Chapter two

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Dean quickly discovered that this robot was different then any other he had tested. For one thing he was amazed by everything he saw.
"I have never seen a car quite like this, " 50M commented.
"Then you will definitely be impressed with my impala, that car is my baby, " Dean said unsure if he should try talking to the android or not.

"How could the car be your baby? I don't understand, " 50M asked.
"Look um 50M actually that's a mouthful I'll just call you Sam, " Dean responded. "Its just means that I consider it precious, " he continued. "No don't ask questions, I have to make sure you have no glitches, "
"I detect no glitches in my programing, " Sam responded. "However I was told to comply with your requests, " Dean was surprised that Sam had little problem talking to him. Most robots wouldn't do anything until Dean told them to get to work.

However Sam asked questions, even when Dean told him to do something. It should have annoyed him, but Dean actually found it to be comforting. The second they arrived back at his apartment, Sam asked if needed anything. Dean said no and set up Sam's charger in his living room. Meanwhile Sam became engrossed in the many pictures on Dean's wall.
"Why are these people trapped inside these small windows?" Sam asked not aware what pictures were.
"No Sam those are pictures, " Dean clarified standing up. "Can't you just look that up?" He asked.

"The term pictures is not in my data, but I've done a little researching as we've been standing here, " Sam answered. "It seems these items are meant to hold memories of the past, " he continued.
"Yeah they do, " Dean answered and he felt his heart drop at the memories. It hurt to think about the loving family and friends he once had, because now he nothing.
"You seem upset, " Sam noticed.
"Yeah I'm hurting, " Dean answered and wanted to tell the android to mind his own business.

"I detect no signs of physical injury, " Sam responded still confused by Dean's behavior.
"Its a different kind of hurt, " Dean pointed out. "For the crimes others believe I've done they should execute me, " he continued.
"I don't understand your desire for self destruction, if one regrets one actions, " Sam answered. "One should find a way to make amends, " he continued.
"I'm not about to debate this with a computer!" Dean lashed out. Sam went silent after that. "I'm sorry its just the memories are painful, " Dean apologized.

"I would like to help, how do I fix it?" Sam asked. It was in his programing to assist the human he was with.
"You can't fix this one buddy, its just going to take time, " Dean answered and sighed heavily. Sam still wanted to try though so he went up to Dean and hugged him. Dean was confused by the action as no robot or anyone had ever hugged him. "Sam?" Dean asked unsure why Sam was hugging him. It felt nice but the situation was kinda awkward.
"In my studies of personal loss, it seems that hugs help ease emotional pain, " Sam answered and patted Dean on the back. "There there it will be okay, "

Dean actually found himself laughing at Sam's words and said he was feeling better.
"There's something different about you Sam, I don't know what but you're unlike any android I've tested before, " Dean said to him.
"Is that a bad thing?" Sam asked.
"No I actually wish every robot they gave me was like you, most of them only talk when they're working, " Dean explained.
"I've seen that humans laugh on occasion, should I laugh?" Sam asked a bit unsure what to say.

Dean laughed at him and told him not to worry about it.
"You're an artificial intelligence yet you showed empathy, " Dean pointed out. It confused and amazed him that Sam was capable of trying to empathize with a human. As a robot he shouldn't feel a thing, he didn't have emotions after all.
"A friend would do no less, " Sam responded. From that moment a lot of things changed for Dean, as Sam became his shadow following him everywhere. At first it annoyed him a bit, because he felt like Sam never left him alone.

"What are you doing here I told you to leave me alone!" Dean shouted once Sam burst into his room without knocking.
"I was monitoring your vital signs became unnormally high, " Sam answered like it was no big deal.
"Sam we've talked about this, even if my door is open you can't just come in, " Dean explained. "As for my vital signs I was sleeping, " he continued.
"I don't require sleep, why do humans do it?" Sam asked.
"Well I've heard a lot of different reasons but think of it as our way of recharging our batteries, " Dean answered.

Right as he said that, Sam started to act funny because his batter was running low.
"You have batteries, " Sam said with a slur to his normal voice.
"Oh dear, " Dean said grabbing onto Sam before he hit the ground. "Sam you need to be charged, "
"Your bossy and short, " Sam slurred in response.
"Alright time to get out, " Dean said pulling him out of the room and plugging up Sam's charger. Sam wiggled and made more funny comments while Dean tried not to laugh. He was acting like a drunk after a long night at a bar.

Once Sam was plugged in, his eyes closed making it look like he was sleeping.
"I guess he does sleep, " Dean said to himself. "Thank you Sam your concern is appreciative, " he continued. After that Dean only enjoyed Sam's company and even began calling him Sammy. Much to the android's confusion.
"I don't understand, " Sam said one day.
"What don't you understand Sammy?" Dean asked from his desk.
"Why do you call me Sammy when my name is Sam, " Sam responded.

Dean laughed as he always did when Sam asked a question like that. He was similar to a human kid always wanting answers about the world around him.
"Its a nickname Sam, " Dean explained. "Its a way of showing affection, "
"So then I must give you a nickname, " Sam responded logically. Before Dean could comment Sam called him De. "According to my data most humans who are close give each other nicknames, " Sam said.
"Well in your own words Sammy a friend would do no less, " Dean responded with a smile.

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