Chapter three

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"So Dean what are the results?" Zachariah asked. It had been at least four months since Dean had taken Sam home to test him, and he still hadn't returned him. So his boss decided to call and ask why.
"I've found no glitches, " Dean answered trying to keep from sweating. He had plans of keeping Sam here as long as he could, even longer if got the chance.

Dean had seen the way Sam was treated by other humans. They were terrified of him and called him a freak for being a machine. Not so long ago he would have felt the same way, but now he couldn't bare to have anyone think that. Sam expressed emotions towards him and tried to act human. It was something that no robot should even think about doing. Yet Sam disobeyed his programing to do whatever he was told, to experience the world around him.
"Then why have you not returned him?" Zachariah asked.

Dean knew by the tone of his boss's voice he was sinking into deep water.
"I like having him here, " was all Dean said.
"Dean Smith you should that this machine can't feel a thing for you, and you shouldn't feel anything for it!" Zachariah yelled. Dean remained silent for a few seconds before responding.
"Yes sir, " Dean responded.
"Good now tomorrow I want you to come into the office, we need to discuss the determination of 50M, " Zachariah said. Dean almost jumped out of his seat at the words.

"What?" Dean asked unable to say anything else.
"Well if no human wants to buy the new model, then we will have to build new ones and throw the old ones away, " Zachariah explained. Dean hung up before he could say anything else, afraid he would curse out his boss for what he planned to do to Sam.
"Dean your heartbeat is very high, " Sam commented from his spot on the couch. He had been sitting there trying to figure out how the television worked.

"It's my boss Sammy he is wondering why I haven't taken you back, " Dean said as he sat next to Sam on the couch. He was trying to explain this without making Sam upset.
"I don't wish to leave, " Sam responded quickly. "Will my leave satisfy you Dean?" Sam asked. He didn't want to leave Dean but he would if Dean didn't want him. Sam understood that humans disliked him and saw him as a lesser being. So he had to go whatever he was told to go, even if he didn't want to.
"No Sammy I want you here with me, " Dean answered.

Sam blinked not able to detect what emotion Dean was displaying. To be fair Sam wasn't sure what his was feeling either. He didn't feel broken with Dean, and he wanted to stay with him.
"I don't understand, " Sam said and Dean responded by hugging him.
"It means I don't want anyone else to have you, " Dean explained. Sam wasn't unexpecting for affection like that from him, but he liked it so he hugged Dean back.
"This feels nice, " Sam said to him.
"Yes, " Dean answered.

The next morning Dean was distracted at work, and talked with Sam on the phone. The former hunter was trying to keep his plans from Zachariah.
"Why can't the people on the screen hear me?" Sam asked through the phone.
"It's because its a TV Sam, you're seeing a recorded verison of it, " Dean explained. Maybe he was delusional but he swore he heard Sam laugh. It wasn't robotic at all, it sounded like a laugh any human would make.
"Is that how water works, where does to come from?" Sam asked having more questions.

"Um its comes from the pipes, Sam what happened to you doing researching?" Dean asked.
"My mind was kept from it  by the lady in the shower, " Sam answered like it was no big deal.
"And why are you watching that?" Dean asked wondering if he should laugh or be annoyed.
"It was there, " Sam answered. Dean remained silent so he wouldn't laugh then told Sam to find everything he could about Zachariah.

Right at that moment Zachariah walked in and Dean hung up.
"What are you doing in here?" He asked.
"Working sir, that new model you gave me still has a ton of glitches, " Dean lied. Zachariah furrowed his eyebrows in suspicion.
"Yesterday you said he none, "
"I was wrong, " Dean said before Zachariah could say more.
"Alright well then perhaps now wouldn't be the best time to dicuss maters, " Zachariah answered not buying Dean's story.

"What matters?" Dean asked forcing sweat not to drip down his face. He was so nervous that he felt like puking.
"While I've decided that to get 50M back in working order we must wipe his memory, "

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