Chapter four

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By the time Dean got back to his apartment he was barely breathing. He hadn't had a panic attack in years, yet here he was having one in the middle of the day.
"Dean, " Sam said picking up Dean's distress with his scanners. Before he could stop himself Sam ran to Dean's side and asked if he was alright. "Dean your vital signs are high again and I don't like that, "

"Sam.. " was all Dean managed to say before he passed out. Sam once again felt his circuits twist and something else hurt inside him. He paid no attention to it and placed Dean on his bed, his programing had some medical knowledge. It seemed that Dean passed out, he would be okay Sam could tell. However Sam still felt what humans would call worry, why did this happen? Who or what  made Dean panic so much? About thirty minutes later Dean woke up hoping that everything was just a dream.
"Dean you had a panic attack, " Sam said to him.

"Yeah I know, " Dean responded rubbing the top of his head. "Oh geez did I hit my head?" Dean asked trying to get up.
"No I was able to catch you before any further harm could come to you, " Sam responded. He got closer to Dean and asked if he was alright, which much like anything Sam ever did was not robot like.
"Physical yes but emotional no, " Dean answered he didn't want to say why. How would Sam react if he found out Zachariah wanted to wipe his memory?
"It was your boss wasn't it, don't worry Dean I'll find a way to stay away from him, " Sam said to him.

He wished with all his being he could say something to console him, but he was just a robot.
"I'm always going to worry about you Sammy, " Dean responded without a second thought. Call him delusional or call him crazy but he loved Sam, even though he knew Sam couldn't return those feelings. He was more human than anyone else Dean knew, apart for Bobby. "I care about you, "
"I care for you too, " Sam responded. He wasn't sure if he was broken or not but he cared for Dean. Lost in his thoughts the android didn't even hear Dean thank him.

"Sam what is it?" Dean asked after Sam had gone silent.
"Apologizes I was processing a certain thought, " Sam answered hanging his head. "I detect no error in me but I believe that I may be broken, " he continued. Dean sat  bolt up in his bed after hearing that, how in the world could Sam think he was broken?
"Sammy there is nothing broken about you," Dean said firmly. Sam blinked unsure how to take the response, especially since he knew that he couldn't express any emotions.

Then why did those words make Sam feel all tingly inside?
"But Dean you have told me since our first day that I wasn't like other robots, " Sam answered logically. "Which means something is wrong with me, "
"No there is nothing wrong with you, " Dean confirmed. "Who cares if you're not like other robots, as far I'm concerned that is a good thing, " he continued. "You act more human than anyone else I know, so please don't change, " Sam was overcome by Dean's words. They made him feel better  and he felt something fall down his cheek.

"My face is leaking again, " Sam said a bit shocked. Dean had seen this only seen this happen once before and it still surprised him that Sam was capable of shedding tears.
"We humans call that crying, " Dean said to him. "Are you okay Sam?" He asked. The android nodded and brushed the tear away, he didn't want the water to damage his circuits.
"I believe I had a bit of an over reaction, " Sam said.
"Its okay Sammy, " Dean responded. "You should get some rest, "

Sam protested saying he didn't need to rest at all but Dean plugged him anyway. Sam's eyes closed as his systems recharged, at this Dean took notice of how relaxed Sam looked right now. He looked like just a regular human sleeping, plus he felt warmer than he had before. Nevermind those thoughts he needed to come up with a plan to keep Zachariah from taking Sam. He remembers a few months ago when he promised Sam he would never leave him.

Because of the two months he had spent with Dean, Sam was beginning to understand human behavior quite well. But he also noticed one day through his travels that humans got hurt, they got sick and they died. Sam didn't like that and it was that day that he realized that Dean was mortal, one day no matter what he did Dean would die. He felt his circuits heat up and it felt like something broke inside him.

The distraught robot ripped his clothes, cut some of his hair and hid in the closet refusing to come out. When Dean got back from work later that day and found Sam in this state he had a ton of questions.
"Sammy what happened?" Dean asked him. Sam blinked at him before answering.
"You're mortal, " was all he said.
"Umm yes all humans are, " Dean responded still confused. At the same time he was also worried about Sam, he looked like a train wreck and wait was he crying? "Sam what's going on?" Dean asked.

"You age Dean, " Sam responded. "And you will continue to do so until you die, I don't want that, I want you here with me, " he continued. Oh so that's what this was about.
"Sam that's just what happens to humans, " Dean explained not sure what else to say. That unfortunately only made Sam feel worse.
"I don't want you to die, I will be alone, " Sam answered. He hugged Dean for comfort and even after two months, Dean was suprised by them. "Don't leave me De!" He pleaded.

Dean was unsure how to handle this, how exactly do you help a robot accept mortality?  On top of that how do you calm one down over not liking it? Still Dean was going to try.
"Hey I'm not going anywhere, " Dean told him. "I know that these revelations are upsetting, but nothing lives forever Sam, " he continued. "There's a whole story about having to learn that lesson, "
"I know I found the results about it during my research, " Sam said. It was the first thing he had said since his moment of hysteria.

"But I am machine Dean, if I get old someone will just fix me but you will die from becoming old, " he continued.
"I know but that's life Sammy, and believe me I know how easily it can be taken from you, " Dean answered. He thought back to his old life and all the people he couldn't save. "But what matters is spending it the best way you can, not dwelling on the inevitable end, " he continued. "Can you do that for me?" Dean asked and Sam nodded. He was still upset but felt better after hearing that.

"I will do my best for you Dean Smith, " Sam said to him.
"Winchester, " Dean corrected him. No one had called him by his real name in years but he wanted Sam to know the truth.
"What?" Sam asked not able to process the words.
"My real name is Dean Winchester, and I was a hunter, " Dean explained. He told Sam everything from his mother's death to how a shape-shifter killed the rest of his family using his face. "The bastard took away everyone I loved and no one believed I was innocent, "

"That's terrible and according to my research this happened ten years ago, " Sam said to him.
"Yeah I was seventeen years old and had to fake my own death, " Dean told him. "To the world Dean Winchester was dead so I became Dean Smith, " he continued. "A new identity and a new life, "
"I wish to help you, " Sam said to him.
"You can by being yourself and not dwelling on my mortality, " Dean told him. Sam promised he would do that and finally let go of Dean.

"In my studies of emotion it seems that in moments like this, you humans say I love you, " Sam commented. "I can't love but I am going to say it anyway I love you Dean, " Dean stood there speechless at the words. His father had never said that to him, and no girl ever had, the only person who ever had was his mother.
"I'm very fond of you as well, " Dean answered. Shaking his head Dean was pulled from the flashback. He needed a plan, if he didn't do something Sam was going to have his memory wiped.

"I can't let them change him, " Dean said to himself. After a longtime of thinking he decided to talk with Castiel, he had built Sam so surely he would know something. Or at the very last he could make something that prevented Sam from having memory wiped. He stood up and took a quick glance at Sam before leaving his apartment. However not long after he left someone broke in and unplugged Sam.
"Dean?" Sam asked as his systems rebooted.
"Nope, " and that was all Sam heard before a device was placed on him. Red lights blinked from his vision and his body was forced to shut down.

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