Chapter 3⃣0⃣: The End

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Queen Bas POV..

Today is nine month, I have been pregnant. My everyday life was the same. But now as Queen, I need to be as a Queen not Prince anymore. Queen Mother will help me to be Queen that Kingdom will love. After done Eating, I bow to my husband, Queen Mother and King Father and take my step out from dining hall. My head feel so dizzy, I keep walking but suddenly my vision blank and I fall down.

Author POV...

Everyone in the dining hall shock and panic when they saw the Queen suddenly fainted in front of the hall door. The King shockley running toward his wife, "Call the royal physician right now!! " shout the king to the royal ladies maid. The King carrying the Queen bridal style and put the Queen on his bed.

After the doctor check up the Queen, she walk out from the room and bowed to the King Goxd. "Your Majesty. The Queen conditions is stable now, I already give him sleeping pill. Reason why the Queen
fainted because he been thinking too much, and it not good for the baby." after explain the Queen conditions to the King, the doctor walk out accompanied by the ladies maid.

King Goxd walking entered into the chamber. He walk near to his wife and sit behind him. He put his hand on his wife hair and kissed his wife forehead. He look back at his wife. Queen Bas beautiful face, turn into pale white face. King Goxd put his others hand on Queen Bas stomach, He rub the Queen stomach. "I promise to my self, I'll protect both of you, even if I'll give up my life. I promise.." Said the King whispering on Queen Bas ear.


Queen Bas eyes, slowly opened. He looked at surrounding and found out that he on the bed. Maybe because he fainted when he walking out from dining hall. Suddenly the main door are opened. "Good morning, Baby! are you hungry? Breakfast is serve." said the King holding the tray of food, walking straight to the Queen. "Oh.. Lord, what are you doing hubby? that not your job, where the ladies maid?" asking the Queen.

The king smile while say, "They're busy. I'm going taking care of you today plus I'm not king for today." King Goxd sit beside his wife and check the temperature using back of his hand. Queen bas take King Goxd hand that using to check the temperature and hold it tight. "Hubby, you don't have to do this, the ladies maid can take care of me plus kingdom need you." said Queen Bas. But inside his heart, he so thankful that he have a husband who really take a good care of him.

"I know the kingdom needed me but, my Queen is sick! how can I take care of the kingdom if I didn't take care of the Queen, and that Queen was my wife." Said King Goxd again. Queen Bas just looked at him and smile without saying anything. After done eating both of them are on the bathtub, King Goxd hugging Queen Bas from the Queen back.

King Goxd hugging Queen Bas waist and rub Queen Bas stomach. "Baby! You look stressful lately, Why? is there any problem? you can't share with me. " asked King Goxd while gently putting his chin on Queen Bas shoulder.


After incident of kidnapping Prince Bas. Prince Nick, Douches Cristina, Mr. Sutrewat and Jane was arrested for kidnapping king's Atyuthian son and future Queen of Trailokanak. Both of King's of two kingdom is in a session

At palaces Parliament hall

"The Parliament is in session".

"Prime minister Jaturap presiding"

“Twenty one years ago, on the last of period on mourning of our lost crown Prince, Prince Pacthan” said Prime minister,

“Prince Pacthan may rest in peace” said all of the parliamentarian.

“Viscount Amidjec, you have the floors” said Prime minister.

“As we all known, during the day that mourning period of the lost Crown Prince is over and I'm the choosing person of our king to open statement, open the rules book of law and open of four hundred years book of Trailokanak from the first of our dynasty and i hope all of you aggre of what I'm doing. Said Viscount Amidjec.

“On those day King Trangshuti Ittipat already make decisions that Princess Diana that will be know as douches Cristina will be moving out from this palace. But Prince Nick have to make his decisions of he wants to leave in palace or he wanted to follow his mother because Prince Nick is have a royal blood line With Trailokanak. The rules book of Kingdom law state that “if the person was throw out from the palace with title, that person still can will become part of the family if his/her bloodline become The ruler. Giving to the next hand of Prince. ” said the Viscount again.

“But in this problem Prince Nick was the one who kidnapping the prince! if he not include with the kidnapping will he the one who supposed to be the next line to the throne” said one of the parliamentarian.

“yeah.. yeah.. yeah.. Right.. That right..” some of the Parliamentarian mumbled. Hearing that Prince Goxd blood was boiling, "why the ministers have to think of that, it not will happen" said Prince Goxd inside his hear. While Prince Bas sitting next to Prince swallowed hard his saliva.

“Please don't miss understood gentleman, in the book of rules. The law already state that the Prince who traitored his own kingdom will not be a king, Plus the tittle of Prince will be no more” Said another parliamentarian

“Was that mean he have to throw out frin the kingdom and leave as a normal person” ask one members of the Parliament.

“It Your Majesty's the King decision. only his Majesty's can make the decisions to follow the law or make his own decisions” said Prime minister.

“Your Majesty's, i think it time to make a words.. Your Majesty. ” Said Prime minister to the both King.

