Chapter five

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Present day
The two friends were in shock from what the man had told them. The story couldn't end like that, Sam couldn't have just been taken out that easily.
"Sir please don't say that they killed Sam, that can't be the end, " the girl said. The man shook his head.
"No that wasn't the end of the story, it was only the end of the beginning, " the man answered. The glasses he was wearing fell off and he pushed them back onto his face. "You see Dean's boss wasn't at all what he seemed, " the man continued. "He felt that Sam had grown to express emotions which robots weren't supposed to do, "

"So if he didn't kill Sam what did he want?" The boy asked. He wouldn't admit that this story had invested him but it definitely had.
"To put an end to his human factors, he saw them as a threat, " The man explained. "But there was something that Zachariah didn't know, "
"What?" Both friends asked at the same time.

Dean knocked on Castiel's door that night, it was almost 11:00 but Dean refused to leave until someone answered.
"Come on Cass just answer the damn door, " Dean said continuing to knock. He heard footsteps from behind the door and a half asleep Castiel opened the door.
"Dean?" Castiel asked suprised by the unexpected visit.
"Sorry for the late arrival but we need to talk, " Dean said to him.

"Couldn't this wait until morning?" Castiel yawned. Dean shook his head firmly before answering.
"No I can't wait any longer, its about Sam, " Dean explained. Castiel knew eventually that Dean was going to discover how different Sam was from other robots. Better for Castiel to just explain everything to Dean now rather then later.
"Come in then, " Castiel responded. The two hadn't talked much as Dean was a bit of a loner at work and Castiel was antisocial.

Still they concerned each other friends, so thankfully this conversation wouldn't be too awkward. "You might what to sit down," Castiel told him.
"Why?" Dean asked. The last thing he needed was another problem he had enough on his plate with Zachariah.
"Because I have a lot about Sam to explain," Castiel answered. Meanwhile Sam woke up in an underground lab and couldn't move at all. His scanners detected no damage done to him, but something was keeping his body from moving. He also appeared to be in what seemed like a cage.

"Rebooting, " Sam said as his systems started up again. "Why can't I identify this location?" He asked observing his surroundings.
"That would because of me, " a voice responded. Sam recognized the voice as Zachariah and the Android reached back to  feel the strange device on his head. "Hello 50M welcome to my underground lab, " he continued.

"My name is Sam, " Sam clarified. No way would he allow this man treat him like an inferior. Before he never stood up for himself but now he was going to. Being with Dean had taught him a lot of things but the most important was understanding humanity.
"Shut up you're what I say you're!" Zachariah yelled his eyes glowing silver. "I've gone too far to turn back now, " he declared. Sam realized that Zachariah wasn't human as nothing in his data had silver eyes. However he remained silent so he could observe his captor more.

"Where did all that confidence go?" Zachariah mocked sense Sam hadn't said anything. "Finally accepted the fact that Dean doesn't care?" He taunted. If Sam was able to move he would have punched Zachariah.
"Don't need it to know that you're a supernatural creature, " Sam finally said. Zachariah growled and asked how Sam figured that out. "Your eyes glowed and I'm able to detect unnatural things about you, " Sam explained.
"How clever of you 50M, " Zachariah responded a bit impressed. "But you can't out wit me, man always beats machine, "

"Not long ago Zachariah asked me to create a superior model to the other robots, " Castiel explained. "I wanted to see if I could create a robot who was able to feel and understand emotions, " he continued.
"Okay what does this have to do with Sam?" Dean asked. He wasn't sure where this was going but something told him, that he wouldn't be prepared for what Castiel was about to say.

"I tried multiple things but nothing stuck, the robots just turned out emotionless, " Castiel explained. "Until one day I decided to create a model as life like as I could, all that was missing was the spark of life, " he continued. "Unknown to anyone I abstract a portion of another being and put it inside my creation, " he kept going. "And alas the one you call Sam was born, " Dean went speechless for a longtime after hearing this. If this was true then Sam wasn't purely artificial, he was alive. It all made sense to him now, why Sam was so different and how he was able to feel.

"This is good news, " Dean finally said. "You're telling me that Sam is actually alive, if he's essence came from a living being then Sam is a living being, " he continued.
"That is correct Dean, " Castiel answered. The man was expecting Dean to lash out at him in anger, but he didn't. Dean actually seemed to be different, like really different. Four months ago he was a small ball of anger ready to burst at any second, but now he was so much more relaxed and positive. "You've changed, " Castiel commented.

"What do you mean?" Dean asked not expecting the comment.
"You just seem a lot happier, " Castiel answered. "Never thought I would see the day where Dean Smith was thinking such positive things, " he continued. Dean thought long and hard before answering. Castiel was right he had changed and he hoped that it was for the better.
"Well I guess having Sam around changed me, " Dean responded. "He helped me become the person I tried to run away from, "

"Who might that be?" Castiel asked out of curiosity.
"Dean Winchester, the person I was so many years ago, " Dean answered. "I lost everything including my desire to help people, " he continued. "But I'm starting to feel like the old me again and that's all because of Sam, "
"Well then what are you doing here talking to me?" Castiel asked after hearing Dean's words. He knew that this Dean wasn't the same one who complained about his job or kept to himself.

Sam had cracked the shell around his heart and now Dean was a changed man. "You should be with him, " Castiel said to him. Dean knew his friend was right and he ran out the door without another word. The former hunter hadn't taken a car here so he had to walk back to his apartment. However the second he got back and saw the state of the place he knew something was up. The apartment had been turned upside down as everything including the furniture was knocked over.

Dean searched the entire place for Sam but found no trace of him.
"Sam where the hell did you go?" Dean asked looking at the unplugged charger. It looked like someone had ripped it out, did Sam unplug himself because he realized that he was alone? Now that wasn't right Dean knew that Sam would never leave this place alone. So someone must have taken him and if that was the case, he knew exactly who and what he had to do. Dean changed out of his business clothing and dressed into his old hunting outfit.

A dark plaid shirt with a pair of blue jeans and hunting boots. To finish his look, he pulled out his old leather jacket and placed his amulet over his neck. For the first time in ten years, Dean went to his beloved  impala and opened the trunk. Inside was all of the weapons he swore never to touch again. Tonight he was breaking that promise and rescuing Sam.
"Hey Baby I'm back, " Dean said to his car. "I've missed this but no time I have work to do, "

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