Easy Breakfast Ideas

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Honestly, we have all gotten a little lazier with COVID and Distance Learning. We've gotten used to waking up later, joining zoom in our PJs, and even not eating breakfast. You can't skip any meals, let alone the first meal of the day! Maybe we're just really lazy... or we want to skip meals because we think that we are overeating. Nope! Not true!

Here are some rules you always have to follow when it comes to meals...

1. Eat at least 3 meals a day, not  3 snacks

2. Every day, have breakfast, lunch, and dinner

3. You have to eat more than just an apple, or banana

4. Meals have... protein, carbs, and veggies/fruits

And those are just the basic rules. But you must always, always have breakfast. It's a must. So here are some yummy ideas that are pretty easy! I'll give you the recipe and the instructions! If you are a teen, please tell a parent/guardian that you are going to make... well what you're going to make! These are all very healthy, so you'll definitely approve! They are all quick and easy, so perfect for a school day! 

- Fruit Smoothies- Serves for 2-3 

What you need: any fruit of your choice, a tablespoon of water (doesn't have to be exact), yogurt, and a few tablespoons of milk (doesn't have to be exact). You'll also need a blender!

Step 1. Chop or mash your fruit. I love cold smoothies, so most of the time the fruit is already frozen in a plastic bag. I love using bananas and strawberries.

Step 2. Set up you blender, but don't plug it in yet. You might accidentally turn it on while you are putting the items in it... yep not fun. So basically just put your fruits in it.

Step 3. Plug it in, put the lid on, and you can turn it on! You can set it to chop, blend, whatever. It doesn't really matter, but do this for about 30 seconds. See if it is smoothie like texture, and if it is, great!

Step 4. This step is only if you are using yogurt, water, and milk. Just pour it in the blender, and repeat Step 3!

Step 5. Enjoy! (Don't drink out of the blender, pour it into a cup or glass.)

I personally love to use bananas and strawberries, with strawberry yogurt, and almond milk!

- Avocado Toast- Serves for 2-4 people

What you need: an avocado (for 2 people, for 4 people 2 avocados), bread of your choice (the number of slices for how many people you are serving), and salt (optional). If you would like, you can get fruits, or and egg (hard boiled). You will also need a regular knife, spoon, and a small bowl. A toaster is also needed :)This is a lot, but it's really easy!

Step 1. Toast how many slices you would like to have.

Step 2. Make guacamole. Ok, not actually. Basically you make it without the lemon/lime. You do this in a bowl, not a plate!

Step 3. Whenever the toast is ready, put in on a plate. Get your knife and put some of the "guacamole without lemon/lime" on the toast. Pretend that it's butter, and spread it on! I like to leave on corner not covered so I can hold it.

Step 4. This step is if you have an egg or some fruit. Basically just put it on the side.

Step 5. Enjoy!

This one is soo yummy! I made it for my family and they were like "Wow I didn't no she could cook!" Yep, make it for your family and they will be in a good mood for the whole day :D

- Scrambled Egg Toast- Serves for 2

What you need: eggs (3, if you want to serve for more people, just add more eggs), toast (amount of people you want to serve), and salt. A stovetop, pan, and spatula are also needed. This is basically avocado toast with scrambled eggs instead of the avocado. 

Step 1. Make the scrambled eggs. If you don't know how, ask us in the comments! In the end, add the salt.

Step 2. Toast your bread!

Step 3. Put the eggs on top of the bread!

Step 4. Enjoy!

This takes a little more prep, but it's worth it!

- Easy banana pancakes

What you need: A ripe banana, and 2 eggs. Yep! This is for a school day so just 2 ingredients is all you need. Also, you need a pan or griddle, a spatula, and some oil.

Step 1. Mash the banana in a bowl. Add the eggs in, they should be beaten.

Step 2. Heat the pan/griddle to low/medium heat. Spray the pan or griddle with oil, and move it around with your spatula.

Step 3. Scop some of the batter out with a ladle or large spoon, and put it on the pan/griddle. Give it about 1-2 minutes and flip it. Wait another 1-2 minutes and put it on a plate.

Step 4. Enjoy! You can add fruit next to it, or anything you want.

I love it because it's only 2 ingredients! Yum!

Soo that is it! Here are some more easy breakfast ideas that don't really need recipes...

- Cereal

- Regular Scrambled Eggs

- Hard Boiled Eggs

- Toast (with jam)

And many more! Hope yall enjoyed! Let us know if you would like more!

-GPC (Axale)

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