Chapter six

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Dean called upon some old favors to track down Zachariah since the old crone was no where to be found. "Hey Bobby, " he said through his cellphone.
"Who is this?" Asked a cranky voice that Dean knew belonged to Bobby.
"Dean Winchester in the flesh, " Dean answered with a smile.
"Balls it can't be, Dean?" He asked completely suprised.
"It's me alright I've been running from myself for the past years, " he explained. "But I can't do it anymore, "

"It's good to hear your voice son, and I know you're not the one who killed your family, " Bobby said to him.
"I know but I can deal with that shape-shifter later, I need a favor, " Dean responded. Bobby asked what it was and Dean explained about Zachariah and how he needed to know where he was. Bobby did some research on the guy and came across something interesting.
"Okay now I have officially seen it all, " Bobby said through the phone.

"What?" Dean asked wondering what Bobby had found. Was Zachariah a serial killer or worse was the man using a fake name?
"Boy I can't believe that I'm saying this but it says that Zachariah had his throat slit years ago, " Bobby explained. Dean listened to this and a certain idea began forming in his mind. Maybe Zachariah wasn't the real Zachariah at all, maybe this was a shape shifter.
"Really?" Dean finally asked.

"Yes it says that he wasn't the heir to the Android company you've been working for, it was in fact his older brother Gadreel that was the heir, " Bobby explained. "Just a day before Gadreel took over the company, Zachariah had his throat slit, " he continued. "There's more though apparently the two had a rocky history but after his brother's death Gadreel jumped off a bridge, "
"Jumped or was pushed?" Dean asked. This whole back story seemed suspicious like something didn't fit.

"More than likely he was pushed, " Bobby answered. "You think your boss faked his death?" He asked.
"More than that I think that he's a shape shifter, he could have easily made it seem like he was dead, " Dean responded. "Then he shed his skin and change into someone else and push his dear brother, " he continued. He was disgusted at his words, how could someone trick their own brother like that and kill them? Actually this whole thing sounded a bit familiar. "Bobby what day did this happen?" Dean asked.

"January 23st 1995, why?" Bobby asked unsure why that detail was important. Didn't he have a shape shifter to catch?
"The next day my seventeenth birthday is when the incident happened, " Dean explained and now Bobby understood. He asked if Dean thought it was the same shape shifter but Dean didn't answer. "I need a location of an old lab or a second base for the company, "
"Will there's an abandoned laboratory about a mile away from you, " Bobby answered. Dean knew that's where he had to go and started his car.
"Thanks Bobby I know where I need to go, " Dean said and hung up before Bobby could respond.

"Zachariah you lying bastard, you and I have unfinished business, " he declared.
Dean stepped on the pedal of the impala and drove off. No one was going to stop him from getting Sam back. At the same time Zachariah had hooked Sam up to a bunch of machines. Because of the device Sam couldn't resist or fight back against him.
"Release me, " Sam said to his captor. Zachariah gave him an impressed look before laughing, for an android that threat sounded legit. If he were anyone else he would have immediately obeyed and run right after.

"It do time but until then I think I'll keep Dean distracted, " Zachariah responded. Sam watched in suprise and disgust as Zachariah literally tore his skin off. He wished he could move his head so that he could look away. When Zachariah was finally stopped Sam couldn't believe his eyes. Before he could say anything, his scanners picked up an incoming arrival and he knew that is was Dean. Zachariah noticed the expression on Sam's face and knew what was happening. "Let's have some fun, " he said making the entire lab dark.

When Dean arrived he practically flew out of his car so that he could grab his silver weapons. The hunter placed a silver dagger and a gun full of silver bullets onto his hunting belt. He made sure to also grab a crowbar and a flashlight as well, while he was out of practice he hadn't forgotten how to hunt. Hiding the weapons with his leather jacket Dean went up to the door and tried to open it. It was rusted and locked so he tore at it with his crowbar and proceeded to kick it down afterwards. The lab itself wad pitch black so Dean couldn't see a thing.

But he kept his fears at the back of his mind, Sam was in here alone with a psychotic shape shifter and he needed help.
"Come on you son of bitch I know you're here, " Dean said as he walked through the halls calling for Zachariah. "Just so we're clear I am totally resigning and I'm keeping Sam, " he continued. A bunch of objects falling over got his attention and, he pointed his flashlight at the direction it came from. He couldn't see much but saw a figure so he turned on his flashlight. To his suprise he came face to face with Sam who was in need a repair.

"Sammy!" Dean yelled out running towards him. He knew he had to be cautious because this could be a trick but his brain forget all about that once he saw Sam.
"Dean how?" Sam asked blinking at him.
"It doesn't matter, " Dean responded breaking the chains on Sam and hugging him. "I'm getting you out of here, " he continued. Sam hugged him back and his eyes flashed silver.
"Thank you Dean, "

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