Chapter 2⃣9⃣: Coronation Ceremony

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Prince Goxd is reading his book at the chair like always. He read his book and look at his wifey. Prince Bas was already sleep, it 12:20 am now. The reason why Prince Goxd is still up because after the kidnapping incident that happen to the Prince. Prince Bas always have an nightmare. Prince Goxd read his book and look back at his wifey again.

"No-no.. please no.. No-no.." suddenly voice sounded from the bed. Prince Bas had an nightmare again. Prince Goxd stand up and put his book at the lamp table besides him. He sit on the bed besides his wifey. Suddenly Prince Bas woke up with panic face. "Baby! are you okay?" Asked Prince Goxd to his wifey. While breathing heavily, Prince Bas nodded his head.

"You having nightmare again? come here! " Said Prince Goxd softly and opened both of his hand wide, for Prince Bas hugging him. Prince Bas sit up his body and hugged his husband waist and put his head on Prince Goxd shoulder. "Hubby, I was scared that you'll leave me alone, you know how much I miss you" said Prince Bas tighten up his hug on Prince Goxd. Prince Goxd hugging and kissed his wifey forehead softly.

"I am not going anywhere baby Prince, I will always stay by your side." Said Prince Goxd while hugging his wifey body. The silence take over them until Prince Bas speak again. "Hubby can you sing me the song that you sung to me yesterday." asked Prince Bas. The song really make him calm down, " Fall in love.. Falling in love, You make me smile when I think of you. Fall in love.. I am Falling in love, You make me cry when I miss of you. I love you.. ohh I love you. I don't know since when you've in my heart?
And in my dream. You're right there all day and night. But since then I love you."

Prince Goxd stop singing he hear a low snoring from Prince Bas. Prince Goxd Smile widely, How cute his wifey are sleeping after hearing the song. Prince Goxd lower Prince Bas body into the bed. Prince Goxd looking at Prince Bas face and rubbing his wifey stomach, He lower his head and said Good night to his unborn baby and back to look at his wifey. He put his right hand on Prince Bas head and Kissed his forehead, "Good night, baby Prince you have an important day tomorrow." said Prince Goxd and laying beside his wifey and sleep.

Next day, Prince Bas already done watering. His ladies maid help him wearing the new clothes.

Today in front all of royal families, Prince Bas will be crowning as Queen and the next day will be Big coronation ceremony for the King. For the Queen coronation only royal blood line are invited, it a close ceremony but different for the King. King will be governed for the hold kingdom and coronation ceremony must be watching for people all around the world, it traditions from all kingdom in world.

After done with the clothes, Prince Bas walking to out from the room. A minute ago, the maid said that his mother The Queen of Ayyuthian are waiting for him at royal guest chamber. Prince Bas arrive at the chamber and the royal guards open up the door. Once the door are opened and The Queen face show up, Prince Bas run slowly and hug his mother.

"Mother. I miss you," said Prince Bas hugging the Queen tidely, "You only miss your mother! what about me ?" Suddenly King From Ayyuthian speak. Prince Bas release the hug and hugged the king "I miss you too father." said Prince Bas and release his hug.  the Queen speak again. "My son you'll be Queen soon. Being Queen is not just about beauty, passion, inspiration and dignity, being Queen is such a big role, You're eyes and ear of king. understand? "

Prince Bas nodded his head. Suddenly the maid came in. Forgive me for intruded Your Majesty's, Your Royal Highness. The Ceremony is about to begin, Your Royal Highness, please follow this way. Said the ladies maid. Prince Bas bow to his father and Mother and walk away.

Long hall

The trumpet played as the door are opened and Prince Bas started to walk into the throne. King and Queen of Trailokanak are standing at the left side of the throne and King and Queen from Ayyuthian standing on the right side, while the throne is in the middle. Every eyes is on Prince Bas. Everyone was amazed with his beauty. In world record, Prince Bas will be the first Male Queen in the world.

Prince Bas walk slowly and stop in front of throne. The ceremony are begin with King father of trailokanak putting cloak and Crown.

Prince Bas walk up and sit on the throne.


Next day..

The day that everyone in Trailokanak Kingdom waiting for is coming. Today is the coronation ceremony of the new ruler. Everyone in the palace was busy with the preparation for ceremony this afternoon. Queen Bas was checking the decorations for the ceremony. He was busy, suddenly the guards greeting him. Your Majesty All the royal guards preparation is done. Queen Bas nodded his head and walk away.

The ceremony are started, Prince Goxd walk in the red carpet. Wearing black and red royal clothes. Everyone is bowing at him. Prince Goxd walk up and sit on the Throne. Royal preacher put the crown on him and give him the regalia

He stand up and walk down, everyone started to sing Trailokanak national song. And the preacher announced " Presenting Goxd kongthanin itipat, KING OF TRAILOKANAK.

To Be continued 

A/N : Hey guys.. Hopefully you like this chapter, i personally less like it because, i not in mood when i wrote this chapter.. See you in last chapter.


Wayo is normal teenage boy who leave on his own world. He have no friend, no families, His mother and his father already pass away on car accident when he was 7 years old. His Aunts raise him after the accident. He is nerd at the school. Wear big glasses and bigger school uniform, He always been bullied with his school gang and it make he hate his life. One day he got bullied and drowning into the lake. He travel back to the pass as the Crown Prince of Chen Dynasty. Wayo is woke up as Prince.. What will happen to him?

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