“To all of my friends in the Parliament, and in the name of lord, I'm king Thanit ittipat, king of Trailokanak kingdom and King Adulyadej Ayyuthi, King of Ayyuthian. we already make our decisions. Base on law state that Prince Nick and Douches Cristina was false by kidnapping Prince Bas. Prince Nick and douches Cristina title as prince and douches will take away and both of Nick and Cristina will be throw out from both Kingdom either Ayyuthian and Trailokanak. And Next week will be the crowing ceremony the new king of Trailokanak, Prince Goxd will be crowing as King and Prince Bas will be The Queen. Said the King..

The Parliament session are dismiss. At night after done wearing clothes Prince Bas suddenly remembered that tomorrow Nick and Cristina will be throw out from kingdom. Prince Bas suddenly wear his black secret outfit and he wear black mask and walk out from his chamber. He walking to the secret dungeon. suddenly the guard stop him and as "Who are you." Prince Bas have no choice the he opened up his mask. The Royal Guards was shock and bowed to him.

"Your Royal Highness" said the guards bowing. "Opened up the door, I need to talk with Nick" said Prince Bas to the guard and give them one eyes blink, one of guard almost fall. Prince Bas smile and walk in. Once he walk incoughing coughing, The place was so dusty and smell so bad. He walk down stairs and stop at small gate. He look at the gate and found Nick sleeping on the floor, Prince Bas tear flow down suddenly.

Nick conditions was worse, his body full of bruises and look like homeless people. Prince Bas walk upstairs again with tears flowing down. Even Nick is going to rape him but Nick still his friends, who kind to him, who chilling him when he was sad. Prince bas wipe out his tear once he out the doungen. "Ask the culinary servers to make delicious food and to them tomorrow, make sure give all the food that they wanted for their last day tomorrow" said Prince Bas, the guards bowed and Prince Bas walk away.


King Goxd was shocking hearing what Queen Bas saying. He started to mad but Queen Bas walk near and hugging him from in front. "I'm sorry if i make you mad hubby, but think it again, he is my friend. He help me a lot, I pity of him. I know he trying to rape but, he is not himself. I'm sorry, you know that I love you more than everything hubby." said Queen bas.

They already done showering, and Queen Bas helping King Goxd wearing his outfit. Arh.. Suddenly Queen Bas grow in pain holding his stomach. "T-the water.. was broke" said Queen Bas, King Goxd look at The Queen panicking. He punch the button to call the ladies maid. The ladies maid come on time and saw the Queen is going to give a birth. "Call the physician and ambulance now." shout King Goxd.


Queen Bas is on the labor room. Traditionly The king is not allowed to see Qeen given birth. It forbidden in royalty. King Bas, King thanit, Queen rechawadee, King Adulyadej, Queen Sofia, Prince Kim and Prince Beam are waiting at the special room only for Royalty families. Suddenly the nurse walk in with two twin baby trolley. She bowed and speak, "Congratulations Your Majesty, Both of the Prince are healthy." Both of king near and pick up one by them self.

"Congratulations son, my grandson look so cute. He look shine like sun. Ahh.. Arthit I give his name Arthit mean sun,may you shine same as your name." Said Father King Thanit. "And for you little one, I give your name Aroon. mean dawn, may you dawned like first appearance of light in the sky before sunrise." said King Adulyadej. The Nurse bowed going to walk away but King Goxd suddenly asking her a question.

"How is the Queen conditions?" asked King Goxd suddenly, The Nurse silence and lowering her head. "I'm sorry your majesty, The Queen lost so many blood." Said The nurse bowed and walk away out. All the person in the room was shocked and crying hearing what the nurse said.


King Goxd was sitting at the garden chair. This place was the favorite place of Queen bas, No wonder why Queen Bas love this place because it, peace and the wind blows smoothly. King Goxd look again at his phone, The pictures of him and Queen bas that always be memorable. He smile while looking at those photos. it already five years now, All those pictures will always be King Goxd best memory. Suddenly two boy appear and standing in front of king Goxd.

"Papa! you're here," said the smaller boy that another boy. "We're looking for you everywhere. said another boy.  King Goxd take the smaller one and put on his lap and hugging another boy with his right hand. Both of them is Prince Arthit and Prince Aroon. Prince Aroon body is smaller than Prince Arthit. Prince Aroon behavior is hundred percent like Queen bas, while Prince Arthit like King Goxt it self.

Suddenly someone appear, "Hubby here you're. I'm looking for you everywhere." both of the Prince suddenly shout slowly at the same time. "Mama.." Queen Bas was besides his husband. "Nothing, I just love this place, and suddenly remembered about our memory last six years before we married." said King Goxd. Queen Bas smile than speak " Pass is the pass and always be the pass, what important now is the future, look at our cute baby's. What they need now was the future from them." Said Queen Bas.

"Thank you for staying with me until this day, you know how important you're for me." said King Goxd, I know hubby, let go inside the palace it going dark soon. said Queen Bas, four if them stand up and walk into the palace.


A/N : Hey guys. I'm so sad, it already end. Hopefully you enjoyed reading this story and I'm so thankful for reading my story and don't forget to read my new story New ruler of dynasty.

see you on my another story.. bye
I love you  💖

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