches speak. But I think, first came first serve.

Time to cut the cake... Prince Nick cut the cake and everyone is clapping their hand. Happy birthday Nick, said Prince Bas. The Douches take the box and give to Prince Nick. Your father were this throughout the time being as Crown Prince. And now, I wish to give it to you. Thank you said Prince Nick and opened the box and he take out the late Crown Prince old necklace.

May you grown up like your father. Like father like son. Said Prince Nick, Yes mother. And he hug his mother.

To be continued 🔔🔔🔔

A/N : Hey guys.. Finally I'm free.. Happy Holiday guys. It Summer, hope you have wonderful summer vacation and don't forget to read my story during summer. It holiday and I'm going to update more of my story..

Love you  💖

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