Stay Healthy

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Hey girls! Axale here! (Admin)

I know we haven't updated any of our books in like... FOREVER, but... better now than never right? (Sorry that sounded cheesy...)

These are just simple ideas to stay healthy and happy!

Ok... let's... GO!



- Drink 10 glasses of water a day

- Eat at least 3 meals a day

- Your daily diet should include protein, fruits, veggies, carbs, grains, and dairy

- Calcium (milk) helps you "grow"

- Do NOT starve yourself

Daily tips

- Get at least 8 hours of sleep

- Get at least 10 minutes of exercise a day (walk, stretch, jog, run, anything that involves moving your body!)

- Have 3 normal conversations a day (as weird as it sounds, it's gotta happen)

School tips

- Get at least a C in every subject

Or try to. If you're trying your best and still not making it, talk to a teacher or parent. You need help.

- Pay attention in class

- Take notes in subjects you're a liiittttle shaky in

- Study at least 30 minutes before big tests

- Sometimes tutors don't help. Try studying with friends.

- Office hours are the times where teachers are there to help.


I know this was a really short chapter, and we haven't updated in a while... but... it is what it is!

With the new admins, hopefully we can update at least once a week!


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