6- Grateful

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One study showed that the happiest people in the world are not because they have money or a model family, they are happy to be grateful.

There are times that we ask for more than we appreciate

It's not bad to request, but we have to thank God for all that allows us
Since we woke up he shows us his love by giving us one more day of life, but what do we do? we complain about having to get up early (I know it's heavy) or having to go to school or work instead of thanking first for one more day of life

We complain if there is only rice and beans to eat instead of thanking, since there are those who do not have those foods
If there is traffic, we also complain instead of saying "Thank God because I am not the victim or the one who caused the chaos."
We live complaining about everything instead of seeing the good and giving thanks, I don't say don't see the reality and lock yourself in a fairy tale ... I mean, let's see what God gives us every day from the moment he wakes up

It is easy to thank the good, but not so much when there is difficulty, in any case we must also thank you, since they allow us to grow as Christians and because through them God has a purpose for you, I know it is difficult but not impossible.

Let's be more grateful for everything God gives us every day since we are still here for Him.

I want to propose something ... this week thanks ... for one more day, for your family, your friends, even for the slightest thing that happens in your life, if you have a test also be grateful because for something God does things

The idea is that over time we will be increasingly grateful to God and stop complaining so much
Maybe there are times that it is not easy, but let's think what would happen if you lost everything you have

Let's be grateful

"Always be cheerful.
Pray without ceasing.
Give thanks in everything, because this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus "
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-18

"Why do you get down, oh my soul?
And you have problems inside me?
Wait on God; because I still have to praise him
My salvation and my God "
Psalm 42: 5

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